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|20131003||marthamitchelleffect.org||[http://www.marthamitchelleffect.org/redactions-and-propaganda/4572966061 Part One: Historical revisionism and WikiLeaks - The 'double cross system']||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[GUARDIAN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[LEIGH, DAVID]] / [[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[RUSBRIDGER, ALAN]] / [[DER SPIEGEL]] / [[SHAMIR, ISRAEL]] / [[BALL, JAMES]] / [[HARDING, LUKE]] / [[DAVIES, NICK]] / [[DOMSCHEIT-BERG, DANIEL]]
|20131003||marthamitchelleffect.org||[http://www.marthamitchelleffect.org/redactions-and-propaganda/4572966061 Part One: Historical revisionism and WikiLeaks - The 'double cross system']||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[GUARDIAN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[LEIGH, DAVID]] / [[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[RUSBRIDGER, ALAN]] / [[SPIEGEL]] / [[SHAMIR, ISRAEL]] / [[BALL, JAMES]] / [[HARDING, LUKE]] / [[DAVIES, NICK]] / [[DOMSCHEIT-BERG, DANIEL]]

Revision as of 20:41, 3 October 2013




Date Source Title Tags
20131003 marthamitchelleffect.org Part One: Historical revisionism and WikiLeaks - The 'double cross system' WIKILEAKS / GUARDIAN / ASSANGE, JULIAN / LEIGH, DAVID / NEW YORK TIMES / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / SPIEGEL / SHAMIR, ISRAEL / BALL, JAMES / HARDING, LUKE / DAVIES, NICK / DOMSCHEIT-BERG, DANIEL


Date Source Title Tags
20130906 spiegel.de Wikileaks-Film "The Fifth Estate": Am Daten-Paten gescheitert WIKILEAKS
20130904 rt.com Spy files: New WikiLeaks docs expose secretive, unruly surveillance industry WIKILEAKS / SPYFILES
20130903 rt.com Assange requests investigation into US actions against WikiLeaks ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US / SE / DE


