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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2022 ==
|20220930 ||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/563767-nsa-employee-hacking-secrets/ NSA employee tries to sell US hacking secrets / The cybersecurity staffer is accused of attempting to pass off sensitive material to a foreign agent]||[[NSA]]
== 2021 ==
|20210707||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/528629-tucker-carlson-nsa-emails-reporter/ ‘It’s confirmed, it’s true’: Fox News host Tucker Carlson says NSA leaked his emails to journalists]||[[NSA]] / [[CARLSON, TUCKER]]
|20210630||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/527945-nsa-responds-tucker-spying/ ‘Entire paragraph of lies’: Carlson fires back at NSA after spy organization claims he is NOT their target in ‘non-denial denial’]||[[CARLSON, TUCKER]] / [[NSA]]
|20210629||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/527824-wikileaks-tucker-nsa-spying/ WikiLeaks draws liberal ire after it compares Tucker Carlson to Assange as Fox host accuses NSA of SPYING on him]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CARLSON, TUCKER]] / [[NSA]]
|20210603||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/525559-china-us-france-germany-spies/ China criticizes US for being ‘world’s number one secret stealer’ after reports of NSA spying on allied leaders]||[[CN]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLEAN NETWORK]]
== 2020 ==
|202006||theatlantic.com||[https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/06/edward-snowden-operation-firstfruits/610573/ Since I Met Edward Snowden, I’ve Never Stopped Watching My Back - After receiving a trove of documents from the whistleblower, I found myself under surveillance and investigation by the U.S. government.]||[[GELLMAN, BARTON]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[US]] / [[FBI]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]]
|20200528||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/490059-nsa-mail-servers-russian-hackers/ NSA urges email providers to update software warning that ‘Russian military hackers’ already gained ‘dream access’ to them]||[[NSA]]
|20200527||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/nsas-social-network-mapping-more-vast-omnipresent-horrifying-snowden-revealed NSA's Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent, & Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed]||[[NSA]]
|20200127||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/27/nsa-faces-questions-over-security-of-trump-officials-after-alleged-bezos-hack NSA faces questions over security of Trump officials after alleged Bezos hack - Democratic lawmaker asks agency if it is confident the Saudi government has not sought to hack US officials]||[[NSA]] / [[BEZOS, JEFF]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
== 2019 ==
|20191221||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/476574-nsa-surveilllance-court-ruling/ NSA has been ‘lying to the courts all along,’ says whistleblower, as judges give warrantless surveillance the thumbs-up]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]]
|20190606||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/461254-nsa-pride-tweet-backlash/ But we’re diverse! NSA roasted over appropriating Pride Month, reminded of mass surveillance sins]||[[NSA]]
|20190509||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-09/former-nsanga-analyst-indicted-leaking-classified-info-reporter Former NSA/NGA Analyst Indicted For Leaking Classified Documents To Reporter]||[[HALE, DANIEL EVERETTE]] / [[NSA]] / [[NGA]] / [[DRONES]] / [[THE INTERCEPT]] / [[SCAHILL, JEREMY]]
|20190215||zeit.de||[https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2019-02/abhoeraffaere-angela-merkel-nsa-us-geheimdienst Abhöraffäre: Angela Merkel soll NSA-Überwachung als PR-Problem gesehen haben]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[NSA]]
|20190215||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/angela-merkel-soll-in-handy-ueberwachung-nur-pr-problem-gesehen-haben-a-1253403.html Ausspähung der Kanzlerin Merkel soll in Handy-Überwachung nur "PR-Problem" gesehen haben]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[NSA]]
|20190214||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-cyber-force-credited-with-helping-stop-russia-from-undermining-midterms/2019/02/14/ceef46ae-3086-11e9-813a-0ab2f17e305b_story.html U.S. cyber force credited with helping stop Russia from undermining midterms]||[[NSA]]
|20190109||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/09/russia-kaspersky-lab-nsa-cybersecurity-1089131 Cybersecurity: Exclusive: How a Russian firm helped catch an alleged NSA data thief - The U.S. has accused Kaspersky Lab of working with Russian spies. But sources say the company exposed a massive breach that U.S. authorities missed.]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[KASPERSKY]] / [[NSA]]
== 2018 ==
|20181210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/446081-corsi-sues-mueller-wikileaks-trump/ Blackmailed to lie? Roger Stone associate sues Mueller, intel agencies for $350mn]||[[CORSI, JEROME]] / [[STONE, ROGER]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20181019||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-19/pathological-social-deviant-senior-nsa-official-engaged-egregious-misconduct-women "Pathological Social Deviant": Senior NSA Official Engaged In "Egregious" Misconduct With Women]||[[NSA]]
|20180810||darkreading.com||[https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/nsa-brings-nation-state-details-to-def-con/d/d-id/1332533 NSA Brings Nation-State Details to DEF CON - Hackers were eager to hear the latest from the world of nation-state cybersecurity.]||[[DEFCON]] [[NSA]]
|20180320||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/03/20/the-nsa-worked-to-track-down-bitcoin-users-snowden-documents-reveal/ The NSA Worked to “Track Down” Bitcoin Users, Snowden Documents Reveal]||[[BTC]] / [[NSA]]
|20180226||cyberscoop.com||[https://www.cyberscoop.com/case-alleged-nsa-hoarder-gets-tougher-federal-prosecutors/ Government: Case against alleged hoarder of NSA documents gets tougher for federal prosecutors]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]]
|20180210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/418385-nsa-cia-paid-russian/ US spies paid ‘Russians’ $100k for stolen NSA tools, but got dud ‘Trump secrets’ they didn’t want?]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20180209||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/02/09/donald-trump-russia-election-nsa/ U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]] / [[BERLIN]] / [[RU]]
|20180209||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/09/us/politics/us-cyberweapons-russia-trump.html U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[BERLIN]] / [[RU]]
|20180130||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/30/trump-nsa-cyber-warfare-379207 Trump expected to tap Army cyber warfare chief to lead NSA]||[[NAKASONE, PAUL]] / [[NSA]]
|20180125||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-netherlands-russia-cybercrime/dutch-intelligence-agency-spied-on-russian-hacking-group-media-idUSKBN1FE34W? Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media]||[[AIVD]] / [[COZY BEAR]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20180124||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/01/24/nsa-core-values-honesty-deleted/ NSA Deletes “Honesty” and “Openness” From Core Values]||[[NSA]]
|20180109||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/415316-nsa-losing-staff-whistleblowers/ NSA sought to prevent Snowden-style leaks, ended up losing staff – whistleblower to RT]||[[NSA]]
|20180105||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/05/nsa-mike-rogers-to-retire-267634 NSA's Rogers to retire this spring]||[[ROGERS, MIKE]] / [[NSA]]
== 2017 ==
|20171205||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/was-a-spys-parkinsons-disease-caused-by-a-secret-microwave-weapon-attack/2017/11/26/d5d530e0-c3f5-11e7-afe9-4f60b5a6c4a0_story.html?utm_term=.20f543f96086 Was a spy’s Parkinson’s disease caused by a secret microwave weapon attack?]||[[CU]] / [[NSA]] / [[BECK, MIKE]]
|20171201||wired.com||[https://www.wired.com/story/nsa-agent-exposed-critical-secrets/ Here's the NSA Agent Who Inexplicably Exposed Critical Secret]||[[NSA]] / [[PHO, NGHIA HOANG]]
|20171115||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-15/how-instantly-prove-or-disprove-russian-hacking-us-election How to Instantly Prove (Or Disprove) Russian Hacking of U.S. Election]||[[DNC]] / [[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBI]]
|20171112||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/12/us/nsa-shadow-brokers.html Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]]
|20171024||muckrock.com||[https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/oct/24/nsa-bamford/ NSA wanted to use the Espionage Act to prosecute a journalist for using FOIA]||[[NSA]] / [[BAMFORD, JAMES]]
|20170721||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-21/nsa-leak-sessions-reportedly-discussed-trump-campaign-former-russian-ambassador NSA Leak: Sessions Reportedly Discussed Trump Campaign With Former Russian Ambassador]||[[SESSIONS, JEFF]] / [[NSA]] / [[KISLYAK, SERGEY]]
|20170628||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/28/technology/ransomware-nsa-hacking-tools.html Hacks Raise Fear Over N.S.A.’s Hold on Cyberweapons]||[[NSA]]
|20170628||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/394481-shadow-brokers-nsa-hacker/ Shadow Brokers threatens to expose NSA hacker’s covert operations against China]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CN]]
|20170628||thehill.com||[http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/339929-nsa-director-frustrated-trump-wont-accept-russia-interfered-in NSA director frustrated Trump won't accept Russia interfered in election: report]||[[ROGERS, MIKE]] / [[NSA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170623||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=.6dab5d77367f Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[JOHNSON, JEH]] / [[BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER]] / [[HAINES, AVRIL]] / [[RICE, SUSAN]] / [[MCDONOUGH, DENIS]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBI]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20170614||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Patchday-Microsoft-sichert-XP-und-Vista-ab-warnt-vor-neuem-WannaCry-3743004.html Patchday: Microsoft sichert XP und Vista ab, warnt vor neuem WannaCry]||[[MICROSOFT]] / [[NSA]]
|20160606||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/391037-reality-winner-intercept-nsa-leak/ DOJ charges govt contractor with leaking top secret material to The Intercept]||[[THE INTERCEPT]] / [[WINNER, REALITY LEIGH]] / [[NSA]]
|20170605||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/06/05/top-secret-nsa-report-details-russian-hacking-effort-days-before-2016-election/ Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election]||[[THE INTERCEPT]] / [[NSA]]
|20170522||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/389252-nsa-hacking-tool-eternalrocks/ ‘Bigger than WannaCry’: New malware employs 7 NSA exploits, expert warns]||[[CYBERWEAPONS]] / [[NSA]]
|20170517||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/388749-wannacry-adylkuzz-worldwide-cyberattack-nsa/ WannaCry XXL? 2nd even bigger global cyber attack already underway]||[[RANSOMWARE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20170517||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/nsa-officials-worried-about-the-day-its-potent-hacking-tool-would-get-loose-then-it-did/2017/05/16/50670b16-3978-11e7-a058-ddbb23c75d82_story.html?utm_term=.92c30827f6cd NSA officials worried about the day its potent hacking tool would get loose. Then it did.]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CYBERWEAPONS]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20170516||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/nsa-officials-worried-about-the-day-its-potent-hacking-tool-would-get-loose-then-it-did/2017/05/16/50670b16-3978-11e7-a058-ddbb23c75d82_story.html?utm_term=.3f4a55a0da29 NSA officials worried about the day its potent hacking tool would get loose. Then it did.]||[[NSA]]
|20170428||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/386518-nsa-collection-foreign-target-program/ NSA to stop collecting Americans' emails, texts about foreign surveillance targets]||[[NSA]] / [[US]]
|20170415||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/nsa-soll-bankensystem-swift-geknackt-haben-a-1143469.html Hacker NSA soll Bankensystem Swift geknackt haben]||[[SWIFT]] / [[NSA]] / [[SHADOW BROKERS]]
|20170409||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/384082-shadow-brokers-nsa-password-trump/ Shadow Brokers hackers release NSA hacking tools to punish Trump for ‘abandoning’ his base]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]]
|20170408||bleepingcomputer.com||[https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/shadow-brokers-publish-the-password-for-the-rest-the-stolen-nsa-hacking-tools/Shadow Brokers Publish the Password for the Rest the Stolen NSA Hacking Tools]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]]
|20170408||medium.com||[https://medium.com/@shadowbrokerss/dont-forget-your-base-867d304a94b1 Don’t Forget Your Base]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NSA]]
|20170320||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/381410-comey-congress-trump-wiretapping/ FBI & NSA chiefs testify in Congress on Trump, Russia, wiretapping (WATCH LIVE)]||[[FBI]] / [[NSA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[ROGERS, MIKE]]
|20170309||infowars.com||[https://www.infowars.com/former-intel-officer-ex-nsa-officials-carried-out-dnc-hack-to-expose-hillary/ Former Intel Officer: Ex-NSA Officials Carried Out DNC Hack to Expose Hillary]||[[SHAFFER, TONY]] / [[NSA]] / [[DNC]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20170228||reuters.com||[http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1672ML NSA risks talent exodus amid morale slump, Trump fears]||[[NSA]]
|20170214||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/ex-nsa-contractor-to-face-spying-charges-in-federal-court/2017/02/13/01168ad6-f22a-11e6-b9c9-e83fce42fb61_story.html?tid=a_inl&utm_term=.cd04dd0e1402 Ex-NSA contractor pleads not guilty to spying charges in federal court]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]]
|20170206||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/prosecutors-to-seek-indictment-against-former-nsa-contractor-as-early-as-this-week/2017/02/06/362a22ca-ec83-11e6-9662-6eedf1627882_story.html?utm_term=.1395133f7f05 Prosecutors to seek indictment against former NSA contractor as early as this week]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]]
|20170108||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-trumps-russlandkurs-trifft-auf-skepsis-beider-parteien-a-1129086.html Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[NSA]]
== 2016 ==
=== 201612 ===
|20161216||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-16/why-snowden-had-break-law-become-nsa-whistleblower Is This Why Snowden Had to Break the Law to Become an NSA Whistleblower?]||[[ELLARD, GEORGE]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]]
|20161214||motherboard.vice.com||[https://motherboard.vice.com/read/newly-uncovered-site-suggests-nsa-exploits-for-direct-sale Newly Uncovered Site Suggests NSA Exploits for Direct Sale]||[[NSA]]
|20161214||medium.com||[https://medium.com/@CleetusBocefus/are-the-shadow-brokers-selling-nsa-tools-on-zeronet-6c335891d62a Are the Shadow Brokers selling NSA tools on ZeroNet?]||[[NSA]] / [[SHADOW BROKERS]]
|20161209||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/369733-nsa-workers-leaving-snowden/ NSA workers leaving in ‘increasingly large numbers’ following Snowden leaks – former director]||[[NSA]] / [[ALEXANDER, KEITH]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20161206||cyberscoop.com||[https://www.cyberscoop.com/nsa-morale-down-keith-alexander-mike-rogers/ Government: NSA’s best are ‘leaving in big numbers,’ insiders say]||[[NSA]] / [[ALEXANDER, KEITH]] / [[ROGERS, MIKE]]
=== 201611 ===
|20161119||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-and-intelligence-community-chiefs-have-urged-obama-to-remove-the-head-of-the-nsa/2016/11/19/44de6ea6-adff-11e6-977a-1030f822fc35_story.html?utm_term=.ff74dce6a83a Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA]||[[ROGERS, MICHAEL]] / [[NSA]]
|20161116||motherjones.com||[http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/will-congress-investigate-russian-interference-2016-campaign The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate.]||[[ROGERS, MICHAEL]] / [[NSA]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[DNC]]
=== 201610 ===
|20161029||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/us/harold-martin-nsa.html?_r=0 N.S.A. Appears to Have Missed ‘Big Red Flags’ in Suspect’s Behavior]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]]
|20161028||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-skandal-um-harold-martin-er-ist-nicht-edward-snowden-a-1118564.html NSA-Skandal Was wollte Harold Martin mit einem Schuppen voller Geheimdokumente?]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]]
|20161019||blogspot.de||[http://electrospaces.blogspot.de/2016/10/with-nsa-contractor-martin-arrested.html With NSA contractor Martin arrested, other leakers may still be at large]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]]
|20161013||woz.ch||[https://www.woz.ch/-731e Edward Snowden und die Schweiz - «Der Bundesrat verhinderte Ermittlungen gegen die NSA»]||[[CH]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]]
|20161011||arstechnica.com||[http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/how-the-nsa-could-put-undetectable-trapdoors-in-millions-of-crypto-keys/ NSA could put undetectable “trapdoors” in millions of crypto keys - Technique allows attackers to passively decrypt Diffie-Hellman protected data.]||[[BACKDOORS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CRYPTOGRAPHY]]
|20161006||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/nsa-case-highlights-growing-concerns-over-insider-threats/2016/10/06/61b90a5e-8bc7-11e6-bf8a-3d26847eeed4_story.html Business: NSA case highlights growing concerns over insider threats]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]]
|20161005||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/government-contractor-arrested-for-stealing-top-secret-data/2016/10/05/99eeb62a-8b19-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html National Security: NSA contractor charged with stealing top secret data]||[[NSA]] / [[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]]
|20161005||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/361704-nsa-contractor-arrested-snowden/ Snowden 2.0: NSA contractor arrested for stealing malware]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]]
|20161005||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/06/us/nsa-leak-booz-allen-hamilton.html N.S.A. Contractor Arrested in Possible New Theft of Secrets]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]]
|20161005||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/06/us/politics/harold-martin-nsa-contractor.html A ‘Sad Case’ Suspect, Scared Pale as Police Swarmed His House in N.S.A. Case]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]]
|20161005||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-externer-mitarbeiter-wegen-daten-diebstahl-festgenommen-a-1115369.html Datendiebstahl Externer NSA-Mitarbeiter festgenommen]||[[MARTIN, HAL]] / [[NSA]] / [[BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON]]
=== 201609 ===
|20160922||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/sep/22/good-american-documentary-review-william-binney-nsa-surveillance-analyst A Good American review – troubling, fascinating glimpse of NSA surveillance]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]]
=== 201608 ===
|20160818||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/356326-nsa-leak-data-insider-worker/ Leak in-house? NSA data dump could be work of insider]||[[NSA]]
|20160816||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/356170-snowden-analysis-nsa-hack/ ‘You’re welcome’: Snowden casts light on NSA hack]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]]
|20160813||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/355812-germany-nsa-bnd-isis/ Germany asks NSA to decipher Bavaria attackers’ chat with ISIS mastermind – report]||[[DE]] / [[TERRORISM]] / [[SA]] / [[NSA]] / [[BND]]
|20160813||focus.de||[http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/terrorismus-nsa-knackte-verschluesselte-befehle-fuer-anschlaege-in-bayern_id_5821126.html Attentate in Würzburg und Ansbach NSA knackte verschlüsselte Befehle für Anschläge in Bayern]||[[DE]] / [[TERRORISM]] / [[SA]] / [[NSA]]
