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= [[:Category:RU Sources|Sources]] =
= [[:Category:RU Sources|Sources]] =
= [[:Category:RU Articles|Articles]] =
= Articles =
== 2017 ==
== 2024 ==
|20240925||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/604683-putin-nuclear-doctrine-changes/ What changes is Russia making to its nuclear doctrine? / Deep strikes by Ukraine and attack on Belarus would now trigger atomic response]||[[RU]]
|20240925||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/604681-russia-putin-nuclear-response/ Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine / The president has suggested several new criteria that would merit a nuclear response]||[[RU]]
|20240808||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/602335-russia-crypto-mining-law-putin/ Russia legalizes cryptocurrency mining / New law governing the sector has been signed by President Vladimir Putin]||[[CRYPTO CURRENCY MINING]] / [[RU]]
|20240801||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/602008-russians-released-fsb/ Eight Russian citizens return home following prisoner swap – FSB / Exchange was made possible thanks to the work of Russian government agencies and foreign partners, the agency has reported]||[[RU]] / [[FSB]]
|20240704||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/geheimes-strategiepapier-enthuellt-wie-russische-agenten-den-informationskrieg-gewinnen-wollen-a-5c0203d4-b10e-45a8-86f7-a26ce9a817c3 Geheimes Strategiepapier enthüllt / So manipulieren Moskaus Agenten die deutsche Debatte über den Ukrainekrieg - Neidkampagnen gegen ukrainische Flüchtlinge, bezahlte Demonstrationen in Europa: Der Kreml will nach SPIEGEL-Informationen im Westen gezielt Angst schüren – durch Propaganda. Eines der Zielländer: Deutschland.]||[[RU]] / [[RU-DE]] / [[DE-RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20240604||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/ukraine-krieg-historiker-joerg-baberowski-am-ende-wird-putin-bekommen-was-er-verlangt-a-84a2554c-8dc3-4f0e-b725-c524aeba020a Krieg in der Ukraine: »Am Ende wird Putin bekommen, was er verlangt« / Der Osteuropa-Historiker Jörg Baberowski sagt, warum er keinen ukrainischen Sieg erwartet – und dass der Westen die Stimmung in Russland falsch einschätzt.]||[[RU-UA]] / [[RU]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20240601||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/598636-children-family-priorities-russia/ Children and family are key priorities for Russia – Putin / It is crucial that every child has the chance to be surrounded by care and love while growing up, the president has said]||[[RU]]
|20240530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/598488-us-russia-nuclear-bomb/ Dmitry Suslov: It’s time for Russia to think about a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear test / The US-led bloc has lost its fear of the mushroom cloud, but seeing one would perhaps focus some minds]||[[SUSLOV, DMITRY]] / [[RU]]
|20240523||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/598156-putin-lukashenko-nuclear-drills/ Putin to discuss ‘second phase’ of nuclear drills with key ally / The Russian president has arrived in Belarus for talks on cooperation in areas including security and energy]||[[RU]] / [[BY]] / [[NUCLEAR WEAPONS]] / [[RU MOD]]
|20240513||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/597346-massive-transformation-is-taking-place-in-russia/ Dmitry Trenin: A massive transformation is taking place in Russia, and the West is blind to it / A societal transformation in Russia that started before fighting broke out in Ukraine in early 2022 now seems irreversible]||[[RU]]
|20240412||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/niger-russland-verstaerkt-einfluss-in-der-sahelzone-mit-waffen-und-militaerausbildern-a-c4c7fb28-6727-4bb3-945b-a70d730e6fcf Wachsender Einfluss in der Sahelzone Russland schickt Waffen und Militärausbilder nach Niger / Niger galt bis zum Putsch der Militärjunta als letzter demokratischer Partner des Westens in der Sahelzone. Nun wenden sich die Machthaber Russland zu – und werden mit Waffen und Personal belohnt.]||[[NE]] / [[RU]] / [[RU-NE]]
|20240403||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-russland-malt-zur-taeuschung-kampfjets-auf-flugplaetze-a-b68e24ff-56b0-4b58-afc0-1a593cd268d2 Britische Geheimdienstinformationen Russland malt zur Täuschung Kampfjets auf Flugplätze]||[[RU]]
|20240402||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/ukrainekrieg-ehemalige-moskauer-zentralbankerin-erklaert-wie-man-russland-wirklich-schaden-kann-a-2865bdc8-39f6-4aa3-a6e2-11a3de775713 Frühere Moskauer Zentralbank-Ökonomin / »Es wäre an der Zeit, Russlands Wirtschaft langsam ausbluten zu lassen« - Als Putin die Ukraine überfiel, kündigte Alexandra Prokopenko ihren Job bei der russischen Zentralbank. Hier sagt die Ökonomin, warum seine Wirtschaftspolitik so erfolgreich ist. Und wie der Westen dem Kreml wirklich schaden könnte.]||[[RU]]
|20240323||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/anschlag-auf-konzerthalle-bei-moskau-wladimir-putin-deutet-verwicklung-der-ukraine-an-a-6ae990c6-03a7-486e-8168-defd9cb3cc11 Angriff auf Konzerthalle Putin deutet Verwicklung der Ukraine in den Anschlag an / In einer TV-Ansprache nennt Kremlchef Putin den Anschlag bei Moskau eine »barbarische Tat« und zieht eine Verbindung Richtung Ukraine. Unterdessen veröffentlicht der IS ein Foto mit den angeblichen Attentätern.]||[[RU]] / [[RU 20240322]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20240322||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/594669-ukraine-war-russia-kremlin/ Russia is at war – Kremlin / What started as a military operation has escalated after the West became a participant, Dmitry Peskov has said]||[[RU]] / [[PESKOV, DMITRY]] / [[RU-UA]] / [[KREMLIN]]
|20170123||themoscowtimes.com||[https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/russian-state-tv-praises-trump-for-avoiding-democracy-in-inauguration-speech-56901 Russian State TV Praises Trump for Avoiding ‘Democracy’ in Inauguration Speech: The Kremlin's ‘chief propagandist’ welcomes America's new president and slams his millions of critics]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[KISEYOV, DMITRY]]
|20170123||themoscowtimes.com||[https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/russian-state-tv-praises-trump-for-avoiding-democracy-in-inauguration-speech-56901 Russian State TV Praises Trump for Avoiding ‘Democracy’ in Inauguration Speech: The Kremlin's ‘chief propagandist’ welcomes America's new president and slams his millions of critics]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[KISEYOV, DMITRY]]
Line 100: Line 1,526:
|20161230||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-lobt-wladimir-putin-ich-wusste-immer-dass-er-smart-ist-a-1128098.html Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20161230||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-lobt-wladimir-putin-ich-wusste-immer-dass-er-smart-ist-a-1128098.html Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20161229||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/372114-trump-russia-sanctions-hack/ Russia sanctions? Trump says US needs to ‘get on with our lives’ instead]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20161229|||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/fbi-bericht-zu-russlands-hacker-angriff-auf-usa-operation-grizzly-steppe-a-1128045.html US-Bericht über russischen Hackerangriff Operation "Grizzly Steppe"]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20161229|||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/fbi-bericht-zu-russlands-hacker-angriff-auf-usa-operation-grizzly-steppe-a-1128045.html US-Bericht über russischen Hackerangriff Operation "Grizzly Steppe"]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
Line 692: Line 2,120:
|20151014||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-bestellt-botschafter-aus-russland-und-den-usa-ein-a-1057755.html Kurden-Konflikt: Türkei bestellt Botschafter Russlands und der USA ein]||[[TR]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20151014||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-bestellt-botschafter-aus-russland-und-den-usa-ein-a-1057755.html Kurden-Konflikt: Türkei bestellt Botschafter Russlands und der USA ein]||[[TR]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20151013||vice.com||[https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/gvyzn4/how-putin-tried-to-control-the-internet How Putin Tried to Control the Internet]||[[INTERNET]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]] / [[KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY]] / [[GROMYKO, ANDREI]] / [[FSB]] / [[FAPSI]]
|20151011||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-empoert-ueber-angebliche-britische-abschusserlaubnis-a-1057258.html Kampfjets in Syrien: Moskau empört über angebliche britische Abschusserlaubnis]||[[RU]] / [[SY]] / [[GB]]
|20151011||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-empoert-ueber-angebliche-britische-abschusserlaubnis-a-1057258.html Kampfjets in Syrien: Moskau empört über angebliche britische Abschusserlaubnis]||[[RU]] / [[SY]] / [[GB]]
Line 812: Line 2,242:
|20150602||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html The Agency - From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities.]||[[FAKE NEWS]] / [[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[RU]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20150530||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/russland-weitet-einreiseverbot-auf-mehr-deutsche-aus-a-1036337.html Diplomatischer Eklat: Moskau weitet Einreiseverbot auf weitere Deutsche aus]||[[DE]] / [[RU]] / [[EU]]
|20150530||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/russland-weitet-einreiseverbot-auf-mehr-deutsche-aus-a-1036337.html Diplomatischer Eklat: Moskau weitet Einreiseverbot auf weitere Deutsche aus]||[[DE]] / [[RU]] / [[EU]]
Line 1,705: Line 3,137:
|[[VON FRITSCH, RUEDIGER]]||Aufbau Verlag||Zeitenwende - Putins Krieg und die Folgen||2022||978-3351041762||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|ALIBEK, KEN/HANDELMAN , STEPHEN ||Econ München||Direktorium 15. Russlands Geheimpläne für den Biologischen Krieg.||||3-430-1101-30||[[RU]] [[BIOLOGICAL WARFARE]]
|ALIBEK, KEN/HANDELMAN , STEPHEN ||Econ München||Direktorium 15. Russlands Geheimpläne für den Biologischen Krieg.||||3-430-1101-30||[[RU]] [[BIOLOGICAL WARFARE]]
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[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:RU]] [[Category:CIS]]
= Resources =
* https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/mupoqt/russian_gamer_setup/
= Videos =
|20180315||youtube.com||[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MNKqJxPcHg Zakharova Tells Who Is Really Behind The Salisbury Anti-Russian Campaign]||[[ZAKHAROVA, MARIA]] / [[RU]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[GB]]
[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:RU]] [[Category:CIS]] [[Category:BRICS]]

