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|20200317||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/483231-us-nato-defender-drills-coronavirus/ US halts deployment & recalls troops from NATO’s biggest drill ‘Defender Europe 2020’ due to coronavirus threat]||[[US ARMY]]
|20200312||zeroehedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/30000-us-soldiers-arrive-europe-without-masks 30,000 US Soldiers Arrive In Europe Without Masks]||[[COVID-19]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[EU]]
|20200312||zeroehedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/30000-us-soldiers-arrive-europe-without-masks 30,000 US Soldiers Arrive In Europe Without Masks]||[[COVID-19]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[EU]]

Revision as of 12:53, 18 March 2020



Date Source Title Tags
20200317 rt.com US halts deployment & recalls troops from NATO’s biggest drill ‘Defender Europe 2020’ due to coronavirus threat US ARMY
20200312 zeroehedge.com 30,000 US Soldiers Arrive In Europe Without Masks COVID-19 / US ARMY / EU


Date Source Title Tags
20191023 rt.com legal action’: Iraq pleads with UN to kick unauthorized US forces out of country IQ / UN / US ARMY
20191020 rt.com Leave nothing behind? US forces DESTROY own airfield, equipment as they flee northern Syria (PHOTOS) US ARMY / SY
20190720 zerohedge.com Hundreds Of US Troops Begin Deployment To Saudi Arabia To Counter Iran US ARMY / US / SA / IR
20190720 rt.com Coming back to another warzone: US troops leaving Syria will find ‘home’ in… western Iraq SY / US ARMY / IQ
20190617 rt.com All about ‘freedom gas’? Washington ‘plays Polish card against Germans’ moving US troops east US ARMY / PL / DE
20190612 spiegel.de Nato-Partner Trump erwägt, US-Truppen von Deutschland nach Polen zu verlegen TRUMP, DONALD / US ARMY / DE / PL
20190606 spiegel.de Drohende Exportbeschränkung aus China US-Militär sucht neue Lieferanten für seltene Erden RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS / US / US ARMY
20190525 bloomberg.com U.S. Military to Trawl Through 350 Billion Social Media Messages SOCIAL MEDIA / US ARMY
20190511 rt.com US deploying even more missiles to Middle East as Iran saber-rattling reaches fever pitch US ARMY / IR
20190502 zerohedge.com US Military Stops Releasing Information On Afghanistan War AF / US / US ARMY
20190501 apnews.com US military stops releasing Afghanistan war information US / US ARMY / AF
20190319 morgenpost.de Flughafen Tegel: US-Armee schickt 1500 Soldaten via Berlin nach Polen US ARMY
20190313 spiegel.de Prozess in Münster Somalier verklagt Deutschland wegen US-Drohnenangriff SO / US ARMY / DE
20190309 rt.com US may demand ‘allies’ pay 150% for privilege of hosting troops US ARMY


Date Source Title Tags
20181231 rt.com US Strategic Command boasts about its bombs in disturbing New Year message US ARMY
20181202 rt.com Microsoft vows to hand over all its technologies to ‘ethical & honorable’ US military MICROSOFT / US ARMY
20180908 rt.com US Army to send 1500 more troops to Germany despite Trump’s calls for allies ‘to pay more’ US ARMY / DE / NATO
20180630 spiegel.de Medienbericht USA prüfen offenbar Truppenabzug aus Deutschland US / US ARMY / NATO / PL
20180315 bangkokpost.com 50 years ago, My Lai massacre shamed US military US ARMY / VN


Date Source Title Tags
20171224 spiegel.de Truppenbesuch in Norwegen US-General stimmt Soldaten auf "großen Kampf" ein NELLER, ROBERT / US ARMY
20170226 bangkokpost.com With the police denying prostitution exists in Pattaya, activists say there's little chance of the sex trade being decriminalised - No sex please, we're Thai TH / UTP / R&R / US ARMY / VIETNAM WAR


Date Source Title Tags
20150725 spiegel.de Ausbildermission: US-Armee drillt Kiews Spezialeinheiten UA / US ARMY / US


Date Source Title Tags
20130628 guardian.co.uk US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve 'network hygiene' - Military admits to filtering reports and content relating to government surveillance programs for thousands of personnel GUARDIAN / US ARMY / CENSORSHIP / LEAKS
20130628 spiegel.de Zensur: US-Armee sperrt Zugang zu "Guardian"-Artikeln US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130628 rt.com US Army restricts access to Guardian website over secrets in NSA leak stories US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130509 wired.com U.S. Kicks Drug-War Habit, Makes Peace With Afghan Poppies AF / OPIUM / US ARMY
20130507 spiegel.de US-Militär: Pentagon-Studie offenbart Anstieg sexueller Übergriffe US ARMY / RAPE
20130307 spiegel.de Geheime Video-Aufnahmen im Irak: Im Folterkeller der US-Soldaten TORTURE / US ARMY / BLACK SITES / SAMARA
20130223 welt.de "Frauen dienen hier, um gevögelt zu werden" - Der Oscar-nominierte Dokumentarfilm "The Invisible War" erzählt von ungesühnten Vergewaltigungen im amerikanischen Militär. Die Geschichten der porträtierten Frauen verschlagen dem Zuschauer den Atem. US ARMY / RAPE
20130115 spiegel.de Pentagon-Statistik: Mehr US-Soldaten sterben durch Selbstmord als im Kampf US / US ARMY


Date Source Title Tags
02.03.2012 spiegel.de Koran-Verbrennung: US-Soldaten soll Prozess erspart bleiben US ARMY
01.03.2012 wired.com Secret Army Bomb Jammers Stolen in Afghanistan AF US ARMY