Date Source Title Tags
20130821 rt.com WikiLeaks: Manning's sentence a ‘tactical victory’ MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130820 rt.com WikiLeaks: Govts attacks on media ‘signalling rise of fascism in UK, US' WIKILEAKS / GB / US / FASCISM / JOURNALISM / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130819 gigaom.com Still wondering why we need a stateless media entity like WikiLeaks? This is why JOURNALISM / WIKILEAKS / GUARDIAN
20130818 rt.com WikiLeaks posts 400 gigabytes of encrypted ‘insurance’ data online WIKILEAKS
20130816 theage.com.au Snowden not interrogated by Russians: Assange SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / RU
20130810 huffingtonpost.com Julian Assange: Obama Surveillance Reform 'A Victory Of Sorts For Edward Snowden' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20130810 thehill.com WikiLeaks founder: Obama surveillance changes vindicate Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20130803 STERLING, BRUCE/medium.com The Ecuadorian Library - or, The Blast Shack After Three Years WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / STALLMANN, RICHARD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MANNING, BRADLEY / NSA / US
20130803 ruvr.ru Regarding Snowden and Russia, the US is Kafkaesque – WikiLeaks’ Hrafnsson HRAFNSSON, KRISTINN / WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130803 whatdoesitmean.com Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia CH / US / RU / NDB / MI6 / WIKILEAKS / GRU / CIA
20130801 wikileaks.org Statement on Snowden’s Successful Russian Asylum Bid SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20130731 dailymail.co.uk Bradley Manning could still die in jail despite being found NOT GUILTY of being a traitor - as military judge rules army private is guilty of spying by passing 700,000 secret files to WikiLeaks MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
20130730 rt.com Manning opened new era of optimism, leaving none for himself – WikiLeaks spokesman MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
20130725 spiegel.de Videobotschaft: Assange gründet WikiLeaks-Partei in Australien ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / AU
20130724 spiegel.de Anwalt des NSA-Whistleblowers: "Russland wird Snowden nicht herausgeben" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY / HARRISON, SARAH / WIKILEAKS
20130717 policymic.com Meet the Journalist Who Connects the Dots Between Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, and the NSA BROWN, BARRETT / WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130712 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Veröffentlichung: Das sagte Snowden auf dem Flughafen in Moskau SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WIKILEAKS
20130710 guardian.co.uk The journalistic practices of the Washington Post and Walter Pincus: Fifteen hours after acknowledging that an innuendo-filled article is factually false, the Post still has not corrected it PINCUS, WALTER / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOURNALISM / WIKILEAKS / WASHINGTON POST
20130709 PINCUS, WALTER / washingtonpost.com Questions for Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOURNALISM / WIKILEAKS
20130706 washingtonpost.com Sarah Harrison, the woman from WikiLeaks HARRISON, SARAH / WIKILEAKS
20130701 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's statement released through WikiLeaks – full text - The NSA whistleblower, currently in Moscow, has released a statement through the freedom of information group WikiLeaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20130627 wired.com WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI WIKILEAKS / FBI / THORDARSON, SIGURDUR / UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS
20130624 rt.com Assange reveals details of 'Snowden Op', slams US 'war on whistleblowers' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20130624 thedailybeast.com As WikiLeaks Takes on the Roles of a State, America Must Treat It as One WIKILEAKS
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador amid diplomatic storm - Whistleblower escapes from Hong Kong to Moscow on a commercial flight despite a formal US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / RU / EC / WIKILEAKS
20130623 nytimes.com Offering Snowden Aid, WikiLeaks Gets Back in the Game WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130623 wikileaks.org WikiLeaks Statement On Edward Snowden’s Exit From Hong Kong WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130619 huffingtonpost.com Julian Assange Emerges As Central Figure In Bradley Manning Trial MANNING, BRADLEY / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20130517 wemeantwell.com So Who From State Will Testify Against Bradley Manning? A List. MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
20130516 alexaobrien.com WikiLeaks Grand Jury - List of every sealed 2703(d) order in Eastern District of VA May 2011 - Apr 2013 WIKILEAKS / APPELBAUM, JAKE / GONGGRIJP, ROP / JONSDOTTIR, BIRGITTA / MANNING, BRADLEY
20130510 freitag.de Truthing people into peace: Wikileaks. J. Assange analysiert eine Bedrohungslage, die von den Medien vehement verleugnet wird. An der Freiheit des Netzes hängt die globale Zukunft von Demokratie und Frieden ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / CENSORSHIP / SCHMIDT, ERIC
20130503 pressfreedomfoundation.org New Book Compares the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks, Calls for Obama to End Crackdown on Whistleblowers WHISTLEBLOWING / WIKILEAKS / NEW YORK TIMES / GOODALE, JAMES


Date Source Title Tags
20130428 craigmurray.org.uk "The Project" in Kazakhstan MURRAY, CRAIG / WIKILEAKS / KZ / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GUARDIAN
20130425 countytimes.com Pentagon Papers Attorney James Goodale of Washington Looks Back in New Book GOODALE, JAMES / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / MANNING, BRADLEY / PENTAGON PAPERS / OBAMA, BARACK
20130419 wikileaks.org Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt ASSANGE, JULIAN / SCHMIDT, ERIC / WIKILEAKS / COHEN, JARED / MALCOMSOM, SCOTT / SHIELDS, LISA
20130413 welt.de Was Helmut Kohl den USA über Willy Brandt sagte - Wenig spektakuläre Enthüllungen: Wikileaks-Chef Julian Assange und seine Mitstreiter haben 1,7 Millionen Dokumente über die US-Außenpolitik in den Jahren 1973 bis 1976 veröffentlicht. WIKILEAKS
20130410 spiegel.de US-Depeschen aus den siebziger Jahren: Schmidts Schilddrüse, Honeckers Telegramm WIKILEAKS
20130409 informationclearinghouse.info The Anti-Empire Report: Wikileaks Has Done It Again WIKILEAKS / BROWNFIELD, WILLIAM / VE / USAID OTI / FREEDOM HOUSE / FREEDOM OF SPEECH / PRESSTV / AJC / GALAXY 19 / HISPASAT
20130408 fair.org WikiLeaks: Was Chavez Right About U.S. Meddling? CHAVEZ, HUGO / WIKILEAKS / SHAPIRO, CHARLES / BROWNFIELD, WILLIAM
20130408 informationclearinghouse.info Google Involved in ‘Regime Change’: WikiLeaks GOOGLE / LEV, MARTY / COHEN, JARED / BURTON, FRED / WIKILEAKS / STRATFOR
20130408 australiantimes.co.uk WikiLeaks reveals Bob Carr as long-term intelligence source to US CARR, BOB / US / WIKILEAKS
20130408 rawstory.com Fresh Wikileaks reveal Vatican called reports of Pinochet’s killings ‘propaganda’ VA / WIKILEAKS / CL / PINOCHET, AUGUSTO
20130408 heise.de "Öffentliche Bibliothek der US-Diplomatie": Wikileaks startet Projekt K - wie Kissinger WIKILEAKS / KISSINGER, HENRY
20130405 informationclearinghouse.info The US Plans to End Chávez’s Rule CHAVEZ, HUGO / VE / US / BROWNFIELD, WILLIAM / WIKILEAKS
20130405 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks activist in New York to protest US whistleblowers clampdown: Iceland MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir arrives in US for first time since WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' controversy three years ago WIKILEAKS / JONSDOTTIR, BIRGITTA / WHISTLEBLOWING / MANNING, BRADLEY