Latest revision as of 00:42, 27 September 2024





Date Source Title Tags
20240925 rt.com What changes is Russia making to its nuclear doctrine? / Deep strikes by Ukraine and attack on Belarus would now trigger atomic response RU
20240925 rt.com Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine / The president has suggested several new criteria that would merit a nuclear response RU
20240808 rt.com Russia legalizes cryptocurrency mining / New law governing the sector has been signed by President Vladimir Putin CRYPTO CURRENCY MINING / RU
20240801 rt.com Eight Russian citizens return home following prisoner swap – FSB / Exchange was made possible thanks to the work of Russian government agencies and foreign partners, the agency has reported RU / FSB
20240704 spiegel.de Geheimes Strategiepapier enthüllt / So manipulieren Moskaus Agenten die deutsche Debatte über den Ukrainekrieg - Neidkampagnen gegen ukrainische Flüchtlinge, bezahlte Demonstrationen in Europa: Der Kreml will nach SPIEGEL-Informationen im Westen gezielt Angst schüren – durch Propaganda. Eines der Zielländer: Deutschland. RU / RU-DE / DE-RU / PROPAGANDA
20240604 spiegel.de Krieg in der Ukraine: »Am Ende wird Putin bekommen, was er verlangt« / Der Osteuropa-Historiker Jörg Baberowski sagt, warum er keinen ukrainischen Sieg erwartet – und dass der Westen die Stimmung in Russland falsch einschätzt. RU-UA / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20240601 rt.com Children and family are key priorities for Russia – Putin / It is crucial that every child has the chance to be surrounded by care and love while growing up, the president has said RU
20240530 rt.com Dmitry Suslov: It’s time for Russia to think about a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear test / The US-led bloc has lost its fear of the mushroom cloud, but seeing one would perhaps focus some minds SUSLOV, DMITRY / RU
20240523 rt.com Putin to discuss ‘second phase’ of nuclear drills with key ally / The Russian president has arrived in Belarus for talks on cooperation in areas including security and energy RU / BY / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / RU MOD
20240513 rt.com Dmitry Trenin: A massive transformation is taking place in Russia, and the West is blind to it / A societal transformation in Russia that started before fighting broke out in Ukraine in early 2022 now seems irreversible RU
20240412 spiegel.de Wachsender Einfluss in der Sahelzone Russland schickt Waffen und Militärausbilder nach Niger / Niger galt bis zum Putsch der Militärjunta als letzter demokratischer Partner des Westens in der Sahelzone. Nun wenden sich die Machthaber Russland zu – und werden mit Waffen und Personal belohnt. NE / RU / RU-NE
20240403 spiegel.de Britische Geheimdienstinformationen Russland malt zur Täuschung Kampfjets auf Flugplätze RU
20240402 spiegel.de Frühere Moskauer Zentralbank-Ökonomin / »Es wäre an der Zeit, Russlands Wirtschaft langsam ausbluten zu lassen« - Als Putin die Ukraine überfiel, kündigte Alexandra Prokopenko ihren Job bei der russischen Zentralbank. Hier sagt die Ökonomin, warum seine Wirtschaftspolitik so erfolgreich ist. Und wie der Westen dem Kreml wirklich schaden könnte. RU
20240323 spiegel.de Angriff auf Konzerthalle Putin deutet Verwicklung der Ukraine in den Anschlag an / In einer TV-Ansprache nennt Kremlchef Putin den Anschlag bei Moskau eine »barbarische Tat« und zieht eine Verbindung Richtung Ukraine. Unterdessen veröffentlicht der IS ein Foto mit den angeblichen Attentätern. RU / RU 20240322 / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20240322 rt.com Russia is at war – Kremlin / What started as a military operation has escalated after the West became a participant, Dmitry Peskov has said RU / PESKOV, DMITRY / RU-UA / KREMLIN
20240312 spiegel.de 15 Personen an Bord: Russland meldet Absturz eines Militärflugzeugs RU / IL-76
20240305 rt.com ICC issues arrest warrants for top Russian military commanders / The Hague-based institution, which is not recognized by Moscow, has targeted the two men over alleged war crimes ICC / RU
20240302 rt.com Drone attack hits St. Petersburg apartment block (VIDEOS) / City Mayor Alexandr Beglov has said there are no casualties RU / ST. PETERSBURG
20240302 zerohedge.com Biden Wants G7 To Give Russian Central Bank Funds To Ukraine, But France Resists BIDEN, JOSEPH / US / G7 / RU / UA
20240227 spiegel.de Rotes Kreuz in Russland: Helfer in Putins Auftrag RU
20240226 spiegel.de Kreml-Leaks: Putins Drehbuch für die Wahl / Im März will sich Wladimir Putin erneut zum russischen Präsidenten wählen lassen. Geheime Dokumente zeigen, dass der Kremlchef es sich Hunderte Millionen Euro kosten lässt, die eigene Bevölkerung zu beeinflussen. RU
20240222 spiegel.de Mysteriöser Tod eines russischen Deserteurs: Das blutige Ende der "Operation Meise" / In der Ukraine war er ein Held, nun wurde der junge russische Deserteur Maxim Kusminow offenbar in Südspanien erschossen. Vieles deutet auf ein Killerkommando des Kreml hin. Vor Ort fragen sich Nachbarn, warum er so unvorsichtig war. KUZMINOV, MAXIM / RU / UA
20240221 globalaffairs.ru Seregey Karaganov: An age of wars? Article two. What to do RU / KARAGANOV, SERGEY
20240221 globalaffairs.ru Сергей Караганов: Век войн? Статья вторая. Что делать RU / KARAGANOV, SERGEY
20240220 tagesschau.de Moskau verbietet US-Radiosender in Russland RU / RADIO FREE EUROPE / RADIO LIBERTY
20240207 zerohedge.com Medvedev Warns Russia Has 'No Choice' But To Unleash Nuclear 'Apocalypse' If Attacked By NATO MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / RU / NATO
20240110 spiegel.de Waffenproduktion in Russland: So treibt Putin seine Rüstungsoffensive voran / Der Kreml investiert massiv in die Fertigung von Waffen wie Munition und protzt mit gesteigerten Produktionszahlen. Kann Russland inzwischen beim Wettrüsten mit der Nato mithalten? RU / ROSTEC / JAMESTOWN FOUNDATION / RIDDLE RUSSIA / ARMS RACE