|20160805||theregister.co.uk||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/05/how_many_zeroday_vulns_is_us_govt_sitting_on/ How many zero-day vulns is Uncle Sam sitting on? Not as many as you think, apparently - Thanks, Obama]||[[ZERO-DAY EXPLOITS]] / [[NSA]]
|20160801||theduran.com||[http://theduran.com/nsa-whistleblower-says-dnc-hack-not-done-russia-us-intelligence/ NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
|20160801||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-31/whistleblowers-stunning-claim-nsa-has-all-hillarys-deleted-emails-it-may-be-leak Whistleblower's Stunning Claim: "NSA Has All Of Hillary's Deleted Emails, It May Be The Leak"]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
=== 201607 ===
|20160731||breitbart.com||[http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/07/31/exclusive-nsa-architect-agency-clintons-deleted-emails/ EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Emails]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[FBI]]
=== 201606 ===
|20160604||japantimes.co.jp||[http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/06/04/national/nsa-whistleblower-snowden-says-u-s-government-carrying-out-mass-surveillance-in-japan/ NSA whistleblower Snowden says U.S. government carrying out mass surveillance in Japan]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]] / [[JP]]
|20160604||news.vice.com||[https://news.vice.com/article/edward-snowden-leaks-tried-to-tell-nsa-about-surveillance-concerns-exclusive Exclusive: Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]]
=== 201605 ===
|20160524||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/344201-snowden-leak-david-miranda/ 'Lots of surprises inside': Activist David Miranda tells RT about planned mass Snowden file leak]||[[MIRANDA, DAVID]] / [[BR]] / [[NSA]] / [[GCHQ]]
|20160522||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/whistleblower-john-crane-offenbart-nsa-methoden-a-1093415.html Geheimdienste: Ehemaliger Top-Beamter des Pentagon ergreift Partei für NSA-Whistleblower]||[[WHISTLEBLOWING]] / [[DRAKE, THOMAS]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CRANE, JOHN]] / [[NSA]] / [[PENTAGON]] / [[US]]
|20160517||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/343366-nsa-iraq-snowden-documents/ Spies over Baghdad: NSA newsletter reveals agency’s role in Iraq War]||[[IQ]] / [[NSA]]
|20160514||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bundesnachrichtendienst-kanzleramt-stoppt-neue-kooperation-mit-usa-a-1092322.html Geheimdienste: Kanzleramt stoppt neue BND-Kooperation mit USA]||[[DE]] / [[BND]] / [[NSA]] / [[JO]]
=== 201603 ===
|20160321||kansascity.com||[http://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article67401332.html Probe launched into Pentagon handling of NSA whistleblower evidence]||[[DRAKE, THOMAS]] / [[NSA]]
=== 201601 ===
|20160128||theregister.co.uk||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/28/nsas_top_hacking_boss_explains_how_to_protect_your_network_from_his_minions/?mt=1453964202191 NSA’s top hacking boss explains how to protect your network from his attack squads - Rare public appearance from Tailored Access Operations leader]||[[NSA]]
== 2015 ==
== 2015 ==
=== 201510 ===
|20151030||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-und-bnd-kritik-am-bericht-zur-geheimdienstaffaere-a-1060475.html NSA und BND: Opposition kritisiert Bericht zur Geheimdienstaffäre]||[[DE]] / [[NSA]] / [[BND]]
|20151002||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-spionage-ex-bnd-chef-hanning-findet-ausspaehen-durch-amerikaner-normal-a-1055980.html Spähaffäre: Ex-BND-Chef Hanning kann sich an "technische Details" nicht erinnern]||[[HANNING, AUGUST]] / [[DE PUA NSA]] / [[NSA]] / [[BND]]
=== 201509 ===
|20150930||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/nsa-love-notes-liebesbotschaften-aus-fort-meade-a-1055231.html Schräge Geheimdienst-Werbung: Liebesbotschaften von der NSA]||[[NSA]]
|20150915||wired.com||[http://www.wired.com/2015/09/now-can-find-nsa-gchq-spied/ Now you can find out if NSA and GCHQ spied on you]||[[GCHQ]] / [[NSA]] / [[PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL]]
|20150901||whowhatwhy.org||[http://whowhatwhy.org/2015/09/01/whistleblowers-file-100-million-suit-against-nsa-fbi/ Whistleblowers File $100 Million Suit against NSA, FBI]||[[WIEBE, J. KIRK]] / [[DRAKE, THOMAS]] / [[LOOMIS, ED]] / [[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBI]] / [[US DOJ]]
=== 201508 ===
|20150814||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/nsa-interview-with-german-intelligence-coordinator-altmaier-a-1048072.html 'Secrets Must Remain Secret': German Intelligence Coordinator on NSA and Media Leaks]||[[ALTMAIER, PETER]] / [[DE]] / [[BND]] / [[NSA]]
|20150814||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-affaere-peter-altmaier-rueffelt-bundesnachrichtendienst-a-1048012.html NSA-Affäre: Altmaier rüffelt BND]||[[ALTMAIER, PETER]] / [[DE]] / [[BND]] / [[NSA]]
=== 201507 ===
|20150731||taz.de||[http://www.taz.de/Urteil-zu-NSA-Selektorenliste/!5220719/ Urteil zu NSA-Selektorenliste: Klage auf Herausgabe ist gescheitert]||[[BND]] / [[DE]] / [[BVERWG]] / [[NSA]]
|20150527||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-harald-range-sieht-keinen-grund-fuer-neue-ermittlungen-a-1045229.htm WikiLeaks: Generalbundesanwalt sieht keinen Grund für neue NSA-Ermittlungen]||[[RANGE, HARALD]] / [[DE]] / [[NSA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20150720||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/spiegel-interview-with-wikileaks-head-julian-assange-a-1044399.html SPIEGEL Interview with Julian Assange: 'We Are Drowning in Material']||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[NSA]] / [[DE]]
|20150719||machtelite.wordpress.com||[https://machtelite.wordpress.com/2015/07/19/merkel-empfiehlt-nsa-im-sommerinterview-lest-deutsche-zeitungen/ Merkel empfiehlt NSA im Sommerinterview: Lest deutsche Zeitungen!]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[HASSEL, TINA]] / [[NSA]]
|20150618||focus.de||[http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/berliner-justizkreise-generalbundesanwal-leitet-nach-neuen-nsa-veroeffentlichungen-keine-ermittlungen-ein_id_4824127.html Berliner Justizkreise - Generalbundesanwalt: Beweise reichen nicht für NSA-Ermittlungen]||[[RANGE, HARALD]] / [[NSA]] / [[DE]]
|20150714||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/273685-aclu-lawsuit-nsa-spying/ ACLU sues to block extension of NSA dragnet program]||[[ACLU]] / [[NSA]]
|20150712||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-soll-gerhard-schroeder-wegen-putin-kontakten-ausspioniert-haben-a-1043250.html Russland-Kontakte: NSA soll Schröder auch nach seiner Kanzlerschaft ausspioniert haben]||[[NSA]] / [[SCHROEDER, GERHARD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[GAZPROM]] / [[WARNIG, MATTHIAS]]
|20150710||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/nsa-affaere-usa-erstaunt-ueber-zoegerliche-deutsche-reaktion-a-1043035.html NSA-Affäre: USA erstaunt über "zögerliche Reaktionen" der Deutschen]||[[NSA]] / [[DE]]
|20150703||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/the-nsa-and-american-spies-targeted-spiegel-a-1042023.html An Attack on Press Freedom: SPIEGEL Targeted by US Intelligence]||[[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[SPIEGEL]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[HEISS, GUENTER]] / [[VORBECK, HANS JOSEF]] / [[KURNAZ, MURAT]] / [[ZAMMAR, MOHAMMED HAYDAR]] / [[MANNING, CHELSEA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[APPELBAUM, JACOB]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[ALTMAIER, PETER]] / [[DE]]
|20150702||sueddeutsche.de||[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/neue-wikileaks-dokumente-pofalla-macht-sich-sorgen-1.2549111 Neue Wikileaks-Dokumente: Pofalla macht sich Sorgen]||[[DE PUA NSA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[NSA]] / [[POFALLA, RONALD]] / [[HEISS, GUENTHER]]
|20150702||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-schaeuble-vermisst-mass-und-mitte-in-us-geheimdiensten-a-1041829.html Neue Spionage-Vorwürfe: Schäuble vermisst "Maß und Mitte" bei US-Geheimdiensten]||[[SCHAEUBLE, WOLFGANG]] / [[NSA]] / [[DE]]
=== 201506 ===
=== 201506 ===
Line 8: Line 390:
|20150629||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/wikileaks-enthuellung-nsa-soll-auch-franzoesische-wirtschaft-bespitzelt-haben-a-1041268.html Wikileaks-Enthüllung: NSA soll auch französische Wirtschaft bespitzelt haben]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[NSA]] / [[FR]] / [[ESPIONAGE]]
|20150627||blogspot.de||[http://electrospaces.blogspot.de/2015/06/wikileaks-publishes-some-of-most-secret.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter Wikileaks published some of the most secret NSA reports so far]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[NSA]]
|20150627||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/270094-nsa-france-leak-whistleblower/ New NSA whistleblower suspected behind French president surveillance leak]||[[LEAKS]] / [[NSA]]
|20150626||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/270259-assange-interview-france-surveillance/ US a surveillance superpower spying on foes & allies alike – Assange]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[NSA]]
|20150626||theage.com.au||[http://www.theage.com.au/world/france-mulls-offering-asylum-to-julian-assange-and-edward-snowden-20150626-ghyg7i.html France mulls offering asylum to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden]||[[FR]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]]
|20150626||theage.com.au||[http://www.theage.com.au/world/france-mulls-offering-asylum-to-julian-assange-and-edward-snowden-20150626-ghyg7i.html France mulls offering asylum to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden]||[[FR]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]]
|20150624||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-spionage-gegen-frankreich-hollande-laesterte-ueber-merkel-a-1040392.html NSA-Spionage gegen Frankreich: Wie Hollande über Merkel lästerte]||[[HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[NSA]]
|20150621||welt.de||[http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article142809311/Grosse-Koalition-findet-Chefaufklaerer-fuer-NSA-Affaere.html Große Koalition findet Chefaufklärer für NSA-Affäre: Der ehemalige Bundesrichter Kurt Graulich soll die geheime Liste mit den umstrittenen US-Suchbegriffen überprüfen. Darüber sind sich Union und SPD einig. Die Amerikaner wollen aber auch das nicht.]||[[DE PUA NSA]] / [[NSA]] / [[BND]] / [[DE]] / [[GRAULICH, KURT]]
|20150621||welt.de||[http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article142809311/Grosse-Koalition-findet-Chefaufklaerer-fuer-NSA-Affaere.html Große Koalition findet Chefaufklärer für NSA-Affäre: Der ehemalige Bundesrichter Kurt Graulich soll die geheime Liste mit den umstrittenen US-Suchbegriffen überprüfen. Darüber sind sich Union und SPD einig. Die Amerikaner wollen aber auch das nicht.]||[[DE PUA NSA]] / [[NSA]] / [[BND]] / [[DE]] / [[GRAULICH, KURT]]
Line 74: Line 466:
|20150213||freebeacon.com||[http://freebeacon.com/national-security/nsa-braced-for-new-leaks/ NSA Braced for New Leaks: Foreign security firm uncovered cyber spy methods]||[[NSA]]
|20150213||freebeacon.com||[http://freebeacon.com/national-security/nsa-braced-for-new-leaks/ NSA Braced for New Leaks: Foreign security firm uncovered cyber spy methods]||[[NSA]]
|20150210||wired.com||[https://www.wired.com/2015/02/nsa-acknowledges-feared-iran-learns-us-cyberattacks/ The NSA Acknowledges What We All Feared: Iran Learns From US Cyberattacks]||[[NSA]] / [[IR]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20150210||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/02/10/nsa-iran-developing-sophisticated-cyber-attacks-learning-attacks/ NSA Claims Iran Learned from Western Cyberattacks]||[[NSA]] / [[IR]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20150210||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/02/10/nsa-iran-developing-sophisticated-cyber-attacks-learning-attacks/ NSA Claims Iran Learned from Western Cyberattacks]||[[NSA]] / [[IR]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
Line 88: Line 482:
|20150122||medium.com||[https://medium.com/@NafeezAhmed/how-the-cia-made-google-e836451a959e How the CIA made Google: Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[CIA]] / [[HIGHLANDS FORUM]] / [[ISLAND FORUM]] / [[WELLS, LINTON]] / [[O'NEILL, RICHARD PATRICK]] / [[MARSHALL, ANDREW]] / [[TETHER, ANTHONY J.]] / [[PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT]] / [[PERRY, WILLIAM]] / [[COOPER, JEFFREY]] / [[SAIC]] / [[BRIN, SERGEY]] / [[PAGE, LARRY]] / [[THURAISINGHAM, BHAVANI]] / [[STEINHEISER, RICK]] / [[MITRE]] / / [[MDDS]] / [[NSA]] / [[DARPA]] / [[POINDEXTER, JOHN]] / [[DUGAN, REGINA]]
|20150122||medium.com||[https://medium.com/@NafeezAhmed/how-the-cia-made-google-e836451a959e How the CIA made Google: Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[CIA]] / [[HIGHLANDS FORUM]] / [[ISLAND FORUM]] / [[WELLS, LINTON]] / [[O'NEILL, RICHARD PATRICK]] / [[MARSHALL, ANDREW]] / [[TETHER, ANTHONY J.]] / [[PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT]] / [[PERRY, WILLIAM]] / [[COOPER, JEFFREY]] / [[SAIC]] / [[BRIN, SERGEY]] / [[PAGE, LARRY]] / [[THURAISINGHAM, BHAVANI]] / [[STEINHEISER, RICK]] / [[MITRE]] / / [[MDDS]] / [[NSA]] / [[DARPA]] / [[POINDEXTER, JOHN]] / [[DUGAN, REGINA]]
|20150117||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/new-snowden-docs-indicate-scope-of-nsa-preparations-for-cyber-battle-a-1013409-2.html The Digital Arms Race NSA Preps America for Future Battle]||[[NSA]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20150107||networkworld.com||[http://www.networkworld.com/article/2866286/microsoft-subnet/former-microsoft-chief-privacy-officer-on-the-cloud-conspiracy.html Former Microsoft Chief Privacy Officer on the Cloud Conspiracy]||[[BOWDEN, CASPAR]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[NSA]]
Line 712: Line 1,110:
|20131006||politico.com||[http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/surveillance-panel-shut-down-97891.html Surveillance panel shut down]||[[US]] / [[SURVEILLANCE]] / [[NSA]]
|20131006||politico.com||[http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/surveillance-panel-shut-down-97891.html Surveillance panel shut down]||[[US]] / [[SURVEILLANCE]] / [[NSA]]
|20131004||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2013/10/04/why-everyone-is-left-less-secure-when-the-nsa-doesnt-help-fix-security-flaws/?utm_term=.4f042a642f02 Why everyone is left less secure when the NSA doesn’t help fix security flaws]||[[NSA]]
|20131004||newsweek.com||[http://mag.newsweek.com/2013/10/04/the-woman-who-knows-the-nsa-s-secrets.html The Woman Who Knows the NSA's secrets]||[[NSA]] / [[WHEELER, MARCY]]
|20131004||newsweek.com||[http://mag.newsweek.com/2013/10/04/the-woman-who-knows-the-nsa-s-secrets.html The Woman Who Knows the NSA's secrets]||[[NSA]] / [[WHEELER, MARCY]]
Line 789: Line 1,189:
|20130909||foreignpolicy.com||[http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/09/08/the_cowboy_of_the_nsa_keith_alexander?page=0,1 The Cowboy of the NSA: Inside Gen. Keith Alexander's all-out, barely-legal drive to build the ultimate spy machine.]||[[ALEXANDER, KEITH]] / [[NSA]]
|20130909||foreignpolicy.com||[http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/09/08/the_cowboy_of_the_nsa_keith_alexander?page=0,1 The Cowboy of the NSA: Inside Gen. Keith Alexander's all-out, barely-legal drive to build the ultimate spy machine.]||[[ALEXANDER, KEITH]] / [[NSA]]
|20130909||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/us-spied-brazil-oil-588/ No economic espionage? NSA docs show US spied on Brazil oil giant Petrobras]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]] / [[PETROBAS]] / [[ESPIONAGE]]
|20130909||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/us-spied-brazil-oil-588/ No economic espionage? NSA docs show US spied on Brazil oil giant Petrobras]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]] / [[PETROBRAS]] / [[ESPIONAGE]]
|20130908||globo.com||[http://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2013/09/nsa-documents-show-united-states-spied-brazilian-oil-giant.html NSA Documents Show United States Spied Brazilian Oil Giant]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]] / [[PETROBRAS]] / [[ESPIONAGE]] / [[SWIFT]]
|20130908||icontherecord.tumblr.com||[http://icontherecord.tumblr.com/post/60712026846/statement-by-director-of-national-intelligence Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper on Allegations of Economic Espionage]||[[DNI]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[ESPIONAGE]]
|20130908||icontherecord.tumblr.com||[http://icontherecord.tumblr.com/post/60712026846/statement-by-director-of-national-intelligence Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper on Allegations of Economic Espionage]||[[DNI]] / [[NSA]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[ESPIONAGE]]
|20130908||globo.com||[http://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2013/09/nsa-documents-show-united-states-spied-brazilian-oil-giant.html NSA Documents Show United States Spied Brazilian Oil Giant]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]] / [[PETROBAS]] / [[ESPIONAGE]] / [[SWIFT]]
|20130907||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/07/nsa-encryption-us-uk-press-freedoms NSA encryption story, Latin American fallout and US/UK attacks on press freedoms - The implications of the prior week's reporting of NSA stories continue to grow]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]]
|20130907||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/07/nsa-encryption-us-uk-press-freedoms NSA encryption story, Latin American fallout and US/UK attacks on press freedoms - The implications of the prior week's reporting of NSA stories continue to grow]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]]
Line 837: Line 1,237:
=== August ===
=== 201308 ===
Line 860: Line 1,260:
|20130827||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/sascha-lobo-ueber-merkels-pragmatismus-in-der-nsa-affaere-a-918796.html NSA-Affäre: Die rote Linie ist Merkel]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[NSA]] / [[DE]]
|20130827||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/sascha-lobo-ueber-merkels-pragmatismus-in-der-nsa-affaere-a-918796.html NSA-Affäre: Die rote Linie ist Merkel]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[NSA]] / [[DE]]
|20130826||ctvnews.ca||[https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/un-says-nations-are-banned-from-spying-on-it-will-address-snowden-leak-1.1427019 UN says nations are banned from spying on it, will address Snowden leak]||[[UN]] / [[VIENNA CONVENTION]] / [[NSA]]
|20130826||rt.com||[http://rt.com/op-edge/nsa-un-europe-measures-reaction-995/ European leaders show no interest in shielding EU from NSA]||[[EU]] / [[NSA]] / [[ANDERSDOTTER, AMELIA]]
|20130826||rt.com||[http://rt.com/op-edge/nsa-un-europe-measures-reaction-995/ European leaders show no interest in shielding EU from NSA]||[[EU]] / [[NSA]] / [[ANDERSDOTTER, AMELIA]]
Line 904: Line 1,306:
|20130816||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/friedrich-sieht-alle-vorwuerfe-in-nsa-affaere-ausgeraeumt-a-916886.html Überwachung: Friedrich sieht alle Vorwürfe in NSA-Affäre ausgeräumt]||[[DE]] / [[NSA]] / [[FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER]]
|20130816||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/friedrich-sieht-alle-vorwuerfe-in-nsa-affaere-ausgeraeumt-a-916886.html Überwachung: Friedrich sieht alle Vorwürfe in NSA-Affäre ausgeräumt]||[[DE]] / [[NSA]] / [[FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER]]
|20130814||forbes.com||[http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/08/14/agent-of-intelligence-how-a-deviant-philosopher-built-palantir-a-cia-funded-data-mining-juggernaut/ How A 'Deviant' Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut]||[[THIEL, PETER]] / [[CIA]] / [[PALANTIR]] / [[KARP, ALEX]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBI]] / [[RICE, CONDOLEEZZA]] / [[TENET, GEORGE]] / [[LANGONE, KEN]] / [[DRUCKENMILLER, STANLEY]] / [[GESHER, ARI]] / [[LONSDALE, JOE]] / [[COHEN, STEPHEN]] / [[GETTINGS, NATHAN]] / [[IN-Q-TEL]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20130813||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/14/world/americas/in-brazil-kerry-is-told-spying-sows-distrust.html?_r=0 In Brazil, Kerry Is Told Spying Sows ‘Distrust’]||[[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[BR]] / [[NSA]]
|20130813||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/14/world/americas/in-brazil-kerry-is-told-spying-sows-distrust.html?_r=0 In Brazil, Kerry Is Told Spying Sows ‘Distrust’]||[[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[BR]] / [[NSA]]
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=== July ===
=== 201307 ===
Line 1,241: Line 1,645:
=== June ===
=== 201306 ===

