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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2023 ==
|20231114||thehill.com||[https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4309219-google-paid-8-billion-to-make-its-apps-default-on-samsung-phones/ Google paid $8 billion to make its apps default on Samsung phones]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[SAMSUNG]]
|20230124||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/doj-prepares-slap-google-antitrust-suit-over-ad-monopoly DOJ Hits Google With Antitrust Suit Over Ad Market, Calls For 'Corporate Breakup']||[[GOOGLE]]
|20230113||yahoo.com||[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-keyword-search-warrants-questioned-193115908.html Google Keyword-Search Warrants Questioned by Colorado Lawyers]||[[GOOGLE]]
== 2022 ==
|20220106||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/545305-mafia-fugitive-caught-google-maps/ Mafia boss caught after 20 years following Google Maps blunder - Italian police have credited the app with capturing a photo of a crime group leader who’d been in hiding since 2002]||[[GOOGLE]]
== 2021 ==
|20210925||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/09/25/tech-subpoena-secrecy-fight/ When the FBI seizes your messages from Big Tech, you may not know it for years]||[[FBI]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20210710||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/meet-jigsaw-googles-intelligence-agency Meet Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[JIGSAW]] / [[COHEN, JARED]]
|20210707||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/donald-trump-will-twitter-facebook-und-google-verklagen-a-735ec4ec-36a7-47b2-90a5-b2f90cd218a2 Ärger über gesperrte Accounts Trump verklagt Twitter, Facebook und Google]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20210506||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/news/Google-sendet-trotz-EuGH-Urteilen-Daten-in-die-USA-noyb-fordert-hohe-Strafe-6038669.html Google sendet trotz EuGH-Urteilen Daten in die USA: noyb fordert hohe Strafe]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20210122||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-droht-australien-mit-abschaltung-der-suchmaschine-a-a738b74b-a8f7-444e-b40f-1115ba268648 Geplantes Mediengesetz Google droht Australien mit Abschaltung der Suchmaschine]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[AU]]
|20210116||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/512709-minds-warning-parler-censorship/ Minds next? Google sends ‘24 hour warning' to free-speech 'anti-Facebook' platform, forces changes to app]||[[GOOGLE]]
== 2020 ==
|20201009||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/news/Inverssuche-Google-liefert-Polizei-Nutzerdaten-auf-Basis-von-Suchbegriffen-4925754.html Inverssuche: Google liefert Polizei Nutzerdaten auf Basis von Suchbegriffen]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20200708||faz.net||[https://zeitung.faz.net/faz/wirtschaft/2020-07-08/aaa1f07ea7286cc4462751fee9af9721/?GEPC=s5Bankdaten in die Google-Wolke - Im Kampf gegen ihre marode IT holt die Deutsche Bank Hilfe von Google. Wie sicher sind die Kundendaten noch?]||[[DEUTSCHE BANK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
== 2019 ==
|20191203||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/alphabet-google-gruender-larry-page-und-sergey-brin-treten-ab-a-1299575.html Google-Gründer Larry Page und Sergey Brin treten ab]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[PAGE, LARRY]] / [[BRIN, SERGEY]] / [[PICHAI, SUNDAR]]
|20190817||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/466738-zizek-google-internet-censorship/ ‘We are moving into a new, controlled society worse than old totalitarianism’ – Zizek on Google leak]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190814||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/466513-google-kept-website-blacklist/ ‘Something dark & nefarious’: Google insider leaks docs revealing search engine ‘blacklist’]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190805||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/465846-google-trump-election-meddling/ Google seeks to meddle into 2020 elections to derail Trump – former employee]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190725||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/465000-google-engineer-whistleblower-veritas/ ‘Algorithms don’t write themselves’: Google whistleblower on Big Tech merging with politics]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[ALGORITHMS]]