Date Source Title Tags
20231231 rt.com Russian factory activity humming – survey / Manufacturing has surged to its highest level in seven years, according to S&P Global RU
20231215 rt.com Russia’s top spy warns of new CIA scheme / US spooks are considering the creation of a fake Russian government-in-exile, Sergey Naryshkin has claimed NARYSHKIN, SERGEY / CIA / RU
20231027 spiegel.de Putins autokratisches Reich »Man kann gar nicht überschätzen, wie sehr dieser Krieg die russische Gesellschaft deformiert« RU
20231005 rt.com Russia not looking for ‘more territory’ – Putin / The president stressed that the Ukraine conflict is not about expansion PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / RU-UA
20230811 spiegel.de »Luna 25« Rakete zu erster russischer Mondmission seit fast 50 Jahren gestartet RU / MOON
20230810 rt.comy Russia launches first Moon probe in 47 years: The Roscosmos Luna-25 aims for a historic soft landing at the lunar south pole RU / MOON
20230808 rt.com US lying about Russia’s position on Ukraine peace talks – Moscow / Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that Kiev had withdrawn from negotiations under US pressure RU / UA / US
20230806 rt.com A world without Russia: How hundreds of thousands of citizens have become convinced that their country doesn't really exist / A banned political movement has united huge amounts of people who refuse to believe in the collapse of the Soviet Union RU
20230421 tagesspiegel.de Putin will „echte“ Männer: Mit diesem martialischen Werbevideo will Russland neue Soldaten gewinnen RU
20230414 spiegel.de Trotz Sanktionen Russische Ölexporte erreichen höchsten Stand seit drei Jahren / Der Westen nimmt kaum noch Öl aus Russland ab – und doch sind die russischen Exporte gestiegen. Vor allem an drei Länder verkauft der Kreml den Rohstoff. OIL / SANCTIONS / RU / RU-CN / RU-IN / RU-TR
20230413 spiegel.de Neue Dokumente nach Datenleck aufgetaucht Machtkampf in russischer Führung wohl heftiger als gedacht RU
20230331 rt.com Putin approves new foreign policy doctrine / The strategic document places a heavy emphasis on the Western “hybrid war” against Russia RU
20230331 rt.com Russia’s revised foreign policy doctrine: Key points / Moscow aims to defend the emerging multipolar world order against the vestiges of Western domination RU
20230331 spiegel.de Neue außenpolitische Strategie Kreml erklärt Westen zur »existenziellen« Bedrohung Russlands RU
20230315 rt.com Russia may tear up tax treaties with ‘unfriendly’ states / The proposed move is a response to the country’s inclusion on the EU’s blacklist of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions RU
20230202 torrentfreak.com Top Russian Official Thanks Pirates For Enabling Access to ‘Enemy’ Content RU / INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
20230119 theguardian.com Russia: Defensive missile systems erected on Moscow rooftops / Kremlin appears to prepare for strikes on Russian capital by installing interception systems RU
20230102 rt.com Dozens dead in Ukrainian strike on Russian troops – Moscow / The deadly attack took place in the city of Makeyevka in Donetsk People’s Republic, the Defense Ministry says RU / RU-US



Date Source Title Tags
20221205 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Drohnenangriffe: Offenbar Tote und Verletzte bei Explosionen auf Militärflugplätzen in Russland: Russische Medien berichten über nahezu gleichzeitige Explosionen auf zwei russischen Armeeflughäfen - jeweils deutlich von der ukrainischen Grenze entfernt. Die Hintergründe sind unklar, der Kreml äußert sich nebulös. RU
20221205 rt.com Russia arrests Colombian over suspected US-run psy-op / The man has been accused of spreading “false information” about the Russian military RU
20221205 rt.com Russian ‘LGBTQ propaganda’ law signed by Putin explained / The new legislation mandates fines for anyone promoting non-traditional relations, pedophilia, and gender reassignment RU
20221202 zerohedge.com Russia Now Says US & NATO "Directly Participating" In Ukraine War RU / RU-US / RU-NATO


Date Source Title Tags
20221111 spiegel.de Reservistenfrauen in Russland rebellieren »Sie drohen, unsere Männer zu erschießen« RU