Latest revision as of 08:44, 30 September 2022



Date Source Title Tags
20220930 rt.com NSA employee tries to sell US hacking secrets / The cybersecurity staffer is accused of attempting to pass off sensitive material to a foreign agent NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20210707 rt.com ‘It’s confirmed, it’s true’: Fox News host Tucker Carlson says NSA leaked his emails to journalists NSA / CARLSON, TUCKER
20210630 rt.com ‘Entire paragraph of lies’: Carlson fires back at NSA after spy organization claims he is NOT their target in ‘non-denial denial’ CARLSON, TUCKER / NSA
20210629 rt.com WikiLeaks draws liberal ire after it compares Tucker Carlson to Assange as Fox host accuses NSA of SPYING on him WIKILEAKS / CARLSON, TUCKER / NSA
20210603 rt.com China criticizes US for being ‘world’s number one secret stealer’ after reports of NSA spying on allied leaders CN / NSA / CLEAN NETWORK


Date Source Title Tags
202006 theatlantic.com Since I Met Edward Snowden, I’ve Never Stopped Watching My Back - After receiving a trove of documents from the whistleblower, I found myself under surveillance and investigation by the U.S. government. GELLMAN, BARTON / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / FBI / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES
20200528 rt.com NSA urges email providers to update software warning that ‘Russian military hackers’ already gained ‘dream access’ to them NSA
20200527 zerohedge.com NSA's Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent, & Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed NSA
20200127 theguardian.com NSA faces questions over security of Trump officials after alleged Bezos hack - Democratic lawmaker asks agency if it is confident the Saudi government has not sought to hack US officials NSA / BEZOS, JEFF / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED


Date Source Title Tags
20191221 rt.com NSA has been ‘lying to the courts all along,’ says whistleblower, as judges give warrantless surveillance the thumbs-up BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
20190606 rt.com But we’re diverse! NSA roasted over appropriating Pride Month, reminded of mass surveillance sins NSA
20190509 zerohedge.com Former NSA/NGA Analyst Indicted For Leaking Classified Documents To Reporter HALE, DANIEL EVERETTE / NSA / NGA / DRONES / THE INTERCEPT / SCAHILL, JEREMY
20190215 zeit.de Abhöraffäre: Angela Merkel soll NSA-Überwachung als PR-Problem gesehen haben MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20190215 spiegel.de Ausspähung der Kanzlerin Merkel soll in Handy-Überwachung nur "PR-Problem" gesehen haben MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20190214 washingtonpost.com U.S. cyber force credited with helping stop Russia from undermining midterms NSA
20190109 politico.com Cybersecurity: Exclusive: How a Russian firm helped catch an alleged NSA data thief - The U.S. has accused Kaspersky Lab of working with Russian spies. But sources say the company exposed a massive breach that U.S. authorities missed. MARTIN, HAL / KASPERSKY / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20181210 rt.com Blackmailed to lie? Roger Stone associate sues Mueller, intel agencies for $350mn CORSI, JEROME / STONE, ROGER / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / PODESTA, JOHN / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / CIA / NSA
20181019 zerohedge.com "Pathological Social Deviant": Senior NSA Official Engaged In "Egregious" Misconduct With Women NSA
20180810 darkreading.com NSA Brings Nation-State Details to DEF CON - Hackers were eager to hear the latest from the world of nation-state cybersecurity. DEFCON NSA
20180320 theintercept.com The NSA Worked to “Track Down” Bitcoin Users, Snowden Documents Reveal BTC / NSA
20180226 cyberscoop.com Government: Case against alleged hoarder of NSA documents gets tougher for federal prosecutors MARTIN, HAL / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20180210 rt.com US spies paid ‘Russians’ $100k for stolen NSA tools, but got dud ‘Trump secrets’ they didn’t want? SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CIA / RU
20180209 theintercept.com U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CIA / BERLIN / RU
20180209 nytimes.com U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / BERLIN / RU
20180130 politico.com Trump expected to tap Army cyber warfare chief to lead NSA NAKASONE, PAUL / NSA
20180125 reuters.com Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / RU / CIA / NSA
20180124 theintercept.com NSA Deletes “Honesty” and “Openness” From Core Values NSA
20180109 rt.com NSA sought to prevent Snowden-style leaks, ended up losing staff – whistleblower to RT NSA
20180105 politico.com NSA's Rogers to retire this spring ROGERS, MIKE / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20171205 washingtonpost.com Was a spy’s Parkinson’s disease caused by a secret microwave weapon attack? CU / NSA / BECK, MIKE
20171201 wired.com Here's the NSA Agent Who Inexplicably Exposed Critical Secret NSA / PHO, NGHIA HOANG
20171115 zerohedge.com How to Instantly Prove (Or Disprove) Russian Hacking of U.S. Election DNC / BINNEY, WILLIAM / POMPEO, MIKE / NSA / FBI
20171112 nytimes.com Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core SHADOW BROKERS / NSA
20171024 muckrock.com NSA wanted to use the Espionage Act to prosecute a journalist for using FOIA NSA / BAMFORD, JAMES
20170721 zerohedge.com NSA Leak: Sessions Reportedly Discussed Trump Campaign With Former Russian Ambassador SESSIONS, JEFF / NSA / KISLYAK, SERGEY
20170628 nytimes.com Hacks Raise Fear Over N.S.A.’s Hold on Cyberweapons NSA
20170628 rt.com Shadow Brokers threatens to expose NSA hacker’s covert operations against China SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CN
20170628 thehill.com NSA director frustrated Trump won't accept Russia interfered in election: report ROGERS, MIKE / NSA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170623 washingtonpost.com Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault US / CIA / RU / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BRENNAN, JOHN / JOHNSON, JEH / BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER / HAINES, AVRIL / RICE, SUSAN / MCDONOUGH, DENIS / NSA / FBI / CYBERWAR
20170614 heise.de Patchday: Microsoft sichert XP und Vista ab, warnt vor neuem WannaCry MICROSOFT / NSA
20160606 rt.com DOJ charges govt contractor with leaking top secret material to The Intercept THE INTERCEPT / WINNER, REALITY LEIGH / NSA
20170605 theintercept.com Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election THE INTERCEPT / NSA
20170522 rt.com ‘Bigger than WannaCry’: New malware employs 7 NSA exploits, expert warns CYBERWEAPONS / NSA
20170517 rt.com WannaCry XXL? 2nd even bigger global cyber attack already underway RANSOMWARE / NSA / MICROSOFT
20170517 washingtonpost.com NSA officials worried about the day its potent hacking tool would get loose. Then it did. SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CYBERWEAPONS / MICROSOFT
20170516 washingtonpost.com NSA officials worried about the day its potent hacking tool would get loose. Then it did. NSA
20170428 rt.com NSA to stop collecting Americans' emails, texts about foreign surveillance targets NSA / US
20170415 spiegel.de Hacker NSA soll Bankensystem Swift geknackt haben SWIFT / NSA / SHADOW BROKERS
20170409 rt.com Shadow Brokers hackers release NSA hacking tools to punish Trump for ‘abandoning’ his base SHADOW BROKERS / NSA
20170408 bleepingcomputer.com Brokers Publish the Password for the Rest the Stolen NSA Hacking Tools SHADOW BROKERS / NSA
20170408 medium.com Don’t Forget Your Base SHADOW BROKERS / TRUMP, DONALD / NSA
20170320 rt.com FBI & NSA chiefs testify in Congress on Trump, Russia, wiretapping (WATCH LIVE) FBI / NSA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / COMEY, JAMES / ROGERS, MIKE
20170309 infowars.com Former Intel Officer: Ex-NSA Officials Carried Out DNC Hack to Expose Hillary SHAFFER, TONY / NSA / DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY
20170228 reuters.com NSA risks talent exodus amid morale slump, Trump fears NSA
20170214 washingtonpost.com Ex-NSA contractor pleads not guilty to spying charges in federal court MARTIN, HAL / NSA
20170206 washingtonpost.com Prosecutors to seek indictment against former NSA contractor as early as this week MARTIN, HAL / NSA
20170108 spiegel.de Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CIA / FBI / NSA



Date Source Title Tags
20161216 zerohedge.com Is This Why Snowden Had to Break the Law to Become an NSA Whistleblower? ELLARD, GEORGE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20161214 motherboard.vice.com Newly Uncovered Site Suggests NSA Exploits for Direct Sale NSA
20161214 medium.com Are the Shadow Brokers selling NSA tools on ZeroNet? NSA / SHADOW BROKERS
20161209 rt.com NSA workers leaving in ‘increasingly large numbers’ following Snowden leaks – former director NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20161206 cyberscoop.com Government: NSA’s best are ‘leaving in big numbers,’ insiders say NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / ROGERS, MIKE


Date Source Title Tags
20161119 washingtonpost.com Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA ROGERS, MICHAEL / NSA
20161116 motherjones.com The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate. ROGERS, MICHAEL / NSA / US / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC


Date Source Title Tags
20161029 nytimes.com N.S.A. Appears to Have Missed ‘Big Red Flags’ in Suspect’s Behavior MARTIN, HAL / NSA
20161028 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal Was wollte Harold Martin mit einem Schuppen voller Geheimdokumente? MARTIN, HAL / NSA
20161019 blogspot.de With NSA contractor Martin arrested, other leakers may still be at large MARTIN, HAL / NSA
20161013 woz.ch Edward Snowden und die Schweiz - «Der Bundesrat verhinderte Ermittlungen gegen die NSA» CH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20161011 arstechnica.com NSA could put undetectable “trapdoors” in millions of crypto keys - Technique allows attackers to passively decrypt Diffie-Hellman protected data. BACKDOORS / NSA / CRYPTOGRAPHY
20161006 washingtonpost.com Business: NSA case highlights growing concerns over insider threats MARTIN, HAL / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20161005 washingtonpost.com National Security: NSA contractor charged with stealing top secret data NSA / MARTIN, HAL / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20161005 rt.com Snowden 2.0: NSA contractor arrested for stealing malware MARTIN, HAL / NSA
20161005 nytimes.com N.S.A. Contractor Arrested in Possible New Theft of Secrets MARTIN, HAL / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20161005 nytimes.com A ‘Sad Case’ Suspect, Scared Pale as Police Swarmed His House in N.S.A. Case MARTIN, HAL / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20161005 spiegel.de Datendiebstahl Externer NSA-Mitarbeiter festgenommen MARTIN, HAL / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON


Date Source Title Tags
20160922 theguardian.com A Good American review – troubling, fascinating glimpse of NSA surveillance BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20160818 rt.com Leak in-house? NSA data dump could be work of insider NSA
20160816 rt.com ‘You’re welcome’: Snowden casts light on NSA hack SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20160813 rt.com Germany asks NSA to decipher Bavaria attackers’ chat with ISIS mastermind – report DE / TERRORISM / SA / NSA / BND
20160813 focus.de Attentate in Würzburg und Ansbach NSA knackte verschlüsselte Befehle für Anschläge in Bayern DE / TERRORISM / SA / NSA
20160805 theregister.co.uk How many zero-day vulns is Uncle Sam sitting on? Not as many as you think, apparently - Thanks, Obama ZERO-DAY EXPLOITS / NSA
20160801 theduran.com NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI
20160801 zerohedge.com Whistleblower's Stunning Claim: "NSA Has All Of Hillary's Deleted Emails, It May Be The Leak" BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI


Date Source Title Tags
20160731 breitbart.com EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Emails BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / CLINTON, HILLARY / FBI


Date Source Title Tags
20160604 japantimes.co.jp NSA whistleblower Snowden says U.S. government carrying out mass surveillance in Japan SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / JP
20160604 news.vice.com Exclusive: Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20160524 rt.com 'Lots of surprises inside': Activist David Miranda tells RT about planned mass Snowden file leak MIRANDA, DAVID / BR / NSA / GCHQ
20160522 spiegel.de Geheimdienste: Ehemaliger Top-Beamter des Pentagon ergreift Partei für NSA-Whistleblower WHISTLEBLOWING / DRAKE, THOMAS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CRANE, JOHN / NSA / PENTAGON / US
20160517 rt.com Spies over Baghdad: NSA newsletter reveals agency’s role in Iraq War IQ / NSA
20160514 spiegel.de Geheimdienste: Kanzleramt stoppt neue BND-Kooperation mit USA DE / BND / NSA / JO


Date Source Title Tags
20160321 kansascity.com Probe launched into Pentagon handling of NSA whistleblower evidence DRAKE, THOMAS / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20160128 theregister.co.uk NSA’s top hacking boss explains how to protect your network from his attack squads - Rare public appearance from Tailored Access Operations leader NSA



Date Source Title Tags
20151030 spiegel.de NSA und BND: Opposition kritisiert Bericht zur Geheimdienstaffäre DE / NSA / BND
20151002 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: Ex-BND-Chef Hanning kann sich an "technische Details" nicht erinnern HANNING, AUGUST / DE PUA NSA / NSA / BND


Date Source Title Tags
20150930 spiegel.de Schräge Geheimdienst-Werbung: Liebesbotschaften von der NSA NSA
20150915 wired.com Now you can find out if NSA and GCHQ spied on you GCHQ / NSA / PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL
20150901 whowhatwhy.org Whistleblowers File $100 Million Suit against NSA, FBI WIEBE, J. KIRK / DRAKE, THOMAS / LOOMIS, ED / BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / FBI / US DOJ


Date Source Title Tags
20150814 spiegel.de 'Secrets Must Remain Secret': German Intelligence Coordinator on NSA and Media Leaks ALTMAIER, PETER / DE / BND / NSA
20150814 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Altmaier rüffelt BND ALTMAIER, PETER / DE / BND / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20150731 taz.de Urteil zu NSA-Selektorenliste: Klage auf Herausgabe ist gescheitert BND / DE / BVERWG / NSA
20150527 spiegel.de WikiLeaks: Generalbundesanwalt sieht keinen Grund für neue NSA-Ermittlungen RANGE, HARALD / DE / NSA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20150720 spiegel.de SPIEGEL Interview with Julian Assange: 'We Are Drowning in Material' ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / NSA / DE
20150719 machtelite.wordpress.com Merkel empfiehlt NSA im Sommerinterview: Lest deutsche Zeitungen! MERKEL, ANGELA / HASSEL, TINA / NSA
20150618 focus.de Berliner Justizkreise - Generalbundesanwalt: Beweise reichen nicht für NSA-Ermittlungen RANGE, HARALD / NSA / DE
20150714 rt.com ACLU sues to block extension of NSA dragnet program ACLU / NSA
20150712 spiegel.de Russland-Kontakte: NSA soll Schröder auch nach seiner Kanzlerschaft ausspioniert haben NSA / SCHROEDER, GERHARD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / NORD STREAM / GAZPROM / WARNIG, MATTHIAS
20150710 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: USA erstaunt über "zögerliche Reaktionen" der Deutschen NSA / DE
20150702 sueddeutsche.de Neue Wikileaks-Dokumente: Pofalla macht sich Sorgen DE PUA NSA / WIKILEAKS / NSA / POFALLA, RONALD / HEISS, GUENTHER
20150702 spiegel.de Neue Spionage-Vorwürfe: Schäuble vermisst "Maß und Mitte" bei US-Geheimdiensten SCHAEUBLE, WOLFGANG / NSA / DE


Date Source Title Tags
20150629 spiegel.de Wikileaks-Enthüllung: NSA soll auch französische Wirtschaft bespitzelt haben WIKILEAKS / NSA / FR / ESPIONAGE
20150627 blogspot.de Wikileaks published some of the most secret NSA reports so far WIKILEAKS / NSA
20150627 rt.com New NSA whistleblower suspected behind French president surveillance leak LEAKS / NSA
20150626 rt.com US a surveillance superpower spying on foes & allies alike – Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / NSA
20150626 theage.com.au France mulls offering asylum to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden FR / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20150624 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage gegen Frankreich: Wie Hollande über Merkel lästerte HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20150621 welt.de Große Koalition findet Chefaufklärer für NSA-Affäre: Der ehemalige Bundesrichter Kurt Graulich soll die geheime Liste mit den umstrittenen US-Suchbegriffen überprüfen. Darüber sind sich Union und SPD einig. Die Amerikaner wollen aber auch das nicht. DE PUA NSA / NSA / BND / DE / GRAULICH, KURT
20150621 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: USA sperren sich gegen Einsicht in Spionagelisten durch Sonderermittler DE PUA NSA / NSA / BND / DE / GRAULICH, KURT
20150621 bild.de Amerikaner lehnen Einsicht von Sonderermittler in Selektorenliste ab BND / NSA / DE / DE PUA NSA
20150618 spiegel.de Innenminister als Zeuge im NSA-Ausschuss: De Maizière verteidigt sich mit Groll und großen Worte DE PUA NSA / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / BND / NSA / KANZLERAMT
20150612 heise.de NSA-Skandal: Generalbundesanwalt stellt Ermittlungen wegen Merkel-Ausspähung ein RANGE, HARALD / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / GBA
20150603 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: USA setzen Kooperation mit BND im Irak aus NSA / BND / US / DE / IQ
20150602 rt.com Snowden: NSA spies on Cameron; could have ‘backdoor’ into GCHQ NSA / GCHQ / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NO