Date Source Title Tags
20130313 arstechnica.com Whither whistleblowing: Where have all the leaking sites gone? Remaining WikiLeaks clones offer lessons for the future. WHISTLEBLOWING / WIKILEAKS / OPENLEAKS / GLOBALLEAKS
201303 justice4assange.com Response to Jemima Khan WIKILEAKS / KHAN, JEMIMA
20130301 guardian.co.uk Bradley Manning's personal statement to court martial: full text - In the absence of a full official copy of Manning's statement, journalists have had to rely on their own note-taking from court MANNING, BRADLEY / WHISTLEBLOWING / WIKILEAKS
20130301 bangkokpost.com WikiLeaks: Manning wanted to 'spark debate' on war MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20130228 alexaobrien.com Pfc. Bradley E. Manning's Statement for the Providence Inquiry MANNING, BRADLEY / WHISTLEBLOWING / WIKILEAKS
20130228 guardian.co.uk Manning plea statement: Americans had a right to know 'true cost of war' - After admitting guilt in 10 of 22 charges, soldier reveals how he came to share classified documents with WikiLeaks and talks of 'bloodlust' of US helicopter crew MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
20130228 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Informant: Manning gesteht Weitergabe geheimer Daten MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
20130228 spiegel.de Angeblicher WikiLeaks-Informant: US-Armee gibt Manning-Dokumente frei MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
20130227 guardian.co.uk Bradley Manning trial: US government to call 141 witnesses for prosecution - Sensitive witnesses to testify behind closed doors about harm to US from WikiLeaks as Manning denied right to present evidence that the US government is guilty of excessive secrecy MANNING, BRADLEY / USG / WIKILEAKS / FEIN, ASHDEN / LIND, DENISE


Date Source Title Tags
20130131 icelandreview.com FBI Came to Investigate Wikileaks in Iceland WIKILEAKS / IS / FBI
20130125 aclu.org Twitter Wikileaks Court Order TWITTER / WIKILEAKS
20130125 news.yahoo.com Assange: WikiLeaks film script leaked to WikiLeaks DREAMWORKS WIKILEAKS MOVIE / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN


Date Source Title Tags
20121220 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange 'open' to talks to end extradition row: WikiLeaks founder thanks supporters during appearance on balcony of Ecuadorean embassy in London ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20121216 washingtonmonthly.com Sen. Kerry Likely Secretary of State Nominee - Expect WikiLeaks Flip-Flop to be Brought Up KERRY, JOHN / WIKILEAKS
20121204 businessinsinsider.com A Wikileaks Cable Explained The Money Laundering Formula That Turned Macau Into A Gigantic Economic Success MO / MONEY LAUNDERING / WIKILEAKS
20121104 spiegel.de Spenden für WikiLeaks: Finanzamt streicht Stiftung Gemeinnützigkeit WIKILEAKS
22.10.2012 rt.com What is TYLER? Anonymous reveals details of its own 'WikiLeaks' project ANONYMOUS / WIKILEAKS / TYLER / ASSANGE, JULIAN
12.10.2012 spiegel.de Wegen Spendenaktion: Anonymous-Anhänger sagen sich von WikiLeaks los WIKILEAKS
11.10.2012 pastebin.com Statement on Wikileaks WIKILEAKS
10.10.2012 theatlanticwire.com WikiLeaks Implements Paywall, Anonymous Does Not Approve WIKILEAKS
29.09.2012 heise.de Amnesty: Assange in den USA von Menschenrechtsverletzungen bedroht ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
28.09.2012 abcnews.go.com Are Troops Talking to Assange ‘Communicating With the Enemy’? ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
27.09.2012 smh.com.au US calls Assange 'enemy of state' ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US / AU / EC
26.09.2012 wikileaks.org US Military Refers to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as the "enemy" with the "victims" being "society" ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US
20.08.2012 MOORE, MICHAEL/STONE, OLIVER@NYTIMES.COM Op-Ed Contributors: WikiLeaks and Free Speech WIKILEAKS
16.08.2012 wikileaks.org Statement on UK threat to storm Ecuadorian embassy and arrest Julian Assange WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / GB
13.08.2012 spiegel.de Trapwire: US-Firma vernetzt Videoüberwachung TRAPWIRE / WIKILEAKS
10.08.2012 rt.com Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system CCTV / SURVEILLANCE / TRAPWIRE / STRATFOR / WIKILEAKS
30.07.2012 spiegel.de Online-Kampagne: WikiLeaks fälscht prominente Unterstützung - Auch ein Journalist aus dem eigenen Haus ist einer falschen "New York Times"-Kolumne auf den Leim gegangen: In einer flammenden Rede verteidigte darin der frühere Chefredakteur angeblich WikiLeaks. Die Plattform selbst bekannte sich zum Fake. WIKILEAKS
29.07.2012 www.opinion-nytimes.com OP-ED COLUMNIST: WikiLeaks, A Post Postscript WIKILEAKS
25.07.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange defence to be led by Spanish jurist Baltasar Garzón: WikiLeaks founder hires renowned human rights investigator who indicted Augusto Pinochet to fight extradition to Sweden WIKILEAKS / GARZON, BALTASAR
25.07.2012 huffingtonpost.co.uk WikiLeaks Cables To Be Used in Court In Chagos Islands Case Against UK Officials WIKILEAKS / DG
24.07.2012 twitlonger.com PRESS RELEASE: Baltasar Garzón, will lead the legal team representing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GARZON, BALTASAR
23.07.2012 theintelligence.de Es wird eng für WikiLeaks, zumindest finanziell WIKILEAKS
19.07.2012 cnet.com As cash runs low, WikiLeaks finds way to accept plastic again WIKILEAKS
19.07.2012 spiegel.de Hilferuf: WikiLeaks fleht um Spenden WIKILEAKS
18.07.2012 kleinezeitung.at Wikileaks benötigt eine Milliarde Euro WIKILEAKS
16.07.2012 english.ruvr.ru Wikileaks and Datacell: an inconvenient truth? - interview WIKILEAKS DATACELL FINK, ANDREAS FINANCIAL SERVICES
13.07.2012 pastebin.com Record of proceedings: As recorded by David House - Grand Jury, Alexandria VA 15 June 2011, 4:10pm to 5pm HOUSE, DAVID / MANNING, BRADLEY / WIKILEAKS
13.07.2012 youtube.com HOPE 9 - WikiLeaks, Whistleblowers, and the War on the First Amendment WIKILEAKS ACLU
12.07.2012 bloomberg.com Iceland Court Orders Valitor To Process WikiLeaks Donations WIKILEAKS / VALITOR HF
12.07.2012 twitlonger.com WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE: Victory in the first court case in the fight against the imfamous Wikileaks banking blockade. WIKILEAKS
05.07.2012 ndr.de Abhörsichere Funktechnik aus Italien für Assad SY WIKILEAKS INTRACOM SELEX
05.07.2012 arstechnica.com Wikileaks: Italian firm sold Syria secure radios as crackdown raged: Companies worked around US and EU sanctions, built a secure "emergency" network. SY / WIKILEAKS / SELEX / FINMECCANICA
