From osint.info
Date | Source | Title | Tags |
20181231 | spiegel.de | Spionageverdacht US-Bürger in Russland verhaftet | WHELAN, PAUL / FSB / RU |
20181031 | meduza.io | Russian federal agents allegedly arrest Border Service official for selling information from the closed database that helped identify the Salisbury suspects | RU / FSB |
20180404 | rt.com | Cryptocurrencies have become terrorist tool, says Russian security chief | BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER / TOR / FSB |
20180313 | rt.com | UK intelligence may be complicit in Skripal’s poisoning – ex-FSB head | SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / KOVALEV, NIKOLAY / FSB |
20180130 | zerohedge.com | Second "Trump Dossier" Emerges One Day After FISA Memo Vote | SHEARER, CODY / FSB / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / FUSION GPS / TRUMP, DONALD |
20180126 | zerohedge.com | Dutch ‘Cozy Bear’ Farce Does Not Show DNC Emails Were Hacked By Russians | AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / FSB / GRU |
Date | Source | Title | Tags |
20161202 | spiegel.de | Russischer Geheimdienst FSB warnt vor Cyberattacke gegen Banken | FSB |
20161112 | rt.com | FSB detains 10 terror suspects, Moscow, St. Petersburg on their target list | FSB / MOSCOW / ST. PETERSBURG |
20160811 | rt.com | FSB busts internet ring recruiting terrorists for ISIS | FSB / RU / ISIS |
20160810 | rt.com | Russian FSB foils terrorist attacks plotted by Ukrainian intel agents in Crimea | FSB / RU / UA |
20160331 | sputniknews.com | FSB meldet Festnahme von ukrainischem „Doppelagenten“ – auch CIA im Spiel | FSB / SBU / CIA |
20160121 | rt.com | UK Litvinenko death probe: Putin 'probably involved' | LITVINENKO, ALEXANDER / PATRUSHEV, NIKOLAY / FSB / OWEN, ROBERT / BEREZOVKSY, BORIS / LUGOVOY, ANDREY / KOVTUN, DMITRY / GB / RU |
Date | Source | Title | Tags |
20151013 | vice.com | How Putin Tried to Control the Internet | INTERNET / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY / GROMYKO, ANDREI / FSB / FAPSI |
20150220 | rt.com | FSB director calls for further cooperation with the US in face of common threats | FSB |
Date | Source | Title | Tags |
20140520 | spiegel.de | Angeblicher Terrorverdacht: Putins Geheimdienst hält ukrainischen Regisseur fest | FSB |
20140410 | dailystar.co.uk | They're alive! MH370 passengers were hijacked and taken to Afghan says Russia's FSB | MH370 / AF / FSB |