Date Source Title Tags
20150528 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Joschka Fischer vermisst bei Merkel Bekenntnis zu US-Geheimdiensten FISCHER, JOSCHKA / MERKEL, ANGELA / BND / NSA
20150521 spiegel.de NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: BND-Chef Schindler fürchtet um Zukunft des Geheimdienstes BND / DE / NSA / SCHINDLER, GERHARD
20150520 spiegel.de Merkel und die NSA: Zerstörtes Vertrauen DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20150506 spiegel.de Geheimdienstaffäre: Merkel will vor NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss aussagen DE / BND / NSA / DE PUA NSA
20150502 machtelite.wordpress.com Die hilflosesten NSA/BND Apologeten im Überblick: Jasper von Altenbockum BND / DE / NSA / VON ALTENBOCKUM, JASPER / EMERSON, JOHN / GAYCKEN, SANDRO / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / TEMPEL, SYLKE / WOLFFSOHN, MICHAEL / MERKEL, ANGELA / SEIBERT, STEFFEN


Date Source Title Tags
20150407 reason.com Rand Paul Vows to Stop NSA Spying 'on Day 1' of Presidency PAUL, RAND / NSA
20150404 thedailybeast.com The Shrinks Who Only See CIA Officers - Some U.S. intelligence analysts spend days scouring ISIS beheading videos and jihadists’ porn. When it gets to be too much, there’s a cadre of therapists on call. PORN / CIA / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20150303 rt.com NSA building damaged by multiple gunshots - reports NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20150213 freebeacon.com NSA Braced for New Leaks: Foreign security firm uncovered cyber spy methods NSA
20150210 wired.com The NSA Acknowledges What We All Feared: Iran Learns From US Cyberattacks NSA / IR / CYBERWAR
20150210 firstlook.org NSA Claims Iran Learned from Western Cyberattacks NSA / IR / CYBERWAR
20150202 derstandard.at Ex-NSA Chef: "Wir hören nicht böse Typen ab, sondern alles Interessante" HAYDEN, MICHAEL / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20150117 spiegel.de The Digital Arms Race NSA Preps America for Future Battle NSA / CYBERWAR
20150107 networkworld.com Former Microsoft Chief Privacy Officer on the Cloud Conspiracy BOWDEN, CASPAR / MICROSOFT / NSA



Date Source Title Tags
20141121 spiegel.de Gescheiterter NSA-Reformer: Erst Hardliner, jetzt hilflos NSA / SENSENBRENNER, JIM / PATRIOT ACT
20141116 scottaaronson.com What does the NSA think of academic cryptographers? Recently-declassified document provides clues CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA
20141107 medium.com Keeping Secrets: Four decades ago, university researchers figured out the key to computer privacy, sparking a battle with the National Security Agency that continues today. CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20141027 m.thenation.com Edward Snowden: A ‘Nation' Interview SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20141022 foreignpolicy.com Why Was the NSA Chief Playing the Market? Newly released documents show the NSA chief was investing his money in commodities so obscure that most financial pros stay away. ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA
20141011 examiner.com NSA document supports whistleblower claim of alien UFO communication program SHERMAN, DAN / NSA
20141010 news.vice.com NSA: These Are the Financial Disclosure Forms the NSA Said Would Threaten National Security ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA
20141009 spiegel.de Folgen der NSA-Affäre: Google-Chef warnt vor Zerstörung des Internet SCHMIDT, ERIC / GOOGLE / NSA / INTERNET


Date Source Title Tags
20140924 spiegel.de Bundesregierung und NSA: Der Dreisprung der Abwiegler DE / NSA / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS
20140922 netzpolitik.org Robert Pittenger lädt zum “Gespräch” zu Geheimdienstarbeit – Europa soll froh sein, beschützt zu werden PITTENGER, ROBERT / NSA / US / DE
20140921 faz.net Streit um Spionage: „Die NSA betreibt keine Massenüberwachung, sie sammelt Daten“ PITTENGER, ROBERT / US / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20140728 rt.com NSA mass spying undermines journalists and attorneys’ ability to work NSA
20140725 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Oppermann lehnt "Gegenspionage" ab OPPERMANN, THOMAS / DE / NSA
20140716 daserste.ndr.de NSA-Opfer angehört NSA / DE / TOR / HAHN, SEBASTIAN / CCC
20140716 pando.com Almost everyone involved in developing Tor was (or is) funded by the US government TOR / DOD / NSA / DARPA / IBB / BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS / DINGLEDINE, ROGER / MATHEWSON, NICK / APPELBAUM, JACOB / SANDVIK, RUNA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140715 mdr.de NSA-Skandal: Bundestag debattiert über Konsequenzen NSA / DE PUA NSA / DE
20140712 bundeskanzlerin.de Die Ausspähung muss endlich ein Ende haben MAAS, HEIKO / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / US / NSA / CIA / DAF
20140710 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Spionage-Affäre: Rausschmiss erster Klasse DE / US / DAF / CIA / NSA
20140707 faz.net Geheimdienste: Deutschland könnte bald die Vereinigten Staaten ausspionieren BND / NSA / DE / US / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS
20140707 spiegel.de BND-Spionage: Unions-Politiker fordern Ausweisung von US-Agenten BND / NSA / DE / DAF / CDU / FRITSCHE, KLAUS-DIETER / WELLMANN, KARL-GEORG / BOSSBACH, WOLFGANG / UHL, HANS-PETER
20140707 bild.de SPIONAGE-SKANDAL: BND-Agent spitzelte für den US-Geheimdienst CIA BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF / US EMBASSY BERLIN
20140707 spiegel.de Konsequenzen der BND-Affäre: De Maizière will künftig die USA ausspionieren BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / MAYER, STEPHAN / MERKEL, ANGELA / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / GAUCK, JOACHIM
20140707 spiegel.de Spionage-Affäre beim BND: Alle Spuren führen in die USA BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF
20140707 spiegel.de BND-Spionageskandal: Transatlantik-Beauftragter der Bundesregierung fürchtet Zerwürfnis mit USA BND / NSA / DE / US / HARDT, JUERGEN / MISSFELDER, PHILIPP
20140706 de.ria.ru Verhafteter deutscher Doppelagent wollte Russland seine Dienste anbieten – Medien BND / NSA / DE / US / RU
20140706 spiegel.de Berlin und die US-Spionageaffäre: Schon wieder hilflos BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF
20140706 spiegel.de Doppelagent beim BND: Merkel enttäuscht über mögliche US-Spionage BND / NSA / DE / US / MERKEL, ANGELA
20140705 faz.net Enttarnter Agent beim BND: Ein „Naivling“ mit Geltungssucht? BND / CIA / NSA
20140705 spiegel.de Doppelagent beim BND: Entsetzen über neue Spionage-Affäre BND / NSA / DE / OPPERMANN, THOMAS / GOERING-ECKARDT, KATRIN / GYSI, GREGOR / KUBICKI, WOLFGANG / SEIBERT, STEFFEN
20140705 spiegel.de Mutmaßlicher Doppelspion: Verfassungsschutz wollte Agenten beim BND mit US-Hilfe enttarnen BND / BFV / NSA
20140705 spiegel.de Gauck über US-Spionage: "Jetzt reicht's auch einmal" BND / DE / NSA / GAUCK, JOACHIM
20140704 spiegel.de BND-Mann unter Spionageverdacht: Der Maulwurf BND / SCHINDLER, GERHARD / NSA
20140704 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre um BND-Mitarbeiter: US-Botschafter ins Auswärtige Amt gebeten EMERSON, JOHN B. / DE / US / BND / NSA / STEINLEIN, STEPHAN / AUSWAERTIGES AMT
20140704 sueddeutsche.de NSA-Ausschuss: BND-Mitarbeiter unter Spionageverdacht NSA / BND / DE / DE PUA NSA / SEIBERT, STEFFEN / VON NOTZ, KONSTANTIN
20140704 spiegel.de Ermittlungen des Generalbundesanwalts: BND-Mitarbeiter soll für die USA spioniert haben GBA / DE / NSA / BND / DE PUA NSA / SEIBERT, STEFFEN
20140704 gigaom.com Suspected double agent spied on German NSA committee for the US, reports claim DE / NSA / BND / DE PUA NSA
20140704 tagesschau.de BND-Mitarbeiter festgenommen: Für die USA den NSA-Ausschuss ausspioniert? DE / NSA / BND / DE PUA NSA / SEIBERT, STEFFEN
20140703 netzpolitik.org NSA überwacht Tor-Infrastruktur und alle Nutzer – auch Betreiber in Deutschland TOR / NSA


Date Source TItle Tags
20140629 welt.de NSA-Zeuge gibt "dreckiges Wissen" preis: Der ehemalige US-Agent Thomas Drake spricht von "extrem weitgehenden" Vereinbarungen zwischen den Geheimdiensten BND und NSA. Jetzt will der Amerikaner im Bundestag auspacken. DRAKE, THOMAS / NSA / BND
20140626 heise.de NSA-Ausschuss: Experten fordern Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ein DE PUA NSA / NSA / CCC / RIEGER, FRANK / SIT / WAIDNER, MICHAEL / GAYCKEN, SANDRO
20140626 golem.de NSA TOTRÜSTEN: Experten fordern Verschlüsselung und Schengen-Routing DE PUA NSA / NSA / CCC / RIEGER, FRANK / SIT / WAIDNER, MICHAEL / GAYCKEN, SANDRO
20140626 wired.com Snarky Lawmaker Reminds Former NSA Chief That Selling State Secrets Is Illegal NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / US / GRAYSON, ALAN
20140626 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Lammerts Spionage-Spruch irritiert Abgeordnete LAMMERT, NORBERT / GYSI, GREGOR / DE / NSA
20140618 matthewaid.com Strange Deletions from the NSA Documents Published Online by Der Spiegel NSA / SPIEGEL
20140618 spiegel.de Interview with Ex-Stasi Agent: 'The Scope of NSA Surveillance Surprised Me' EICHNER, KLAUS / NSA
20140618 matthewaid.com German Magazine Der Spiegel Puts 53 Documents About NSA Activities in Germany Online NSA / SPIEGEL
20140618 theregister.co.uk Microsoft: NSA security fallout 'getting worse,' 'not blowing over' MICROSOFT / NSA
20140618 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Clinton will Macht der NSA beschränken CLINTON, HILLARY / NSA
20140616 spiegel.de Massenspionage: NSA-Aufklärer wollen neue BND-Enthüllungen rasch prüfen DE PUA NSA / NSA / DE
20140615 spiegel.de Terrorverdächtige: NSA nutzte Erkenntnisse aus Deutschland-Filiale für Tötungen NSA / DE
20140609 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Maas fordert Snowden zu voller Kooperation in Moskau auf MAAS, HEIKO / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140607 rt.com Thought better of it: NSA can get rid of evidence, judge says NSA
20140607 spiegel.de Folgen der NSA-Affäre: Wie Snowden das Netz verändert hat SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20140606 spiegel.de Ein Jahr Proteste nach Snowden: Unermüdlich gegen Spitzelei DE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20140606 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienstdirektor: Snowden soll weniger Dokumente als angenommen haben CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140606 sueddeutsche.de Deutsche Politiker zur NSA-Affäre: Ausgespäht, wir? Nein! Doch! Oooh NSA / DE
20140606 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Google-Manager Schmidt greift US-Regierung an SCHMIDT, ERIC / GOOGLE / NSA
20140605 deutschlandradiokultur.de NSA-Affäre "Die Massenüberwachung ist der Skandal" CCC / DE / NSA
20140604 spiegel.de Ein Jahr NSA-Skandal: Das sind Snowdens wichtigste Enthüllungen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20140604 generalbundesanwalt.de 17/2014 Generalbundesanwalt zu „Cyberspionage“ und „Kanzlerin-Handy“ GBA / NSA / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA


Date Source Title Tags
20140530 spiegel.de Interne Kritik an Spähprogrammen: NSA veröffentlicht E-Mail Snowdens SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US
20140527 netzpolitik.org Drohung mit Strafverfolgung: Deutsche Beamte dürfen Snowden-Dokumente nicht lesen DE / NSA / DE PUA NSA
20140527 sueddeutsche.de Abgehörtes Merkel-Handy Generalbundesanwalt will nicht in NSA-Affäre ermitteln RANGE, HARALD / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GBA
20140526 blogs.nytimes.com Beijing Levels New Attack at U.S. Cyber-Spying CN / ESPIONAGE / US / NSA
20140520 taz.de Ex-NSA-Chef William Binney über Deals: „Jeder benutzt Snowden“ - William Binney war technischer Direktor der NSA und soll vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss aussagen. Edward Snowden rät er, in Russland zu bleiben. BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140513 faz.net Geheimdienste Neuer NSA-Chef will weiter abhören ROGERS, MICHAEL / NSA
20140508 heise.de "NSA keine Gefahr": Regierung warnt vor Wirtschaftsspionage DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / NSA / ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE / DE
20140506 rt.com Anti-surveillance movement calls ‘Reset the Net’ day of action NSA / SURVEILLANCE
20140503 bundeskanzlerin.de Im Wortlaut: Pressekonferenz von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und Präsident Obama am 2. Mai 2014 MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20140503 spiegel.de NSA-Ausschuss: Regierung will Herausgabe von Dokumenten verweigern DE PUA NSA / DE / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20140429 sueddeutsche.de Vor Merkels USA-Reise: Bundesregierung beerdigt No-Spy-Abkommen DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / US / NSA
20140427 theguardian.com Merkel urged to press Obama on NSA scandal ahead of Washington talks MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / DE / OBAMA, BARACK
20140415 techdirt.com The Most Bizarre Response To The Pulitzers Yet, From The Guy Who Authorized CIA Torture YOO, JOHN / CIA / TORTURE / NSA
20140411 rt.com Greenwald to RT: Germany must speak to Snowden about NSA surveillance GREENWALD, GLENN / NSA / DE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140410 spiegel.de Pressekompass: Wie sinnvoll ist eine Befragung von Edward Snowden? Das sagen die Medien SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / DE / DE PUA NSA
20140409 mdr.de Abhöraffäre: Merkels NSA-Akte unter Verschluss MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / DE
20140409 fr-online.de NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Rückzug mit Fragezeichen NSA / DE / BINNINGER, CLEMENS / CDU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140409 spiegel.de Ärger um Snowden-Befragung: NSA-Ausschuss-Vorsitzender tritt zurück NSA / DE / BINNINGER, CLEMENS / SENSBURG, PATRICK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140405 tagesschau.de Bundesinnenminister de Maizière zu NSA-Affäre: "Die USA handeln ohne Maß" DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / NSA / DE
20140405 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: De Maizière nennt Verhalten der USA maßlos DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / NSA / DE
20140405 rt.com Germany opens NSA spy probe amid calls to deliver Snowden to testify DE / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD


Date Source Title Tags
20140331 reuters.com Exclusive: NSA infiltrated RSA security more deeply than thought - study NSA / RSA
20140331 ibtimes.co.uk Data Protection: NSA Revelations Costing Businesses Billions NSA
20140329 rt.com Pentagon plans three-fold cybersecurity staff increase to counter attacks PENTAGON / NSA / HAGEL, CHUCK / ALEXANDER, KEITH / CYBERWAR
20140326 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Edward Snowden begrüßt Obamas Pläne zur NSA-Reform SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20140325 GREENWALD, GLENN/firstlook.org Some Facts About How NSA Stories Are Reported NSA
20140325 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Enthüllungen: Babyeulen schlagen Snowden NSA / DE
20140324 spiegel.de Former NSA Director: 'Shame On Us' HAYDEN, MICHAEL / NSA
20140313 rt.com Facebook’s Zuckerberg lashes out at Obama over NSA spy program ZUCKERBERG, MARK / OBAMA, BARACK / FACEBOOK / NSA
20140310 spiegel.de Reaktion auf NSA-Überwachung: "Internetfirmen sind nicht die Opfer" NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140311 golem.de NSA-Affäre: USA planen Dauerüberwachung von Geheimdienstmitarbeitern NSA / SURVEILLANCE
20140307 washingtonpost.com Snowden: I raised NSA concerns internally over 10 times before going rogue SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA
20140303 rt.com Assange: NSA, GCHQ’s ability to surveil everyone on planet ‘almost here’ ASSANGE, JULIAN / NSA / GCHQ / SURVEILLANCE


Date Source Title Tags
20140226 faz.net Anfrage an die NSA Er kam, um sich zu beschweren FOIA / NSA
20140226 heise.de RSA-Boss: "Ja, wir haben mit der NSA zusammengearbeitet" RSA / NSA
20140225 firedoglake.com NSA Inspector General Speaks on Snowden for First Time, Says He Was ‘Manic in His Thievery’ ELLARD, GEORGE / SNOWDEN, EDWARDNSA
20140225 rt.com Bush cyberczar: NSA created ‘the potential for a police state’ CLARKE, RICHARD / NSA / ENCRYPTION
20140221 bilmoyers.com Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State DEEP STATE / NSA / KKR
20140220 dailykos.com After the NSA affair, the German government is steering towards a serious confrontation with the US US / DE / NSA / BND / RAHAB
20140218 spiegel.de Internetschnüffelei: Geheimdienste erfassten WikiLeaks-Leser WIKILEAKS / NSA / GCHQ / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20140218 firstlook.org Snowden Documents Reveal Covert Surveillance and Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks and Its Supporters NSA / GCHQ / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20140218 rt.com Clapper admits NSA should have been ‘transparent from the outset’ on surveillance NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES / WIZNER, BER
20140212 spiegel.de Aktionstag wegen NSA-Affäre: Hunderttausende protestierten gegen Massenüberwachung NSA
20140212 spiegel.de Spionage-Streit mit USA: Schluss mit der Jammerei! DE / FR / US / NSA
20140211 spiegel.de Internet-Protest gegen Überwachung: Die Kriminellen vom Geheimdienst NSA
20140210 heise.de "The Intercept": First-Look-Website für NSA-Enthüllungen berichtet über Daten für Drohnenangriffe THE INTERCEPT / NSA / DRONES / GREENWALD, GLENN / POITRAS, LAURA / SCAHILL, JEREMY / OMIDYAR, PIERRE
20140206 faz.net NSA-Debatte: SPD-Vorschlag zur Gegenspionage erntet Spott - Die Drohung des SPD-Politikers Hartmann, mit Gegenspionage auf die amerikanische Ausspähung zu reagieren, wird süffisant kommentiert. Das sei eine „karnevalistische Äußerung“ und „Realsatire“. HARTMANN, MICHAEL / NSA / KUBICKI, WOLFGANG / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN / KORTE, JAN / WIEFELSPUETZ, DIETER / MISSFELDER, PHILIPP
20140204 pando.com The first congressman to battle the NSA is dead. No-one noticed, no-one cares. NSA / PIKE, OTIS
20140204 spiegel.de Internetpionier Barlow: "Jede Cyberwaffe schießt in beide Richtungen" BARLOW, JOHN PERRY / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20140203 heise.de NSA-Whistleblower fordert Verfassungsänderung und Sonderermittler gegen das "korrupte Regierungssystem" BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / MACHON, ANNIE
20140203 heise.de Strafanzeige im NSA-Skandal: "Zeichen gegen die Ohnmacht" CCC / DE / NSA
20140201 heise.de US-Senatoren nehmen Geheimdienstspitze unter Beschuss WYDEN, RON / HEINRICH, MARTIN / US / CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA
20140201 spiegel.de Kerry zum NSA-Skandal: Kein bisschen Sorry KERRY, JOHN / NSA / MSC / DE


