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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2023 ==
|20230410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/574506-biden-recruits-tiktok-reelection-briefing/ Biden will give influencers White House briefing room – media]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TIKTOK]]
== 2020 ==
|20201102||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/non-scalable-fence-built-around-white-house-250-soldiers-standby-handle-election-night"Non-Scalable" Fence Built Around White House, 250 Soldiers On Standby To Handle Election Night Chaos]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20201003||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502431-trump-circle-covid-positive/ White House superspreader event? Sens. Thom Tillis & Mike Lee, ex-Trump aide Kellyanne Conway latest to test positive for Covid-19]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200807||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3096405/tiktok-wechat-targeted-us-ban-trumps-latest-executive-orders TikTok, WeChat targeted for US ban with Trump’s latest executive orders]||[[TIKTOK]] / [[WECHAT]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200807||rt.com||[https://rt.com/usa/497316-trump-executive-order-tiktok/ ‘National security threat’? Trump signs executive orders on TikTok & WeChat, bans transactions with Chinese owners in 45 days]||[[TIKTOK]] / [[WECHAT]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200806||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-addressing-threat-posed-tiktok/ Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok]||[[TIKTOK]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200511||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/488370-navarro-coronavirus-china-at-war/ ‘We are at war. Make no mistake’: WH official kicks anti-China rhetoric up a notch]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US-CN]] / [[NAVARRO, PETER]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200511||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/white-house-orders-all-staff-wear-face-masks-all-times White House Orders All Staff To Wear Face Masks 'At All Times']||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200511||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/mike-pence-us-vizepraesident-verweigert-offenbar-quarantaene-a-afe0be90-6e26-4a94-a979-ef65470362f7 Trotz Infektion im direkten Umfeld US-Vizepräsident Pence verweigert offenbar Quarantäne]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[PENCE, MIKE]]
|20200510||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3083689/coronavirus-dr-anthony-fauci-self-quarantining Coronavirus: Dr Anthony Fauci self-quarantining along with two other White House task force members]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200508||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/488208-white-house-aide-coronavirus/ Resistance rejoices as wife of Trump immigration aide tests positive for Covid-19]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200508||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/aide-mike-pence-tests-positive-covid-19 Staffer Who Tested Positive For COVID-19 Had "Limited" Contact With Pence, Trump Says]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200507||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/488063-trump-valet-positive-coronavirus/ ANOTHER person in contact with Trump gets Covid-19, getting CNN all excited again]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200311||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-secrecy-exclusive/exclusive-white-house-told-federal-health-agency-to-classify-coronavirus-deliberations-sources-idUSKBN20Y2LM Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources]||[[COVID-19]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200219||bbc.com||[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-51566470 Julian Assange: Trump 'offered pardon for Russia denial']||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GRISHAM, STEPHANIE]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
== 2018 ==
|20181121||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-21/white-house-authorizes-lethal-force-border White House Authorizes Lethal Force At The Border]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20181108||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/443392-cnn-acosta-suspended-trump/ CNN's Acosta denied entry to White House following aggressive Trump press-conference]||[[CNN]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20181019||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/10/19/world-has-question-white-house-when-do-murders-matter/ The world has a question for the White House: When do murders matter?]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20181019||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/19/crown-prince-mohammed-jamal-khashoggi-killing-mi6-sir-john-sawers Evidence suggests crown prince ordered Khashoggi killing, says ex-MI6 chief]||[[SAWERS, JOHN]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20180818||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-18/white-house-counsel-cooperating-extensively-obstruction-probe-spent-30-hours White House Counsel "Cooperating Extensively" With Obstruction Probe, Trump Says He Allowed It]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180812||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-12/listen-lowlife-omarosas-secret-recording-john-kelly-firing-her-white-house Listen To "Lowlife" Omarosa's Secret Recording Of John Kelly Firing Her From The White House]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20180802||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-russland-mischt-sich-offenbar-weiter-in-us-wahlen-ein-a-1221454.html Weißes Haus Russland mischt sich offenbar weiter in US-Wahlen ein]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20180628||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/28/us/politics/trump-anthony-kennedy-retirement.html Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening]||[[KENNEDY, ANTHONY]] / [[SUPREME COURT]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180104||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-04/trump-admin-bans-all-personal-devices-white-house Trump Admin Bans "All Personal Devices" From White House]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20180104||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-donald-trump-verbannt-private-telefone-aus-westfluegel-des-weissen-hauses-a-1186232.html Weißes Haus Trump verbannt private Mobiltelefone aus dem Westflügel]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
== 2017 ==
