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|20231115||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/587315-washington-doesnt-want-tie-israel-hands-lavrov/ Washington ‘doesn’t want to stop Israel’ – Lavrov to RT / The US attributes to Moscow only “hostile acts,” including peacemaking efforts in Gaza, the Russian foreign minister has said]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[US-IL]]
|20231115||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/587316-lavrov-war-iran-lebanon/ Iran and Lebanon want to avoid ‘big war’ – Lavrov to RT / Hezbollah is also not eager to ramp up its hostilities with Israel, the Russian foreign minister has said]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[IR]] / [[LB]] / [[HEZBOLLAH]]
|20231115||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/587335-lavrov-exclusive-interview-rt/ Lavrov names key factor for safety of Israel (WATCH IN FULL) / The top Russian diplomat discussed the root of the violence in the Middle East and other pressing issues in an exclusive interview]||[[RU-IL]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20230407||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/russland-ukraine-krieg-moskau-will-friedensgespraeche-mit-kiew-nur-im-zuge-einer-neuen-weltordnung-a-7699ba3b-6316-4449-9532-bc64e832b7dd Sergej Lawrow behauptet Moskau will Friedensgespräche mit Kiew nur im Zuge einer »neuen Weltordnung«]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20230402||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/antony-blinken-telefoniert-mit-sergej-lawrow-und-fordert-freilassung-inhaftierter-us-amerikaner-auf-a-47b4c7b9-cfa7-456b-8382-18f15e91a8ea Seltenes direktes Gespräch Blinken telefoniert mit Lawrow und fordert Freilassung von US-Journalist]||[[GERSHKOVICH, EVAN]] / [[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20221115||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/566566-lavrov-zelensky-signals-rumor/ Lavrov comments on claims of US urging Ukraine to negotiate / The “rumors” cannot alter the fact that Kiev is rejecting talks, the Russian minister said]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220720||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/559308-lavrov-full-interview-rt/ Russia’s Lavrov talks Ukraine, sanctions and nuclear war with RT (FULL VIDEO) / The Russian foreign minister sat down for an hour-long interview with RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[SIMONYAN, MARGARITA]] / [[RU-UA]]
|20220617||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/557362-lavrov-bbc-eyes-west-mercenaries/ Russia doesn’t care about ‘eyes of the West’ – Lavrov / Moscow cares about international law, not what the West thinks, its foreign minister has told BBC]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220530||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wladimir-putin-sergej-lawrow-weist-spekulationen-ueber-erkrankung-des-kremlchefs-zurueck-a-55615636-f121-4e24-9f98-f402115340d9 Auftritt im französischen Fernsehen Lawrow weist Spekulationen über Erkrankung Putins zurück]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20220426||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-uno-generalsekretaer-guterres-fordert-untersuchung-der-russland-zugeschriebenen-kriegsverbrechen-a-308b8cde-0951-4c83-878c-6bafea3b4ae7 Uno-Generalsekretär in Russland Guterres bietet in Moskau Hilfe für Mariupol an]||[[GUTERRES, ANTONIO]] / [[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220426||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/russlands-krieg-in-der-ukraine-lawrow-spricht-von-echter-gefahr-fuer-atomkrieg-a-4377efaf-bb29-4e28-b965-f943eda5124c Russischer Außenminister Lawrow spricht von »echter Gefahr« für Atomkrieg]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220407||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/futures-jump-then-dump-lavrov-calls-new-ukrainian-draft-peace-proposal-unacceptable Lavrov Rejects New Ukraine Draft Peace Proposal As "Unacceptable", Says US Seeks To Undermine Talks]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[RU-UA]]
