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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2023 ==
|20231125||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hillary-clinton-among-top-picks-run-2024-if-joe-biden-doesnt-poll Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
== 2021 ==
|20210119||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/512912-clinton-pelosi-putin-trump-capitol/ QAnon for Democrats? Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pelosi suggest Putin ORDERED Trump to launch Capitol siege in unhinged interview]||[[PELOSI, NANCY]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2020 ==
|20201010||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/mike-pompeo-us-aussenminister-will-e-mails-von-hillary-clinton-veroeffentlichen-a-548f1589-5cac-4069-bde8-b73b7a8abc9e US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo will E-Mails von Hillary Clinton veröffentlichen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20200929||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/us-intelligence-investigated-hillary-clinton-over-alleged-plan-smear-trump-russia Hillary Clinton Accused Of Approving Scheme To Smear Trump With Russia Accusations]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20200821||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hillary-clinton-gave-ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-very-powerful-position-state-department Hillary Clinton Gave Ghislaine Maxwell's Nephew "Very Powerful" Position At State Department: Report]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[MAXWELL, GHISLAINE]] / [[DJERASSI, ALEXANDER]]
== 2019 ==
|20191210||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fisa-report-reveals-clinton-meddled-2016-election FISA Report Reveals Clinton Meddled In 2016 Election]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[OHR, BRUCE]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[SIMPSON, GLENN]] / [[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]]
|20191203||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/clintons-vacationed-extensively-epsteins-new-mexico-baby-making-ranch-report Clintons Vacationed Extensively At Epstein's New Mexico 'Baby-Making Ranch': Report]||[[EPSTEIN, JEFFREY]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20191102||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/472436-hillary-clinton-kill-epstein-joke/ ‘How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?’ Hillary Clinton bursts into laughter over dead body joke… again]||[[EPSTEIN, JEFFREY]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20191019||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-warnt-vor-russischer-unterstuetzung-fuer-kandidatin-tulsi-gabbard-a-1292321.html Tulsi Gabbard Hillary Clinton warnt vor russischer Unterstützung für Kandidatin bei US-Wahl]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[GABBARD, TULSI]]
|20191018||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/twitter-war-breaks-out-between-russian-asset-tulsi-gabbard-and-warmongering-queen-hillaryTwitter War Breaks Out Between "Russian Asset" Tulsi Gabbard And "Warmongering Queen" Hillary Clinton]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[GABBARD, TULSI]]
|20190818||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-17/americas-benevolent-bombing-serbia America’s Benevolent Bombing Of Serbia]||[[RS]] / [[US]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190815||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-15/why-were-hillary-clintons-emails-blind-copied-gmail-address-named-after-chinese Why Were Hillary Clinton's Emails Blind-Copied To Gmail Address Named After Chinese Firm?]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190812||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-12/who-blame-clintonbodycount-trending-russian-trolls-course Who Is To Blame For #ClintonBodyCount Trending? Russian Trolls, Of Course!]||[[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190725||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-25/clinton-body-count-trending-twitter-establishment-blames-russia "Clinton Body Count" Is Trending On Twitter, The Establishment Blames Russia]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190722||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-22/non-hack-hurt-hillary-3rd-anniversary-wikileaks-release-dnc-emails The Non-Hack That Hurt Hillary - On The 3rd Anniversary Of WikiLeaks Release Of The DNC Emails]||[[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20190531||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/460690-clinton-cybersecurity-keynote-speech/ Hillary Clinton to give keynote speech at cybersecurity summit (yes, really)]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CYBERSECURITY]]
|20190502||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-02/hillary-clinton-asks-china-steal-trumps-tax-returns Hillary Clinton Asks China To Steal Trump's Tax Returns]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190423||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-23/hillary-outlines-roadmap-trump-impeachment-says-anyone-else-would-have-been Hillary Outlines "Roadmap" To Trump Impeachment, Says "Anyone Else Would Have Been Indicted"]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190417||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-17/senate-leaders-want-information-highly-classified-fbi-memo-about-clinton Senate Leaders Want Information On "Highly Classified" FBI Memo About Clinton]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20190412||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/456301-hillary-clinton-jokes-assange-arrest/ Hillary Clinton shows signature style as she chuckles over Assange’s arrest]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20190402||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-01/russiagate-why-did-ever-start-first-place RussiaGate: "Why Did This Ever Start In The First Place?"]||[[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20190215||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-15/foia-docs-reveal-obama-fbi-covered-chart-potential-hillary-clinton-crimes FOIA Docs Reveal Obama FBI Covered Up "Chart" Of Potential Hillary Clinton Crimes]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
== 2018 ==
|20181218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/446776-clinton-steele-election-challenge-russia/ Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele]||[[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20181205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/445680-trump-clintons-bush41-funeral/ Trump ignores stone-faced Hillary, greets Obamas as all sit awkwardly together at Bush 41’s funeral]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20181202||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-02/even-nytimes-thinks-its-curtains-clintons Even The NYTimes Thinks Its 'Curtains For The Clintons']||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]]
|20181201||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/01/opinion/sunday/hillary-bill-clinton-tour.html Opinion: Curtains for the Clintons]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]]