|20190712||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/463970-google-home-assistant-eavesdropping/ Outsourced spying: Google admits ‘language experts’ listen to ‘some’ assistant recordings]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190627||fastcompany.com||[https://www.fastcompany.com/90369697/googles-new-recaptcha-has-a-dark-side Google’s new reCAPTCHA has a dark side]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190628||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/462862-google-activism-email-leaked/ #Resistance 101: Google encourages employees to protest in leaked internal document]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190625||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-25/google-ethics-team-busted-calling-prominent-conservative-jews-nazis-veritas Google Ethics Team Busted Calling Prominent Conservative Jews "Nazis": Veritas]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190624||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-24/google-using-ai-meddle-2020-election-prevent-next-trump-situation-veritas Google Using AI To Meddle In 2020 Election, Prevent 'Next Trump Situation': Veritas]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190624||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/462597-veritas-google-trump-fairness/ Insider exposes Google’s efforts to influence 2020 election against Trump]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190426||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-26/how-google-helping-us-government-violate-your-privacy How Google Is Helping The US Government Violate Your Privacy]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190220||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/452018-google-nest-spy-microphone/ Ooops! Google admits it forgot to tell users about its hidden spy microphone]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190205||csoonline.com||[https://www.csoonline.com/article/3336227/security/nest-secure-had-a-secret-microphone-can-now-be-a-google-assistant.html Nest Secure had a secret microphone, can now be a Google Assistant]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20190121||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/DSGVO-Verstoesse-Frankreich-verhaengt-Millionen-Strafe-gegen-Google-4283765.html DSGVO-Verstöße: Frankreich verhängt Millionen-Strafe gegen Google]||[[FR]] / [[GOOGLE]]
== 2018 ==
|20181217||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/google-china-censored-search-engine-2/ Google’s Secret China Project “Effectively Ended” After Internal Confrontation]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20181213||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-13/google-ceo-exposes-shocking-full-extent-russian-meddling-2016 Google CEO Exposes Shocking "Full Extent" Of Russian Meddling In 2016]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[RU]]
|20181111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/443691-google-berlin-stasi-hq-germany/ Make police states hip again? Google offered STASI HQ for new Berlin office]||[[BERLIN]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MFS]]
|20180910||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-10/google-was-working-get-hillary-clinton-elected-silent-donation-according-leaked Google Was "Working To Get Hillary Clinton Elected" With "Silent Donation" According To Leaked Internal Email]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180830||bloomberg.com||[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-30/google-and-mastercard-cut-a-secret-ad-deal-to-track-retail-sales Google and Mastercard Cut a Secret Ad Deal to Track Retail Sales - Google found the perfect way to link online ads to store purchases: credit card data]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[MASTERCARD]]
|20180824||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/436739-trump-social-media-censorship/ Trump accuses social media giants of censorship, says ‘millions’ being silenced]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20180823||buzzfeednews.com||[https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kevincollier/tech-companies-are-gathering-for-a-secret-meeting-to Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting To Prepare A 2018 Election Strategy]||[[INFORMATION OPERATIONS]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[SNAPCHAT]] / [[GLEICHER, NATHANIEL]]
|20180813||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-13/surveillance-baked-googles-dna-even-if-you-turn-it-report Google Is Constantly Tracking, Even If You Turn Off Device 'Location History']||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180813||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/435855-google-tracking-location-permission/ ‘More data, more profit’: Google tracks your location even when you ask it not to, says report]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180813||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/828aefab64d4411bac257a07c1af0ecb/AP-Exclusive:-Google-tracks-your-movements,-like-it-or-not AP Exclusive: Google tracks your movements, like it or not]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180718||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/googles-android-eu-verhaengt-rekord-kartellstrafe-von-4-3-milliarden-euro-a-1218996.html 4,3 Milliarden Euro EU verhängt Rekordstrafe gegen Google]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[EU]]
|20180718||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-bussgeld-eu-kommission-eskaliert-konflikt-mit-donald-trump-a-1219098.html Rekord-Bußgeld für Google Brüssels 4,3-Milliarden-Euro-Botschaft an Trump]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[EU]]