|20220318||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/russland-ukraine-krieg-sergej-lawrow-wirft-usa-weltsicht-wie-im-saloon-vor-a-376ffa8f-0927-4074-8d37-a133a9dcebcd Russlands Außenminister Lawrow über die USA »Die Amerikaner wollen eine Welt wie einen Saloon, in dem der Stärkste bestimmt«]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220318||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/552215-lavrov-interview-rt-recap/ ‘Zelensky goading Biden into war with Russia’ and other highlights from Lavrov interview with RT]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220301||snanews.de||[https://snanews.de/20220301/lawrow-haelt-us-atomwaffen-europa-inakzeptabel-5600651.html Lawrow: US-Atomwaffen in Europa inakzeptabel]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220226||sputniknews.com||[https://sputniknews.com/20220226/lavrov-tells-turkey-russia-ready-to-work-with-all-constructive-forces-to-resolve-ukraine-crisis-1093397865.html Lavrov Tells Turkey Russia Ready to 'Work With All Constructive Forces' to Resolve Ukraine Crisis]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220225||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-set-freeze-putin-lavrov-assets EU Set To Freeze Putin, Lavrov Assets]||[[EU]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220225||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/550625-eu-to-sanction-putin-personally/ EU to sanction Putin personally – Austria / The reported move comes as Russia continues its military offensive in Ukraine]||[[EU]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/549817-lavrov-western-russia-invasion-fake/ Lavrov labels Western ‘Russia invasion’ claims ‘propaganda, fakes and fiction’ - “If they enjoy it, let them,” the foreign minister told RT regarding claims from officials and media]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU-UA]]
|20220127||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/547536-lavrov-interview-friday-radio/ Russia's Lavrov to talk foreign policy with media outlets amid Moscow-NATO crisis]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20211224||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/544291-nato-push-ukraine-conflict/ NATO push into Ukraine could trigger ‘large-scale conflict in Europe,’ Russia warns]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[RU]] / [[NATO]] / [[UA]]
|20211222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/543980-moscow-comments-statement-germany/ Russia tired of smug lectures from Germany – Lavrov]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[RU-DE]]
|20201216||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/alexej-nawalny-aussenminister-sergej-lawrow-bestreitet-agenten-beteiligung-an-anschlag-a-21afdb20-dfb3-4863-8608-829a33866179 Reaktion auf SPIEGEL-Enthüllung Lawrow bestreitet Agenten-Beteiligung an Nawalny-Anschlag]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20200515||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/russland-weist-angela-merkels-hacker-vorwurf-zurueck-a-02ceb076-ccfe-4dde-80e8-cdf48f811caa Außenminister Lawrow Russland weist Merkels Hacker-Vorwurf zurück]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU-DE]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20200421||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/486437-lavrov-us-open-skies/ Another ‘worst deal ever’? US withdrawal from crucial Open Skies treaty is done deal, Russian FM believes]||[[OPEN SKIES]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[US-RU]]
|20190505||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/458409-lavrov-arreaze-meeting-venezuela/ Lavrov set to meet with Venezuelan FM after failed coup attempt in Caracas]||[[VE]] / [[ARREAZA, JORGE]] / [[RU]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20180629||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/431302-snowden-extradition-russia-lavrov/ Lavrov on trading Snowden for sanctions relief: Russia sees US exile as ‘master of his own destiny’]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20180313||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/421126-lavrov-response-uk-skripal/ Russia won’t respond to UK ultimatum until samples of alleged chemical weapon received – Lavrov]||[[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20170905||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/402116-russia-to-sue-us-diplomatic-spat/ 'Violation of international law’: Russia to sue over diplomatic property row, Lavrov tells Tillerson]||[[RU-US]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]]