05.07.2012 huffingtonpost.com WikiLeaks Removes Associated Press From List of Media 'Collaborators' On Syria Docs WIKILEAKS / ASSOCIATED PRESS
05.07.2012 rt.com WikiLeaks releases Syria Files, almost 2.5 mln emails to be published WIKILEAKS / SY / FINMECCANICA
05.07.2012 taz.de WIKILEAKS SYRIA FILES: Post aus Damaskus - Wikileaks veröffentlicht einen Datensatz mit Emails aus und über Syrien. Darunter befinden sich sowohl sicherheitsrelevante als auch private Dokumente. SY WIKILEAKS
05.07.2012 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks publishes Syria emails - live updates SY / WIKILEAKS
05.07.2012 spiegel.de Datenschatz: WikiLeaks veröffentlicht E-Mails von Syriens Machtelite SY / WIKILEAKS
05.07.2012 frontlineclub.com WikiLeaks press conference on release of the Syria Files WIKILEAKS SY
04.07.2012 crikey.com.au US increases harassment of WikiLeaks, Assange associates WIKILEAKS
03.07.2012 guardian.co.uk Evidence of a US judicial vendetta against WikiLeaks activists mounts: Iceland's government warns me not to visit the US, which tried to hack my Twitter account: Julian Assange has legitimate fears WIKILEAKS
26.06.2012 afp WikiLeaks suspect wins battle over US documents WIKILEAKS / MANNING, BRADLEY
21.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange: Ecuador set to make decision on asylum application: Ecuador's deputy foreign minister says president is considering WikiLeaks founder's application for political asylum ASSANGE, JULIAN
21.06.2012 alexobrien.com WikiLeaks Grand Jury - 7 civilians being target by FBI for #WLGrandJury including #WikiLeaks founders, associates ASSANGE, JULIAN
21.06.2012 rt.com Wikileaks will carry on despite crackdown on whistleblowers - spokesman ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
19.06.2012 historyanarchy.blogspot.de US Army CID Implies WikiLeaks is a "Physical Threat," Under Investigation WIKILEAKS
12.06.2012 cryptome.org WikiLeaks q: Sigurdur Thordarson WIKILEAKS THORDARSON, SIGURDUR
30.05.2012 taz.de DIPLOMATEN-DEPESCHEN VON WIKILEAKS: Die CIA als Kronzeugin - Viele der von Wikileaks veröffentlichten Depeschen enthalten brisante, aber getarnte Informationen der CIA. Eine taz-Recherche offenbart nun den Tarnnamen des Geheimdienstes. WIKILEAKS CIA
29.05.2012 cryptome.org WikiLeaks under threat: Assange extradition judgement tomorrow ASSANGE, JULIAN WIKILEAKS
03.05.2012 dailyprincetonian.com Another look at WikiLeaks (Or not?) WIKILEAKS
19.04.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange's lawyer 'prevented from boarding flight at Heathrow': Jennifer Robinson says she was told she was on a 'watch list' and would need official approval to return to her native Australia WIKILEAKS ASSANGE, JULIAN ROBINSON, JENNIFER
28.03.2012 bible.cc Mark 4:22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open WIKILEAKS
XX.03.2012 p.twimg.com Jesus loves Wikileaks WIKILEAKS
15.03.2012 politico.com Blocking WikiLeaks emails trips up Bradley Manning prosecution MANNING, BRADLEY/WIKILEAKS
13.03.2012 rawstory.com Stratfor CEO: WikiLeaks ‘makes war more likely’ LULZSEC WIKILEAKS STRATFOR
07.03.2012 risky.biz Wikileaks Stratfor email dump could be FBI sting LULZSEC WIKILEAKS STRATFOR
06.03.2012 ghanaweb.com Are We Independent After 55 Years ? GH WIKILEAKS
29.02.2012 crikey.com.au The filth and the fury (and the catfood): Stratfor talks WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS
29.02.2012 thenation.com WikiLeaks 'Global Intel' Files: Wednesday (Feb. 29) Updates WIKILEAKS
29.02.2012 n-tv.de "Er wird für immer Katzenfutter fressen": US-Firma zerpflückt Assange WIKILEAKS STRATFOR
28.02.2012 telepolis.de WikiLeaks hat 5 Millionen STRATFOR-Dokumente: Private lives and private's lies of private spies STRATFOR WIKILEAKS
28.02.2012 handelsblatt.com WIKILEAKS-ENTHÜLLUNGEN: „Bomben auf Iran sollen die Eurokrise vertuschen“ STRATFOR WIKILEAKS
27.02.2012 theatlantic.com Stratfor Is a Joke and So Is Wikileaks for Taking It Seriously STRATFOR WIKILEAKS
27.02.2012 prnewswire.com Stratfor Statement on Wikileaks STRATFOR WIKILEAKS
27.02.2012 spiegel.de Stratfor-Hack: WikiLeaks blamiert die "Schatten-CIA" WIKILEAKS STRATFOR
23.02.2012 salon.com Julian Assange prepares his next move ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
22.02.2012 de.rian.ru Schwedens Außenminister Bildt ein US-Informant? Wikileaks bereitet Enthüllung vor WIKILEAKS / BILDT, CARL
25.01.2012 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer: Assanges Talkshow läuft bei russischem Sender
17.01.2012 justice.gov FOIA: Any and all records pertaining to WikiLeaks Organization - Full Denial WIKILEAKS US


Date Source Title Tags
19.12.2011 wired.com FinFisher, for all your state-supported cyberwar needs WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
18.12.2011 spiegel.de "FoWL": WikiLeaks gründet Sympathisanten-Netzwerk WIKILEAKS FOWL
15.12.2011 reputationsquad.com Communication Corporate: gérer la fin du secret et de la vie privée WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
04.12.2011 humanevents.com The Next WikiLeaks Bombshells? WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
03.12.2011 generation-nt.com Wikileaks : une faille dans iTunes pour contrôler votre PC WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
03.12.2011 thehindu.com How technology helped build a dystopia WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
03.12.2011 The Daily Star (Bangladesh) WikiLeaks unveils global surveillance industry WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
02.12.2011 thejournal.ie WikiLeaks releases ‘spy files’ WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
02.12.2011 spiegel.de "Spy Files": WikiLeaks wird zur Kampagnenplattform WIKILEAKS
02.12.2011 Times of India New WikiLeaks 'spy files' show global surveillance industry WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
02.12.2011 lematinal.com Wikileaks s’attaque à la surveillance des réseaux WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
02.12.2011 Indonesia Pagi WikiLeaks Addresses The Business of eSpionage WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
02.12.2011 ggsnews.com New WikiLeaks ‘spy files’ show global surveillance industry WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
02.12.2011 ceskapozice.cz WikiLeaks’ ‘Spy Files’ point finger at Czech firm Phonexia WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 gigaom.com Wikileaks’ Spy Files paints damning picture of tech surveillance WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 daily.wired.it WikiLeaks: a tutta intercettazione - Sono gli Spy Files: 287 documenti sulle imprese di intelligence che intercettano conversazioni, sms e traffico Web. E tra queste ce ne sono 7 italiane WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 huffingtonpost.co.uk Wikileaks' Spyfiles: Julian Assange Tells Phone Owners 'You're Screwed' WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 gizmodo.com Wikileaks Uncovers a Global Network of Surveillance Companies for Hire WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 demorgen.be Nieuwe WikiLeaks: de Spy Files WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 aretechnica.com Wikileaks docs reveal that governments use malware for surveillance: Wikileaks has published a collection of confidential brochures and product … WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 newscientist.com Global surveillance supermarket offered to dictators WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 wired.com WikiLeaks Unveils the Selling of Surveillance, Sort Of WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 cbsnews.com Wikileaks disclosure shines light on Big Brother WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
01.12.2011 24h Montreal LIBYE: Des opposants à Kadhafi espionnés à l'étranger par le régime WIKILEAKS SPY FILES
29.11.2010 new york observer Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist Organization [Video] ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
28.11.2011 eff.org Cablegate One Year Later: How WikiLeaks Has Influenced Foreign Policy, Journalism, and the First Amend WIKILEAKS EFF
28.11.2011 spiegel.de Enthüllungsplattform: WikiLeaks kündigt neues Einreichungssystem an WIKILEAKS
16.11.2011 state.gov Social Media Townterview Co-Hosted by GMA Networks and PLDT: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State - National Museum of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines PH / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
11.11.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Ermittlungen: Twitter muss Nutzerdaten herausgeben WIKILEAKS TWITTER
04.11.2011 wired.com Darpa’s Plan to Trap the Next WikiLeaker: Decoy Documents WIKILEAKS DARPA