|20810606||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/wwdc-2018-apples-safari-browser-blockiert-kuenftig-facebooks-like-button-a-1211408.html WWDC 2018 Apple will Facebook und Google den Datenhahn abdrehen]||[[APPLE]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20180602||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/google-will-drohnen-deal-nicht-verlaengern-a-1210864.html Mitarbeiterproteste Google will Drohnen-Deal mit dem US-Militär stoppen]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180601||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-01/google-abandons-pentagons-ai-drone-project-maven-after-employee-revolt Google Abandons Pentagon's AI-Drone 'Project Maven' After Employee Revolt]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180525||irishtimes.com||[https://www.irishtimes.com/business/technology/max-schrems-launches-first-legal-cases-under-gdpr-1.3508177 Max Schrems launches first legal cases under GDPR: Privacy campaigner takes on Facebook again under new data protection laws]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[ANDROID]]
|20180518||gizmodo.com||[https://gizmodo.com/google-removes-nearly-all-mentions-of-dont-be-evil-from-1826153393 Google Removes 'Don't Be Evil' Clause From Its Code of Conduct]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180514||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-14/google-employees-revolt-refuse-work-clandestine-ai-drone-project-pentagon Google Employees Revolt, Refuse To Work On Clandestine AI Drone Project For The Pentagon]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180510||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/google-duplex-auf-der-i-o-gruselig-gute-kuenstliche-intelligenz-a-1206938.html Künstliche Intelligenz Google Duplex ist gruselig gut]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180404||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/technology/google-letter-ceo-pentagon-project.html ‘The Business of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[PENTAGON]]
|20180327||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-27/twitter-user-breaks-down-all-personal-data-facebook-and-google-collect "Want To Freak Yourself Out?" Here Is All The Personal Data That Facebook/Google Collect]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20180306||surveillancevalley.com||[https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/google-has-been-a-military-contractor-from-the-very-beginning Know your history: Google has been a military-intel contractor from the very beginning]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20180306||gizmodo.com||[https://gizmodo.com/google-is-helping-the-pentagon-build-ai-for-drones-1823464533 Privacy and Security: Google Is Helping the Pentagon Build AI for Drones]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[PENTAGON]] / [[DRONES]]
|20180321||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-21/know-your-history-google-has-been-military-intel-contractor-very-beginning Know Your History: Google Has Been a Military-Intel Contractor from the Very Beginning]||[[GOOGLE]]
== 2017 ==
|20171208||qz.com||[https://qz.com/1145669/googles-true-origin-partly-lies-in-cia-and-nsa-research-grants-for-mass-surveillance/ Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20171123||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/facebook-google-twitter-anti-russland-stimmung-bei-den-tech-riesen-a-1179897.html Ein Jahr nach US-Wahl Anti-russische Stimmung bei Internetkonzernen - Facebook, Google und Twitter wurden dafür kritisiert, russische Propaganda im US-Wahlkampf geduldet zu haben. Neuerdings werden die Konzerne gegen Einflussnahme aus Russland aktiv.]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[RT]] / [[SPUTNIK]]
|20171121||qz.com||[https://qz.com/1131515/google-collects-android-users-locations-even-when-location-services-are-disabled/ Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[ANDROID]]
|20171120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/410444-google-alphabet-derank-rt/ Google will ‘de-rank’ RT articles to make them harder to find – Eric Schmidt]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[RT]]
|20171102||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/russlands-einfluss-auf-us-wahlen-silicon-valley-verteidigt-sich-a-1176161.html Manipulationen im US-Wahlkampf Plötzlich sind Google und Facebook ganz kleinlaut]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[US]]
|20171019||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/facebook-und-google-sollen-anti-fluechtlings-kampagne-unterstuetzt-haben-a-1173797.html Unterstützung für Anti-Islam-Kampagne Google und Facebook geraten unter Druck]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20170917||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-17/hold-tight-googles-coming-your-cryptos Is Google Coming For Your Cryptos]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20170908||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/402410-google-no-russia-election-ads/ Google says it found no trace of Russia’s interference in US election on its ad platforms]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[US]]
|20170830||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/30/us/politics/eric-schmidt-google-new-america.html Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION]]