|20170801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-entlaesst-anthony-scaramucci-analyse-zum-chaos-im-weissen-haus-a-1160804.html Chaos im Weißen Haus Feuer frei]||[[SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170528||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-plant-offenbar-sonderteam-fuer-vorwuerfe-in-russland-affaere-a-1149576.html Russlandaffäre "War Room" soll Vorwürfe gegen Trump abwehren]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[PRIEBUS, REINCE]] / [[BANNON, STEVE]]
|20170420||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-whitehouse-security-idUSKBN17M05B White House sidewalk to be closed to public permanently]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20170414||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-schraenkt-transparenz-im-weissen-haus-ein-a-1143433.html USA Trump schränkt Transparenz im Weißen Haus ein]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20170406||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/383763-pentagon-syria-military-brief/ Pentagon, White House in detailed discussions on military options in Syria - US official]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[US]] / [[SY]] / [[RU]]
|20170323||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ivanka-trump-bekommt-bueroraeume-im-weissen-haus-a-1139677.html Präsidententochter Ivanka Trump bekommt Büroräume im Weißen Haus]||[[TRUMP, IVANKA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20170208||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-die-white-house-leaks-hilferufe-aus-dem-weissen-haus-a-1133578.html Leaks über Donald Trump Hilferufe aus dem Weißen Haus]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2016 ==
|20161229||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/12/29/annex-executive-order-taking-additional-steps-address-national-emergency Annex to Executive Order -- Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20161229||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/12/29/executive-order-taking-additional-steps-address-national-emergency Executive Order -- Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20161229||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2016/12/29/presidents-response-russias-actions-during-2016-election-what-you-need-know The Administration’s Response to Russia: What You Need to Know]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20161228||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/12/29/letter-president-taking-additional-steps-address-national-emergency Letter from the President -- Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20161212||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/370079-white-house-trump-russia/ White House attacks Trump over connections to Russia and RT]||[[EARNEST, JOSH]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
|20160818||theregister.co.uk||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/18/google_had_obamas_ear_on_antitrust_probe/ Google had Obama's ear during antitrust probe - Wait, whaaat? This isn't supposed to happen]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
== 2015 ==
|20150728||rt.com||[http://www.rt.com/usa/311010-white-house-snowden-petition/ WH on pardon petition: Snowden should ‘accept the consequences’ of leaks, face trial]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
== 2014 ==
|20141029||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/cyberangriff-in-usa-hacker-greifen-netzwerk-der-us-regierung-an-a-999838.html Cyberattacke: Hacker greifen Netzwerk der US-Regierung an]||[[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20140526||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/weisses-haus-enttarnt-versehentlich-cia-chef-in-kabul-a-971646.html Datenpanne: Weißes Haus enttarnt versehentlich CIA-Chef in Kabul]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[CIA]]
|20140418||dcclothesline.com||[http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/04/18/white-house-counterterror-chief-confrontational-children-terrorists/ White House Counterterror Chief: “Confrontational” Children Could be Terrorists]||[[MONACO, LISA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TERRORISM]]
|20140415||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-cia-chef-brennan-sprach-in-kiew-mit-geheimdienstbeamten-a-964489.html Brennan in der Ukraine: Was machte der CIA-Chef in Kiew?]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[UA]]
|20140414||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/white-house-confirms-cia-ukraine-448/ White House confirms CIA director visited Ukraine over weekend]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[UA]]
|20140403||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/03/white-house-cuban-twitter-zunzuneo-covert White House denies 'Cuban Twitter' ZunZuneo programme was covert]||[[USAID]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[CU]] / [[ZUNZUNEO]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20140323||pando.com||[http://pando.com/2014/03/23/revealed-visitor-logs-show-full-extent-of-pierre-and-pamela-omidyars-cozy-white-house-ties/ Revealed: Visitor logs show full extent of Pierre and Pamela Omidyar´s cozy White House ties]||[[OMIDYAR, PIERRE]] / [[OMIDYAR, PAMELA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
== 2013 ==
|20131221||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/22/us/white-house-tries-to-prevent-judge-from-ruling-on-surveillance-efforts.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&pagewanted=all&adxnnlx=1387883060-hGHMyZXetVItohzJMjAQRA White House Tries to Prevent Judge From Ruling on Surveillance Efforts]||[[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20131028||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/nsa-intelligence-requite-constraints-873/ White House: NSA intelligence-gathering may require additional constraints]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[NSA]]
|20131028||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/nsa-intelligence-requite-constraints-873/ White House: NSA intelligence-gathering may require additional constraints]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[NSA]]
Line 14: Line 166:
|20130724||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/white-house-amash-nsa-531/ White House denounces Amash amendment as dismantling of NSA]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[NSA]]
|20130724||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/white-house-amash-nsa-531/ White House denounces Amash amendment as dismantling of NSA]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[NSA]]
|20130625||politico.com||[http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/edward-snowden-location-russia-putin-93328.html White House to Vladimir Putin: Extradite Snowden “without delay”]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[RU]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
= Resources =
* https://twitter.com/AngryWHStaffer
* https://twitter.com/RogueSNRadvisor
[[Category:GO]] [[Category:US]]
[[Category:GO]] [[Category:US]]