Date Source Title Tags
20221029 rt.com Britain responds to Nord Stream attack accusation / London denies it was behind the pipeline sabotage, dismissing Russia’s claim as an “invented story” NORD STREAM / RU / GB / ROYAL NAVY / NATO / BORNHOLM
20221029 rt.com British navy involved in Nord Stream 2 'terrorist attack' – Russia / UK forces participated in an operation which damaged Europe's energy security, Moscow claims NORD STREAM / RU / GB / ROYAL NAVY / NATO / BORNHOLM
20221019 spiegel.de Krieg in Osteuropa Russland nennt Lage seiner Streitkräfte »angespannt«, Cherson soll evakuiert werden RU
20221016 hindustantiems.com Vladimir Putin's head of Ukraine mobilisation dies in possible suicide: Report RU / MALYK, ROMAN
20221018 rt.com No point in maintaining same diplomatic presence in West – Russia / “There is no work” in the US and Europe, but other parts of the world are full of opportunities, the foreign minister has said RU


Date Source Title Tags
20220925 spiegel.de Menschen verlassen Russland Mehr Ausreisen nach Finnland, kilometerlange Staus Richtung Georgien / Die Flucht vor der russischen Teilmobilmachung hält offenbar an: Der finnische Grenzschutz berichtet von Tausenden zusätzlichen Reisenden. Vor dem Grenzübergang nach Georgien bilden sich lange Schlangen. RU


Date Source Title Tags
20220821 rt.com Moscow car bombing victim officially identified / Experts are examining the type of explosive used in the bombing, the Investigative Committee says DUGIN, ALEKSANDR / PLATONOVA, DARYA / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20220628 rt.com Russia warns West of consequences of arming Ukraine / “Pumping up” Ukraine with weapons will make Russian forces “perform more missions on the ground,” Moscow has said RU
20220622 spiegel.de Brand in russischer Raffinerie – Gouverneur spricht von möglichem Drohnenangriff UA / RU / NOVOSHAKHTINSK
20220622 dailystar.co.uk Retired Russian colonel who used to carry Putin's nuclear suitcase shot inside his home RU


Date Source Title Tags
20220519 zerohedge.com Russia Expels 85 More European Diplomats In Retaliatory "Hostile Act" RU
20220516 spiegel.de Wegen des Ukrainekriegs: McDonald's gibt Russlandgeschäft auf MCDONALDS / RU
20220509 spiegel.de Krieg in Osteuropa – Tag 75 Protz in Moskau, Selenskyj allein in Kiew und Großbritanniens / Verteidigungsminister glaubt an ukrainischen Sieg UA / RU
20220509 spiegel.de Putin wirft Westen vor, Invasion Russlands vorbereitet zu haben UA / RU
20220507 spiegel.de »Washington koordiniert Operationen« Duma-Sprecher Wolodin wirft USA direkte Beteiligung an Kriegshandlungen vor RU-US / US-RU / RU / US
20220505 zerohedge.com Russia: NATO Not Taking Nuclear Threat Seriously RU / US / NATO / UA
20220503 newsweek.com What Putin's General Was Doing in Ukraine, According to Top Secret Report RU / UA / NATO
20220503 rt.com Pentagon, US companies involved in Ukraine military biolabs – Russia’s top investigator / Alexander Bastrykin told RT about the case launched over the alleged development of biological weapons RU


Date Source Title Tags
20220428 rt.com Biden wants new powers to seize Russian assets[ US / RU
20220426 spiegel.de Russland droht mit Intervention in Transnistrien - Nach angeblichen Anschlägen in der abtrünnigen Region der Republik Moldau droht Russland indirekt mit einem militärischen Eingriff. MD / UA / RU
20220426 spiegel.de Uno-Generalsekretär in Russland Guterres bietet in Moskau Hilfe für Mariupol an GUTERRES, ANTONIO / UN / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20220421 zerohedge.com Russia's Largest Chemical Plant Engulfed In Flames Hours After Mystery Fire At Military Research Facility TVER / DMITRIEVSKY CHEMICAL PLANT / RU
20220413 rt.com Russia can redirect energy exports away from West – Putin / Moscow to secure new foreign consumers for its crude amid Western threats to curb energy purchases RU / GAS / OIL
20220404 zerohedge.com Which Nations Are On Russia's "Unfriendly" List? RU
20220404 spiegel.de Einschätzung des BND In Russland werden offenbar Smartphones knapp BND / RU
20220402 rt.com UK won’t get Russian gas – Moscow / Moscow justified the move citing London's sanctions pressure on Moscow SANCTIONS / RU / GB


Date Source Title Tags
20220330 spiegel.de Russland stellt Gaszahlung nicht sofort auf Rubel um / Moskau wird nicht sofort verlangen, dass seine Gasexporte in Rubel bezahlt werden. Vielmehr gebe es eine allmähliche Umstellung, heißt es aus dem Kreml. Doch die Ankündigung wurde mit einer Drohung verbunden. RU / GAS
20220330 rt.com ‘New world financial order’ is coming – Moscow / The US and EU have “tarnished their reputation” by freezing Russia’s central bank reserves, ex-President Dmitry Medvedev has said RU
20220328 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Sanktionen Russland plant Einreisebeschränkungen für Bürgerinnen und Bürger »unfreundlicher« Staaten RU
20220317 observer.com Putin’s War on Intellectual Property Has Only Just Begun INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY / RU
20220317 rt.com What is Russia’s sanctions survival plan? Moscow takes steps to stabilize domestic economy RU
20220316 spiegel.de Protest gegen Krieg im Live-TV »Jeder, ohne Ausnahme, weiß, dass sie lügen« RU
20220316 spiegel.de Internationaler Gerichtshof Höchstes Uno-Gericht ordnet Stopp des Kriegs in der Ukraine an UN / INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE / RU / UA
20220316 spiegel.de Rechtsexperte zum Ukrainekrieg »Russland hat sich aus dem Kreis der zivilisierten Staaten verabschiedet« INTERNATIONAL LAW / RU / UA
20220315 spiegel.de Neue Sanktionen Russische Firmen werden jetzt auch von Ratingtestaten ausgeschlossen SANCTIONS / RU
20220314 rt.com Russian pianist chained himself to McDonald’s - The sturdy body-positivity activist handcuffed himself to the doors of a restaurant as the fast-food chain leaves Russia RU / MCDONALDS
20220314 rt.com Russia issues strong warning to leaving firms / Businesses may be subject to bankruptcy within six months, finance ministry says RU
20220314 interfax.com Russia could ban wheat, rye, barley and corn exports from March 15 to June 30 - AgMin RU
20220313 spiegel.de Oppositionelle verlassen Russland Sie wissen, dass sie verflucht werden RU
20220310 rt.com EU has exhausted all financial sanctions on Russia – bloc’s top diplomat / Josep Borrell says Brussels has hit the wall in terms of what else can be done to harm the country’s economy EU / SANCTIONS / RU
20220309 spiegel.de Drohende Finanzkrise durch Ukrainekrieg Ratingagentur stuft Russland weiter herab, Zahlungsausfall droht unmittelbar RU / RUB
20220306 spiegel.de Proteste gegen den Krieg Russische Menschenrechtsaktivistin Swetlana Gannuschkina verhaftet GANNUSHKINA, SVETLANA / RU
20220306 rt.com Russian banks switch to Chinese UnionPay - Move supposed to soften effect on Russian card holders due to Visa and MasterCard withdrawal RU / UNIONPAY
20220306 rt.com Russian companies are now allowed to pay foreign creditors in rubles - Putin approves pay procedures to Russian firms’ foreign creditors RU / RUB
20220304 rt.com Russia blocks Facebook - The ban comes in retaliation to the platform’s efforts “to restrict access to Russian media RU / FACEBOOK
20220305 rt.com wants to punish foreigners over human rights abuses - The new move is an extension to a law that previously only applied to Americans RU / SANCTIONS / HUMAN RIGHTS
20220305 rt.com Visa, MasterCard suspend Russian operations VISA / MASTERCARD / RU
20220304 rt.com Russia blocks Facebook - The ban comes in retaliation to the platform’s efforts “to restrict access to Russian media RU / FACEBOOK
20220304 rt.com Russia criminalizes ‘disinformation’ about army - Moscow has also accused Washington of launching an information war over the conflict in Ukraine RU / DISINFORMATION
20220203 spiegel.de News zum Krieg in Osteuropa - 7000 russische Wissenschaftler unterzeichnen offenen Brief gegen Putins Krieg RU
20220302 rt.com Ukrainekrieg Moskau meldet 498 getötete russische Soldaten RU / RUSSIAN ARMY / UA
20220302 rt.com Russia is now exclusively a ruble country - Neither citizens, nor companies will be able to pay in foreign currency RU / RUB
20220302 spiegel.de Große Mehrheit Uno-Vollversammlung verurteilt russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine UN / RU / UA
20220302 rt.com UN General Assembly votes on Russian offensive in Ukraine - A nonbinding resolution was passed overwhelmingly, condemning Russia for its assault on Ukraine and calling for its immediate exit UN / RU / UA
20220302 nvo-ng-ru Predictions of bloodthirsty political scientists / About enthusiastic hawks and hasty cuckoos RU
20220301 businessinsider.com 3 members of Russia's parliament speak out against Putin's invasion of Ukraine, marking a rare moment of dissent RU
20220301 spiegel.de Zensur im Ukrainekrieg Russland will unliebsame Berichterstattung mit 15 Jahren Gefängnis bestrafen RU