|20170810||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-10/understanding-hysterical-reaction-google-memo Understanding The Hysterical Reaction To The Google Memo]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20170809||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/rauswurf-nach-sexistischem-schreiben-entwickler-will-gegen-google-klagen-a-1161992.html Rauswurf nach sexistischem Schreiben Entwickler will gegen Google klagen]||[[DAMORE, JAMES]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/google-sexistisches-pamphlet-eines-mitarbeiters-kommentar-a-1161878.html Sexistisches Schreiben eines Google-Mitarbeiters Natürlich besser]||[[DAMORE, JAMES]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/google-feuert-mitarbeiter-nach-sexistischem-manifest-a-1161830.html Gleichberechtigung Google feuert Mitarbeiter nach sexistischem Schreiben]||[[DAMORE, JAMES]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20170629||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-muss-bestimmte-suchergebnisse-weltweit-sperren-urteil-in-kanada-a-1154999.html Kanadisches Gerichtsurteil Google muss bestimmte Suchergebnisse weltweit sperren]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20170627||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-vs-eu-kartellwaechter-folgen-der-rekordstrafe-a-1154698.html Rekordstrafe für Google 2,42 Milliarden Euro - und das könnte erst der Anfang sein]||[[EU]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20170410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/384193-facebook-pay-russia-google-tax/ Russia slaps Facebook with ‘Google Tax’]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[RU]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20170407||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/383964-google-fake-news-fact-checker/ Dead on arrival? Google’s fake news fact-checkers mired in bias, controversy]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20170308||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-wikileaks-documents-fuel-tension-between-intelligence-agencies-tech-sector-1488935711?mod=e2twd New WikiLeaks Documents Fuel Tension Between Intelligence Agencies, Tech Sector - Documents renew questions about what responsibility the government has to notify companies of security flaws in their products]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[APPLE]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[SAMSUNG]]
|20170204||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-urteil-zu-e-mails-fbi-darf-auf-kundendaten-zugreifen-a-1133193.html Urteil zu E-Mails FBI darf auf Daten von Google-Kunden im Ausland zugreifen]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[FBI]]
|20170105||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/klage-gegen-google-internetkonzern-soll-gehaelter-offenlegen-a-1128747.html Streit um Gehaltslisten US-Arbeitsministerium verklagt Google]||[[GOOGLE]]
== 2016 ==
|20161125||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/google-warnseite-google-warnt-nutzer-vor-regierungs-hackern-a-1123082.html Hinweis an Journalisten und Forscher Google warnt Nutzer vor Regierungs-Hackern]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20161101||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/364910-robert-epstein-google-hillary-clinton/ ‘Google has power to control elections, can shift millions of votes to Clinton’ – Robert Epstein]||[[EPSTEIN, ROBERT]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20160923||variety.com||[http://variety.com/2016/digital/news/twitter-sale-google-salesforce-1201868874/ Twitter in Sales Talks With Google, Salesforce.com (Report)]||[[TWITTER]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20160921||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/360196-edward-snowden-google-allo/ Whatever you do, do not use Google Allo: Snowden]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20160818||theregister.co.uk||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/18/google_had_obamas_ear_on_antitrust_probe/ Google had Obama's ear during antitrust probe - Wait, whaaat? This isn't supposed to happen]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20160809||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/08/09/google-maps-did-not-delete-palestine-but-it-does-impact-how-you-see-it/ Google Maps did not ‘delete’ Palestine — but it does impact how you see it]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[PS]]
|20160524||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/344217-google-headquarters-raid-fraud/ Google Paris HQ raided in tax inquiry]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[FR]]
|20160518||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/gadgets/google-io-2016-google-legt-sich-mit-allen-an-a-1092972.html Entwicklerkonferenz I/O: Google legt sich mit allen an]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20160203||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-suchmaschinen-chef-amit-singhala-geht-a-1075548.html IT-Konzern: Googles Suchmaschinen-Chef hört auf]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[SINGHAL, AMIT]]
|20160122||bloomberg.com||[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-22/google-paid-apple-1-billion-to-keep-search-bar-on-iphone Google Paid Apple $1 Billion to Keep Search Bar on IPhone]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[APPLE]]