Date Source Title Tags
20140131 heise.de Sicherheitskonferenz: De Maizière kritisiert die NSA-Überwachung DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / MSC / NSA
20140130 computerworld.ch CCC zieht wegen NSA-Spionage vor Gericht: Der Chaos Computer Club will die deutsche Regierung und deren Geheimdienst verklagen. Diese hätten aktiv mit der NSA zusammengearbeitet, lautet der Vorwurf. CCC / DE / NSA
20140130 landesrat-rlp.de Pressemeldung zu den Auswirkungen des NSA-Skandals NSA
20140130 spiegel.de Künftiger NSA-Direktor Rogers: Amerikas nächster Chef-Späher ROGERS, MICHAEL / NSA
20140129 nytimes.com Top Intelligence Official Assails Snowden and Seeks Return of N.S.A. Documents US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES
20140129 nytimes.com German Leader Criticizes U.S. Over Pervasive Surveillance MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20140129 heise.de NSA-Skandal: CCC-Sprecherin stellt Strafanzeige gegen die Bundesregierung NSA / CCC / DE
20140129 spiegel.de Regierungserklärung der Kanzlerin: Merkel beklagt Vertrauensbruch durch US-Geheimdienste MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20140126 rt.com NSA is after industrial spying – Snowden to German TV SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE
20140118 spiegel.de ZDF-Interview zu NSA-Spionage: Obama geht auf Wiedergutmachungskurs OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / US / DE
20140118 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Bundesregierung reichen Obamas Versprechen nicht DE / US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140118 scribd.com ZDF transcript: Interview with U.S. President Barack Obama SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK / DE
20140115 spiegel.de Bericht der "New York Times": Obama will keinen Neuanfang bei NSA US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140115 spiegel.de Bundestagsdebatte: Linke schlagen Schaar als Sonderermittler in NSA-Affäre vor DE / NSA / SCHAAR, PETER
20140115 spiegel.de Anti-Spionage-Abkommen: Mißfelder fordert "hartes Auftreten" gegenüber den USA NSA / DE / MISSFELDER, PHILIPP
20140115 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: NSA-Reformer im Kreuzverhör NSA / US
20140114 nytimes.com Obama to Place Some Restraints on Surveillance US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140114 spiegel.de Anti-Spionage-Abkommen auf der Kippe: Oh no! DE / NSA
20140110 spiegel.de Besuch in den USA: EU-Experten durften Spähaffäre nicht ansprechen EU / US / NSA
20140109 orf.at NSA-Skandal entzweit EU-Parlament und Rat EU / US / NSA
20140102 spiegel.de Hilfe für Opposition: Seehofer unterstützt NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss SEEHOFER, HORST / NSA / DE
20140101 nytimes.com Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / US
20140101 spiegel.de NSA-Totalausspähung: FDP-Politiker Baum setzt auf Generalbundesanwalt BAUM, GERHART / NSA / DE
20140101 rt.com NSA stands for ‘No Such Amendment’: Intelligence agency violates US Constitution NSA / US / MCGOVERN, RAY / CIA / SWARTZ, AARON / MANNING, CHELSEA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD



Date Source Title Tags
20131231 wired.com U.S. to China: We Hacked Your Internet Gear We Told You Not to Hack HUAWEI / NSA
20131231 spiegel.de Überwachtes Netz: Merkels Schweigen in der NSA-Affäre macht aggressiv DE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131230 zeit.de CHAOS COMMUNICATION CONGRESS 30C3: Das Internet gehört der NSA 30C3 / NSA
20131230 informationsclearinghouse.info Glenn Greenwald: The NSA Can "Literally Watch Every Keystroke You Make" GREENWALD, GLENN / NSA
20131230 rt.com Appelbaum: ‘Scary’ NSA will spy on you – every which way they can APPELBAUM, JACOB / NSA
20131230 spiegel.de Überwachung: IT-Firmen erleiden Umsatzeinbruch nach Snowden-Enthüllungen NSA / IBM / CISCO / GOOGLE / YAHOO / FACEBOOK / MICROSOFT
20131227 spiegel.de Hackertreffen in Hamburg: Enthüllungsjournalist Greenwald wirft US-Regierung Lügen vor GREENWALD, GLENN / NSA / 30C3
20131226 rt.com Radio station experiences major software meltdown during anti-NSA broadcast US / NSA
20131223 spiegel.de Verschlüsselung: RSA bestreitet Millionen-Deal mit der NSA NSA / RSA
20131222 blogs.rsa.com RSA Response to Media Claims Regarding NSA Relationship RSA / NSA
20131222 cnn.com Israel slams reports of U.S. spying on prime minister IL / US / NSA
20131222 cryptome.org NSA Kills RSA NSA / RSA
20131221 focus.de Geheimdienste - CSU-Politiker Uhl: US-Geheimdienste spionieren weiter UHL, HANS-PETER / NSA
20131220 rt.com Major computer security firm RSA took $10 mln from NSA to weaken encryption - report RSA / NSA
20131220 reuters.com Exclusive: Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer RSA / NSA
20131220 spiegel.de Obamas Jahrespressekonferenz: USA wollen bei Spähprogrammen nicht "einseitig abrüsten" OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131219 nbcnews.com NSA program stopped no terror attacks, says White House panel member NSA
20131219 techdirt.com Report Suggests NSA Engaged In Financial Manipulation, Changing Money In Bank Accounts NSA
20131219 spiegel.de Bericht für Obama: Expertenkommission fordert weitreichende NSA-Reform NSA
20131217 rt.com Lawyer who won ruling against NSA claims the government has been harassing him NSA / KLAYMAN, LARRY
20131217 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Berlin kämpft weiter für Anti-Spionage-Abkommen NSA / DE
20131216 politico.com Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional NSA / US
20131216 huffingtonpost.com '60 Minutes' Trashed For NSA Piece NSA / PROPAGANDA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / CBS / MILLER, JOHN
20131216 theguardian.com NSA goes on 60 Minutes: the definitive facts behind CBS's flawed report: Our take on five things the spy agency would like the public to believe about its vast surveillance powers NSA / PROPAGANDA / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20131213 rawstory.com NSA official floats possibility of striking a deal with Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / LEDGETT, RICK / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20131213 spiegel.de Überwachung in Entenhausen: Phantomias gegen die NSA ENTENHAUSEN / NSA / SURVEILLANCE
20131211 rt.com Let us spy: NSA chief pleads with Senate to keep surveillance programs ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA / US
20131211 spiegel.de Amazon: NSA-Skandale schaden Cloud-Geschäft offenbar nicht NSA / AMAZON
20131210 rt.com NSA seeks to ‘convert’ students into intelligence work NSA
20131209 handelsblatt.com TELEKOM-CHEF OBERMANN: „Politik muss in der NSA-Affäre endlich handeln" OBERMANN, RENE / NSA
20131207 washingtonpost.com NSA morale down after Edward Snowden revelations, former U.S. officials say NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS
20131205 msnbc.com Obama: NSA leaks identified some areas of concern OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131204 spiegel.de Thanksgiving und Weihnachten: NSA verteilt Leitfaden für familiäre Feiertagsgespräche NSA
20131203 bbc.com Only 1% of Snowden files published - Guardian editor RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / GUARDIAN / NSA / GCHQ / GB / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131202 fm4.orf.at NSA-Regeln für EU-Daten Der Bericht der transatlantischen Arbeitsgruppe zur NSA-Spionage zeigt, dass für den Umgang mit EU-Daten nur die internen Vorschriften der US-Geheimdienste gültig sind. NSA / EU / US
20131202 firedoglake.com NSA Sent Home Talking Points for Employees to Use in Conversations with Family & Friends During Holidays NSA
20131201 cbc.ca Exclusive: Read Snowden NSA document on G8, G20 summit surveillance G8 / G20 / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20131129 justsecurity.org NSA SEXINT is the Abuse You’ve All Been Waiting For NSA / PORN / KOMPROMAT
20131127 beforeitsnews.com Woman who’s really running NSA NSA / FLEISCH, FRAN
20131127 orf.at SWIFT: EU-Kommission übergeht Parlament Das Abkommen über den Abgriff von Finanzdaten aus dem SWIFT-System mit den USA wird von der Kommission nicht gekündigt. Das EU-Parlament war mehrheitlich dafür. SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131127 spiegel.de Swift-Abkommen: EU-Kommission will weiter Bankdaten in die USA schicken SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131127 theguardian.com NSA 'collected details of online sexual activity' of Islamist radicals: Document leaked by Edward Snowden shows agency sought out 'vulnerabilities' such as looking at explicit material online NSA / PORN
20131127 spiegel.de Snowden-Dokumente: NSA beobachtet Porno-Nutzung islamischer Zielpersonen PORN / NSA
20131126 huffingtonpost.com Top-Secret Document Reveals NSA Spied On Porn Habits As Part Of Plan To Discredit 'Radicalizers' DISCREDITING / NSA / PORN
20131125 spiegel.de US-Versöhnungstour im NSA-Skandal: EU stellt Partnerschaft vor Datenschutz NSA / US / EU
20131125 spiegel.de Treffen mit US-Abgeordneten: Westerwelle fordert strengere Spionageregeln DE / NSA / WESTERWELLE, GUIDO / MURPHY, CHRIS / HEUSGEN, CHRISTOPH / OPPERMANN, THOMAS / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN / GYSI, GREGOR
20131121 foreignpolicy.com Meet the Spies Doing the NSA's Dirty Work - This obscure FBI unit does the domestic surveillance that no other intelligence agency can touch FBI / NSA
20131121 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Merkel und Gauck lassen US-Delegation abblitzen DE / US / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / GAUCK, JOACHIM / MURPHY, CHRIS / HEUSGEN, CHRISTOPH / MEEKS, GREGORY / DIAZ-BALART, MARIO
20131120 foreignpolicy.com Exclusive: Inside America's Plan to Kill Online Privacy Rights Everywhere DE / BR / UN / US / NSA / SURVEILLANCE / PRIVACY
20131119 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Geheimdienstchef veröffentlicht Erlaubnis zur Überwachung CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA
20131119 spiegel.de Hans-Peter Friedrich und die NSA: Der verborgene Antiamerikanismus des Innenministers FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / US
20131118 spiegel.de NSA-Abhöraffäre: Friedrich kritisiert Schweigen der USA FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / NSA / US
20131118 spiegel.de Minutenprotokoll zur NSA-Debatte im Bundestag: Oppermann wirft Regierung grenzenlose Naivität vor DE / NSA
20131118 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Oberster Datenschützer verlangt mehr Geheimdienst-Kontrolle SCHAAR, PETER / NSA / DE
20131118 gregorgysi.de Gregor Gysi - Edward Snowden Asyl gewähren - Sondersitzung des Bundestages zu den Abhöraktivitäten der NSA und den Auswirkungen auf Deutschland und die transatlantischen Beziehungen DIE LINKE / GYSI, GREGOR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US / NSA
20131118 spiegel.de NSA-Sondersitzung: Anwälte demonstrieren gegen Geheimdienstprogramme DE / NSA
20131117 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Kerry plant Versöhnungsreise nach Deutschland KERRY, JOHN / NSA / US / DE
20131114 reuters.com NSA chief says Snowden leaked up to 200,000 secret documents ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131111 spiegel.de NSA Fallout: Berlin Moves to Increase Mobile Phone Security NSA / DE / BSI
20131111 spiegel.de NSA Scandal Warning: Are US Facilities in Germany at Greater Risk? US / NSA / DE
20131111 spiegel.de Oil Espionage: How the NSA and GCHQ Spied on OPEC NSA / GCHQ / OPEC
20131110 spiegel.de John McCain on Merkelgate: Obama 'Should Have Apologized' MCCAIN, JOHN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT / US / DE
20131110 spiegel.de John McCain on Merkelgate: Obama 'Should Have Apologized' MCCAIN, JOHN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT / US / DE
20131108 spiegel.de Zugriff auf Geheimdokumente: Snowden nutzte angeblich auch Kollegen-Passwörter NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131108 faz.net NSA-Affäre: Snowden nutzte auch Passwörter von Kollegen NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131105 spiegel.de Merkel Spying: It's 'Unlikely' White House Didn't Know ALLEN, MICHAEL / USDE / NSA
20131105 theguardian.com Kerry urges Europe: don't let NSA surveillance concerns thwart trade talks - Secretary of state tries to salvage trade deal with EU by telling leaders the US will find 'the right balance' on surveillance KERRY, JOHN / NSA / US
20131104 spiegel.de Codependent: Merkel's Pragmatic Approach to the NSA Scandal DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20131104 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Trittin fordert Asyl für Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / TRITTIN, JUERGEN
20131103 heise.de NSA-Skandal: Milliardenschaden im Silicon Valley NSA / US
20131103 dradio.de "Für mich ist das Kernschmelze der Demokratie" - Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Roth über die Abhöraffäre ROTH, CLAUDIA / NSA / DE
20131104 dradio.de Kein Asyl für Snowden - Bündnisinteressen mit USA hätten Vorrang SEIBERT, STEFFEN / DE / NSA / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131104 spiegel.de Studie zur NSA-Affäre: Viele US-Bürger missbilligen Spionage gegen verbündete Staatschefs US / NSA
20131103 spiegel.de US-Spähprogramme: Ausreden für Spione NSA / PROPAGANDA / DISTRACTION
20131102 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: Dreiviertel der Deutschen haben keine Angst vor NSA DE / SURVEILLANCE / NSA
20131101 southofheaven.typepad.com Merkel May Regret Her Outrage: German chancellor Angela Merkel may regret having made a stink about the US spying on Germany. Why? Because they spy on us NSA / BND / RAHAB
20131101 spiegel.de Überwachungsaffäre: US-Außenminister Kerry räumt Fehler ein KERRY, JOHN / US / NSA
20131101 spiegel.de Ströbele-Besuch in Moskau: Snowden schreibt Brief an Kanzlerin Merkel SNOWDEN, EDWARD / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / NSA
20131101 rt.com The blame game: NSA chief points finger at US diplomats in spy scandal NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20131031 spiegel.de NSA Blowback: Counterespionage Pushed to Step Up DE / NSA / BFV
20131031 reuters.com Obama halted NSA spying on IMF and World Bank headquarters IMF / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / WORLD BANK
20131029 washingtontimes.com Clapper contradicts White House, says Obama was aware of spying on allies CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20131029 spiegel.de Keith Alexander im US-Kongress: NSA-Chef wirft Europäern Spionage in Amerika vor ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA / EU / US
20131028 spiegel.de Möglicher NSA-Ausschuss: Die vier größten Probleme für die Aufklärer NSA / DE
20131028 rt.com White House: NSA intelligence-gathering may require additional constraints WHITE HOUSE / NSA
20131027 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Westerwelle warnt vor deutsch-amerikanischem Bündnisbruch NSA / DE / US / WESTERWELLE, GUIDO
20131026 spiegel.de Handy-Affäre: Obama hat angeblich von nichts gewusst OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20131026 spiegel.de Ausspäh-Affäre: Deutsche Industrie fordert Ächtung von Wirtschaftsspionage NSA / INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE
20131025 spiegel.de Handy-Skandal: Grüne beantragen Sondersitzung des Bundestags GRUENE / DE / NSA
20131025 theguardian.com NSA files – Merkel and Hollande call for talks with US by end of year – live NSA / EU / MERKEL, ANGELA / HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS
20131025 theguardian.com David Cameron agrees with EU concerns over NSA surveillance - PM says EU summit statement was 'good and sensible', and rails against Edward Snowden and those publishing revelations CAMERON, DAVID / GB / EU / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GCHQ
20131025 spiegel.de Finanzermittlungen: Regierung bügelt Fragen nach NSA-Überwachung ab DE / NSA
20131025 spiegel.de As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media - With General Alexander calling for NSA reporting to be halted, US and UK credibility as guardians of press freedom is crushed EU / NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / GB
20131025 zeit.de US-GEHEIMDIENST NSA - "Die USA dürfen Merkel überwachen": Die NSA hat deutsche Politiker schon immer ganz legal oberserviert, sagt der Historiker Foschepoth. Im Interview fordert er, Gesetze und geheime Verträge zu ändern. FOSCHEPOTH, JOSEF / DE / NSA
20131025 faz.net Früherer amerikanischer Botschafter Kornblum: Obama hat nicht alles unter Kontrolle KORNBLUM, JOHN / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20131025 faz.net Geheimdienstskandal: Chronik einer Affäre - Die Vorwürfe der Überwachung in Deutschland seien „vom Tisch“, Verdächtigungen „ausgeräumt“ und „Fragen, die aufgeworfen wurden, geklärt“. So redeten höchste Regierungsvertreter noch vor wenigen Monaten. DE / NSA
20131025 spiegel.de Ausspähaffäre: Verfassungsschutzchef Maaßen wehrt sich gegen Kritik MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG / NSA
20131025 tagesspiegel.de Bundesregierung zum Abhörskandal: "Wir haben die NSA-Affäre niemals für beendet erklärt" DE / NSA / POFALLA, RONALD
20131024 spiegel.de Innenminister zu Spähverdacht: Friedrich fordert Entschuldigung von den USA FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / DE
20131024 spiegel.de Kanzler-Handy im US-Visier? Bundesanwaltschaft schaltet sich in Spähaffäre ein BUNDESANWALTSCHAFT / NSA / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131024 spiegel.de EU-Gipfel: Hollande und Merkel vereint im Zorn auf Obama MERKEL, ANGELA / HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS / OBAMA, BARACK / DE / FR / NSA
20131024 spiegel.de Internationale Reaktionen: "Wer braucht Feinde bei solchen Verbündeten" DE / US / NSA / GB / NL / ES / FR / IT
20131024 spiegel.de Frenemies: Spying on Allies Fits Obama's Standoffish Profile US / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20131024 welt.de Merkels Handy-Nummer in Snowdens Dokumenten MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20131024 sueddeutsche.de Zitate von Unionspolitikern zur NSA-Affäre Vom Tisch? Von wegen! DE / NSA
20131023 spiegel.de Votum gegen Swift-Abkommen: EU-Parlament will Bankdaten-Austausch mit USA stoppen SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131023 spiegel.de Votum gegen Swift-Abkommen: EU-Abgeordnete sabotieren Merkels Abwiegelstrateg SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131022 techdirt.com Dianne Feinstein Deploys All The 'Intelligence' Cliches In Op-Ed Defending Metadata Program FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / NSA
20131022 spiegel.de Attacke auf französische Vertretungen: US-Sicherheitsberaterin lobte NSA-Abhöraktion FR / KERRY, JOHN / RICE, SUSAN / NSA / US
20131020 theguardian.com Edward Snowden: I brought no leaked NSA documents to Russia - US whistleblower says he handed over all digital material to journalists he worked with in Hong Kong SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / RU / GREENWALD, GLENN / POITRAS, LAURA
20131019 rt.com NSA failed to install anti-leak software at Snowden’s workplace - report NSA / LEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131016 reuters.com U.S. eavesdropping agency chief, top deputy expected to depart soon ALEXANDER, KEITH / INGLIS, CHRIS / NSA / US / ROGERS, MICHAEL
20131015 spiegel.de NSA-Spähaffäre: Nur nicht nachlassen NSA / JOURNALISM
20131012 theguardian.com Edward Snowden says NSA surveillance programmes 'hurt our country' - Video clips posted to WikiLeaks website show former NSA analyst speaking for the first time since July asylum plea SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / WIKILEAKS
20131008 salon.com NSA’s hardware backdoors may still be a “problem from hell”: NSA compromising of hardware for surveillance highlights the vulnerability of systems to attacks NSA / BACKDOORS
20131006 politico.com Surveillance panel shut down US / SURVEILLANCE / NSA
20131004 washingtonpost.com Why everyone is left less secure when the NSA doesn’t help fix security flaws NSA
20131004 newsweek.com The Woman Who Knows the NSA's secrets NSA / WHEELER, MARCY
20131004 washingtonpost.com Talk by Roger Dingledine of Torproject.org at the NSA NSA / TOR / DINGLEDINE, ROGER
20131004 rt.com Tor anonymizer network among NSA’s targets, Snowden leaks reveal NSA / TOR
20131001 reddit.com We're Glenn Greenwald and Janine Gibson of the Guardian US, and we’ve been breaking stories on the NSA Files since June. AUA! GREENWALD, GLENN / GIBSON, JANINE / NSA
20131001 spiegel.de NSA-Kritiker Ilija Trojanow: Deutscher Schriftsteller darf nicht in die USA einreisen TROJANOW, ILIJA / NSA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20130927 theguardian.com Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the 'pathetic' American media - Pulitzer Prize winner explains how to fix journalism, saying press should 'fire 90% of editors and promote ones you can't control' HERSH, SEYMOUR M. / NSA / JOURNALISM / WHISTLEBLOWING / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130926 theguardian.com US intelligence chiefs urge Congress to preserve surveillance programs - Officials refuse to say in Senate testimony whether cell site data had ever been used to pinpoint an individual's location US / NSA
20130926 stuttgarter-zeitung.de USA: Geheimdokumente: NSA warnte früh vor Mauerbau in Berlin DE / DD / NSA
20130926 aljazeera.com NSA spied on Martin Luther King, other Vietnam War critics NSA / KING, MARTIN LUTHER / VIETNAM WAR
20130924 fm4.orf.at "Überwachungsindustrie hält Politik in Geiselhaft" Der Wiener Kriminalsoziologe Reinhard Kreissl beim heutigen Hearing im EU-Parlament über die NSA-Spionage zur Überschätzung von Überwachung durch die Politik. EU / NSA
20130924 incakolanews.blogspot.de "It is a breach of international law, it is unacceptable, we want an apology" ROUSSEFF, DILMA / BR / US / NSA
20130924 reuters.com At U.N., Brazil's Rousseff blasts U.S. spying as breach of law NSA / BR / US / ROUSSEFF, DILMA
20130924 foreignpolicy.com Dilma Blasts U.S. Spies as International Crooks NSA / BR / US / ROUSSEFF, DILMA
20130923 theguardian.com US Official Warns on Threat to Banks From Cyberattacks NSA
20130920 spiegel.de NSA-Manipulation: Sicherheitsfirma RSA warnt vor eigener Software RSA / NSA
20130920 rt.com Deliberately flawed? RSA Security tells customers to drop NSA-related encryption algorithm NSA / RSA
20130920 theguardian.com NSA chiefs defend agency's conduct in letter to families of employees - General Keith Alexander and deputy director John Inglis sign letter 'in light of unauthorised disclosure of classified information' NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / INGLIS, JOHN
20130919 rt.com Facebook and NSA privacy violations: Privacy becomes a selling point FACEBOOK / NSA
20130919 firedoglake.com NSA Sends Letter to Its ‘Extended’ Family to Reassure Them That They Will ‘Weather’ This ‘Storm’ NSA
20130918 qz.com Mark Zuckerberg says people trust Facebook less after NSA revelations FACEBOOK / NSA
20130918 theguardian.com Will Eric Holder guarantee NSA reporters' first amendment rights? The US attorney general vows not to prosecute journalists, but his criminalisation of whistleblowers undermines that assurance HOLDER, ERIC / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / MIRANDA, DAVID / FBI / POITRAS, LAURA / GREENWALD, GLENN / US DOJ
20130917 rt.com Brazilian president postpones visit to Washington over US spying NSA / BR / US
20130917 tagesschau.de NSA-Affäre belastet diplomatische Beziehungen - Brasiliens Präsidentin sagt USA-Reise ab NSA / BR / US / ROUSSEFF, DILMA
20130917 globo.com Em nota, Presidência anuncia adiamento da visita oficial de Dilma aos Estados Unidos - Leia mais sobre esse assunto em BR / US / NSA
20130917 folha.uil.com.br Dilma decide cancelar viagem aos EUA em outubro BR / US / NSA
20130916 slate.com Cryptographers Attack NSA's Secret Effort to Subvert Internet Security CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA / GCHQ
20130916 bristolcrypto.blogspot.co.uk Open Letter From UK Security Researchers CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA / GCHQ
20130916 nytimes.com Guardian Story on Israel and N.S.A. Is Not ‘Surprising’ Enough to Cover GUARDIAN / NEW YORK TIMES / NSA / US / IL
20130914 economist.com Internet snooping: Backdoor dealings - Covertly weakening the security of the entire internet to make snooping easier is a bad idea NSA / IT SECURITY
20130912 fm4.orf.at Verdacht auf NSA-Wirtschaftsspionage erhärtet NSA / ESPIONAGE
20130911 documentcloud.org Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the National Security Agency / Central Security Services (NSA/CSS) and the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU) pertaining to the protection of U.S. persons NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130909 theguardian.com How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch - Registering for nothing-to-see-here deadlines could help to sound the alert when a website has been compromised NSA / FBI / DEAD MAN SWITCH
20130909 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage: EU-Abgeordnete wollen Swift-Abkommen aussetzen NSA / SWIFT / EU
20130909 foreignpolicy.com The Cowboy of the NSA: Inside Gen. Keith Alexander's all-out, barely-legal drive to build the ultimate spy machine. ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA
20130909 rt.com No economic espionage? NSA docs show US spied on Brazil oil giant Petrobras NSA / BR / PETROBRAS / ESPIONAGE
20130908 globo.com NSA Documents Show United States Spied Brazilian Oil Giant NSA / BR / PETROBRAS / ESPIONAGE / SWIFT
20130908 icontherecord.tumblr.com Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper on Allegations of Economic Espionage DNI / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES / ESPIONAGE
20130907 theguardian.com NSA encryption story, Latin American fallout and US/UK attacks on press freedoms - The implications of the prior week's reporting of NSA stories continue to grow NSA / BR
20130906 theguardian.com NSA decryption revelations 'provide roadmap' to adversaries, US warns - Office of the director of national intelligence also suggests stories published by the Guardian and New York Times are 'not news' CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA / DNI
20130906 theguardian.com NSA surveillance: A guide to staying secure - The NSA has huge capabilities – and if it wants in to your computer, it's in. With that in mind, here are five ways to stay safe NSA / IT SECURITY
20130906 mail-archive.com Re: (Cryptography) Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN" CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA
20130906 nytimes.com Decision to Publish Against Government Request Was ‘Not a Particularly Anguished One NEW YORK TIMES / NSA / PROPUBLICA
20130906 motherjones.com Snowden Disclosures Finally Hit 12 on a Scale of 1 to 10 SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / CRYPTOGRAPHY / CRYPTANALYSIS
20130906 icontherecord.tumblr.com ODNI STATEMENT on the Unauthorized Disclosure of NSA Cryptological Capabilities DNI / NSA / CRYPTANALYSIS
20130906 rlp.de NSA-Datenskandal: Dreyer fordert Spitzengespräch DE / NSA / DREYER, MALU
20130906 spiegel.de Internet-Verschlüsselung: Bundesregierung redet Snowden-Enthüllungen klein CRYPTOGRAPHY / DE / NSA
20130906 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllungen: Wettlauf um die sicherste Verschlüsselung CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA / SCHNEIER, BRUCE / WEIS, RUEDIGER
20130906 spiegel.de Treffen mit Chefdatenschützer: Gauck lässt sich NSA-Affäre erklären GAUCK, JOACHIM / NSA / SCHAAR, PETER
20130906 badische-zeitung.de ABHÖRSKANDAL - Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA kann verschlüsselte Daten knacken NSA / CRYPTOGRAPHY
20130906 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllungen: NSA knackt systematisch Verschlüsselung im Internet NSA / CRYPTOGRAPHY / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130906 zeit.de NSA-AFFÄRE - Justizkommissarin gibt die Briten auf: Die NSA greift mit Hilfe britischer Dienste jede sichere Kommunikation an. Viviane Reding dringt deshalb auf ein europaweites Datenschutzrecht – ohne Großbritannien. REDING, VIVIANE / EU / GB / PRIVACY / NSA
20130905 randombit.net [cryptography what has the NSA broken?] CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA
20130905 cryptographyengineering.com On the NSA CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA
20130905 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Datenschützer Schaar greift Innenminister Friedrich an DE / NSA / SCHAAR, PETER / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER
20130904 spiegel.de NSA-Museum: Besuch bei den Supergeheimen NSA
20130901 aljazeera.com Report: US hacked Al Jazeera communications - German magazine says US spy agency accessed network's internal communication during President Bush's second term. ALJAZEERA / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20130831 rt.com Snowden leaks: NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense' NSA / CYBERWAR
20130831 spiegel.de Snowden Document: NSA Spied On Al Jazeera Communications ALJAZEERA / NSA
20130831 spiegel.de Snowden-Enthüllungen: NSA spionierte al-Dschasira aus NSA / ALJAZEERA
20130830 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: Wie leicht Edward Snowden die NSA knacken konnte IT SECURITY / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130830 theregiser.co.uk NSA: NOBODY could stop Snowden – he was A SYSADMIN - Virtually unfettered access blew sensitive docs wide open IT SECURITY / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130829 arstechnica.com French judiciary opens “preliminary investigation” of NSA spying - Two French human rights groups filed a legal complaint last month. FR / NSA
20130829 washingtonpost.com U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary US / CIA / NSA
20130829 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllung: Das Budget der US-Ausspäher NSA
20130827 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Die rote Linie ist Merkel MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / DE
20130826 ctvnews.ca UN says nations are banned from spying on it, will address Snowden leak UN / VIENNA CONVENTION / NSA
20130826 rt.com European leaders show no interest in shielding EU from NSA EU / NSA / ANDERSDOTTER, AMELIA
20130825 nytimes.com Surveillance Revelations Shake U.S.-German Ties US / DE / NSA
20130824 rt.com Snowden tricked NSA - and they don't know how he did it NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130823 theguardian.com NSA analysts deliberately broke rules to spy on Americans, agency reveals - Inspector general's admission undermines fresh insistences from president that breaches of privacy rules were inadvertent NSA / US
20130823 wsj.com NSA Officers Sometimes Spy on Love Interests NSA / LOVEINT
20130822 theguardian.com Lavabit founder: 'My own tax dollars are being used to spy on me' - Since shuttering his email service, which was used by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Ladar Levison has been stuck in a Kafkaesque legal battle – and that's about all he can say LAVABIT / NSA / LEVISON, LADAR
20130822 theguardian.com Snowden: UK government now leaking documents about itself: The NSA whistleblower says: 'I have never spoken with, worked with, or provided any journalistic materials to the Independent' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / THE INDEPENDENT / GB / GCHQ
20130821 rt.com NSA collected thousands of US internet communications 'with no terror connection' CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA
20130821 rt.com US still scrambling to determine scope of what Snowden accessed - report NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS
20130820 theguardian.com NSA files: why the Guardian in London destroyed hard drives of leaked files - A threat of legal action by the government that could have stopped reporting on the files leaked by Edward Snowden led to a symbolic act at the Guardian's offices in London GUARDIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / NSA / GCHQ / GB
20130819 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Pofalla will Bundestag Einsicht in Dokumente gewähren POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / DE
20130819 n-tv.de NSA-Affäre nicht "ausgestanden": Pofalla kündigt mehr Informationen an POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / DE
20130819 cduwatch.de Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU): “Es gibt keinen Beleg für eine flächendeckende Ausspähung deutscher Staatsangehöriger in Deutschland.” CDU / DE / NSA / GROSSE-BROEMER, MICHAEL
20130817 rt.com NSA blames 3,000 leaked privacy violations on ‘employee mistakes’ NSA
20130817 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: US-Politiker reagieren bestürzt auf neue NSA-Enthüllungen NSA / US
20130817 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllungen: NSA bedauert "unbeabsichtigte" Fehler NSA
20130816 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA bricht tausendfach Rechte von US-Bürgern NSA / US
20130816 rt.com NSA to open new $60mln facility in N. Carolina university amid surveillance scrutiny NSA / NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY / WOODSON, RANDY
20130816 theguardian.com NSA under renewed fire after report finds it violated its own privacy rules - Revelations that NSA collected records it was not permitted to acquire pile further pressure on intelligence chief James Clapper NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES / WYDEN, RON
20130816 theguardian.com NSA revelations of privacy breaches 'the tip of the iceberg' – Senate duo - Leading critics of NSA Ron Wyden and Mark Udall say 'public deserves to know more about violations of secret court orders' NSA / WYDEN, RON / UDALL, MARK
20130816 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Fakten, Fragen, Finten DE / NSA / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / BND
20130816 spiegel.de Überwachung: Friedrich sieht alle Vorwürfe in NSA-Affäre ausgeräumt DE / NSA / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER
20130813 nytimes.com In Brazil, Kerry Is Told Spying Sows ‘Distrust’ KERRY, JOHN / BR / NSA
20130813 handelsblatt.com „Narkotikum für die Bevölkerung“ - SPD und Grüne torpedieren Anti-Spionage-Abkommen NSA / DE / POFALLA, RONALD
20130813 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Merkel will Geheimdienste stärker kontrollieren lassen MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / BND / VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ
20130813 spiegel.de Pläne der Bundesregierung: Wie ein No-Spy-Abkommen aussehen könnte DE / NSA
20130813 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: Die Regierung kapituliert vor der NSA DE / NSA
20130813 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Kauder will öffentliche Debatte über Geheimdienste beenden KAUDER, SIEGFRIED / NSA
20130813 theguardian.com If Obama wanted an 'open debate' on NSA spying, why thwart one for so long? The president asks us to trust him on government surveillance, yet his administration constantly denigrates critics as unpatriotic OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20130813 rt.com White House denies DNI Clapper will head ‘independent’ NSA review group CLAPPER, JAMES / WHITE HOUSE / NSA
20130813 spiegel.de Transparenz-Bemühungen der USA: Expertengruppe soll Arbeit der Geheimdienste durchleuchten US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130813 spiegel.de Presseschau zur NSA-Affäre: "Hier tobt der nackte Wahlkampf" DE / NSA
20130813 spiegel.de Lieferung von US-Jets: NSA-Affäre gefährdet Rüstungsdeal mit Brasilien BR / NSA
20130812 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Deutschland und USA verhandeln über Anti-Spionage-Abkommen POFALLA, RONALD / DE / US / BND / NSA
20130812 spiegel.de Kanzleramtschef und Geheimdienste: Pofallas Placebo POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / DE / BND
20130812 spiegel.de Kanzleramtschef: Pofalla muss Handydaten-Weitergabe an NSA erklären POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / AF / BND
20130812 netzpolitik.org Pofalla: Keine Panik, Niemand wird hier überwacht – wir haben das schriftlich!11 POFALLA, RONALD / BND / NSA / GCHQ
20130812 theguardian.com Germany denies phone data sent to NSA used in drone attacks: German intelligence agency criticised for sending large quantities of mobile phone metadata to the NSA and GCHQ BND / NSA / GCHQ / AF / POFALLA, RONALD / DRONES
20130812 bundesregierung.de Mitschrift Pressekonferenz: Pressestatement von Kanzleramtsminister Pofalla nach der Sitzung des Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums am 12. August 2013 BND / NSA / GCHQ / POFALLA, RONALD / AF
20130812 guardian.co.uk Michael Hayden, Bob Schieffer and the media's reverence of national security officials - The former NSA director is held up by the Face the Nation host as an objective authority when he is everything but that NSA / HAYDEN, MICHAEL / SCHIEFFER, BOB
20130812 spiegel.de Kanzleramtschef und Geheimdienste: Pofallas Placebo POFALLA, RONALD / BND / NSA
20130812 spiegel.de Parlamentarisches Kontrollgremium: Koalition stoppt Steinmeier-Aussage zur NSA-Affäre STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / BND / NSA
20130812 faz.net NSA-Affäre: Koalition lehnt Steinmeier-Auftritt ab STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / BND / NSA
20130812 spiegel.de Pofalla vor Gremium: SPD verlangt Aufklärung über Handydaten-Weitergabe BND / AF / NSA / DRONES / POFALLA, RONALD / OPPERMANN, THOMAS / SPD 
20130810 huffingtonpost.com Julian Assange: Obama Surveillance Reform 'A Victory Of Sorts For Edward Snowden' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20130810 thehill.com WikiLeaks founder: Obama surveillance changes vindicate Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20130810 economist.com American surveillance: The Snowden effect SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130810 spiegel.de Obama zur NSA-Affäre: Kontrolle ist gut, Vertrauen ist besser OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20130810 sueddeutsche.de Kooperation mit US-Geheimdiensten Unmut über BND-Chef Schindler SCHINDLER, GERHARD / BND / NSA
20130809 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Die zwei Gesichter der Angela M. MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / BND
20130809 nationaljournal.com Somewhere in Russia, Edward Snowden Is Smiling SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20130809 spiegel.de Reaktion auf weltweite Kritik: Obama verspricht mehr Offenheit bei Spähprogrammen OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20130809 spiegel.de Kooperation mit dem BND: Steinmeier will zur NSA-Verbindung berichten STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / BND / NSA
20130809 rt.com NSA head: Replace would-be Snowdens with computers to stop future leaks NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130809 spiegel.de Angst vor Whistleblowern: NSA wirft Großteil der Systemadministratoren raus WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA
20130809 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Nachfrage nach Mail-Verschlüsselung sprunghaft gewachsen ENCRYPTION / NSA
20130808 rt.com IRS gets help from DEA and NSA to collect data IRS / DEA / NSA
20130808 zeit.de NSA-Debatte: Heuchelei, Verleumdung, Ablenkungsmanöver STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / DE / NSA / UHL, HANS-PETER
20130808 huffingtonpost.com NSA Chief: Solution To Stopping The Next Snowden Is Replacing His Former Job With A Machine NSA / LEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20130808 sueddeutsche.de Linke nennt Steinmeier den "größten Heuchler" STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / BND / NSA / DE
20130808 spiegel.de Kooperation mit dem BND: Union und Linke attackieren Steinmeier in NSA-Affäre STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / DE / BND / NSA
20130807 nationalreview.com Give Snowden Immunity: In Moscow, he’s well situated to provide only our adversaries with information. SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130807 berliner-zeitung.de SPIONAGE-AFFÄRE: Frisch gezapft BND / NSA
20130807 spiegel.de Datenweitergabe des BND: Regierung macht Steinmeier für NSA-Kooperation verantwortlich STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / DE / BND / NSA
20130807 theguardian.com Obama pushed for tighter regulation of NSA surveillance as a senator - Only five years ago, Obama was part of a group of legislators that supported substantial changes to NSA surveillance programs OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / SURVEILLANCE
20130807 heise.de NSA-Überwachung: Steinmeier hat Kooperation des BND abgesegnet STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / DE / BND / NSA
20130807 spiegel.de US-Präsident bei Jay Leno: Obama macht Spähaffäre zum Show-Programm OBAMA, BARACK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130806 salon.com Cyberscare: Ex-NSA chief calls transparency groups, hackers next terrorists: Michael Hayden equates potential angry reactions to Snowden indictments to al-Qaida operations HAYDEN, MICHAEL / NSA / TRANSPARENCY / HACKER / TERRORISM
20130806 telepolis.de Renaissance von al-Qaida? Warum lassen sich Al-Qaida-Führer abhören? AL QAEDA / NSA / TERRORWARNING
20130806 guardian.co.uk Former NSA chief warns of cyber-terror attacks if Snowden apprehended: Michael Hayden, who also headed the CIA, speculates on global hacker response if Edward Snowden brought back to US HAYDEN, MICHAEL / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / CIA
20130806 spiegel.de S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine: Die Methode Pofalla POFALLA, RONALD / DE / NSA
20130805 zeit.de NSA-DATENWEITERGABE: Darf der BND das? - Der BND gibt massenhaft Metadaten an die NSA. Alles rechtens, so die Regierung: Deutsche seien nicht betroffen. NSA / BND / DE
20130805 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Ex-Verfassungsrichter beklagt Merkels Machtlosigkeit DE / NSA / PAPIER, HANS-JUERGEN / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130805 welt.de "Die Freiheitsrechte dürfen nicht geopfert werden" - Hans-Jürgen Papier, ehemals höchster Richter Deutschlands, fordert ein globales Datenschutzabkommen – und widerspricht Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich: Es gebe kein Supergrundrecht auf Sicherheit. PAPIER, HANS-JUERGEN / DE / NSA / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / UHL, HANS-PETER / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130804 theguardian.com Members of Congress denied access to basic information about NSA - Documents provided by two House members demonstrate how they are blocked from exercising any oversight over domestic surveillance US / NSA
20130804 spiegel.de Daten-Weitergabe an NSA: Opposition fühlt sich von Pofalla getäuscht DE / NSA / POFALLA, RONALD / BND / NSA
20130804 spiegel.de Angst vor Terrorattacken: US-Geheimdienst hörte angeblich Qaida-Gespräche ab TERRORWARNING / AL QAEDA / DISTRACTION / NSA / CIA
20130803 STERLING, BRUCE/medium.com The Ecuadorian Library - or, The Blast Shack After Three Years WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / STALLMANN, RICHARD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MANNING, BRADLEY / NSA / US
20130802 stern.de Schnauze, Wessi! Meine Akte. Deine Akte. MFS / DE / NSA / BND / GCHQ