Date Source Title Tags
20220228 rt.com Russia confirms putting nuclear forces on high combat alert - Moscow says it boosted its defenses after “aggressive statements” from the West RU
20220228 manager-magazin.de Russische Zentralbank kaltgestellt Angriff auf Russlands Staatsschatz RU
20220227 rt.com Russian military confirms casualties in Ukraine operation - A small number of soldiers also ended up captured by Ukrainian forces, the Russian Defense Ministry said RU
20220227 rt.com Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces to be on highest alert - The move comes in response to “hostile” rhetoric by top NATO officials, Russia’s president has explained PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / RU-NATO
202020226 rt.com ‘Final review’ of Russia’s relations with West now possible – former president / Dmitry Medvedev has dubbed European organizations “meaningless almshouses” MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / RU / RU-EU
20220226 rt.com Germany makes U-turn on sending weapons to Ukraine - Berlin has decided to supply Kiev with anti-tank missiles and ‘Stinger’ air defense systems, a government official confirmed DE / RU / UA / DE-RU
20220226 spiegel.de »So schnell wie möglich« Bundesregierung liefert Waffen aus Bundeswehrbeständen an Ukraine DE / RU / UA / DE-RU
20220225 rt.com Russia ready to start talks on Ukraine - Kremlin can dispatch a delegation representing military and civilian sections of government RU / RU-UA / UA
20220224 rt.com Russian military attack on Ukraine: How we got there - Moscow says the current situation is the result of years of failed talks to end the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine after the 2014 coup in Kiev RU / UA / RU-UA
20220222 rt.com Russian parliament ratifies Donbass agreements - The decision was passed unanimously by MPs RU / DONBASS
20220222 rt.com Russia will defend Donetsk and Lugansk – Moscow / The republics have Moscow’s backing under pacts inked with the two regional leaders, the country’s foreign minister says RU
20220221 rt.com Putin to announce decision on recognition of Donbass within hours - The Russian president was advised by top security officials to acknowledge the independence of the breakaway regions RU / UA / DONBASS
20220218 rt.com Putin warned the West, but the West didn't listen: Like it or not, the Russian president is doubling down on his crusade against American hegemony RU / RU-US
20220217 rt.com Here’s what Russia told US and NATO after its proposals were rejected - Moscow addressed the situation in Ukraine, US nuclear weapons in Europe, NATO violating treaties, and the law-based way forward RU / RU-US / RU-NATO
20220210 rt.com Russian Security Council seat is held illegally – Ukraine / No one ever gave Russia the privilege of being on the Security Council, Kiev’s representative alleges UA / RU / UA-RU / UNSC
20220210 rt.com Russia says it won't attend Munich Security Conference - The German forum is ‘losing its inclusiveness and objectivity,’ the Foreign Ministry says RU / MSC
20220204 rt.com Russia comments on possibility of sending troops to Latin America RU
20220201 spiegel.de Bei Besuch von Viktor Orbán Putin äußert sich das erste Mal seit Wochen in der Ukrainekrise – und macht dem Westen Vorwürfe PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / RU-US / RU-NATO


Date Source Title Tags
20220130 rt.com West lying about WWII – Russia / Comparisons between the USSR and Hitler’s Nazis are an effort to rewrite history, according to a top envoy WORLD WAR 2 / RU
20220127 rt.com War between Russians & Ukrainians is unacceptable – Moscow / The two countries don’t want to fight against each other, but the West is pushing for it, Russia insists RU / RU-UA / UA
20220119 rt.com Russia's top spy makes sensational claim about US plans for Beijing Olympics RU
20220109 spiegel.de Verhandlungen mit den USA: Russland schließt Zugeständnisse in Ukraine-Gesprächen aus RU / UA