|20181116||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-16/hillary-clinton-ordered-answer-additional-questions-under-oath-about-private-email Hillary Clinton Ordered To Answer Additional Questions Under Oath About Private Email Server]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20181024||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-ueber-mutmassliche-paketbomben-verstoerende-zeit-a-1234989.html Clinton über mutmaßliche Paketbomben "Es ist eine Zeit tiefer Spaltung"]||[[US]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CNN]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20181024||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bill-clinton-und-hillary-clinton-bombe-am-grundstueck-entdeckt-a-1234939.html Möglicher Bombenfund Secret Service fängt "verdächtige Pakete" an Obama und Clinton ab]||[[US]] / [[SOROS, GEORGE]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180910||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-10/google-was-working-get-hillary-clinton-elected-silent-donation-according-leaked Google Was "Working To Get Hillary Clinton Elected" With "Silent Donation" According To Leaked Internal Email]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180829||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/437105-china-clinton-hacking-server-email/ 'Are they sure it wasn't the Russians?' Clinton's emails were reportedly hacked by China]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180827||dailycaller.com||[https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/27/china-hacked-clinton-server/ SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180815||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-15/was-hillary-real-colluder Was Hillary The Real Colluder?]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180717||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-16/putin-claims-us-intelligence-agents-funneled-400-million-clinton-campaign Putin Claims U.S. Intelligence Agents Funneled $400 Million To Clinton Campaign]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[BROWDER, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20180714||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-14/majority-clinton-emails-funneled-foreign-entity-when-ig-told-strzok-he-completely Majority Of Clinton Emails Funneled To "Foreign Entity"; When IG Told Strzok - He Completely Ignored]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180525||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/427819-clinton-facebook-ceo-news/ Hillary Clinton wants to be CEO of Facebook]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20180324||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/hillary-clinton-wurde-im-wahlkampf-mithilfe-deutsche-e-mails-gehackt-a-1199566.html US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf Demokraten sind mithilfe deutscher E-Mails gehackt worden]||[[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20180318||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-18/meet-hillary-clintons-other-much-more-powerful-and-shadowy-oppo-research-firm Meet Hillary Clinton's Other, More Powerful And Shadowy Oppo Research Firm]||[[HAKLUYT & COMPANY]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[DNC]]
|20180208||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/418264-uranium-one-scandal-russian-collusion/ Uranium One scandal shows Washington still blames Russia for everything]||[[URANIUM ONE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CLINTON FOUNDATION]]
|20180118||mintpressnews.com||[https://www.mintpressnews.com/fbi-whistleblower-on-pierre-omidyar-campaign-to-neuter-wikileaks/236414/ FBI Whistleblower on Pierre Omidyar and His Campaign to Neuter Wikileaks]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[FPF]] / [[OMIDYAR, PIERRE]] / [[ELLSBERG, DANIEL]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[POITRAS, LAURA]] / [[CUSACK, JOHN]] / [[GREENWALD, GLENN]] / [[TIMM, TREVOR]] / [[LEE, MICAH]] / [[EDMONDS, SIBEL]] / [[USAID]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]] / [[DATTA, KYLE]] / [[LIETZKE, ROBERT]] / [[TICE, RUSSELL]] / [[THIEL, PETER]]
|20180102||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-02/huma-abedin-forwarded-top-secret-passwords-yahoo-account-hacked-russian-odd-clinton Huma Abedin Forwarded Top Secret Passwords To Yahoo Account Hacked By Russian With Odd Clinton Connection]||[[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2017 ==
|20171230||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/30/us/politics/how-fbi-russia-investigation-began-george-papadopoulos.html How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt]||[[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[MIFSUD, JOSEPH]] / [[RU]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLOVIS, SAM]] / [[POLONSKAYA, OLGA]] / [[TIMOFEEV, IVAN]] / [[VALDAI DISCUSSION CLUB]] / [[IVANOV, IGOR S.]] / [[SESSIONS, JEFF]] / [[MILLER, STEPHEN]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]]
|20171115||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/11/15/wikileaks-julian-assange-donald-trump-jr-hillary-clinton/?comments=1 Julian Assange’s Hatred of Hillary Clinton Was No Secret. His Advice to Donald Trump Was.]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BROWN, BARRETT]]
|20171113||emptywheel.net||[https://www.emptywheel.net/2017/11/13/the-don-jr-wikileaks-emails-are-underwhelming/The Don Jr – WikiLeaks Emails Are Underwhelming]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD JR.]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20171104||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-04/donna-brazile-says-clinton-campaign-officials-made-her-feel-patsy-slave Donna Brazile Says Clinton Campaign Officials Made Her Feel Like "Patsey The Slave"]||[[BRAZILE, DONNA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20171103||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-vorwahlkampf-gegen-bernie-sanders-soll-manipuliert-worden-sein-a-1176282.html Donna Brazile Demokratische Vorwahlen waren laut Ex-Parteichefin zugunsten Clintons manipuliert]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[BRAZILE, DONNA]] / [[DEMOCRATIC PARTY]] / [[SANDERS, BERNIE]]
|20171025||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/407707-assange-mocks-hillary-clinton/ Assange tweet-trolls ‘future president’ Clinton with 2016 repost on eve of her 70th birthday]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20171020||telesurtv.net||[https://www.telesurtv.net/english/opinion/John-Pilger-Clinton-Assange-and-the-War-on-Truth-20171020-0020.html John Pilger: Clinton, Assange and the War on Truth]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20171018||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/407120-fbi-found-3k-docs-weiner/ Thousands of govt docs found on laptop of sex offender married to top Clinton adviser]||[[WEINER, ANTHONY]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20171017||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-17/fbi-uncovered-russian-nuclear-bribery-plot-obama-approved-uranium-one-deal-netting-c FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Approved Uranium One Deal, Netting Clintons Millions]||[[GIUSTRA, FRANK]] / [[CLINTON FOUNDATION]] /  [[MIKERIN, VADIM]] / [[FBI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CORRUPTION]]
|20170929||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/404971-assange-facebook-podesta-collusion/ Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton, Assange reminds]||[[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[SANDBERG, SHERYL]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170910||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/402824-hillary-clinton-interview-email/ Private email server was my ‘most important mistake’ - Hillary Clinton]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20170907||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/us/politics/russia-facebook-twitter-election.html?mcubz=3 The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[DCLEAKS]] / [[FIREEYE]] / [[KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[DNC]]
|20170630||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/gop-operative-sought-clinton-emails-from-hackers-implied-a-connection-to-flynn-1498770851 GOP Operative Sought Clinton Emails From Hackers, Implied a Connection to Flynn]||[[GOP]] / [[SMITH, PETER W.]] / [[FLYNN, MICHAEL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20170516||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-startet-organisation-onward-together-a-1147845.html Onward Together Clinton startet Anti-Trump-Gruppe]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20170503||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/386990-comey-fbi-source-investigation/ FBI director: I have 'never' been anonymous source on Clinton, Trump investigations]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170503||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/386982-assange-clinton-butcher-libya/ Assange brands Clinton ‘butcher of Libya’ & requests Sweden scrap detention order]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[LY]] / [[SE]]
|20170309||infowars.com||[https://www.infowars.com/former-intel-officer-ex-nsa-officials-carried-out-dnc-hack-to-expose-hillary/ Former Intel Officer: Ex-NSA Officials Carried Out DNC Hack to Expose Hillary]||[[SHAFFER, TONY]] / [[NSA]] / [[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20170112||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/373499-justice-investigates-comey-clinton/ DOJ to probe FBI’s handling of Clinton email investigation]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[US DOJ]] / [[FBI]]