Date Source Title Tags
20130731 spiegel.de NSA-Anhörung US-Senat: "Dem amerikanischen Volk reißt bald der Geduldsfaden" NSA
20130731 slate.com How to Decode the True Meaning of What NSA Officials Say: A lexicon for understanding the words U.S. intelligence officials use to mislead the public. NSA
20130731 faz.net Geheimdienstchef spricht vor Hackern Die NSA versucht einen Befreiungsschlag NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20130731 guardian.co.uk Senators strongly criticise intelligence chiefs over NSA data collection: Ron Wyden tells US senate of 'violations of court orders' while Mark Udall calls for major reforms of surveillance programmes US / NSA / WYDEN, RON / UDALL, MARK / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130729 faz.net Friedrich zur NSA-Affäre: „Völlig unsinnige Vorstellungen“ FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA
20130728 tagesschau.de SPD-Chef Gabriel zur Spähaffäre: Datenverschlüsselung als Pflicht GABRIEL, SIGMAR / CRYPTOGRAPHY / NSA / DE
20130727 rt.com EU’s response to NSA? Drones, spy satellites could fly over Europe EU / NSA / DRONES
20130727 spiegel.de Ex-Innenminister: Schily nennt Furcht vor Überwachungsstaat paranoid SCHILY, OTTO / DE / NSA
20130727 spiegel.de NSA-Spähaffäre: Westerwelle beruft Beauftragten für Cyber-Außenpolitik NSA / DE / WESTERWELLE, GUIDO / BRENGELMANN, DIRK
20130726 heise.de Euro Hawk und NSA: Eine verwirrende Geschichte NSA / EURO HAWK / BMVG
20130726 hr-online.de Prism-Spähaffäre: Demoaufruf auf Facebook verschwunden NSA / DE / FACEBOOK
20130726 bsi.bund.de Keine Unterstützung ausländischer Nachrichtendienste BSI / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de NSA-BND-Spähaffäre: Internetnutzer misstrauen dem Staat DE / NSA
20130725 guardian.co.uk Democratic establishment unmasked: prime defenders of NSA bulk spying - NYT: "The Obama administration made common cause with the House Republican leadership" US / NSA
20130725 faz.net Offener Brief an Angela Merkel Deutschland ist ein Überwachungsstaat MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / NSA
20130726 unwatched.org PRISM: Auch Europol könnte in die Spitzelaffäre verwickelt sein EUROPOL / NSA
20130726 spiegel.de Merkel-Vertrauter zur Spähaffäre: Pofalla ist "stolz" auf seine Arbeit POFALLA, RONALD / NSA
20130726 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger fordert schärfere Geheimdienstkontrolle LEUTHEUSSER-SCHNARRENBERGER, SABINE / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de Bundespräsident Gauck: "Die NSA-Affäre beunruhigt mich sehr" GAUCK, JOACHIM / NSA / DE
20130725 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Koordinator: Pofalla verspricht vollständige Aufklärung der NSA-Affäre POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / DE
20130725 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre im Bundestag: Und plötzlich gibt es drei Prisms POFALLA, RONALD / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de Wie die Zeit vergeht mit... - NSA-Skandalen NSA
20130724 spiegel.de "Stop watching us": Überwachungsgegner hoffen auf Aufschrei am Samstag DE / NSA
20130724 faz.net Information Consumerism: The Price of Hypocrisy BIG DATA / NSA / US
20130724 faz.net NSA-Affäre Letzte Dienste in der Karriere eines Geheimdienstlers HELLENBROICH, HERIBERT / TIEDGE, HANSJOACHIM / POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130724 rt.com White House denounces Amash amendment as dismantling of NSA WHITE HOUSE / NSA
20130724 spiegel.de Präsident Gauck: Der Freund der Freiheit schweigt zur NSA-Affäre GAUCK, JOACHIM / DE / NSA
20130724 spiegel.de Geheimdienst: NSA kann eigene E-Mails nicht durchsuchen NSA
20130723 spiegel.de S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine: Mein Weg zum Ekel NSA / DE
20130723 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Schäuble hält Empörung über Spähaffäre für übertrieben SCHAEUBLE, WOLFGANG / NSA / DE
20130722 MACHON, ANNIE/rt.com US looks even more like Stasi at news of Berlin cooperating with NSA US / NSA / MFS / DE
20130722 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Die kleine Kanzlerin MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130722 spiegel.de Pofalla und die NSA-Affäre: Merkels Schutzschild POFALLA, RONALD / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130722 spiegel.de Münchhausen-Check: Merkel und der Überwachungsstaat MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / DE / SURVEILLANCE
20130722 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: Pofalla will Geheimausschuss des Bundestags informieren DE / NSA / POFALLA, RONALD
20130721 dradio.de Daten nicht massenhaft weitergegeben: Deutsche Geheimdienstchefs weisen Berichte über enge Späh-Kooperationen mit NSA zurück DE / NSA / MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG / BFV / SCHINDLER, GERHARD / BND
20130721 PRANTL, HERIBERT/sueddeutsche.de Überwachung durch US-Geheimdienste Unterirdisch FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / DE / BND
20130720 spiegel.de Innenminister Friedrich zur Prism-Affäre: "Ich weiß nicht, was Herr Alexander da gesagt hat" ALEXANDER, KEITH B. / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA
20130719 faz.net Kanzlerin Merkel „Deutschland ist kein Überwachungsstaat“ MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / NSA
20130719 spiegel.de NSA-Spionageskandal: Deutsche unzufrieden mit Merkels Aufklärungsarbeit MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130719 spiegel.de Regierungs-Reaktionen auf NSA-Skandal: Dr. Merkels gesammeltes Schweigen NSA / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER
20130719 spiegel.de NSA-Geheimdienstchef Alexander zur Spähaffäre: "Jetzt wissen die Deutschen Bescheid" ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA / DE
20130719 spiegel.de Michael Hayden: Ex-NSA-Chef wirft Huawei Spionage vor NSA / HAYDEN, MICHAEL / HUAWEI / DISTRACTION
20130719 spiegel.de Merkel im Minutenprotokoll: "Ich kann mich nicht in ausländische Rechtslagen einmischen" MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130719 spiegel.de "Guardian"-Journalist Greenwald: "Ich trage diese Dokumente immer bei mir" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US / GREENWALD, GLENN / DE
20130718 spiegel.de Prism-Einsatz in Afghanistan: Verteidigungsministerium widerspricht BND BND / BMVG / NSA / DE / BILD
20130717 spiegel.de Regierung in der NSA-Affäre: Die Hinterher-Erklärer MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER
20130717 spiegel.de Wirtschaftsspionage: Infineon-Sicherheitschef warnt vor Abhöraktionen NSA / INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE / INFINEON / MORITZ, WOLF-RUEDIGER / BND
20130717 policymic.com Meet the Journalist Who Connects the Dots Between Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, and the NSA BROWN, BARRETT / WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Ex-Präsident Carter verdammt US-Schnüffelei US / NSA / CARTER, JIMMY
20130717 spiegel.de Aufklärung der Spähaffäre: Friedrich wird zum Spottobjekt FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de Innenminister Friedrich zu NSA-Spähprogramm: "Wir wissen es bis heute nicht" FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Bundeswehr soll schon 2011 von Prism gewusst haben NSA / DE / BUNDESWEHR
20130716 theatlantic.com Mission Creep: When everything is terrorism NSA / TERRORISM / SURVEILLANCE
20130716 spiegel.de Minister Friedrich und die NSA-Affäre: Der USA-Verteidigungsminister FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / DE
20130716 spiegel.de NSA-Ausspähskandal: Fünf Argumente gegen die Verharmloser NSA / SURVEILLANCE / PRIVACY
20130715 welt.de NSA-Experte: "USA haben die Atombombe des Abhorchens" NSA / BAMFORD, JAMES
20130715 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage: Merkel lässt die Deutschen im Stich MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130715 spiegel.de Kommentar: Amerikas Wahn US / NSA / BRINKBAEUMER, KLAUS
20130715 golem.de BUNDESINNENMINISTER: Beim US-Besuch weitere Kooperation zu Prism vereinbart FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / DE
20130715 guardian.co.uk The crux of the NSA story in one phrase: 'collect it all' - The actual story that matters is not hard to see: the NSA is attempting to collect, monitor and store all forms of human communication ALEXANDER, KEITH B. / NSA
20130715 washingtonpost.com For NSA chief, terrorist threat drives passion to ‘collect it all,’ observers say ALEXANDER, KEITH B. / NSA
20130715 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage: Merkel lässt die Deutschen im Stich MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130715 spiegel.de Prism und der BND: Unsere Dienste, unsere Sicherheit, unsere Entscheidung NSA / BND
20130715 spiegel.de Deutsche Prism-Erkenntnisse: Friedrich muss Angaben zu Anschlagsplänen relativieren FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / NSA
20130715 spiegel.de Merkel und die NSA-Affäre: Steinbrücks große Chance STEINBRUECK, PEER / NSA
20130714 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Steinbrück wirft Merkel Bruch des Amtseids vor NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / STEINBRUECK, PEER
20130714 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre: Merkel drängt auf internationalen Datenschutz NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130714 spiegel.de Reaktion auf NSA-Affäre: Merkel schützt ihre Umfragedaten NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130713 spiegel.de "Blanker Hohn", "Desaster", "Luftnummer": Opposition spottet über Friedrichs USA-Reise DE / NSA / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER
20130713 salon.com Q&A with Glenn Greenwald: Americans’ reaction “surprising and gratifying” SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130712 spiegel.de Friedrichs US-Reise: Zu Besuch beim großen Bruder FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / US / DE
20130712 spiegel.de Informant Snowden: "Er ist ein Glücksfall für die Gesellschaft" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / NSA / HECKMANN, DIRK
20130712 spiegel.de Demonstration gegen Prism: Männer im Anzug gegen Männer im Anzug DE / NSA
20130711 guardian.co.uk Russian guard service reverts to typewriters after NSA leaks - Leaks by US whistleblower Edward Snowden have fuelled Russian suspicions over electronic communications SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / FSO
20130711 zeit.de NSA-SKANDAL: Friedrich kündigt deutliche Worte gegenüber US-Regierung an FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / US / NSA
20130710 zeit.de ZEIT-INTERVIEW: Merkel verteidigt Abhören von Telefonaten MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130710 spiegel.de NSA-Aufklärungsreise in die USA: Koalitionäre erwarten Klartext von Friedrich FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / US / NSA
20130710 spiegel.de Innenminister im Interview: Friedrich beklagt mangelnde Fairness gegenüber den USA FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / US / NSA
20130710 spiegel.de NSA-Spähskandal: Merkel verteidigt Abhöraktionen durch Geheimdienste MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130710 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Merkel will von Spionage immer noch nichts gewusst haben MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20130708 spiegel.de Bundesregierung zu NSA-Skandal: Bedingt aufklärungsbereit NSA / DE
20130708 dradio.de Telekom-Chef: Hundertprozentigen Schutz für Daten gibt es nicht - Der Vorstandsvorsitzende René Obermann über Snwoden, Prism und Drosselkom OBERMANN, RENE / TELEKOM / NSA
20130708 MASCOLO, GEORG/faz.net NSA-Affäre: Angela Merkels historische Chance - Steckt der BND mit der NSA unter einer Decke? Neueste Enthüllungen legen dies nahe. Jetzt muss die Kanzlerin handeln und mit Obama ein transatlantisches Freiheitsabkommen abschließen - zum Schutz aller Bürger. NSA / DE / MFS / KOHL, HELMUT / MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK / BND
20130707 guardian.co.uk The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians - As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil NSA / BR / GUARDIAN
20130707 guardian.co.uk NSA recruitment drive goes horribly wrong NSA
20130706 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: "Alle Wanzen auf den Tisch" FDP / SPD / NSA
20130705 telepolis.de SPD und NSA: Was ist Wahlkampf - und was politischer Wille? SPD / NSA / HARTMANN, MICHAEL / BND
20130704 spiegel.de US-Überwachung in Deutschland: Gabriel fordert Ermittlungen gegen NSA-Chef GABRIEL, SIGMAR / NSA / DE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130704 spiegel.de Aufklärung der NSA-Spähaffäre: Friedrich reist zu Gesprächen in die USA FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / BMI / NSA
20130704 spiegel.de US-Überwachung in Deutschland: Gabriel fordert Ermittlungen gegen NSA-Chef DE / NSA / SPD / GABRIEL, SIEGMAR
20130703 guardian.co.uk Angela Merkel: NSA snooping claims 'extremely serious' - German chancellor says fight against terrorism is essential but methods used must be proportionate MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / DE
20130703 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Friedrich, der Zögerliche FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / DE / CDU / FDP / KUBICKI, WOLFGANG / PILTZ, GISELA
20130703 guardian.co.uk James Clapper, EU play-acting, and political priorities Fixations on denouncing Edward Snowden distract, by design, from the serious transgressions of those who are far more powerful CLAPPER, JAMES / US / EU / NSA
20130703 spiegel.de US-Spähprogramm: Verfassungsschutz will von Prism nichts gewusst haben NSA / DE / BFV / MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG
20130702 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Altliberaler Baum verlangt mehr FDP-Einsatz für Datenschutz BAUM, GERHART / FDP / NSA
20130702 guardian.co.uk Clapper: I gave 'erroneous' answer because I forgot about Patriot Act - Intelligence chief tries to explain false Senate testimony by saying he 'simply didn't think' of NSA efforts to collect phone data CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA / PATRIOT ACT
20130702 guardian.co.uk NSA revelations: why so many are keen to play down the debate - The mass surveillance that Edward Snowden has exposed asks questions not only of government but of telecoms companies too NSA / GB
20130702 spiegel.de Prism-Programm: Unternehmen befürchten Industriespionage der NSA NSA / ESPIONAGE / DE / BFV / MICHELBACH, HANS / MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG / MAIR, STEFAN / BDI / GLATZ, REINER / VDMA
20130702 scmp.com Edward Snowden's bland job title hid his real power - Role gave Edward Snowden access to top-secret documents of US' largest intelligence agency SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130701 washingtonpost.com Misinformation on classified NSA programs includes statements by senior U.S. officials NSA / US / CLAPPER, JAMES / MISINFORMATION
20130701 guardian.co.uk Barack Obama seeks to limit EU fallout over US spying claims - President says NSA will assess espionage allegations as France and Germany demand answers and warn of delay to trade talks OBAMA, BARACK / US / NSA / DE / FR / EU
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Spionageaffäre: Aigner stellt Freihandelszone mit USA in Frage US / NSA / AIGNER, ILSE / EU / DE / REDING, VIVIANE
20130701 spiegel.de Merkel und die NSA-Affäre: Was wusste die Kanzlerin? MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / BND / POFALLA, RONALD
20130701 spiegel.de Spähskandal: Merkel weist Vorwurf der Mitwisserschaft zurück MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / GABRIEL, SIGMAR / POFALLA, RONALD
20130701 spiegel.de US-Abhördienst: Gauck fordert Aufklärung des NSA-Spähskandals GAUCK, JOACHIM / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20130630 nytimes.com Job Title Key to Inner Access Held by Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20130630 abcnews.go.com Julian Assange: ‘No Stopping’ Release of Additional NSA Secrets SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / NSA / LEAKS
20130628 golem.de NSA-WHISTLEBLOWER: "Sie errichten einen totalitären Staat" BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
20130627 spiegel.de Geheimdienste: 500.000 protestieren gegen Internetüberwachung SURVEILLANCE / NSA
20130627 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Branchenverband sieht Schaden für Wirtschaftswachstum NSA / BITKOM
20130624 rt.com Snowden admits taking Booz Allen job to collect data on NSA surveillance SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20130623 abcnews.go.com NSA Chief Keith Alexander: ‘System Did Not Work As It Should Have’ to Prevent Snowden Document Leaks NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / LEAKS
20130623 nytimes.com N.S.A. Leak Puts Focus on System Administrators NSA / IT SECURITY
20130623 guardian.co.uk NSA director: Edward Snowden has caused irreversible damage to US - Keith Alexander defends agency's broad surveillance as being in line with Americans' expectations for preventing another 9/11 SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / US
20130622 guardian.co.uk US files criminal charges against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: Charges include theft of government property and unauthorised communication of national defence information SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20130621 nytimes.com Secrets, Non-Secrets and Leaks SECRECY / LEAKS / NSA
20130621 guardian.co.uk Civil liberties: the world at their fingertips - The less debate about surveillance, the happier the government and intelligence agencies. But there has to be debate CIVIL LIBERTIES / SURVEILLANCE / NSA
20130620 huffingtonpost.com Russ Tice, Bush-Era Whistleblower, Claims NSA Ordered Wiretap Of Barack Obama In 2004 OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / TICE, RUSS
20130620 ANDERSON, ROSS/guardian.co.uk Why NSA surveillance is a threat to British doctors and lawyers / Professionals using cloud services will have to guard against the danger of patients and clients being snooped on NSA / SURVEILLANCE / PRIVACY
20130619 guardian.co.uk Obama's approval takes a hit over NSA leaks - Declining public trust in his administration over the surveillance revelations should worry the president, but not based on one poll OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20130619 spiegel.de Gespräch mit Merkel: Obama verteidigt Abhöraktion Prism OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130619 guaridan.co.uk NSA surveillance is an attack on American citizens, says Noam Chomsky - Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat their primary enemy – their own population, says critic CHOMSKY, NOAM / NSA / US
20130619 guardian.co.uk Barack Obama: NSA is not rifling through ordinary people's emails: US president is confident intelligence services have 'struck appropriate balance', he tells journalists in Berlin NSA / OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130619 guardian.co.uk NSA Prism program a game changer on web privacy, says Sir Martin Sorrell - WPP chief says internet companies have to take responsibility for the editorial content appearing on their sites NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS / SORRELL, MARTIN / WESTWOOD, VIVIENNE
20130619 netzpolitik.org Erschreckende Statistik: Geheimdienste und Polizei nutzen Stasi-Akten, auch amerikanische Behörden wie die NSA MFS / NSA 
20130618 theatlantic.com 3 Former NSA Employees Praise Edward Snowden, Corroborate Key Claims - The men, all whistleblowers, say he succeeded where they failed. WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DRAKE, THOMAS / BINNEY, WILLIAM / WIEBE, J. KIRK
20130618 netzpolitik.org Yes We Scan! Privacy Activists Protest Against PRISM and NSA Surveillance As President Obama Arrives in Berlin NSA / DE
20130618 guardian.co.uk Fisa court oversight: a look inside a secret and empty process - Obama and other NSA defenders insist there are robust limitations on surveillance but the documents show otherwise NSA
20130618 guardian.co.uk NSA chief says exposure of surveillance programs has 'irreversible' impact - as it happened ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA
20130618 guardian.co.uk NSA director describes surveillance as 'limited, focused' in House hearing: Keith Alexander testifies to Congress that programs revealed by Edward Snowden have stopped 'more than 50' attacks ALEXANDER, KEITH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOYCE, SEAN / NSA
20130617 wsj.com Snowden Says Obama’s Failed Promises Motivated Leaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130617 latimes.com Journalistic impartiality tested in NSA leak story NSA / LEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / POITRAS, LAURA / GELLMAN, BARTON
20130617 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: the truth about US surveillance will emerge - In a live chat with Guardian readers, NSA whistleblower says US leaders cannot 'cover this up by jailing or murdering me' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130614 zerohedge.com Thousands Of Firms Trade Confidential Data With The US Government In Exchange For Classified Intelligence NSA
20130614 guardian.co.uk Prism NSA surveillance 'did not collect European data in bulk' - EU commissioner says she has assurances that only those suspected of links to terrorism or cybercrime were targeted EU / NSA / REDING, VIVIANE
20130614 spiegel.de US-Botschafter Murphy zu Prism: "Auch wir haben eine Menge Fragen" MURPHY, PHILIP D. / DE / NSA
20130614 guardian.co.uk Al Gore: NSA's secret surveillance program 'not really the American way' - Former vice-president – not persuaded by argument that program was legal – urges Congress and Obama to amend the laws NSA / GORE, AL
20130614 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's worst fear has not been realised – thankfully - The NSA whistleblower's only concern was that his disclosures would be met with apathy. Instead, they're leading to real reform SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130614 guardian.co.uk On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US
20130613 guardian.co.uk NSA revelations will test China-US ties, say Chinese media - Chinese press awash with news of scandal as whistleblower Edward Snowden says he plans to remain in territory NSA / CN / US
20130613 guardian.co.uk FBI chief Mueller says spy tactics could have stopped 9/11 attacks - Robert Mueller dismisses congressional concerns and vows to take action against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden NSA / MUELLER, ROBERT
20130613 guardian.co.uk NSA to release more information on surveillance programs – live updates NSA
20130613 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: NSA-Chef verteidigt Schnüffelaktion NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130613 guardian.co.uk Snowden revelations on NSA strain US-China relations, says Beijing: State-run China Daily points to countries' 'soured relationship' on cybersecurity and suggests huge surveillance net is unjustified SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA / CN / CYBERWAR
20130612 thoughtcrime.org We Should All Have Something To Hide PRIVACY / NSA
20130612 guardian.co.uk Senators press NSA director for answers on secret surveillance program - Keith Alexander says surveillance programs have helped thwart attacks – but raises new questions over how they operate NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20130612 nydailynews.com Why you should worry about the NSA: The just-revealed surveillance stretches the law to its breaking point and opens the door to future potential abuses NSA
20130612 guardian.co.uk Snowden saw what I saw: surveillance criminally subverting the constitution - So we refused to be part of the NSA's dark blanket. That is why whistleblowers pay the price for being the backstop of democracy SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DRAKE, THOMAS / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / MFS
20130612 guardian.co.uk Senators press NSA director for answers on secret surveillance program: Keith Alexander says surveillance programs have helped thwart attacks – but raises new questions over how they operate NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20130612 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen NSA: Snowden berichtet über US-Hacker-Angriffe auf China SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / CYBERWAR / NSA / US
20130611 guardian.co.uk Obama administration under pressure as US senators demand end to secrecy: Senator Ron Wyden suggests US intelligence chief James Clapper may have misled him as international pressure builds US / NSA / WYDEN, RON / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130611 washingtonpost.com Investigators looking into how Snowden gained access at NSA SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130611 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal in USA: Sicherheit ist kein Selbstzweck NSA / LEUTHEUSSER-SCHNARRENBERGER, SABINE
20130611 guardian.co.uk Obama pressured over NSA snooping as US senator denounces 'act of treason': Information chiefs worldwide sound alarm while US senator Dianne Feinstein orders NSA to review monitoring program US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130610 govexec.com Banqueters and the Spying News Bombshell NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130610 spiegel.de Späh-Programm der NSA: Merkel will Prism-Skandal bei Obama-Besuch ansprechen US / DE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130610 spiegel.de Überblick: Was über den US-Geheimdienst NSA durchgesickert ist NSA
20130610 guardian.co.uk US lawmakers call for review of Patriot Act after NSA surveillance revelations: White House insists it welcomes 'appropriate debate' after Republican leadership questions implementation of security act SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US / PATRIOT ACT
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's explosive NSA leaks have US in damage control mode - White House refers Snowden's case to Justice Department while Republicans in Congress call for whistleblower's extradition SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20130610 spiegel.de Prism-Whistleblower: "Ich erwarte nicht, mein Zuhause wiederzusehen WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / SNOWDEN, ED
20130609 spiegel.de Spähprogramm: US-Geheimdienstchef schimpft über Prism-Enthüllung CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA
20130609 guardian.co.uk This abuse of the Patriot Act must end - President Obama falsely claims Congress authorised all NSA surveillance. In fact, our law was designed to protect liberties PATRIOT ACT / NSA / SENSENBRENNER, JIM
20130609 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: the whistleblower answers the essential questions on the biggest leak in NSA history - Source for the Guardian's NSA files on why he carried out the biggest intelligence leak in a generation – and what comes next SNOWDEN, ED / NSA / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130609 spiegel.de Web-Überwachung durch die NSA: 29-jähriger Techniker verriet Spähprogramm Prism WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130608 spiegel.de Überwachungsprogramm Prism: Die wackeligen Dementis von Larry Page und Mark Zuckerberg FACEBOOK / NSA
20130607 HASTINGS, MICHAEL/buzzfeed.com Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans CIA / NSA / WYDEN, RON / UDALL, MARK
20130607 politico.com NSA memo pushed to 'rethink' 4th Amendment NSA / US
20130607 slate.com I Am Worried. You Should Be Too. - We shouldn’t have to wait for an abuse of power to know that the NSA’s snooping has gone too far. NSA / US
20130216 cryptome.org NSA First Think Tank (late 1957-1958) NSA / CRYPTANALYSIS