|20160106||lists.wikimedia.org||[https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2016-January/080749.html  Announcing new Wikimedia Foundation Trustees]||[[WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
== 2015 ==
== 2015 ==
Line 6: Line 234:
|20151202||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-beschwerde-gegen-chromebooks-in-schulen-a-1065678.html Klage von Datenschützern: Google spioniert angeblich Schüler und Studenten aus]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20151108||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/google-revolutioniert-die-medizin-einblicke-in-die-geheimen-labore-a-1060865.html Medizin-Labor GWC7: Hier programmiert Google die Menschheit um]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20150920||cntv.cn||[http://english.cntv.cn/2015/09/20/VIDE1442716441196938.shtml Tech giant Google may return to China]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20150822||heise.de||[http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Googles-IT-Sicherheitschef-befuerchtet-ausufernden-Cyber-Krieg-2788331.html Googles IT-Sicherheitschef befürchtet ausufernden Cyber-Krieg]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[ESCHELBECK, GERHARD]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20150811||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/google-alphabet-darf-die-holding-so-heissen-wie-eine-bmw-firma-a-1047658.html Tochterfirma mit gleichem Namen: Google heißt Alphabet - und BMW ist platt]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20150622||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/gadgets/inceptionism-google-forscher-geben-netzwerken-lsd-a-1039965.html Kunst aus neuronalen Netzen: Google-Forscher geben Rechnern LSD]||[[GOOGLE]]
|20150622||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/gadgets/inceptionism-google-forscher-geben-netzwerken-lsd-a-1039965.html Kunst aus neuronalen Netzen: Google-Forscher geben Rechnern LSD]||[[GOOGLE]]

Latest revision as of 09:45, 16 November 2023



Date Source Title Tags
20231114 thehill.com Google paid $8 billion to make its apps default on Samsung phones GOOGLE / SAMSUNG
20230124 zerohedge.com DOJ Hits Google With Antitrust Suit Over Ad Market, Calls For 'Corporate Breakup' GOOGLE
20230113 yahoo.com Google Keyword-Search Warrants Questioned by Colorado Lawyers GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20220106 rt.com Mafia boss caught after 20 years following Google Maps blunder - Italian police have credited the app with capturing a photo of a crime group leader who’d been in hiding since 2002 GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20210925 washingtonpost.com When the FBI seizes your messages from Big Tech, you may not know it for years FBI / MICROSOFT / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK
20210710 zerohedge.com Meet Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency GOOGLE / JIGSAW / COHEN, JARED
20210707 spiegel.de Ärger über gesperrte Accounts Trump verklagt Twitter, Facebook und Google TRUMP, DONALD / TWITTER / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20210506 heise.de Google sendet trotz EuGH-Urteilen Daten in die USA: noyb fordert hohe Strafe GOOGLE
20210122 spiegel.de Geplantes Mediengesetz Google droht Australien mit Abschaltung der Suchmaschine GOOGLE / AU
20210116 rt.com Minds next? Google sends ‘24 hour warning' to free-speech 'anti-Facebook' platform, forces changes to app GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20201009 heise.de Inverssuche: Google liefert Polizei Nutzerdaten auf Basis von Suchbegriffen GOOGLE
20200708 faz.net in die Google-Wolke - Im Kampf gegen ihre marode IT holt die Deutsche Bank Hilfe von Google. Wie sicher sind die Kundendaten noch? DEUTSCHE BANK / GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20191203 spiegel.de Google-Gründer Larry Page und Sergey Brin treten ab GOOGLE / PAGE, LARRY / BRIN, SERGEY / PICHAI, SUNDAR
20190817 rt.com ‘We are moving into a new, controlled society worse than old totalitarianism’ – Zizek on Google leak GOOGLE
20190814 rt.com ‘Something dark & nefarious’: Google insider leaks docs revealing search engine ‘blacklist’ GOOGLE
20190805 rt.com Google seeks to meddle into 2020 elections to derail Trump – former employee GOOGLE
20190725 rt.com ‘Algorithms don’t write themselves’: Google whistleblower on Big Tech merging with politics GOOGLE / ALGORITHMS
20190712 rt.com Outsourced spying: Google admits ‘language experts’ listen to ‘some’ assistant recordings GOOGLE
20190627 fastcompany.com Google’s new reCAPTCHA has a dark side GOOGLE
20190628 rt.com #Resistance 101: Google encourages employees to protest in leaked internal document GOOGLE
20190625 zerohedge.com Google Ethics Team Busted Calling Prominent Conservative Jews "Nazis": Veritas GOOGLE
20190624 zerohedge.com Google Using AI To Meddle In 2020 Election, Prevent 'Next Trump Situation': Veritas GOOGLE
20190624 rt.com Insider exposes Google’s efforts to influence 2020 election against Trump GOOGLE
20190426 zerohedge.com How Google Is Helping The US Government Violate Your Privacy GOOGLE