== 2016 ==
== 2016 ==
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|20161220||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/371023-clinton-email-warrant-fbi/ FBI reveals search warrant for Clinton email probe]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20161218||welt.de||[https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article160394103/Persoenlicher-Beef-hat-Putin-zu-Hacker-Attacke-bewogen.html "Persönlicher Beef" hat Putin zu Hacker-Attacke bewogen“]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161217||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-wladimir-putin-wollte-sich-an-mir-raechen-a-1126352.html Clinton über russische Hacker-Angriffe "Putin wollte sich an mir rächen"]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161215||huffingtonpost.com||[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bigger-than-watergate-concerns-grow-that-anti-clinton_us_5850bb12e4b0b662c2fddebc Bigger Than Watergate? Legitimate Concerns That Anti-Clinton Faction Within FBI May Have Conspired To Hand Election To Trump]||[[FBI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161210||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hacker-angriffe-moskau-wollte-laut-cia-trump-zum-wahlsieg-verhelfen-a-1125307.html Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161117||tagesschau.de||[http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/clinton-wahlergebnis-101.html Clinton zu Wahlniederlage "Ich wollte mich zu Hause verkriechen"]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161114||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/366900-clinton-investigation-continue-chaffetz/ Hillary Clinton probe will ‘absolutely’ continue – House Oversight Committee chair]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161112||spiegel.de||[https://www.rt.com/news/366651-clinton-december-petition-president/ Clinton supporters petition to force Electoral College to vote for her December 19]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[US]]
|20161112||nos.nl||[http://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2142625-clinton-adviseur-overwinning-trump-is-staatsgreep-van-fbi.html Clinton-adviseur: overwinning Trump is staatsgreep van FBI]||[[BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY]] / [[FBI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161112||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-gibt-fbi-mitschuld-an-wahl-niederlage-a-1121039.html  Untersuchung kurz vor der Wahl Clinton gibt FBI Mitschuld an Niederlage]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20161111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/366008-hilary-clinton-hackers-whistleblowers/ It’s all over: How hackers & whistleblowers killed the Clinton campaign]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161110||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/366173-bernie-blamed-clinton-defeat/ Could Bernie have won? Democrats ponder Clinton rout]||[[SANDERS, BERNIE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161109||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/366120-clinton-concession-speech-election/ ‘I hope he’ll be a successful president’: Clinton says Americans ‘owe’ Trump chance to lead]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161109||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/366034-trump-clinton-special-prosecutor/ Trump campaign manager does not rule out special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton - MSNBC]||[[CONWAY, KELLYANNE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161107||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-fbi-findet-in-mail-affaere-keine-strafbare-handlung-a-1120021.html E-Mail-Affäre FBI findet keine Hinweise auf strafbare Handlung Clintons]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]]
|20161107||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/365568-fbi-charges-clinton-emails/ FBI director: No charges after new review of Hillary Clinton emails]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161104||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/365299-assange-pilger-saudi-clinton/ Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ISIS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[SA]] / [[QA]]
|20161101||theindicter.com||[http://theindicter.com/pro-clinton-media-calls-uk-to-suspend-diplomatic-immunity-of-ecuador-embassy-over-wikileaks-publication-of-hillarys-emails/ Pro-Clinton media calls UK to suspend diplomatic immunity of Ecuador Embassy over WikiLeaks publication of Hillary’s emails]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[GB]] / [[EC]]
|20161101||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364959-clinton-podesta-emails-wikileaks/ 'Dump all those emails': Latest WikiLeaks tranche reveals #Podesta advice]||[[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161031||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/31/the-podesta-emails-show-who-runs-america-and-how-they-do-it Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON FOUNDATION]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161031||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364874-donna-brazile-clinton-wikileaks/ Brazile out at CNN after WikiLeaks reveals she gave debate questions to Clinton camp]||[[BRAZILE, DONNA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CNN]] / [[DNC]]
|20161031||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-wahlkampfmanagerin-nennt-jew-s-a-rufe-erbaermlich-newsblog-zur-us-wahl-a-1118952.html Newsblog zur US-Wahl WikiLeaks-Enthüllung hat Konsequenzen für Clinton-Vertraute]||[[BRAZILE, DONNA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CNN]] / [[DNC]]
|20161031||bbc.com||[http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37819311 Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[WEINER, ANTHONY]]
|20161030||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364757-clinton-podesta-benghazi-leaks/ ‘A very different kind of warfare’: Clinton team on Benghazi committee leaks in #PodestaEmails]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161030||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364774-clinton-weiner-abedin-emails/ ‘Process has begun’: FBI scouring 650k emails on Clinton aide husband’s laptop in reopened case]||[[WEINER, ANTHONY]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161030||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364741-clinton-podesta-emails-released/ #PodestaEmails23: WikiLeaks releases new mails from Clinton chair]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]]
|20161029||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-knoepft-sich-fbi-chef-james-comey-vor-a-1118881.html E-Mail-Affäre Clinton knöpft sich FBI-Boss vor]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[WEINER, ANTHONY]]
|20161029||thedailybeast.com||[http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/29/huma-abedin-swore-under-oath-she-gave-up-all-the-devices-containing-state-department-emails.html Huma Abedin Swore Under Oath She Gave Up ‘All the Devices’ With State Dept. Emails]||[[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20161029||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-und-die-e-mail-affaere-chaos-auf-den-letzten-wahlkampf-metern-a-1118823.html Hillary Clintons E-Mail-Affäre Chaos auf den letzten Metern]||[[WEINER, ANTHONY]] / [[FBI]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161029||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364628-clinton-rigging-palestine-tape/ Clinton bemoans US not rigging 2006 Palestinian election in newly-released tape]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[PS]] / [[ELECTION FRAUD]]
|20161029||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clintons-wahlkampf-endspurt-a-1118647.html Clintons Zitter-Endspurt Wahlkrampf]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161028||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2016/10/28/if-clinton-campaign-believes-wikileaks-emails-are-forged-why-dont-they-prove-it/ If Clinton Campaign Believes WikiLeaks Emails Are Forged, Why Don’t They Prove It?]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[DNC]]