Date Source Title Tags
20211227 rt.com Russia’s tough new rules for foreign workers - Facing growing anti-migration sentiment, Europe’s largest state is rolling out a drastic new policy. RU
20211224 rt.com NATO push into Ukraine could trigger ‘large-scale conflict in Europe,’ Russia warns LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / NATO / UA
20211208 rt.com Russians hate Gorbachev even more than Stalin, poll reveals GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL / RU
20210927 spiegel.de Russische Parlamentswahl Streit über Online-Resultate – Kommunisten klagen RU
20210706 rt.com Estonian consul in St. Petersburg detained after being ‘caught red-handed’ by Russia’s FSB ‘receiving classified secret documents’ EE / RU / RU-EE
20210607 zerohedge.com Russia Mulls Ordering State Firms To Switch To Euro, "Preparing" For Possible Disconnect From SWIFT RU / SWIFT / EUR
20210603 rt.com Going for gold: Russia to eliminate US dollar from sovereign wealth fund THIS MONTH amid warning of politics sabotaging currency RU / GOLD
20210531 spiegel.de Überarbeitetes Strategiepapier Russland will auf ausländische Aktionen nicht mehr nur wirtschaftlich reagieren RU
20210309 spiegel.de Russland Aufsichtsbehörden verklagen Google, Facebook und Twitter RU
20210220 thegrazyone.com Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal REUTERS / BBC / BELLINGCAT / FCO / THOMSON REUTERS FOUNDATION / ZINC NETWORK / ALBANY COMMUNICATIONS / MI6 / VILLE, MONIQUE / GB / RU / BY / UA / OMIDYAR, PIERRE / TOLOKONNIKOVA, NADYA / HIGGINS, ELIOT
20210215 rt.com ‘There’s no anonymity anymore – don’t kid yourself’: InfoWatch head Natalya Kaspersky to RT KASPERSKY, NATALYA / RU / INTERNET


Date Source Title Tags
20201216 theguardian.com Outing of FSB hit squad highlights Russia's data security problem - Analysis: trade in stolen data is a boon for investigators and a headache for Kremlin RU
20200813 rt.com WATCH: POWER PLANT at Russia’s largest alumina refinery ON FIRE ACHINSK / RU
20200810 independent.co.uk Russia explosion: Huge blast rips through gas station in Volgograd, injuring at least 13 RU / VOLGOGRAD
20200726 spiegel.de Putin kündigt Hyperschallwaffen bei Marine an RU / RU NAVY
20200719 scmp.com Coronavirus: Russia ‘could have Covid-19 vaccine by September’, official claims RU / COVID-19
20200627 tass.com Russia Foreign Ministry: NYT article on Russia in Afghanistan fake from US intelligence TALIBAN / RU / NEW YORK TIMES
20200625 telepolis.de 75 Jahre nach Kriegsende - Winston Churchill als Kronzeuge von Wladimir Putin WORLD WAR 2 / RU
20200624 spiegel.de 75 Jahre nach Kriegsende Russland gedenkt des Sieges über Nazideutschland mit großer Parade RU
20200619 en.kremlin.ru 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: Shared Responsibility to History and our Future WORLD WAR 2 / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20200616 meduza.io Another septuagenarian spy! Russia opens its latest treason case against an elderly scientist. This time, an Arctic specialist is accused of selling secrets to China. MITKO, VALERY / RU / ARCTIC SEA
20200603 spiegel.de Nach Diesel-Leck in sibirischem Kraftwerk Putin ruft nationalen Notstand aus RU
20200529 meduza.io Many Russians are continuing to ignore social distancing rules. A sociologist explains why. SOCIAL DISTANCING / RU
20200527 themoscowtimes.com 1 in 4 Russians Believe Coronavirus Pandemic ‘Made-Up’ – Poll RU
20200509 sueddeutsche.de Russland und der Westen:"Das ist keine Ignoranz, das ist bewusste Politik" - Der russische Historiker Alexey Miller erklärt, warum der Westen bis heute Russlands Anteil am Sieg über Nazi-Deutschland kleinredet. Und warum das die russische Seele so sehr verletzt. RU
20200509 rt.com 27 million reasons why we must remember Victory Day & stand up to attempts at rewriting history WORLD WAR 2 / RU
20200507 meduza.io Did Gorbachev want to destroy the USSR? Could the Soviet Union still exist today? Might Putinism end in reforms? Questions about Perestroika that you’re too embarrassed to ask, 35 years later GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL / RU
20200427 spiegel.de Russische Studenten im Corona-Einsatz: Putins letzte Reserve RU
20200426 spiegel.de Skandal in Russland Sängerin rechtfertigt Gewalt gegen Frauen RU / TODORENKO, REGINA / DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
20200403 rt.com Russian declaration aimed at stopping sanctions amid coronavirus crisis REJECTED at UN General Assembly SANCTIONS / UN / RU / COVID-19
20200402 theguardian.com 'Cybergulag': Russia looks to surveillance technology to enforce lockdown - Critics fear plans for enhanced monitoring could remain even after coronavirus crisis passes RU / ROSKOMSVOBODA / INFECTION TRACKING
20200401 bbc.com Coronavirus: Moscow rolls out patient-tracking app INFECTION TRACKING / RU
20200331 rt.com Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20200325 spiegel.de Coronakrise und Propaganda Europa verliert den Kampf der Bilder RU / IT / CU / CN / COVID-19
20200328 rt.com Russia to ban ALL cross-border travel over Covid-19 pandemic RU / COVID-19
20200314 meduza.io Lining up for coronavirus kisses The Russian Orthodox Church isn’t shutting its doors or using clean spoons, despite a global pandemic RU
20200313 rt.com Russia restricts air travel to EU over coronavirus, leaving only select few flights open COVID-19 / RU
20200227 rt.com ‘Trolling of the highest order’: Russian communists FURIOUS after Lenin’s birthday chosen as date for major public vote LENIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20200221 spiegel.de Syrien-Konflikt Türkei will US-Unterstützung durch "Patriot"-Raketen ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / SY / RU / US
20200213 telepolis.de Erdogan erklärt Syrien de facto den Krieg ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / SY / RU
20200212 rt.com Lenin would be rolling in his grave, if he had one: Russian Communists back plan to put 'God' in constitution RU
20200202 rt.com Trump's ‘deal of the century’ contradicts UN resolutions - Kremlin TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / IL / PS / UN / RU
20200201 rt.com Pompeo says US can cover 100% of Belarus' oil needs amid Minsk row with Moscow BY / OIL / POMPEO, MIKE / US / RU
20200115 rt.com Russian political earthquake: Putin sets out plan for Kremlin departure & Medvedev resigns RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / MISHUSTIN, MIKHAIL
20200115 spiegel.de Überraschung in Moskau Russische Regierung tritt zurück RU
20200115 spiegel.de Russland Putin will Verfassung per Referendum ändern - Denkt er schon an seine politische Zukunft nach 2024? Russlands Präsident schlägt einen Umbau des politischen Systems vor. PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20200115 rt.com Resigned PM Medvedev to become deputy head of Russia’s Security Council MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / RU
20200115 rt.com Russian government resigns, after President Putin's State-of-the-Nation Address proposes changes to the constitution RU
20200115 rt.com Putin proposes major amendments to Russia’s constitution incl. about his own post, says people should vote on changes RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR


Date Source Title Tags
20191212 spiegel.de Bis Juli 2020 EU verlängert Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland EU / RU / SANCTIONS
20191202 spiegel.de Gesetz unterzeichnet Putin billigt Gesetz zur Einstufung von Journalisten als "ausländische Agenten" RU
20191126 spiegel.de Virtuelle Realität Russische Kühe sollen dank VR-Brillen mehr Milch geben RU
20191108 spiegel.de Mögliche US-Sanktionen Streit um Nord Stream 2 könnte zu Benzin-Engpässen führen NORD STREAM / RU / SANCTIONS / DE
20191102 zerohedge.com How The Russian-Turkish Deal On Northern Syria Works SY / RU / TR
20191016 theguardian.com Three US diplomats held near Russian test site where mystery blast killed five RU / US / RU-US
20191013 rt.com FULL INTERVIEW: Russia will never be friends 'with one country against another' in the Middle East – Putin PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / RU-SA / RU-AE
20190918 zerohedge.com Putin's Multipolar Offer To Saudi Arabian Exceptionalism RU / SA
20190817 rt.com Russian satellites may soon become INVISIBLE from Earth RU
20190812 zerohedge.com Trump Tweets Concern Over "Air Around The Facility" After Russian Nuclear Accident RU
20190812 zerohedge.com Russia Admits Radiation Releasing 'Mystery Blast' Involved "Mini Nuclear Reactor" RU
20190730 spiegel.de Nach Protest-Kundgebung Moskauer Demonstranten drohen drakonische Strafen RU
20190729 nzz.ch Der Kreml vertraut seiner Stärke nicht mehr MOSCOW / RU
20190728 nzz.ch «Schande!», «Russland ohne Putin!» – Tausende von Moskauern trotzen der Staatsmacht MOSCOW / RU
20190729 zerohedge.com Doctor Says Russian Opposition Leader May Have Been Poisoned NAVALNY, ALEXEI / RU
20190720 forbes.com Russia's Secret Intelligence Agency Hacked: 'Largest Data Breach In Its History' RU / FSB / SYTECH / TOR
20190617 rt.com Putin orders simplified e-visa for foreigners visiting Russia RU
20190616 zerohedge.com "Treason!" NYT Story Reveals US Cyber Ops Against Russian Power Grid Hidden From Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190616 telepolis.de Vor einem Cyberwar? USA legen "Cyberminen" im russischen Stromnetz CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190616 spiegel.de Geschenk für Xi Jinping Putin, der Eismann PUTIN, VLADIMIR / JINPING, XI / RU / CN / RU-CN / CN-RU
20190616 rt.com ‘Treason!’ Trump slams NYT claim of US cyber attacks on Russia’s power grid as harmful fake news CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190615 rt.com Hack away! NYT says US planted CYBER KILL SWITCH into Russian power grid… media shrugs CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190615 nytimes.com U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190615 rt.com A cake, a vase and... a BOX of ice cream: Putin’s birthday gifts that blew Xi Jinping away (PHOTOS) PUTIN, VLADIMIR / JINPING, XI / RU / CN / RU-CN / CN-RU
20190612 spiegel.de Hunderte Festnahmen in Moskau Iwan Golunow ist frei - doch die Wut ist groß GOLUNOV, IVAN / RU / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20190611 rt.com ‘New rules of trust & security’: Macron wants EU ties with Moscow independent of NATO & US MACRON, EMMANUEL / EU / EU-RU / RU
20190611 rt.com ‘They will pay a price’: Bolton says US has expanded ‘offensive cyber operations’ against Russia BOLTON, JOHN / CYBERWAR / US / RU / US-RU
20190610 rt.com ‘We are Golunov’: Leading Russian papers run similar frontpage supporting charged journalist GOLUNOV, IVAN / RU / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20190609 spiegel.de Sachsens Ministerpräsident Kretschmer verteidigt Äußerung zu Russland-Sanktionen KRETSCHMER, MICHAEL / DE / RU / DE-RU
20190607 rt.com Russian investigative journalist detained in Moscow, charged with drug trafficking GOLUNOV, IVAN / RU / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20190530 rt.com Russia plans to invest billions in AI, remove all barriers for ‘tech pioneers’ RU
20190529 rt.com 550 commercial pilots suspended amid ‘serious problems’ in Russian aviation – Prosecutor General RU / AIR TRANSPORT
20190522 spiegel.de Affäre um Strache-Video Moskaus Spiel mit den Rechtspopulisten RU
20190522 zerohedge.com Rand Corp.: 'How To Destroy Russia' RAND Corporation / RU
20190521 zerohedge.com Senior Official In Russian Parliament Says That Cryptos Can Ruin Governments RU
20190516 rt.com Countdown to zero: Russia continues dumping US debt RU / US TREASURY BONDS
20190505 rt.com Lavrov set to meet with Venezuelan FM after failed coup attempt in Caracas VE / ARREAZA, JORGE / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20190426 zerohedge.com Putin Touts "Best Russia-China Ties In Their Entire History" At Belt & Road Summit RU / CN / RU-CN
20190426 rt.com ‘We are at war’ with Russia: DNC Chair Perez says Trump ‘compromised’ DNC / PEREZ, TOM / US / RU
20190425 rt.com Russian and Ukrainian envoys clash at UN Security Council over passports decree RU / UA
20190424 rt.com IMAGES of Kim's arrival in Vladivostok, Russia for FIRST EVER summit with Putin JONG UN, KIM / KP / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20190422 rt.com Approval of Russia’s ‘Internet protection bill’ disrupted by net shutdown RU
20190419 zerohedge.com CIA Chief Says Russia And Iran Are New Focus, Praises Trump's North Korea Efforts HASPEL, GINA / RU / IR
20190331 pjmedia.com "Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon, It Was Entrapment" CROSSFIRE HURRICANE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI / MUELLER, ROBERT
20190331 zerohedge.com The Beginning Of The End Of SWIFT: Russian Banks Join Chinese Alternative Global Payments System SWIFT / RU / CN / CIPS
20190324 zerohedge.com Russian Troops, Aid Arrive In Venezuela After Delivering Red Line Warning To Trump VE / RU
20190315 spiegel.de Ukrainekonflikt EU sanktioniert acht russische Geheimdienstler und Militärs SANCTIONS / EU / RU / UA
20190313 zerohedge.com Putin About To Sign Law Punishing "Fake News" And Government Critics RU
20190313 rt.com Russian Senate approves rules on fighting ‘fake news’ & other misinformation RU
20190313 spiegel.de Neue Internetgesetze Russen fürchten verschärfte Zensur RU
20190301 rt.com Maduro orders European HQ of Venezuelan state oil firm PDVSA to be moved to Moscow VE / PDVSA / RU
20190228 rt.com Russia can be unplugged from World Wide Web, but it’s not quite ready – co-founder of Kaspersky Lab RU
20190217 spiegel.de Putins Wirtschaftsmacht Erstaunlich stark, erschreckend schwach RU
20190215 acj.com Veteran US investment manager detained in Moscow CALVEY, MICHAEL / BARING VOSTOK / RU
20190213 russia-insider.com Vladislav Surkov's Hugely Important New Article About What Putinism Is - Full Translation SURKOV, VLADISLAV / RU
20190213 turcopolier.typepad.com WHY THE DNC WAS NOT HACKED BY THE RUSSIANS by Binney and Johnson DNC / RU / BINNEY, WILLIAM / JOHNSON, LARRY
20190212 spiegel.de RuNet Russland will sich testweise vom globalen Netz abtrennen RU
20190211 zdnet.com Russia to disconnect from the internet as part of a planned test - Russia's internet contingency plan gets closer to reality. RU / INTERNET