|20170517||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/388673-putin-schizophrenia-trump-lavrov-leak/ Putin ready to provide records of Trump-Lavrov talks to prove no secrets were leaked]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20170517||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-wladimir-putin-bietet-mitschrift-von-lawrow-treffen-an-a-1148106.html USA Putin bietet Mitschrift von Trump-Lawrow-Treffen an]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170510||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/387891-lavrov-tillerson-meeting-washington/ Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias]||[[RU-US]] / [[US]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170220||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/377955-russian-ambassador-tapped-usa/ US intel ‘routinely taps Russian ambassador’s communications’ – Lavrov]||[[KISLYAK, SERGEY]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20170218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/377794-lavrov-russia-munich-speech/ Lavrov: NATO expansion led to tension in Europe unprecedented in last 30 years]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[NATO]]
|20161118||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/barack-obama-sein-rat-an-donald-trump-veraergert-russlands-aussenminister-a-1121890.html Außenminister Lawrow Obamas Ratschlag für Trump verärgert Russland]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20160726||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/353312-lavrov-four-letter-leaks/ 'I don't want to use 4-letter words': Russian FM slams reporter over DNC leak claims]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[DNC]]
|20160604||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/345378-russia-us-nusra-extremists-syria/ US asks Russia not to target Al-Qaeda branch in Syria – Russian FM Lavrov]||[[US]] / [[AL QAEDA]] / [[SY]] / [[AL NUSRA]] / [[TERRORISM]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20160314||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/335470-lavrov-kurds-syria-turkey/ Lavrov: Kurds must be invited to Geneva peace talks to preserve Syria’s integrity]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[SY]] / [[KURDS]]
|20151215||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/326014-putin-kerry-lavrov-talks/ ‘We see Syria fundamentally very similarly’ – Kerry after talks with Putin, Lavrov]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20141016||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/islamischer-staat-russland-tritt-us-koalition-gegen-is-nicht-bei-a-997605.html Koalition gegen Terrormiliz: Russland verweigert sich beim Einsatz gegen den IS]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[RU]] / [[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[US]]
|20140421||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krise-russland-wirft-kiew-verletzung-von-abkommen-vor-a-965393.html Krieg der Worte in Ukraine-Krise: Lawrow wirft Kiew Verletzung von Genfer Abkommen vor]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[UA]]
|20140421||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/us-responsibility-kiev-lavrov-788/ Lavrov: US should face responsibility for powers it installed in Kiev]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[UA]] / [[US]]
|20140329||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/lavrov-interview-ukraine-russia-065/ Russia has no intention to send troops into Ukraine – Lavrov]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20140329||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/lavrov-interview-ukraine-russia-065/ Russia has no intention to send troops into Ukraine – Lavrov]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
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|20130912||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-gespraeche-in-genf-kerry-und-lawrow-zu-chemiewaffen-a-921974.html Genfer Syrien-Gespräche: Showdown im Interconti]||[[RU]] / [[SY]] / [[US]] / [[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[LAWROW, SERGEJ]]
|20130912||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-gespraeche-in-genf-kerry-und-lawrow-zu-chemiewaffen-a-921974.html Genfer Syrien-Gespräche: Showdown im Interconti]||[[RU]] / [[SY]] / [[US]] / [[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[LAWROW, SERGEJ]]