Latest revision as of 12:22, 12 April 2023



Date Source Title Tags
20230410 rt.com Biden will give influencers White House briefing room – media WHITE HOUSE / TIKTOK


Date Source Title Tags
20201102 zerohedge.com "Non-Scalable" Fence Built Around White House, 250 Soldiers On Standby To Handle Election Night Chaos WHITE HOUSE
20201003 rt.com White House superspreader event? Sens. Thom Tillis & Mike Lee, ex-Trump aide Kellyanne Conway latest to test positive for Covid-19 TRUMP, DONALD / WHITE HOUSE
20200807 scmp.com TikTok, WeChat targeted for US ban with Trump’s latest executive orders TIKTOK / WECHAT / US / WHITE HOUSE
20200807 rt.com ‘National security threat’? Trump signs executive orders on TikTok & WeChat, bans transactions with Chinese owners in 45 days TIKTOK / WECHAT / US / WHITE HOUSE
20200806 whitehouse.gov Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok TIKTOK / US / WHITE HOUSE
20200511 rt.com ‘We are at war. Make no mistake’: WH official kicks anti-China rhetoric up a notch ATTRIBUTION / US-CN / NAVARRO, PETER / WHITE HOUSE
20200511 zerohedge.com White House Orders All Staff To Wear Face Masks 'At All Times' WHITE HOUSE
20200511 spiegel.de Trotz Infektion im direkten Umfeld US-Vizepräsident Pence verweigert offenbar Quarantäne WHITE HOUSE / PENCE, MIKE
20200510 scmp.com Coronavirus: Dr Anthony Fauci self-quarantining along with two other White House task force members WHITE HOUSE
20200508 rt.com Resistance rejoices as wife of Trump immigration aide tests positive for Covid-19 WHITE HOUSE
20200508 zerohedge.com Staffer Who Tested Positive For COVID-19 Had "Limited" Contact With Pence, Trump Says WHITE HOUSE
20200507 rt.com ANOTHER person in contact with Trump gets Covid-19, getting CNN all excited again WHITE HOUSE
20200311 reuters.com Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources COVID-19 / WHITE HOUSE
20200219 bbc.com Julian Assange: Trump 'offered pardon for Russia denial' ASSANGE, JULIAN / ROHRABACHER, DANA / TRUMP, DONALD / GRISHAM, STEPHANIE / WHITE HOUSE


Date Source Title Tags
20181121 zerohedge.com White House Authorizes Lethal Force At The Border WHITE HOUSE
20181108 rt.com CNN's Acosta denied entry to White House following aggressive Trump press-conference CNN / WHITE HOUSE
20181019 washingtonpost.com The world has a question for the White House: When do murders matter? KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / WHITE HOUSE
20181019 theguardian.com Evidence suggests crown prince ordered Khashoggi killing, says ex-MI6 chief SAWERS, JOHN / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / WHITE HOUSE
20180818 zerohegde.com White House Counsel "Cooperating Extensively" With Obstruction Probe, Trump Says He Allowed It MUELLER, ROBERT / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180812 zerohegde.com Listen To "Lowlife" Omarosa's Secret Recording Of John Kelly Firing Her From The White House WHITE HOUSE
20180802 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Russland mischt sich offenbar weiter in US-Wahlen ein WHITE HOUSE / US / RU
20180628 nytimes.com Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening KENNEDY, ANTHONY / SUPREME COURT / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180104 zerohedge.com Trump Admin Bans "All Personal Devices" From White House WHITE HOUSE
20180104 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Trump verbannt private Mobiltelefone aus dem Westflügel WHITE HOUSE