|20161028||newmatilda.com||[https://newmatilda.com/2016/10/28/inside-the-invisible-government-john-pilger-on-war-propaganda-clinton-and-trump/ Inside The Invisible Government: John Pilger On War, Propaganda, Clinton And Trump]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161028||npr.org||[http://www.npr.org/2016/10/28/499770889/anthony-weiner-investigation-leads-fbi-back-to-clinton-email-server-case FBI Led Back To Clinton Email Server Case By Anthony Weiner Investigation]||[[WEINER, ANTHONY]] / [[FBI]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161027||abcnews.go.com||[http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/aide-running-bill-clinton-wikileaks-dump/story?id=43101628 Aide Said He Was Running 'Bill Clinton Inc.' in New WikiLeaks Dump]||[[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161027||usatoday.com||[http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/10/27/memo-shows-bill-clintons-wealth-tied-clinton-foundation/92842822/ Memo shows Bill Clinton's wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161026||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364163-wikileaks-podesta-emails-19/ 'There's no good answer': Podesta leaks show Clinton campaign stumped by email server debacle]||[[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161026||cnn.com||[http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/26/politics/wikileaks-john-podesta-teneo-clinton-foundation/index.html?sr=twpol102716wikileaks-john-podesta-teneo-clinton-foundation0417PMVODtopLink&linkId=30409280 WikiLeaks-released memo outlines Bill Clinton's lucrative speeches]||[[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161025||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364094-trump-obama-investigated-emails/ Obama should be investigated over Clinton emails – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161025||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364042-clinton-chair-podesta-emails/ #Podesta leaks continue with 18th release of emails from Clinton campaign chair]||[[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161023||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/363955-leaked-emails-clinton-press/ Can we survive not answering press questions? Clinton team's dilemma in #Podesta17 release]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]]
|20161023||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/363812-wikileaks-podesta-clinton-emails/ #Podesta16: WikiLeaks releases fresh batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]]
|20161022||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/363773-clinton-benghazi-podesta-emails/ #Podesta emails: Clinton staffers aimed for ‘moral high ground’ in Benghazi testimony]||[[BENGHAZI]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161022||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/363746-podesta-clinton-wikileaks-emails/ 'We are nervous about this': Team Clinton weigh email server jokes in #Podesta15 release]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]]
|20161022||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/363729-clinton-evacuation-powder-anthrax/ Clinton’s Brooklyn campaign HQ evacuated over suspicious white powder in mail]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161021||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/363709-clinton-campaign-rt-wkileaks/ Clinton campaign yet again distracts from Podesta revelations with misinformation about RT]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[RT]]
|20161017||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/election-officials-clinton-team-brace-for-fallout-from-trumps-rigged-claims/2016/10/17/b6098246-9478-11e6-9b7c-57290af48a49_story.html Election officials brace for fallout from Trump’s claims of a ‘rigged’ vote]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161017||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/363032-fbi-clinton-email-probe-documents/ FBI releases Clinton probe documents]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20161015||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/moeglicher-cyber-angriff-us-vizepraesident-joe-biden-droht-russland-a-1116764.html Möglicher Cyber-Angriff "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung" - USA drohen Russland]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[CIA]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161014||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/362770-clinton-podesta-emails-wikileaks/ #PodestaEmails7: WikiLeaks releases 7th batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161013||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-und-der-email-hack-stecken-donald-trump-und-russland-dahinter-a-1116367.html Hackerangriffe auf Clinton-Team Hillarys schwächste Stelle]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161013||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/13/wikileaks-emails-trump-clinton-campaign-leaks-media-bias?CMP=share_btn_tw If Trump leaks are OK and Clinton leaks aren't, there's a problem]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161013||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/13/wikileaks-emails-trump-clinton-campaign-leaks-media-bias?CMP=share_btn_tw If Trump leaks are OK and Clinton leaks aren't, there's a problem]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
Line 90: Line 358:
|20160801||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/354213-dnc-hack-wikileaks-clinton/ ‘Absurd’ election rhetoric: Kremlin, Assange slam Clinton for blaming DNC leaks on Russia]||[[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]]
|20160801||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/354213-dnc-hack-wikileaks-clinton/ ‘Absurd’ election rhetoric: Kremlin, Assange slam Clinton for blaming DNC leaks on Russia]||[[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]]
|20160801||theduran.com||[http://theduran.com/nsa-whistleblower-says-dnc-hack-not-done-russia-us-intelligence/ NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20160801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-hillary-clinton-wirft-russland-partei-ausspaehung-vor-a-1105575.html Nach Hackerangriff: Clinton wirft russischen Geheimdiensten Partei-Ausspähung vor]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[DNC]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20160801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-hillary-clinton-wirft-russland-partei-ausspaehung-vor-a-1105575.html Nach Hackerangriff: Clinton wirft russischen Geheimdiensten Partei-Ausspähung vor]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[DNC]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20160801||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-31/whistleblowers-stunning-claim-nsa-has-all-hillarys-deleted-emails-it-may-be-leak Whistleblower's Stunning Claim: "NSA Has All Of Hillary's Deleted Emails, It May Be The Leak"]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20160731||breitbart.com||[http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/07/31/exclusive-nsa-architect-agency-clintons-deleted-emails/ EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Emails]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20160731||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/354101-hillary-clinton-game-apple-emails/ Apple App Store accepts ‘offensive’ game about Clinton’s email scandal]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160731||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/354101-hillary-clinton-game-apple-emails/ Apple App Store accepts ‘offensive’ game about Clinton’s email scandal]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
Line 104: Line 378:
|20160726||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-der-e-mail-gau-und-die-spur-nach-moskau-a-1104699.html Hillary Clintons E-Mail-GAU Die Spur führt nach Moskau]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160726||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-der-e-mail-gau-und-die-spur-nach-moskau-a-1104699.html Hillary Clintons E-Mail-GAU Die Spur führt nach Moskau]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160726||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/27/us/politics/assange-timed-wikileaks-release-of-democratic-emails-to-harm-hillary-clinton.html Assange, Avowed Foe of Clinton, Timed Email Release for Democratic Convention]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[DNC]]
|20160725||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bernie-sanders-ruft-anhaenger-zur-clinton-wahl-auf-a-1104686.html Vor Parteitag der Demokraten: Bernie Sanders schwört Anhänger auf Clinton ein]||[[SANDERS, BERNIE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160725||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bernie-sanders-ruft-anhaenger-zur-clinton-wahl-auf-a-1104686.html Vor Parteitag der Demokraten: Bernie Sanders schwört Anhänger auf Clinton ein]||[[SANDERS, BERNIE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
Line 138: Line 414:
|20160210||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3440741/A-vote-Hillary-vote-endless-stupid-war-Julian-Assange-accuses-Clinton-spreading-terrorism-poor-decisions-diatribe-against-Presidential-hopeful.html'A vote for Hillary is a vote for endless, stupid war': Julian Assange accuses Clinton of 'spreading terrorism' through 'poor decisions' in diatribe against US Presidential hopeful]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160210||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3440741/A-vote-Hillary-vote-endless-stupid-war-Julian-Assange-accuses-Clinton-spreading-terrorism-poor-decisions-diatribe-against-Presidential-hopeful.html'A vote for Hillary is a vote for endless, stupid war': Julian Assange accuses Clinton of 'spreading terrorism' through 'poor decisions' in diatribe against US Presidential hopeful]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160117||nypost.com||[https://nypost.com/2016/01/17/after-pardoning-criminal-marc-rich-clintons-made-millions-off-friends/ Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big]||[[RICH, MARC]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20160106||foreignpolicyjournal.com||[http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention]||[[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[LY]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY]] / [[NATO]] / [[FR]]
|20160106||foreignpolicyjournal.com||[http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention]||[[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[LY]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY]] / [[NATO]] / [[FR]]
Line 148: Line 426:
|20151105||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2015/11/05/leaked-emails-from-pro-clinton-group-reveal-censorship-of-staff-on-israel-aipac-pandering-warped-militarism/ Leaked Emails From Pro-Clinton Group Reveal Censorship of Staff on Israel, AIPAC Pandering, Warped Militarism]||[[CAP]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[AIPAC]] / [[LEWIS, ANN]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[TANDEN, NEERA]] / [[US]] / [[IL]]
|20150930||ibtimes.com||[http://www.ibtimes.com/campaign-2016-hillary-clinton-pitched-iraq-business-opportunity-us-corporations-2121999 Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20150930||ibtimes.com||[http://www.ibtimes.com/campaign-2016-hillary-clinton-pitched-iraq-business-opportunity-us-corporations-2121999 Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
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= Books =
|[[SCHWEIZER, PETER]]||Harper, Broadside Books||Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich||2015||978-0-06-236928-4||[[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
* http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/how-i-lost/
= Pictures =
= Pictures =

Latest revision as of 09:01, 5 December 2023



Date Source Title Tags
20231125 zerohedge.com Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll CLINTON, HILLARY


Date Source Title Tags
20210119 rt.com QAnon for Democrats? Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pelosi suggest Putin ORDERED Trump to launch Capitol siege in unhinged interview PELOSI, NANCY / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20201010 spiegel.de US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo will E-Mails von Hillary Clinton veröffentlichen TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / CLINTON, HILLARY
20200929 zerohedge.com Hillary Clinton Accused Of Approving Scheme To Smear Trump With Russia Accusations CLINTON, HILLARY
20200821 zerohedge.com Hillary Clinton Gave Ghislaine Maxwell's Nephew "Very Powerful" Position At State Department: Report CLINTON, HILLARY / MAXWELL, GHISLAINE / DJERASSI, ALEXANDER


Date Source Title Tags
20191210 zerohedge.com FISA Report Reveals Clinton Meddled In 2016 Election CLINTON, HILLARY / OHR, BRUCE / FUSION GPS / SIMPSON, GLENN / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER
20191203 zerohedge.com Clintons Vacationed Extensively At Epstein's New Mexico 'Baby-Making Ranch': Report EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20191102 rt.com ‘How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?’ Hillary Clinton bursts into laughter over dead body joke… again EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, HILLARY
20191019 spiegel.de Tulsi Gabbard Hillary Clinton warnt vor russischer Unterstützung für Kandidatin bei US-Wahl CLINTON, HILLARY / GABBARD, TULSI
20191018 zerohedge.com War Breaks Out Between "Russian Asset" Tulsi Gabbard And "Warmongering Queen" Hillary Clinton CLINTON, HILLARY / GABBARD, TULSI
20190818 zerohedge.com America’s Benevolent Bombing Of Serbia RS / US / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20190815 zerohedge.com Why Were Hillary Clinton's Emails Blind-Copied To Gmail Address Named After Chinese Firm? CLINTON, HILLARY
20190812 zerohedge.com Who Is To Blame For #ClintonBodyCount Trending? Russian Trolls, Of Course! CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20190725 zerohedge.com "Clinton Body Count" Is Trending On Twitter, The Establishment Blames Russia CLINTON, HILLARY
20190722 zerohedge.com The Non-Hack That Hurt Hillary - On The 3rd Anniversary Of WikiLeaks Release Of The DNC Emails DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20190531 rt.com Hillary Clinton to give keynote speech at cybersecurity summit (yes, really) CLINTON, HILLARY / CYBERSECURITY
20190502 zerohedge.com Hillary Clinton Asks China To Steal Trump's Tax Returns CLINTON, HILLARY
20190423 zerohedge.com Hillary Outlines "Roadmap" To Trump Impeachment, Says "Anyone Else Would Have Been Indicted" CLINTON, HILLARY
20190417 zerohedge.com Senate Leaders Want Information On "Highly Classified" FBI Memo About Clinton CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20190412 rt.com Hillary Clinton shows signature style as she chuckles over Assange’s arrest ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20190402 zerohedge.com RussiaGate: "Why Did This Ever Start In The First Place?" DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / FUSION GPS / MUELLER, ROBERT
20190215 zerohedge.com FOIA Docs Reveal Obama FBI Covered Up "Chart" Of Potential Hillary Clinton Crimes CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI


Date Source Title Tags
20181218 rt.com Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY
20181205 rt.com Trump ignores stone-faced Hillary, greets Obamas as all sit awkwardly together at Bush 41’s funeral TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20181202 zerohedge.com Even The NYTimes Thinks Its 'Curtains For The Clintons' CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL
20181201 nytimes.com Opinion: Curtains for the Clintons CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL
20181116 zerohedge.com Hillary Clinton Ordered To Answer Additional Questions Under Oath About Private Email Server CLINTON, HILLARY
20181024 spiegel.de Clinton über mutmaßliche Paketbomben "Es ist eine Zeit tiefer Spaltung" US / CLINTON, HILLARY / CNN / CLINTON, BILL / OBAMA, BARACK
20181024 spiegel.de Möglicher Bombenfund Secret Service fängt "verdächtige Pakete" an Obama und Clinton ab US / SOROS, GEORGE / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20180910 zerohegde.com Google Was "Working To Get Hillary Clinton Elected" With "Silent Donation" According To Leaked Internal Email GOOGLE / CLINTON, HILLARY
20180829 rt.com 'Are they sure it wasn't the Russians?' Clinton's emails were reportedly hacked by China CLINTON, HILLARY
20180827 dailycaller.com SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server CLINTON, HILLARY
20180815 zerohegde.com Was Hillary The Real Colluder? CLINTON, HILLARY
20180717 zerohegde.com Putin Claims U.S. Intelligence Agents Funneled $400 Million To Clinton Campaign PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BROWDER, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / US
20180714 zerohedge.com Majority Of Clinton Emails Funneled To "Foreign Entity"; When IG Told Strzok - He Completely Ignored CLINTON, HILLARY
20180525 rt.com Hillary Clinton wants to be CEO of Facebook CLINTON, HILLARY / FACEBOOK
20180324 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf Demokraten sind mithilfe deutscher E-Mails gehackt worden DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY
20180318 zerohedge.com Meet Hillary Clinton's Other, More Powerful And Shadowy Oppo Research Firm HAKLUYT & COMPANY / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20180208 rt.com Uranium One scandal shows Washington still blames Russia for everything URANIUM ONE / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON FOUNDATION
20180102 zerohedge.com Huma Abedin Forwarded Top Secret Passwords To Yahoo Account Hacked By Russian With Odd Clinton Connection ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / YAHOO / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20171115 theintercept.com Julian Assange’s Hatred of Hillary Clinton Was No Secret. His Advice to Donald Trump Was. ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / BROWN, BARRETT
20171113 emptywheel.net Don Jr – WikiLeaks Emails Are Underwhelming ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD JR. / CLINTON, HILLARY
20171104 zerohedge.com Donna Brazile Says Clinton Campaign Officials Made Her Feel Like "Patsey The Slave" BRAZILE, DONNA / CLINTON, HILLARY
20171103 spiegel.de Donna Brazile Demokratische Vorwahlen waren laut Ex-Parteichefin zugunsten Clintons manipuliert CLINTON, HILLARY / BRAZILE, DONNA / DEMOCRATIC PARTY / SANDERS, BERNIE
20171025 rt.com Assange tweet-trolls ‘future president’ Clinton with 2016 repost on eve of her 70th birthday ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20171020 telesurtv.net John Pilger: Clinton, Assange and the War on Truth ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20171018 rt.com Thousands of govt docs found on laptop of sex offender married to top Clinton adviser WEINER, ANTHONY / ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY
20171017 zerohedge.com FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Approved Uranium One Deal, Netting Clintons Millions GIUSTRA, FRANK / CLINTON FOUNDATION / MIKERIN, VADIM / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / CORRUPTION
20170929 rt.com Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton, Assange reminds PODESTA, JOHN / FACEBOOK / CLINTON, HILLARY / SANDBERG, SHERYL / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170910 rt.com Private email server was my ‘most important mistake’ - Hillary Clinton CLINTON, HILLARY
20170907 nytimes.com The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election FACEBOOK / RU / US / DCLEAKS / FIREEYE / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY / TWITTER / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20170630 wsj.com GOP Operative Sought Clinton Emails From Hackers, Implied a Connection to Flynn GOP / SMITH, PETER W. / FLYNN, MICHAEL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20170516 spiegel.de Onward Together Clinton startet Anti-Trump-Gruppe CLINTON, HILLARY
20170503 rt.com FBI director: I have 'never' been anonymous source on Clinton, Trump investigations COMEY, JAMES / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS
20170503 rt.com Assange brands Clinton ‘butcher of Libya’ & requests Sweden scrap detention order ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY / LY / SE
20170309 infowars.com Former Intel Officer: Ex-NSA Officials Carried Out DNC Hack to Expose Hillary SHAFFER, TONY / NSA / DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY
20170112 rt.com DOJ to probe FBI’s handling of Clinton email investigation CLINTON, HILLARY / US DOJ / FBI


Date Source Title Tags
20161220 rt.com FBI reveals search warrant for Clinton email probe CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20161218 welt.de "Persönlicher Beef" hat Putin zu Hacker-Attacke bewogen“ CLINTON, HILLARY
20161217 spiegel.de Clinton über russische Hacker-Angriffe "Putin wollte sich an mir rächen" CLINTON, HILLARY
20161215 huffingtonpost.com Bigger Than Watergate? Legitimate Concerns That Anti-Clinton Faction Within FBI May Have Conspired To Hand Election To Trump FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161210 spiegel.de Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen CIA / RU / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161117 tagesschau.de Clinton zu Wahlniederlage "Ich wollte mich zu Hause verkriechen" CLINTON, HILLARY
20161114 rt.com Hillary Clinton probe will ‘absolutely’ continue – House Oversight Committee chair CLINTON, HILLARY
20161112 spiegel.de Clinton supporters petition to force Electoral College to vote for her December 19 CLINTON, HILLARY / US
20161112 nos.nl Clinton-adviseur: overwinning Trump is staatsgreep van FBI BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Untersuchung kurz vor der Wahl Clinton gibt FBI Mitschuld an Niederlage CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20161111 rt.com It’s all over: How hackers & whistleblowers killed the Clinton campaign CLINTON, HILLARY
20161110 rt.com Could Bernie have won? Democrats ponder Clinton rout SANDERS, BERNIE / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161109 rt.com ‘I hope he’ll be a successful president’: Clinton says Americans ‘owe’ Trump chance to lead CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 rt.com Trump campaign manager does not rule out special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton - MSNBC CONWAY, KELLYANNE / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161107 spiegel.de E-Mail-Affäre FBI findet keine Hinweise auf strafbare Handlung Clintons CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI / COMEY, JAMES
20161107 rt.com FBI director: No charges after new review of Hillary Clinton emails COMEY, JAMES / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161104 rt.com Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE) ASSANGE, JULIAN / ISIS / CLINTON, HILLARY / SA / QA
20161101 theindicter.com Pro-Clinton media calls UK to suspend diplomatic immunity of Ecuador Embassy over WikiLeaks publication of Hillary’s emails WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / GB / EC
20161101 rt.com 'Dump all those emails': Latest WikiLeaks tranche reveals #Podesta advice PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161031 theguardian.com Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON FOUNDATION / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161031 rt.com Brazile out at CNN after WikiLeaks reveals she gave debate questions to Clinton camp BRAZILE, DONNA / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / CNN / DNC
20161031 spiegel.de Newsblog zur US-Wahl WikiLeaks-Enthüllung hat Konsequenzen für Clinton-Vertraute BRAZILE, DONNA / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / CNN / DNC
20161031 bbc.com Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat COMEY, JAMES / CLINTON, HILLARY / ABEDIN, HUMA / WEINER, ANTHONY
20161030 rt.com ‘A very different kind of warfare’: Clinton team on Benghazi committee leaks in #PodestaEmails CLINTON, HILLARY / PODESTA, JOHN / WIKILEAKS
20161030 rt.com ‘Process has begun’: FBI scouring 650k emails on Clinton aide husband’s laptop in reopened case WEINER, ANTHONY / ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161030 rt.com #PodestaEmails23: WikiLeaks releases new mails from Clinton chair WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL
20161029 spiegel.de E-Mail-Affäre Clinton knöpft sich FBI-Boss vor COMEY, JAMES / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / ABEDIN, HUMA / WEINER, ANTHONY
20161029 thedailybeast.com Huma Abedin Swore Under Oath She Gave Up ‘All the Devices’ With State Dept. Emails ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20161029 spiegel.de Hillary Clintons E-Mail-Affäre Chaos auf den letzten Metern WEINER, ANTHONY / FBI / ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161029 rt.com Clinton bemoans US not rigging 2006 Palestinian election in newly-released tape CLINTON, HILLARY / PS / ELECTION FRAUD
20161029 spiegel.de Clintons Zitter-Endspurt Wahlkrampf CLINTON, HILLARY
20161028 theintercept.com If Clinton Campaign Believes WikiLeaks Emails Are Forged, Why Don’t They Prove It? WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20161028 newmatilda.com Inside The Invisible Government: John Pilger On War, Propaganda, Clinton And Trump PROPAGANDA / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161028 npr.org FBI Led Back To Clinton Email Server Case By Anthony Weiner Investigation WEINER, ANTHONY / FBI / ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161027 abcnews.go.com Aide Said He Was Running 'Bill Clinton Inc.' in New WikiLeaks Dump CLINTON, BILL / WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161027 usatoday.com Memo shows Bill Clinton's wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161026 rt.com 'There's no good answer': Podesta leaks show Clinton campaign stumped by email server debacle PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161026 cnn.com WikiLeaks-released memo outlines Bill Clinton's lucrative speeches CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161025 rt.com Obama should be investigated over Clinton emails – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161025 rt.com #Podesta leaks continue with 18th release of emails from Clinton campaign chair PODESTA, JOHN / WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161023 rt.com Can we survive not answering press questions? Clinton team's dilemma in #Podesta17 release CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN
20161023 rt.com #Podesta16: WikiLeaks releases fresh batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN
20161022 rt.com #Podesta emails: Clinton staffers aimed for ‘moral high ground’ in Benghazi testimony BENGHAZI / CLINTON, HILLARY / PODESTA, JOHN / WIKILEAKS
20161022 rt.com 'We are nervous about this': Team Clinton weigh email server jokes in #Podesta15 release WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY / PODESTA, JOHN
20161022 rt.com Clinton’s Brooklyn campaign HQ evacuated over suspicious white powder in mail CLINTON, HILLARY
20161021 rt.com Clinton campaign yet again distracts from Podesta revelations with misinformation about RT CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN / RT
20161017 washingtonpost.com Election officials brace for fallout from Trump’s claims of a ‘rigged’ vote US / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161017 rt.com FBI releases Clinton probe documents CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20161015 spiegel.de Möglicher Cyber-Angriff "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung" - USA drohen Russland US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161014 rt.com #PodestaEmails7: WikiLeaks releases 7th batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161013 spiegel.de Hackerangriffe auf Clinton-Team Hillarys schwächste Stelle CLINTON, HILLARY / PODESTA, JOHN / WIKILEAKS
20161013 theguardian.com If Trump leaks are OK and Clinton leaks aren't, there's a problem TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161013 rt.com ‘Clintons won't forget what their friends have done’: WikiLeaks release #PodestaEmails6 WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161013 rt.com Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report TURI, MARC / WEAPONTRADE / CIA / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / LY
20161012 cnbc.com Putin to CNBC: Trump and Clinton can't exploit Russia to win US elections PUTIN, VLADIMIR / DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161011 rt.com Clinton knew Saudi Arabia, Qatar provide ‘clandestine’ support to ISIS – WikiLeaks CLINTON, HILLARY / ISIS / SA / QA / WIKILEAKS
20161009 apnews.com AP Top News: Leaked campaign emails show 'moderate' side of Clinton WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161009 rt.com Syria no-fly zone would mean ‘killing a lot of Syrians’ – leaked Clinton speech CLINTON, HILLARY / SY
20161008 washingtonpost.com The Fix: Donald Trump just retweeted Juanita Broaddrick calling Bill Clinton a rapist. All bets are now off. TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL / BROADDRICK, JUANITA
20161008 rt.com 'Clinton campaign blames Russian hackers as Assange promises more leaks' US / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161008 buzzfeed.com WikiLeaks Appears To Release Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speech Transcripts WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161007 washingtonpost.com Hacked emails appear to reveal excerpts of speech transcripts Clinton refused to release] CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161005 rt.com ‘Would’ve been a joke’: Clinton denies Assange drone attack call CLINTON, HILLARY / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20161005 spiegel.de Kritik an "Obamacare" Bill Clinton bringt seine Frau in die Bredouille CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161003 rt.com Hillary Clinton considered drone attack on Julian Assange - report CLINTON, HILLARY / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160925 rt.com Bill Clinton’s former lover says she’ll attend presidential debate as Donald Trump’s guest FLOWER, GENNIFER / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160923 dailycaller.com FBI Docs: Obama Used Pseudonym To Email Hillary’s Server FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / OBAMA, BARACK
20160918 rt.com 'Personal insult' for Obama if black Americans don't vote Clinton OBAMA, BARACK / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160919 usnews.com Computer Specialist Who Deleted Clinton Emails May Have Asked Reddit for Tips COMBETTA, PAUL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160914 spiegel.de Geleakte Emails Ex-Außenminister Powell nennt Trump "nationale Schande" POWELL, COLIN / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160913 rt.com FBI calls Clinton email probe ‘different’ as key witness ditches House hearing CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160912 rt.com Trump says health will be an election issue after Clinton falls ill at 9/11 memorial TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160909 zerohedge.com Facebook Founder Gives $20mm Donation On Hillary To Defeat Trump's "Fear And Hostility" Campaign MOSKOVITZ, DUSTIN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160909 spiegel.de Wahl in USA Drei Gründe, warum Clinton verlieren könnte CLINTON, HILLARY
20160909 rt.com US House adopts ’Sue the Saudis’ 9/11 bill US 20010911 / SA / PODESTA GROUP / PODESTA, JOHN / PODESTA, TONY / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160906 rt.com ‘Loss of reputation’: Lawmaker hints at Clinton ‘phobia’ after Russian threat statements CLINTON, HILLARY / YAROVAYA, IRINA / RU
20160906 rt.com #HackingHillary: Coughing fit causes concern over Clinton’s health, sparks sarcastic viral hashtags CLINTON, HILLARY
20160903 rt.com Clinton email scandal: ‘Whole world should know about her crimes & what she’d like to do’ CLINTON, HILLARY / ROCKWELL, LEW / RASMUS, JACK
20160903 spiegel.de E-Mail-Affäre: Clintons Mitarbeiter zerstörte Mobilgeräte mit dem Hammer CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160902 nytimes.com F.B.I. Papers Offer Closer Look at Hillary Clinton Email Inquiry CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160902 rt.com FBI releases 58 pages of Clinton email probe CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160901 rt.com ‘Why is Clinton using Russia as punching bag for her electoral contest?’ CLINTON, HILLARY / RU
20160831 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Clinton fast so unbeliebt wie Trump US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160827 rt.com #PayToPlay: State Dept to reveal Clinton's meetings with possible donors only after election US STATE DEPARTMENT / CLINTON, HILLARY / ASSOCIATED PRESS
20160826 rt.com Assange slams Clinton for ‘Russian hysteria’ & US media for politicized election coverage ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160825 spiegel.de Huma Abedin: Hillary Clintons Mädchen für alles wird zum Problem CLINTON, HILLARY / ABEDIN, HUMA
20160822 time.com Colin Powell Says Clinton Team ‘Trying to Pin’ Email Scandal on Him POWELL, COLIN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160812 rt.com Soros gave Clinton step-by-step instructions on how to tackle Albania unrest – WikiLeaks email SOROS, GEORGE / CLINTON, HILLARY / AL / WIKILEAKS / BILDT, CARL / AHTISSARI, MARTTI / LAJCAK, MIROSLAV
20160809 spiegel.de Rede über Waffenbesitz: Trump fabuliert über Schüsse auf Clinton TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160809 rt.com ‘Kill Russians and Iranians, threaten Assad,’ says ex-CIA chief backing Clinton MORELL, MICHAEL / CLINTON, HILLARY / CIA
20160806 rt.com Julian Assange special: Do Wikileaks have the email that will put Hillary Clinton in prison? (E376) ASSANGE, JULIAN / DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160802 rt.com Who does the Kremlin want to win: Clinton or Trump? RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160801 rt.com ‘Absurd’ election rhetoric: Kremlin, Assange slam Clinton for blaming DNC leaks on Russia DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLAPPER, JAMES
20160801 theduran.com NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160801 spiegel.de Nach Hackerangriff: Clinton wirft russischen Geheimdiensten Partei-Ausspähung vor CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC / TRUMP, DONALD
20160801 zerohedge.com Whistleblower's Stunning Claim: "NSA Has All Of Hillary's Deleted Emails, It May Be The Leak" BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160731 breitbart.com EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Emails BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160731 rt.com Apple App Store accepts ‘offensive’ game about Clinton’s email scandal CLINTON, HILLARY
20160729 nymag.com Does Julian Assange Really Have an Email That Will Get Hillary Clinton Tossed in Prison? (Updated) DNC / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160729 rt.com Clinton campaign, Democratic campaign group target of new hack - report DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160727 abcnews.go.com Trump Says Russia Should Find Clinton's Missing Emails TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20160726 spiegel.de Hillary Clintons E-Mail-GAU Die Spur führt nach Moskau CLINTON, HILLARY
20160726 nytimes.com Assange, Avowed Foe of Clinton, Timed Email Release for Democratic Convention ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20160725 spiegel.de Vor Parteitag der Demokraten: Bernie Sanders schwört Anhänger auf Clinton ein SANDERS, BERNIE / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160725 spiegel.de US-Demokraten: Neuer E-Mail-Skandal vermasselt Clintons Parteitagsauftakt DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20160723 huffingtonpost.com WikiLeaks Emails Show DNC Favored Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders During The Democratic Primary DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / SANDERS, BERNIE / WIKILEAKS
20160722 rt.com New DNC email leak reveals anti-Sanders bias, pro-Clinton collusion among top officials DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / SANDERS, BERNIE / WIKILEAKS
20160701 rt.com Guccifer 2.0 reveals Clinton expenses, clues on identity & slams presidential hopefuls CLINTON, HILLARY
20160630 thedailybeast.com The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL
20160623 rt.com Clinton’s email server ran without security software, new records reveal CLINTON, HILLARY
20160617 spiegel.de Rekord-Gagen für Reden: Deutsche Bank überweist Millionenbetrag an Clintons DEUTSCHE BANK / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20160613 rt.com Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange CLINTON, HILLARY / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160603 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Hillary Clinton macht den Trump CLINTON, HILLARY
20160602 breitbart.com EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Posted Names of Hidden Intelligence Officials On Her Email CLINTON, HILLARY / CIA
20160531 rt.com Clinton holds big lead over Sanders in California a week before primary - poll CLINTON, HILLARY / SANDERS, BERNIE
20160525 spiegel.de Bericht an den Kongress: Außenministerium tadelt Clinton für Umgang mit E-Mails CLINTON, HILLARY
20160321 rt.com Google this! Hillary Clinton and the Syrian regime-change conspiracy CLINTON, HILLARY
20160316 rt.com George Soros pumping millions into Democrats, alarmed by Trump’s rise SOROS, GEORGE / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160307 rt.com Hacker ‘Guccifer,’ who uncovered Clinton’s private emails, to be extradited to US LEHEL, MARCEL LAZAR / CLINTON, HILLARY / US / EXTRADITION / RO
20160210 dailymail.co.uk vote for Hillary is a vote for endless, stupid war': Julian Assange accuses Clinton of 'spreading terrorism' through 'poor decisions' in diatribe against US Presidential hopeful ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160117 nypost.com Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big RICH, MARC / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160106 foreignpolicyjournal.com Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention GADDAFI, MOAMMAR / LY / CLINTON, HILLARY / BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY / NATO / FR


Date Source Title Tags
20151105 theintercept.com Leaked Emails From Pro-Clinton Group Reveal Censorship of Staff on Israel, AIPAC Pandering, Warped Militarism CAP / CLINTON, HILLARY / AIPAC / LEWIS, ANN / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TANDEN, NEERA / US / IL
20150930 ibtimes.com Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations CLINTON, HILLARY
20150818 rt.com 'Mom and pop shop': Clinton's private emails housed on server in a bathroom closet - report CLINTON, HILLARY
20150816 spiegel.de Trump und Clinton in Iowa: Kotelett am Stiel muss sein TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / IOWA
20150803 spiegel.de Joe Biden vs. Hillary Clinton: Kandidatenkür am Sterbebett BIDEN, JOSEPH / CLINTON, HILLARY
20150412 rt.com Hillary Clinton launches 2016 presidential campaign CLINTON, HILLARY
20150307 news.vice.com Here Is the State Department’s First 'Official' Release of a Hillary Clinton Email CLINTON, HILLARY


Date Source Title Tags
20140707 spiegel.de US-Politikerin im Interview: Clinton entschuldigt sich bei Merkel für Handy-Affäre CLINTON, HILLARY / MERKEL, ANGELA
20140618 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Clinton will Macht der NSA beschränken CLINTON, HILLARY / NSA
20140428 pressfreedomfoundation.org Fact-Checking Hillary Clinton's Comments About Edward Snowden and the NSA SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CLINTON, HILLARY


Date Source Title Tags
20130601 globalresearch.ca Hillary Clinton: “We Created Al Qaeda”. The Protagonists of the “Global War on Terrorism” are the Terrorists AL QAEDA / CLINTON, HILLARY
20130405 cryptome.org Hillary Clinton-Sidney Blumenthal Intel CLINTON, HILLARY / BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY
20130405 telegraph.co.uk Hillary Clinton's playboy fundraiser arrested over heroin and cocaine CLINTON, HILLARY / CHATWAL, VIKRAM / CLINTON, BILL / CHATWAL, SANT / CLINTON FOUNDATION
20130319 rt.com Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails sent to RT CLINTON, HILLARY / LY / DZ / GUCCIFER


Date Source Title Tags
11.08.2012 debka.com Clinton: Chemical warfare is planned for. Rebels get first anti-air Stingers IL / SY / TR / CLINTON, HILLARY
18.07.2012 afp Obama, Clinton 'prejudiced' WikiLeaks suspect's case MANNING, BRADLEY / OBAMA, BARACK / CLINTON, HILLARY


Date Source Title Tags
16.11.2011 state.gov Social Media Townterview Co-Hosted by GMA Networks and PLDT: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State - National Museum of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines PH / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
09.06.2011 secretaryclinton.wordpress.com Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Abu Dhabi: Video Remarks on Libya LY CLINTON, HILLARY


Date Source Title Tags
20101205 theguardian.com WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists - Hillary Clinton memo highlights Gulf states' failure to block funding for groups like al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba SA / WIKILEAKS / TERRORISM / CLINTON, HILLARY / AL QAEDA / TALIBAN / LASHKAR-E-TAIBA


Author Publisher Title Year ISBN Tags
SCHWEIZER, PETER Harper, Broadside Books Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich 2015 978-0-06-236928-4 CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