|20130702||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/02/edward-snowden-asylum-rejections Edward Snowden's options dwindle after political asylum rejections - Several countries have denied whistleblower's request to seek asylum and others say he must be on their territory to apply]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[ASYLUM]] / [[RU]] / [[EC]] / [[CORREA, RAFAEL]] / [[VE]] / [[MADURO, NICOLAS]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20110610||wikileaks.org||[https://wikileaks.org/nsa-france/intercepts/#intercept4 Sarkozy Determined to Proceed With Mideast Initiative, May Pressure U.S. President (TS//SI-G//OC/NF)]||[[SARKOZY, NICOLAS]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[JUPPE, ALAIN]] / [[UN]] / [[KI-MOON, BAN]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
= Resources =
* https://mid.ru/en/press_service/minister_speeches/
[[Category:Persons]] [[Category:RU]]
[[Category:Persons]] [[Category:RU]]

Latest revision as of 09:47, 16 November 2023


Date Source Title Tags
20231115 rt.com Washington ‘doesn’t want to stop Israel’ – Lavrov to RT / The US attributes to Moscow only “hostile acts,” including peacemaking efforts in Gaza, the Russian foreign minister has said LAVROV, SERGEY / US-IL
20231115 rt.com Iran and Lebanon want to avoid ‘big war’ – Lavrov to RT / Hezbollah is also not eager to ramp up its hostilities with Israel, the Russian foreign minister has said LAVROV, SERGEY / IR / LB / HEZBOLLAH
20231115 rt.com Lavrov names key factor for safety of Israel (WATCH IN FULL) / The top Russian diplomat discussed the root of the violence in the Middle East and other pressing issues in an exclusive interview RU-IL / LAVROV, SERGEY
20230407 spiegel.de Sergej Lawrow behauptet Moskau will Friedensgespräche mit Kiew nur im Zuge einer »neuen Weltordnung« LAVROV, SERGEY
20230402 spiegel.de Seltenes direktes Gespräch Blinken telefoniert mit Lawrow und fordert Freilassung von US-Journalist GERSHKOVICH, EVAN / BLINKEN, ANTHONY / LAVROV, SERGEY
20221115 rt.com Lavrov comments on claims of US urging Ukraine to negotiate / The “rumors” cannot alter the fact that Kiev is rejecting talks, the Russian minister said LAVROV, SERGEY
20220720 rt.com Russia’s Lavrov talks Ukraine, sanctions and nuclear war with RT (FULL VIDEO) / The Russian foreign minister sat down for an hour-long interview with RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan LAVROV, SERGEY / SIMONYAN, MARGARITA / RU-UA
20220617 rt.com Russia doesn’t care about ‘eyes of the West’ – Lavrov / Moscow cares about international law, not what the West thinks, its foreign minister has told BBC LAVROV, SERGEY
20220530 spiegel.de Auftritt im französischen Fernsehen Lawrow weist Spekulationen über Erkrankung Putins zurück LAVROV, SERGEY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20220426 spiegel.de Uno-Generalsekretär in Russland Guterres bietet in Moskau Hilfe für Mariupol an GUTERRES, ANTONIO / UN / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20220426 spiegel.de Russischer Außenminister Lawrow spricht von »echter Gefahr« für Atomkrieg LAVROV, SERGEY
20220407 zerohedge.com Lavrov Rejects New Ukraine Draft Peace Proposal As "Unacceptable", Says US Seeks To Undermine Talks LAVROV, SERGEY / RU-UA
20220318 spiegel.de Russlands Außenminister Lawrow über die USA »Die Amerikaner wollen eine Welt wie einen Saloon, in dem der Stärkste bestimmt« LAVROV, SERGEY
20220318 rt.com ‘Zelensky goading Biden into war with Russia’ and other highlights from Lavrov interview with RT LAVROV, SERGEY
20220301 snanews.de Lawrow: US-Atomwaffen in Europa inakzeptabel LAVROV, SERGEY
20220226 sputniknews.com Lavrov Tells Turkey Russia Ready to 'Work With All Constructive Forces' to Resolve Ukraine Crisis LAVROV, SERGEY
20220225 zerohedge.com EU Set To Freeze Putin, Lavrov Assets EU / SANCTIONS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEY
20220225 rt.com EU to sanction Putin personally – Austria / The reported move comes as Russia continues its military offensive in Ukraine EU / SANCTIONS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEY
20220218 rt.com Lavrov labels Western ‘Russia invasion’ claims ‘propaganda, fakes and fiction’ - “If they enjoy it, let them,” the foreign minister told RT regarding claims from officials and media LAVROV, SERGEY / PROPAGANDA / RU-UA
20220127 rt.com Russia's Lavrov to talk foreign policy with media outlets amid Moscow-NATO crisis LAVROV, SERGEY
20211224 rt.com NATO push into Ukraine could trigger ‘large-scale conflict in Europe,’ Russia warns LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / NATO / UA
20211222 rt.com Russia tired of smug lectures from Germany – Lavrov LAVROV, SERGEY / RU-DE