27.10.2011 visir.is Stuðningsmaður Wikileaks stöðvaður - óþolandi áreiti segir þingmaður WIKILEAKS
24.10.2011 telekom-presse.at Die finanziellen Probleme von Wikileaks: Der US-Regierung ist es gelungen durch Druck auf die Finanzorganisationen die Mittel zu entziehen. Wikileaks ist dmit de facto pleite und kann nicht mehr arbeiten. WIKILEAKS
10.10.2011 spiegel.de Anordnung der US-Regierung: Internetfirmen sollen WikiLeaks-Helfer bloßstellen WIKILEAKS
07.10.2011 whitehouse.gov Fact Sheet: Safeguarding the U.S. Government's Classified Information and Networks LEAKS WIKILEAKS
02.09.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Debatte: Attacke auf die Pressefreiheit WIKILEAKS CDU KAUDER, SIEGFRIED
02.09.2011 spiegel.de Flucht nach vorn: WikiLeaks stellt US-Depeschen selbst ins Netz WIKILEAKS
01.09.2011 spiegel.de Depeschen-Debakel: WikiLeaks' wunde Punkte WIKILEAKS
20110831 nigelparry.com Guardian Investigative Editor David Leigh publishes top secret Cablegate password revealing names of U.S. collaborators and informants... in his book WIKILEAKS / LEIGH, DAVID
28.08.2011 spiegel.de Botschaftsdepeschen: WikiLeaks-Streit gefährdet vertrauliche Daten WIKILEAKS
19.08.2011 heise.de OpenLeaks-Gründer wollen Wikileaks-Dateien löschen OPENLEAKS / WIKILEAKS / DOMSCHEIT-BERG, DANIEL
15.08.2011 spiegel.de Chaos-Computer-Club-Vorstand Andy Müller-Maguhn, 39, über den Konflikt der Enthüllungsprojekte WikiLeaks und OpenLeaks OPENLEAKS / WIKILEAKS / DOMSCHEIT-BERG, DANIEL
11.05.2011 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks: US opens grand jury hearing: First session of process of deciding whether to prosecute website and founder Julian Assange for espionage WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
25.04.2011 spiegel.de Guantanamo-Dokumente: WikiLeaks erinnert Obama an sein gebrochenes Versprechen WIKILEAKS
25.04.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen: Die Geheimakte Guantanamo WIKILEAKS
25.04.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks: US-Regierung verurteilt Guantanamo-Enthüllungen WIKILEAKS
25.04.2011 spiegel.de Militärdokumente: WikiLeaks enthüllt Guantanamo-Geheimnisse WIKILEAKS
14.04.2011 wired.com WikiLeaks Associates Hit Back Over U.S. Twitter Records Demand WIKILEAKS
16.03.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Depeschen: Atomwächter warnten früh vor Meiler-Mängeln WIKILEAKS JP
01.03.2011 deadline.com DreamWorks Enters WikiLeaks Movie Sweepstakes, Buying Two Major Books WIKILEAKS DREAMWORKS
08.02.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Berichterstattung: Russland weist britischen Journalisten aus - Russland hat einen Korrespondenten des britischen "Guardian" ausgewiesen. Der Zeitung zufolge wurde ihrem Russland-Experten Luke Harding die Einreise verboten, als er nach zwei Monaten wieder nach Moskau zurückkehren wollte. Er hatte von London aus über die WikiLeaks-Dokumente berichtet. WIKILEAKS GB RU GUARDIAN
08.02.2011 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices - US diplomat convinced by Saudi expert that reserves of world's biggest oil exporter have been overstated by nearly 40% WIKILEAKS SA
25.01.2011 telepolis.de Der eigentliche Held von WikiLeaks ist der Loser - Warum kümmern sich die Profiteure eigentlich so wenig um das Schicksal des mutmaßlichen Whistleblowers Bradley? WIKILEAKS MANNING, BRADLEY
21.01.2011 spiegel.de Verurteilter Ex-Banker: WikiLeaks-Informant Elmer legt Berufung ein WIKILEAKS ELMER, RUDOLF
13.01.2011 nationaltimes.com.au Can't hide love for WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS
10.01.2011 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Unterstützer: Islands Außenminister protestiert gegen US-Ermittlungen WIKILEAKS
20110105 haaretz.com WikiLeaks: Israel aimed to keep Gaza economy on brink of collapse - Cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv says Israeli officials wanted Gaza's economy 'functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.' IL / PS / WIKILEAKS
04.01.2011 wlcentral.org 2011-01-04 James Richardson's Collateral Damage in the Guardian: WikiLeaks & Tsvangirai RICHARDSON, JAMES WIKILEAKS ZW