Date Source Title Tags
20170801 spiegel.de Chaos im Weißen Haus Feuer frei SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170528 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre "War Room" soll Vorwürfe gegen Trump abwehren WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PRIEBUS, REINCE / BANNON, STEVE
20170420 reuters.com White House sidewalk to be closed to public permanently WHITE HOUSE
20170414 spiegel.de USA Trump schränkt Transparenz im Weißen Haus ein TRUMP, DONALD / WHITE HOUSE
20170406 rt.com Pentagon, White House in detailed discussions on military options in Syria - US official PENTAGON / WHITE HOUSE / US / SY / RU
20170323 spiegel.de Präsidententochter Ivanka Trump bekommt Büroräume im Weißen Haus TRUMP, IVANKA / WHITE HOUSE
20170208 spiegel.de Leaks über Donald Trump Hilferufe aus dem Weißen Haus WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20161229 whitehouse.gov Annex to Executive Order -- Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities WHITE HOUSE
20161229 whitehouse.gov Executive Order -- Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities WHITE HOUSE
20161229 whitehouse.gov The Administration’s Response to Russia: What You Need to Know WHITE HOUSE
20161228 whitehouse.gov Letter from the President -- Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities WHITE HOUSE
20161212 rt.com White House attacks Trump over connections to Russia and RT EARNEST, JOSH / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20160818 theregister.co.uk Google had Obama's ear during antitrust probe - Wait, whaaat? This isn't supposed to happen GOOGLE / WHITE HOUSE / OBAMA, BARACK


Date Source Title Tags
20150728 rt.com WH on pardon petition: Snowden should ‘accept the consequences’ of leaks, face trial SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHITE HOUSE


Date Source Title Tags
20141029 spiegel.de Cyberattacke: Hacker greifen Netzwerk der US-Regierung an WHITE HOUSE
20140526 spiegel.de Datenpanne: Weißes Haus enttarnt versehentlich CIA-Chef in Kabul WHITE HOUSE / CIA
20140418 dcclothesline.com White House Counterterror Chief: “Confrontational” Children Could be Terrorists MONACO, LISA / WHITE HOUSE / TERRORISM
20140415 spiegel.de Brennan in der Ukraine: Was machte der CIA-Chef in Kiew? BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / WHITE HOUSE / UA
20140414 rt.com White House confirms CIA director visited Ukraine over weekend BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / WHITE HOUSE / UA
20140403 theguardian.com White House denies 'Cuban Twitter' ZunZuneo programme was covert USAID / TWITTER / CU / ZUNZUNEO / WHITE HOUSE
20140323 pando.com Revealed: Visitor logs show full extent of Pierre and Pamela Omidyar´s cozy White House ties OMIDYAR, PIERRE / OMIDYAR, PAMELA / WHITE HOUSE


Date Source Title Tags
20131221 nytimes.com White House Tries to Prevent Judge From Ruling on Surveillance Efforts US / WHITE HOUSE
20131028 rt.com White House: NSA intelligence-gathering may require additional constraints WHITE HOUSE / NSA
20130820 theguardian.com David Miranda detention: White House was given 'heads-up' - US says it did not sanction holding Glenn Greenwald's partner at Heathrow, but was told his name was on passenger list MIRANDA, DAVID / GREENWALD, GLENN / GB / US / WHITE HOUSE
20130819 wsj.com Transcript: White House Comments on Heathrow Detention MIRANDA, DAVID / WHITE HOUSE
20130813 rt.com White House denies DNI Clapper will head ‘independent’ NSA review group CLAPPER, JAMES / WHITE HOUSE / NSA
20130724 rt.com White House denounces Amash amendment as dismantling of NSA WHITE HOUSE / NSA
20130625 politico.com White House to Vladimir Putin: Extradite Snowden “without delay” SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / WHITE HOUSE / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