20190220 rt.com Ooops! Google admits it forgot to tell users about its hidden spy microphone GOOGLE
20190205 csoonline.com Nest Secure had a secret microphone, can now be a Google Assistant GOOGLE
20190121 heise.de DSGVO-Verstöße: Frankreich verhängt Millionen-Strafe gegen Google FR / GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20181217 theintercept.com Google’s Secret China Project “Effectively Ended” After Internal Confrontation GOOGLE
20181213 zerohedge.com Google CEO Exposes Shocking "Full Extent" Of Russian Meddling In 2016 GOOGLE / RU
20181111 rt.com Make police states hip again? Google offered STASI HQ for new Berlin office BERLIN / GOOGLE / MFS
20180910 zerohegde.com Google Was "Working To Get Hillary Clinton Elected" With "Silent Donation" According To Leaked Internal Email GOOGLE / CLINTON, HILLARY
20180830 bloomberg.com Google and Mastercard Cut a Secret Ad Deal to Track Retail Sales - Google found the perfect way to link online ads to store purchases: credit card data GOOGLE / MASTERCARD
20180824 rt.com Trump accuses social media giants of censorship, says ‘millions’ being silenced TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER
20180823 buzzfeednews.com Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting To Prepare A 2018 Election Strategy INFORMATION OPERATIONS / TWITTER / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK / SNAPCHAT / GLEICHER, NATHANIEL
20180813 zerohegde.com Google Is Constantly Tracking, Even If You Turn Off Device 'Location History' GOOGLE
20180813 rt.com ‘More data, more profit’: Google tracks your location even when you ask it not to, says report GOOGLE
20180813 apnews.com AP Exclusive: Google tracks your movements, like it or not GOOGLE
20180718 spiegel.de 4,3 Milliarden Euro EU verhängt Rekordstrafe gegen Google GOOGLE / EU
20180718 spiegel.de Rekord-Bußgeld für Google Brüssels 4,3-Milliarden-Euro-Botschaft an Trump GOOGLE / EU
20810606 spiegel.de WWDC 2018 Apple will Facebook und Google den Datenhahn abdrehen APPLE / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20180602 spiegel.de Mitarbeiterproteste Google will Drohnen-Deal mit dem US-Militär stoppen GOOGLE
20180601 zerohegde.com Google Abandons Pentagon's AI-Drone 'Project Maven' After Employee Revolt GOOGLE
20180525 irishtimes.com Max Schrems launches first legal cases under GDPR: Privacy campaigner takes on Facebook again under new data protection laws FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / ANDROID
20180518 gizmodo.com Google Removes 'Don't Be Evil' Clause From Its Code of Conduct GOOGLE
20180514 zerohegde.com Google Employees Revolt, Refuse To Work On Clandestine AI Drone Project For The Pentagon GOOGLE
20180510 spiegel.de Künstliche Intelligenz Google Duplex ist gruselig gut GOOGLE
20180404 nytimes.com ‘The Business of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon GOOGLE / PENTAGON
20180327 zerohedge.com "Want To Freak Yourself Out?" Here Is All The Personal Data That Facebook/Google Collect FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20180306 surveillancevalley.com Know your history: Google has been a military-intel contractor from the very beginning GOOGLE
20180306 gizmodo.com Privacy and Security: Google Is Helping the Pentagon Build AI for Drones GOOGLE / PENTAGON / DRONES
20180321 zerohedge.com Know Your History: Google Has Been a Military-Intel Contractor from the Very Beginning GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20171208 qz.com Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance GOOGLE
20171123 spiegel.de Ein Jahr nach US-Wahl Anti-russische Stimmung bei Internetkonzernen - Facebook, Google und Twitter wurden dafür kritisiert, russische Propaganda im US-Wahlkampf geduldet zu haben. Neuerdings werden die Konzerne gegen Einflussnahme aus Russland aktiv. FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / RT / SPUTNIK
20171121 qz.com Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled GOOGLE / ANDROID
20171120 rt.com Google will ‘de-rank’ RT articles to make them harder to find – Eric Schmidt GOOGLE / RT
20171102 spiegel.de Manipulationen im US-Wahlkampf Plötzlich sind Google und Facebook ganz kleinlaut FACEBOOK / TWITTER / GOOGLE / US
20171019 spiegel.de Unterstützung für Anti-Islam-Kampagne Google und Facebook geraten unter Druck FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20170917 zerohedge.com Is Google Coming For Your Cryptos GOOGLE
20170908 rt.com Google says it found no trace of Russia’s interference in US election on its ad platforms GOOGLE / US
20170830 nytimes.com Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant GOOGLE / NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION
20170810 zerohedge.com Understanding The Hysterical Reaction To The Google Memo GOOGLE
20170809 spiegel.de Rauswurf nach sexistischem Schreiben Entwickler will gegen Google klagen DAMORE, JAMES / GOOGLE
20170808 spiegel.de Sexistisches Schreiben eines Google-Mitarbeiters Natürlich besser DAMORE, JAMES / GOOGLE
20170808 spiegel.de Gleichberechtigung Google feuert Mitarbeiter nach sexistischem Schreiben DAMORE, JAMES / GOOGLE
20170629 spiegel.de Kanadisches Gerichtsurteil Google muss bestimmte Suchergebnisse weltweit sperren GOOGLE
20170627 spiegel.de Rekordstrafe für Google 2,42 Milliarden Euro - und das könnte erst der Anfang sein EU / GOOGLE