Date Source Title Tags
18.12.2010 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks cables: Julian Assange says his life is 'under threat' / WikiLeaks founder says Swedish rape case is 'a travesty' / Bank of America blocks WikiLeaks payments ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
18.12.2010 spiegel.de Neue Blockade: Bank of America stoppt Geldfluss an WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS BANK OF AMERICA
17.12.2010 nationalreview.com WikiLeaks Will Get Americans WikiKilled: Secrets help keep free people free. WIKILEAKS
17.12.2010 cfr.org WikiLeaks and Challenges to Internet Freedom WIKILEAKS
10.12.2010 computerworlduk.com Sarah Palin says: target WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange like the Taliban WIKILEAKS ASSANGE, JULIAN
08.12.2010 independent.co.uk Assange could face espionage trial in US: Washington sees chance as WikiLeaks founder is jailed as battle begins to prevent extradition over sex charges ASSANGE, JULIAN WIKILEAKS
08.12.2010 bbc.co.uk US State Department: 'Assange must return stolen cables' US / US STATE DEPARTMENT / ASSANGE, JULIAN
07.12.2010 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks to keep releasing cables despite Assange arrest ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
05.12.2010 spiegel.de Depeschen-Enthüllung: Australische Polizei ermittelt gegen WikiLeaks-Chef WIKILEAKS / AU
02.12.2010 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen: Briten tricksen beim Streubomben-Verbot WIKILEAKS / GB
20101201 talkingpointsmemo.com How Lieberman Got Amazon To Drop Wikileaks WIKILEAKS / AMAZON / LIEBERMAN, JOE
30.11.2010 weekly standard Whack WikiLeaks: And there's a role for Congress WIKILEAKS
23.10.2010 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Irak-Protokolle: Echo eines verdrängten Kriegs WIKILEAKS IQ
10.08.2010 thedailybeast.com U.S. Urges Allies to Crack Down on WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS / GB / DE / AU
03.08.2010 THIESSEN, MARC@washingtonpost.com WikiLeaks must be stopped WIKILEAKS
26.07.2010 spiegel.de Afghanistan-Protokolle: Weißes Haus attackiert WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS AF US
20100327 salon.com The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - The U.S. government escalates its campaign to harass and destroy a key whistle-blowing site WIKILEAKS / CIA / AF / DE / FR / NL
17.03.2010 nytimes.com Pentagon Sees a Threat From Online Muckrakers WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN


Author Publisher Title Year ISBN Tags
GOODALE, JAMES CUNY Journalism Press Fighting for the press - The Inside Story of the Pentagon Papers and Other Battles 2013 978-1939293084 WHISTLEBLOWING / NEW YORK TIMES / WIKILEAKS


Name Resource Comment
Wikileaks http://www.wikileaks.org/
WL Storage http://wlstorage.net/file/
The Global Intelligence Files http://wikileaks.org/the-gifiles.html
Search Engine for the Global Intelligence Files http://dazzlepod.com/gifiles/
WL Central http://wlcentral.org/
WL Friends https://wlfriends.org/
Public Library of US Diplomacy http://wikileaks.org/plusd/

Publication Review

Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010



Date Source Title Tags
20130412 youtube.com Jung & Naiv - Episode 36c - Your questions for the US Ambassador to Germany, Philip D. Murphy MURPHY, PHILIP D. / WIKILEAKS
youtube.com YouTube - Wikileaks keeps on publishing despite arrest WIKILEAKS
wikileaks.org The world tomorrow WIKILEAKS