20201216 spiegel.de Reaktion auf SPIEGEL-Enthüllung Lawrow bestreitet Agenten-Beteiligung an Nawalny-Anschlag LAVROV, SERGEY
20200515 spiegel.de Außenminister Lawrow Russland weist Merkels Hacker-Vorwurf zurück LAVROV, SERGEY / ATTRIBUTION / RU-DE / MERKEL, ANGELA
20200421 rt.com Another ‘worst deal ever’? US withdrawal from crucial Open Skies treaty is done deal, Russian FM believes OPEN SKIES / LAVROV, SERGEY / US-RU
20190505 rt.com Lavrov set to meet with Venezuelan FM after failed coup attempt in Caracas VE / ARREAZA, JORGE / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20180629 rt.com Lavrov on trading Snowden for sanctions relief: Russia sees US exile as ‘master of his own destiny’ LAVROV, SERGEY / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20180313 rt.com Russia won’t respond to UK ultimatum until samples of alleged chemical weapon received – Lavrov SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170905 rt.com 'Violation of international law’: Russia to sue over diplomatic property row, Lavrov tells Tillerson RU-US / LAVROV, SERGEY / TILLERSON, REX
20170517 rt.com Putin ready to provide records of Trump-Lavrov talks to prove no secrets were leaked PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170517 spiegel.de USA Putin bietet Mitschrift von Trump-Lawrow-Treffen an LAVROV, SERGEY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170510 rt.com Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias RU-US / US / LAVROV, SERGEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20170220 rt.com US intel ‘routinely taps Russian ambassador’s communications’ – Lavrov KISLYAK, SERGEY / US / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170218 rt.com Lavrov: NATO expansion led to tension in Europe unprecedented in last 30 years LAVROV, SERGEY / NATO
20161118 spiegel.de Außenminister Lawrow Obamas Ratschlag für Trump verärgert Russland LAVROV, SERGEY / OBAMA, BARACK / RU / US
20160726 rt.com 'I don't want to use 4-letter words': Russian FM slams reporter over DNC leak claims LAVROV, SERGEY / DNC
20160604 rt.com US asks Russia not to target Al-Qaeda branch in Syria – Russian FM Lavrov US / AL QAEDA / SY / AL NUSRA / TERRORISM / LAVROV, SERGEY
20160314 rt.com Lavrov: Kurds must be invited to Geneva peace talks to preserve Syria’s integrity LAVROV, SERGEY / SY / KURDS
20151215 rt.com ‘We see Syria fundamentally very similarly’ – Kerry after talks with Putin, Lavrov LAVROV, SERGEY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / KERRY, JOHN / US / RU
20141016 spiegel.de Koalition gegen Terrormiliz: Russland verweigert sich beim Einsatz gegen den IS LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / KERRY, JOHN / US
20140421 spiegel.de Krieg der Worte in Ukraine-Krise: Lawrow wirft Kiew Verletzung von Genfer Abkommen vor LAVROV, SERGEY / UA
20140421 rt.com Lavrov: US should face responsibility for powers it installed in Kiev LAVROV, SERGEY / UA / US
20140329 rt.com Russia has no intention to send troops into Ukraine – Lavrov LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / UA
20140314 spiegel.de Russisch-amerikanisches Krim-Treffen: Letzte Chance, vorbei UA / RU / US / KERRY, JOHN / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140310 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Kerry schlägt Einladung Moskaus aus KERRY, JOHN / US / RU / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140304 spiegel.de Moskaus Außenminister Lawrow: "Niemand hat das Recht, über Russland verärgert zu sein" LAWROW, SERGEJ / RU
20140305 spiegel.de Krisendiplomatie: Russlands Außenminister blockt den Westen ab UA / EU / US / RU / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20130912 spiegel.de Genfer Syrien-Gespräche: Showdown im Interconti RU / SY / US / KERRY, JOHN / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's options dwindle after political asylum rejections - Several countries have denied whistleblower's request to seek asylum and others say he must be on their territory to apply SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / VE / MADURO, NICOLAS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEY
20110610 wikileaks.org Sarkozy Determined to Proceed With Mideast Initiative, May Pressure U.S. President (TS//SI-G//OC/NF) SARKOZY, NICOLAS / IL / PS / JUPPE, ALAIN / UN / KI-MOON, BAN / LAVROV, SERGEY / MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / OBAMA, BARACK