20170410 rt.com Russia slaps Facebook with ‘Google Tax’ FACEBOOK / RU / GOOGLE
20170407 rt.com Dead on arrival? Google’s fake news fact-checkers mired in bias, controversy GOOGLE
20170308 wsj.com New WikiLeaks Documents Fuel Tension Between Intelligence Agencies, Tech Sector - Documents renew questions about what responsibility the government has to notify companies of security flaws in their products CIA / WIKILEAKS / APPLE / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT / SAMSUNG
20170204 spiegel.de Urteil zu E-Mails FBI darf auf Daten von Google-Kunden im Ausland zugreifen GOOGLE / FBI
20170105 spiegel.de Streit um Gehaltslisten US-Arbeitsministerium verklagt Google GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20161125 spiegel.de Hinweis an Journalisten und Forscher Google warnt Nutzer vor Regierungs-Hackern GOOGLE
20161101 rt.com ‘Google has power to control elections, can shift millions of votes to Clinton’ – Robert Epstein EPSTEIN, ROBERT / GOOGLE
20160923 variety.com Twitter in Sales Talks With Google, Salesforce.com (Report) TWITTER / GOOGLE
20160921 rt.com Whatever you do, do not use Google Allo: Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GOOGLE
20160818 theregister.co.uk Google had Obama's ear during antitrust probe - Wait, whaaat? This isn't supposed to happen GOOGLE / WHITE HOUSE / OBAMA, BARACK
20160809 washingtonpost.com Google Maps did not ‘delete’ Palestine — but it does impact how you see it GOOGLE / PS
20160524 rt.com Google Paris HQ raided in tax inquiry GOOGLE / FR
20160518 spiegel.de Entwicklerkonferenz I/O: Google legt sich mit allen an GOOGLE
20160203 spiegel.de IT-Konzern: Googles Suchmaschinen-Chef hört auf GOOGLE / SINGHAL, AMIT
20160122 bloomberg.com Google Paid Apple $1 Billion to Keep Search Bar on IPhone GOOGLE / APPLE
20160106 lists.wikimedia.org Announcing new Wikimedia Foundation Trustees WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK


Date Source Title Tags
20151202 spiegel.de Klage von Datenschützern: Google spioniert angeblich Schüler und Studenten aus GOOGLE
20151108 spiegel.de Medizin-Labor GWC7: Hier programmiert Google die Menschheit um GOOGLE
20150920 cntv.cn Tech giant Google may return to China GOOGLE
20150822 heise.de Googles IT-Sicherheitschef befürchtet ausufernden Cyber-Krieg GOOGLE / ESCHELBECK, GERHARD / CYBERWAR
20150811 spiegel.de Tochterfirma mit gleichem Namen: Google heißt Alphabet - und BMW ist platt GOOGLE
20150622 spiegel.de Kunst aus neuronalen Netzen: Google-Forscher geben Rechnern LSD GOOGLE
20150618 spiegel.de Google Trends in Echtzeit: Nach diesen Begriffen sucht die Welt GOOGLE
20150601 spiegel.de Datensammlung zum Nachschauen: Google macht transparent, wie nackt seine Nutzer sind GOOGLE
20150530 spiegel.de Entwicklerkonferenz I/O: Google zeigt Radaranlage für die Hosentasche GOOGLE
20150428 heise.de Leistungsschutzrecht: VG Media will angeblich 6 Prozent des Google-Umsatzes in Deutschland GOOGLE
20150428 spiegel.de Pakt mit Verlagen: Google investiert 150 Millionen Euro in Journalismus in Europa GOOGLE
20150422 spiegel.de Die eiserne Margrethe gegen Gazprom und Google VESTAGER, MARGRETHE / EU / GOOGLE / GAZPROM
20150213 googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.de Feedback and data-driven updates to Google’s disclosure policy GOOGLE
20150212 nytimes.com Obama Heads to Tech Security Talks Amid Tensions OBAMA, BARACK / US / GOOGLE / APPLE / DANIEL, MICHAEL / COOK, TIM / ENCRYPTION
20150211 alexaobrien.com Google disclosed secret search warrants for WikiLeaks staffers email six months after judge’s unsealing order. GOOGLE / WIKILEAKS / HARRISON, SARAH / FARRELL, JOSEPH / HRAFNSSON, KRISTINN
20150126 heise.de Herausgabe von E-Mails: Wikileaks klagt Google an WIKILEAKS / GOOGLE
20150126 wikileaks.org Google hands data to US Government in WikiLeaks espionage case GOOGLE / WIKILEAKS / HARRISON, SARAH / FARRELL, JOSEPH / HRAFNSSON, KRISTINN


Date Source Title Tags
20141212 itworld.com Schmidt: NSA revelations forced Google to lock down data GOOGLE / SCHMIDT, ERIC
20141121 spiegel.de Angriffsplan gegen Google: EU-Parlament will Internetkonzerne zerschlagen GOOGLE / EU
20141024 wikileaks.org Google Is Not What It Seems ASSANGE, JULIAN / GOOGLE
20141024 rt.com 'Google grown big & bad': Assange reveals company & its founder's links to US govt GOOGLE / ASSANGE, JULIAN / USG
20141016 wheretheresmuck.wordpress.com How Google Parties GOOGLE
20141014 spiegel.de Google-Treffen in Berlin: Löschen und löschen lassen GOOGLE
20141013 google-produkte.blogspote.de „The New Gründergeist” - Eric Schmidt spricht in Berlin über Innovation, Technologie und die Zukunft des Internet SCHMIDT, ERIC / GOOGLE
20141009 spiegel.de Folgen der NSA-Affäre: Google-Chef warnt vor Zerstörung des Internet SCHMIDT, ERIC / GOOGLE / NSA / INTERNET
20140806 spiegel.de Suchmaschinen-Säuberung: Wikipedia macht Google-Löschungen öffentlich WIKIPEDIA / GOOGLE
20140606 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Google-Manager Schmidt greift US-Regierung an SCHMIDT, ERIC / GOOGLE / NSA
20140429 pastebin.com Google AdSense Leak GOOGLE
20140416 arstechnica.com All sent and received e-mails in Gmail will be analyzed, says Google GOOGLE
20140416 rt.com Google: We scan all Gmail messages GOOGLE