Date Source Title Tags
20121228 heise.de 29C3: Gipfeltreffen der NSA-Whisteblower und "Staatsfeinde" 29C3 / NSA
20121203 siliconangle.com NSA Whistleblower William Binney Appears on RT, Big Data and Surveillance BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
20121126 civic.mit.edu The Government is profiling you: William Binney (former NSA) BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
20120824 businessinsider.com NSA Whistleblower Details How The NSA Has Spied On US Citizens Since 9/11 BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
20120729 wired.com Former NSA Official Disputes Claims by NSA Chief BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
29.07.2012 spiegel.de NSA-Chef an Hacker: Wir beschatten nicht alle US-Bürger DEFCON / NSA
20120716 publicintelligence.net Sworn Declaration of Whistleblower William Binney on NSA Domestic Surveiillance Capabilities WHISTLEBLOWING / BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA
20120423 netzpolitik.org USA: Ex-NSA-Angesteller erzählt vom Überwachungsstaat BINNEY, WILLIAM / NSA / WHISTLEBLOWING
20120321 eff.org NSA Chief Appears to Deny Ability to Warrantlessly Wiretap Despite Evidence NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / BINNEY, WILLIAM
28.03.2012 heise.de NSA director: China was behind RSA hack NSA / RSA / CN
11.02.2012 cryptome.org National Security Agency San Antonio TX 2012 NSA
31.01.2012 cryptome.org Adrian Lamo Comments on NSA LAMO, ADRIAN / MANNING, BRADLEY / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
23.09.2007 Heise NSA soll private und staatliche Computernetzwerke in den USA schützen NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20060630 bloomberg.com Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say NSA
20060522 washingtonpost.com Prosecution of Journalists Is Possible in NSA Leaks NSA / LEAKS / WHISTLEBLOWING / JOURNALISM
12.05.2006 Spiegel Online NSA-Affäre: Helle Empörung über gigantische Abhöraktion NSA / US
11.05.2006 Spiegel Online US-Regierung: Ermittlungen zu Bushs Lauschangriffen gestoppt NSA / US
11.05.2006 Spiegel Online Geheimdienst-Skandal: NSA sammelte Telefon-Daten von Millionen US-Bürgern NSA / US
11.05.2006 Telepolis Umfassender Lauschangriff auf US-Bürger NSA / US
06.05.2006 Spiegel Online US-Geheimdienste: Bush will Architekten seines Spitzelprogramms zum CIA-Chef machen NSA / US / GOSS, PORTER / HAYDEN, MICHAEL
20060411 cryptome.org NSA/ATT Spying Began 8 Months Before 9/11 NSA


Date Source Title Tags
24.03.2003 Spiegel Spionage: "Sauerei der Sonderklasse" /NSA/MOSSAD/EU
21.03.2003 Spiegel Peinliche Panne: Hacker knacken NSA-Computer /NSA/
19.03.2003 Spiegel Vorwurf an USA: Lauschangriff auf deutsche und französische EU-Büros NSA/
06.03.2003 Spiegel US-Lauschangriff gegen Sicherheitsrat: Chile will Aufklärung über Spionagevorwurf UN/NSA/CL
02.03.2003 Spiegel US-Lauschangriff: SPD-Fraktionsvize befürchtet Ansehensverlust DE/NSA
02.03.2003 observer.co.uk US plan to bug Security Council: the text /UN/NSA
02.03.2003 Telepolis [US-Geheimdienst überwacht Delegierte des UN-Sicherheitsrats UN/NSA
02.03.2003 guardian.co.uk Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war NSA/US/IQ


Date Source Title Tags
02.10.2002 Heise NSA will besser lauschen können //NSA/
29.07.2002 Heise NSA nutzt unerlaubt Softwarepatent für Secure Linux PATENTS/NSA
25.07.2002 Telepolis Plug&Play mit Quantenkryptografie CRYPTOGRAPHY/NSA/
20.06.2002 Spiegel Terrorhinweis am 10. September: "Morgen ist die Stunde null" US 20010911SIGINT/NSA
21.05.2002 Cryptome Interview w. Bruce McIndoe, lead architect, Echelon II ECHELON/NSA
10.04.2002 Telepolis Spanien öffnet sich offiziell US-Geheimdiensten NSA/ES


Date Source Title Tags
28.10.2001 Heise Deutscher Echelon-Horchposten lauscht weiter NSA/DE
26.10.2001 Telepolis Lauschposten in Bad Aibling bleibt bestehen NSA/ DE
20010806 fcw.com CSC, NSA get down to business CSC / NSA
11.06.2001 The Register US expands Echelon spying in UK ECHELON/NSA/


Date Source Title Tags
11.10.2000 AFP [ French report calls for talks on US spy system "Echelon"] NSA / ECHELON
28.08.2000 cryptome.org The Toronto Star is running a series on Canadian investigation of spying by the US and Israel on Canadian intelligence agencies through the use of a powerful search and surveillance software named "Promis," which allegedly had a backdoor installed by Israeli intelligence. MOSSAD / PROMIS / NSA
06.07.2000 Telepolis Echelon im Bundestag: Abgeordnete drängen auf Spionageverbot NSA/ECHELON


Date Source Title Tags


Date Source TItle Tags
19890623 copi.com CIA / NSA Foreknowledge of Planning and Activities Leading to Pan Am 103 Bombing 19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103 / CIA / NSA / FBIS / IR / SY / LB


Date Source Title Tags
20130612 vice.com A Photo History of the NSA, from Its Once-Secret Archives NSA
20101018 cryptome.org NSA National Business Park Eyeball NSA


Author Issuer Title Published ISBN Tags
EICHNER, KLAUS Das neue Berlin Imperium ohne Rätsel - Was bereits die DDR-Aufklärung über die NSA wusste 2014 9783360018649 HVA / NSA
BAMFORD, JAMES C. Bertelsmann NSA - Die Anatomie des mächtigsten Geheimdienstes der Welt 2001 3-570-15151-4 NSA
BAMFORD, JAMES Bertelsmann Puzzle Palace. NSA
BAMFORD, JAMES Bertelsmann Body of secrets 2001 NSA
RICHELON, JEFFREY US Intelligence Community US NSA CIA
SHERMAN, DAN Morris Publishing Above Black - Project Preserve Destiny 1997 0-9660978-0-7 INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION / SECRECY / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20140203 ndr.de Strafanzeige gegen Agenten US-amerikanischer, britischer und deutscher Geheimdienste, ihre Vorgesetzen sowie Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen geheimdienstlicher Massenüberwachung und -ausforschung durch NSA u. a. wegen verbotener Geheimdienst- und Agententätigkeit, Verletzungen des persönli- chen und beruflichen Lebens- und Geheimbereichs, Ausspähens von Daten sowie Strafvereitelung im Amt u. a. NSA / DE
201311 spiegel.de Weltweite Spionage: Ziele der NSA - Die Weltkarte zeigt eine Auswahl der Länder, aus denen die NSA Daten sammeln konnte. Als Basis dienen unter anderem die bislang durch den Whistleblower Edward Snowden veröffentlichten Informationen. NSA
20130731 slate.com How to Decode the True Meaning of What NSA Officials Say - A lexicon for understanding the words U.S. intelligence officials use to mislead the public. NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20130612 youtube.com Jeremy Scahill On NSA Leaks - The Tonight Show with Jay Leno NSA / SCAHILL, JEREMY
20130610 thedailyshow.com Good News! You're Not Paranoid - NSA Oversight: Charged with overseeing the NSA's surveillance programs, the FISA court wears out its rubber stamp of approval. NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES