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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2024 ==
|20240917||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/604155-meta-ban-rt-espionage/ Meta bans RT / Facebook’s owner has announced the move after Washington claimed Russian outlets are espionage offshoots]||[[META PLATFORMS INC]] / [[RT]]
|20240913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/603993-rt-reveals-secret-behind-operations/ RT reveals ‘secret’ behind its operations to CNN / The Russian broadcaster has been doing the KGB’s bidding all along, its press office has joked]||[[RUSSIA TODAY]]
|20240913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603997-us-sanctions-rt/ US sanctions RT / The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed]||[[US]] / [[RT]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]]
== 2023 ==
|20230410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/574504-german-media-alarmed-rt-influence/ Pro-American German tabloid ‘alarmed’ over RT’s influence / A significant percentage of the country’s population appears to support “pro-Russian” narratives, Bild reports]||[[BILD]] / [[RUSSIA TODAY]]
== 2022 ==
== 2022 ==

Latest revision as of 20:29, 17 September 2024



Date Source Title Tags
20240917 rt.com Meta bans RT / Facebook’s owner has announced the move after Washington claimed Russian outlets are espionage offshoots META PLATFORMS INC / RT
20240913 rt.com RT reveals ‘secret’ behind its operations to CNN / The Russian broadcaster has been doing the KGB’s bidding all along, its press office has joked RUSSIA TODAY
20240913 rt.com US sanctions RT / The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed US / RT / SANCTIONS / BLINKEN, ANTHONY


Date Source Title Tags
20230410 rt.com Pro-American German tabloid ‘alarmed’ over RT’s influence / A significant percentage of the country’s population appears to support “pro-Russian” narratives, Bild reports BILD / RUSSIA TODAY


Date Source Title Tags
20220423 lto.de EU-Verbot von Russia Today und Sputnik - Informa­ti­ons­f­rei­heit im Aus­nah­me­zu­stand EU / RT / SPUTNIK
20220407 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Putins Propaganda RT DE sendet sein Live-TV-Programm nicht mehr in Deutschland RUSSIA TODAY
20220227 rt.com EU to ban RT and Sputnik news - European Commission president announces bloc-wide ban on Russian media EU / RT / SPUTNIK


Date Source Title Tags
20211222 tagesspiegel.de Nicht mehr über Eutelsat erreichbar: Ausstrahlungstopp für RT DE MABB / RT


Date Source Title Tags
20200820 rt.com Kremlin, WikiLeaks, hackers, trolls, you name it: US spies’ OBSESSION with RT comes full circle in Senate report RUSSIA TODAY


Date Source Title Tags
20191118 rt.com ‘Censored because they gave me platform’: Ecuador’s ex-leader Correa slams sudden move to cut off RT Spanish in his country CORREA, RAFAEL / RT / EC


Date Source Title Tags
20180319 rt.com ‘Campaign against RT is propaganda & McCarthyism’ – journalist John Pilger GB / PROPAGANDA / RT / PILGER, JOHN
20180313 rt.com No British outlet will work in Russia if London shuts down RT - Foreign Ministry RT / RU / GB
20180313 rt.com UK TV regulator writes to RT, says it may consider whether channel's license is 'fit and proper' GB / RT


Date Source Title Tags
20171225 washingtonpost.com National Security: Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options PROPAGANDA / DONOVAN, ALICE / INFLUENCE OPERATIONS / FBI / CIA / NATO / OBAMA, BARACK / RT
20171123 spiegel.de Ein Jahr nach US-Wahl Anti-russische Stimmung bei Internetkonzernen - Facebook, Google und Twitter wurden dafür kritisiert, russische Propaganda im US-Wahlkampf geduldet zu haben. Neuerdings werden die Konzerne gegen Einflussnahme aus Russland aktiv. FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / RT / SPUTNIK
20171120 rt.com Google will ‘de-rank’ RT articles to make them harder to find – Eric Schmidt GOOGLE / RT
20171115 cbsnews.com How did WikiLeaks become associated with Russia? WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / RT / RU
20171114 spiegel.de USA Russischer TV-Sender RT lässt sich als "ausländischer Agent" registrieren RUSSIA TODAY / US
20171113 rt.com Forcing RT to register as 'foreign agent' is a ‘horrendous blow to press freedom’ RT / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20171111 rt.com Putin: Moscow will introduce tit-for-tat measures over US attack on Russian media RU / US / RT / RU-US
20171109 zerohedge.com DOJ To Russia Today: Register As A Foreign Agent Or Face Arrest RT / US
20171109 zerohedge.com DOJ To Russia Today: Register As A Foreign Agent Or Face Arrest US DOJ / RT
20171101 rt.com Meddling for Trump? The most expensive Twitter ad was about Bernie Sanders – RT Editor-in-Chief RT / TWITTER
20171027 rt.com Twitter’s multi-million dollar US election pitch to RT revealed in FULL TWITTER / RT / US
20171026 spiegel.de Nach Einmischung in US-Wahl Twitter verbannt Anzeigen von RT und Sputnik TWITTER / RT / SPUTNIK
20170530 theintercept.com As Putin Looks On, Macron Says Russian State News Channels Spread Lies About Him MACRON, EMMANUEL / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RT / SPUTNIK / FEDOROVA, XENIA / SIMONYAN, MARGARITA
20170530 rt.com Macron leads war on ‘deceitful propaganda’ against RT – but #ZeroFactsGiven MACRON, EMMANUEL / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RT / SPUTNIK / FEDOROVA, XENIA / SIMONYAN, MARGARITA
20170119 rt.com Facebook blocks RT from posting until after Trump inauguration FACEBOOK / CENSORSHIP / RT


Date Source Title Tags
20161126 rt.com EU neither specified propaganda, nor gave Russian media right to defend – IFJ president to RT EU / RT / IFJ
20161123 rt.com 'At war with Russia’: EU Parliament approves resolution to counter Russian media ‘propaganda’ EU / RU / PROPAGANDA / RT / SPUTNIK
20161118 spiegel.de Trumps Sicherheitsberater Flynn Hardliner mit Putin-Connection FLYNN, MICHAEL / RT / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161117 rt.com 'New form of segregation?': Moscow reacts to US State Dept treatment of RT reporter US / RT
20161021 rt.com Clinton campaign yet again distracts from Podesta revelations with misinformation about RT CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / PODESTA, JOHN / RT
20161017 rt.com UK bank to close RT accounts, 'long live freedom of speech!' – editor-in-chief NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK / RT / GB / FREEDOM OF SPEECH
20160914 rt.com US presidential campaign generating 'ridiculous & dangerous' charges against Vladimir Putin RUSSIA TODAY / TRUMP, DONALD / WAGNER, DANIEL


Date Source Title Tags
20151107 spiegel.de Washington: Putin-Berater tot in Hotelzimmer gefunden LESSIN, MICHAIL / RU / RUSSIA TODAY


Date Source Title Tags
20140319 truthdig.com How Cold War-Hungry Neocons Stage Managed RT Anchor Liz Wahl’s Resignation RUSSIA TODAY / WAHL, LIZ


Date Source Title Tags
20130831 telepolis.de US-Dienst Reddit sperrt Nachrichten von Russia Today RUSSIA TODAY / REDDIT
20130820 theguardian.com How the press reacted to Guardian editor's revelation about security pressure - Or should that be - how newspapers didn't react? GUARDIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / GCHQ / DAILY TELEGRAPH / THE TIMES / THE INDEPENDENT / DAILY MAIL / WASHINGTON POST / USA TODAY / NEW YORK TIMES / WALL STREET JOURNAL / LE MONDE / RUSSIA TODAY
20130814 spiegel.de Kreml-Sender Russia Today: "Wenn Russland Krieg führt, ziehen wir mit in die Schlacht" RUSSIA TODAY


Date Source Title Tags
25.01.2012 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer: Assanges Talkshow läuft bei russischem Sender ASSANGE, JULIAN / RUSSIA TODAY