20140402 cryptome.org Julian Assange: When Google Met WikiLeaks ASSANGE, JULIAN / GOOGLE / WIKILEAKS
20140311 thestar.com.my Missing MH370: Don’t rely on Google Maps to search for plane, says Google MH370 / GOOGLE / MAPS
20140219 cyberwarzone.com MUST READ: Google Mail unzips password protected files - See more at: http://cyberwarzone.com/must-read-google-mail-unzips-password-protected-files GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20131230 spiegel.de Überwachung: IT-Firmen erleiden Umsatzeinbruch nach Snowden-Enthüllungen NSA / IBM / CISCO / GOOGLE / YAHOO / FACEBOOK / MICROSOFT
20131218 rt.com Shocker: Snowden, Manning, NSA not on Google's 2013 top trends GOOGLE
20131120 theverge.com Google's chief internet evangelist says 'privacy may actually be an anomaly' PRIVACY / GOOGLE / CERF, VINT
20131102 spiegel.de Mysteriöse Containerkonstruktionen: Google geht baden GOOGLE
20130831 faz.net Wie Big Data das Wahlgeheimnis aushebelt Wir wissen, wen du wählen wirst GOOGLE / BIG DATA
20130816 npr.org Switching To Gmail May Leave Reporters' Sources At Risk NEW YORK TIMES / GOOGLE
20130816 futurezone.at Google verschlüsselt Daten seiner Kunden GOOGLE
20130815 spiegel.de Diskussion um Privatsphäre: Google verteidigt Gmail-Werbetechnik gegen Kritiker GOOGLE
20130722 wired.com Google Now Serves 25 Percent of North American Internet Traffic GOOGLE
20130621 anarachism.is On Confirmed Assumptions or, Not Trusting Google is Good Idea SNORRASON, HERBERT / GOOGLE
20130621 guardian.co.uk Google told to delete Street View payload data or face UK prosecution - Information commissioner's office says it will launch contempt of court proceedings if data is not deleted within 35 days GOOGLE / GB
20130611 googleblog.blogspot.de Asking the U.S. government to allow Google to publish more national security request data GOOGLE / US
20130601 nytimes.com Opinion: The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil’ ASSANGE, JULIAN / GOOGLE / SCHMIDT, ERIC / COHEN, JARED
20130601 guardian.co.uk Google ordered to hand private customer data over to FBI investigators: Judge who earlier ruled National Security Letters unconstitutional orders Google to nonetheless comply with them GOOGLE
20130504 heise.de Google erkennt Palästina an GOOGLE / PS
20130414 securityledger.com DARPA Cyber Chief Peiter “Mudge” Zatko Heads To Google ZATKO, PEITER / DARPA / GOOGLE
20130408 informationclearinghouse.info Google Involved in ‘Regime Change’: WikiLeaks GOOGLE / LEV, MARTY / COHEN, JARED / BURTON, FRED / WIKILEAKS / STRATFOR
20130402 spiegel.de Alma Whitten: Datenschutzbeauftragte verlässt Google GOOGLE / WHITTEN, ALMA
20130305 reuters.com Google services should not require real names: Vint Cerf GOOGLE / CERF, VINT
20130303 spiegel.de Datenschutz: Friedrich fordert harte Auflagen für Google und Facebook - Soziale Netzwerke legen hinter dem Rücken der Nutzer ausführliche Profile an. Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich fordert nun harte Auflagen für Unternehmen wie Facebook und Google. Vor zwei Jahren hatte er es noch mit netten Worten versucht. FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK / PRIVACY
20130111 spiegel.de Darstellung von Suchergebnissen: EU droht Google mit Kartellverfahren GOOGLE


Date Source Title Tags
20121113 spiegel.de Herausgabe von Nutzerdaten: Behörden klopfen öfter bei Google an GOOGLE
20121113 telegraph.co.uk David Petraeus scandal: The silliness of using Gmail for your affair - You'd hope the head of the CIA would be well briefed on how to cover up his extracurriculars. So why did David Petraeus risk it all over a Gmail account, asks Dr Brooke Magnanti. PETRAEUS, DAVID / GOOGLE
04.11.2012 spiegel.de Rotlichtgerüchte: Google löscht Suchresultate zu Bettina Wulff WULFF, BETTINA / GOOGLE
20.10.2012 spiegel.de Brasilien: Verlage untersagen Google News den Zugriff BR / GOOGLE
17.10.2012 spiegel.de Datenzentren: Hier rechnet Google GOOGLE
15.09.2012 spiegel.de Gewaltausbruch in der arabischen Welt: Wie viel Netzzensur muss sein? FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION / GOOGLE / EG / ID / YE / SD / CENSORSHIP
11.09.2012 spiegel.de S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine: Was Bettina Wulff mit Mettigeln verbindet GOOGLE / WULFF, BETTINA
09.09.2012 spiegel.de Fall Bettina Wulff: Google misst mit zweierlei Maß GOOGLE / WULFF, BETTINA
09.08.2012 spiegel.de Millionenstrafe: Googles gnädige Kontrolleure GOOGLE
10.07.2012 spiegel.de Drohende Datenschutz-Klage: Google macht Millionen-Offerte GOOGLE
05.07.2012 standard.co.uk British Airways flies into privacy storm over Google identity checks on passengers BRITISH AIRWAYS GOOGLE PRIVACY
06.06.2012 spiegel.de Warnhinweis: Google will Nutzer vor Staatshackern warnen GOOGLE
24.05.2012 spiegel.de Copyright-Verstöße: Google löscht Millionen Inhalte GOOGLE
01.03.2012 reuters.com EU agencies say Google breaking law: commissioner GOOGLE
01.03.2012 papersplease.org Google is now in the PNR hosting business GOOGLE PNR


Date Source Title Tags
28.07.2011 spiegel.de Klarnamenzwang im Web: Frau Fake verteidigt die Pseudonyme FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / PSEUDONYMITY
19.07.2011 wired.com How Does Google Make the Big Bucks? An Infographic Answer GOOGLE