Date Source Title Tags
20181231 spiegel.de Spionageverdacht US-Bürger in Russland verhaftet WHELAN, PAUL / FSB / RU
20181220 rt.com Major Russian bank ready to shut off Visa & Mastercard, halves dollar holdings RU
20181218 rt.com Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY
20181214 rt.com Russia’s own internet? Legislators plan to protect the country's web from foreign interference RU / INTERNET
20181213 zerohedge.com Google CEO Exposes Shocking "Full Extent" Of Russian Meddling In 2016 GOOGLE / RU
20181211 zerohedge.com Kremlin To Release US-Russia Communications On Election Meddling If Trump Agrees RU / US
20181211 rt.com Moscow ready to release correspondence with US on alleged Russian election meddling RU / US
20181207 rt.com Russia ready to switch off Visa & Mastercard ahead of tougher US sanctions RU / SANCTIONS / VISA / MASTERCARD
20181207 zerohedge.com Russia Won't Invade Ukraine, The Baltic Statelets, Or Anybody Else RU


Date Source Title Tags
20181126 zeit.de USA werfen Russland Verletzung der ukrainischen Souveränität vor UA / RU / US
20181126 rt.com Russian Consulate territory ON FIRE as protesters pelt it with flares in Kharkov (PHOTOS, VIDEO) UA / RU
20181125 rt.com Ukrainian supports declaring martial law after sea clash with Russia UA / RU
20181125 rt.com Russian ships used weapons to stop & seize Ukrainian vessels violating territorial waters – FSB RU / UA
20181107 rt.com Crab meat & caviar: Notorious Russian thug lived luxury life in maximum security prison (PHOTOS) RU / TSEPOVYAZ, VYACHESLAV
20181107 rt.com 75,000 Russian expats spying in London? Their handlers’ workload must be a nightmare! GB / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20181031 meduza.io Russian federal agents allegedly arrest Border Service official for selling information from the closed database that helped identify the Salisbury suspects RU / FSB
20181030 tagesanzeiger.ch Der russische Mann kann töten, und niemand hält ihn auf RU
20181027 rt.com Yes, Russia is getting ready for war – in case US attacks, diplomat tells UN RU / US
20181020 rt.com Trump vows to pull US out of ‘unacceptable’ nuclear missile deal with Russia NUCLEAR WEAPONS / RU / US
20181020 spiegel.de Atomwaffenfähige Mittelstreckenraketen Trump will Abrüstungsvertrag mit Russland kündigen NUCLEAR WEAPONS / RU / US
20181019 nytimes.com Justice Dept. Accuses Russians of Interfering in Midterm Elections US / RU / KHUSYAYNOVA, ELANA ALEKSEEVNA / PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY
20181019 spiegel.de Kongresswahlen US-Justiz klagt Russin wegen Wahleinmischung an US / RU / KHUSYAYNOVA, ELANA ALEKSEEVNA / PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY
20181019 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Warnung Russische Spione nehmen Schweiz ins Visier NDB / GAUDIN, JEAN-PHILIPPE / CH / RU
20181016 telepolis.de Jelzins Sturm auf das Weiße Haus SU / RU / JELTZIN, BORIS
20181002 strategic-culture.org US Switching to Ukraine as Location to Start World War III Against Russia US / UA / RU / SY


Date Source Title Tags
20180914 spiegel.de Spionageverdacht Russische Agenten auf Weg in die Niederlande verhaftet NL / NDB / RU / CH


Date Source Title Tags
20180824 nytimes.com Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms CIA / RU
20180812 rt.com ‘Ask your grandads’: Russian defense minister warns Germany against ‘strength & unity’ strategy RU / DE
20180812 zerohedge.com Russia Finance Minister: We May Abandon Dollar In Oil Trade As It Is Becoming "Too Risky" RU / USD
20180812 spiegel.de Retourkutsche auf Sanktionen Russland will US-Staatsanleihen abstoßen RU / US TREASURY BONDS / USD
20180810 rt.com Russia may stop using US dollar for mutual payments – senator RU / BRICS / USD
20180809 rt.com Russia to treat further US sanctions as an open declaration of economic war – PM RU / US / SANCTIONS
20180809 rt.com US State Dept sanctions against Russia aimed at 'undercutting' Trump, analysts say US / RU / SANCTIONS / TRUMP, DONALD / PAUL, RAND
20180808 spiegel.de Fall Skripal USA verhängen neue Russland-Sanktionen wegen Giftanschlag SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / US / RU
20180804 zerohedge.com Russia Slams Leak Of Secret Memo On US-Moscow Cooperation in Syria SY / RU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20180802 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Russland mischt sich offenbar weiter in US-Wahlen ein WHITE HOUSE / US / RU
20180723 zerohedge.com Escobar: Here's The Real Reason The US Must Talk To Russia RU / US
20180719 rt.com US will not let Americans be questioned by Moscow, but demands extradition of 12 Russians US / RU
20180719 rt.com Trump: ‘Reckless’ media pushing for ‘major confrontation with Russia that could lead to war’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20180717 rt.com Russia wants to question Christopher Steele, Michael McFaul, top politicians for aiding Bill Browder RU / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / MCFAUL, MICHAEL / BROWDER, BILL
20180717 zerohegde.com Paul Craig Roberts: "Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?" TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / US-RU
20180717 zerohegde.com Russia Liquidates Its US Treasury Holdings RU / US
20180717 zerohegde.com Putin Claims U.S. Intelligence Agents Funneled $400 Million To Clinton Campaign PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BROWDER, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / US
20180716 rt.com If Mueller investigation sends official request to question suspects, Russia will do that - Putin MUELLER, ROBERT / DNC / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180716 spiegel.de Tweets vor Treffen mit Putin Trump macht Obama für schlechtes Verhältnis zu Russland verantwortlich TRUMP, DONALD / US / OBAMA, BARACK / RU
20180716 rt.com Russia blocked 25mn cyber attacks on IT infrastructure during World Cup – Putin RU
20180708 nymag.com Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart — Or His Handler? A plausible theory of mind-boggling collusion. TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180705 rt.com US intel report on Russian meddling 'shabby & politically motivated' – Ex-US envoy to Soviet Union US / RU
20180703 rt.com Russia will launch ‘alternative internet’ only in worst-case scenario – Foreign Ministry RU / INTERNET


Date Source Title Tags
20180630 zeit.de Russland: Versteh einer die Russen RU
20180616 rt.com Russia dumps half of its US Treasury bonds RU / US / US TREASURY BONDS
20180611 spiegel.de Mögliche Cyberangriffe USA verhängen weitere Sanktionen gegen Russland US / SANCTIONS / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20180531 rt.com Funding NGOs & stirring dissent: Russian special commission exposes election meddling by US RU
20180520 rt.com Bypassing US sanctions, countering China: Why Modi's 'no agenda' meeting with Putin is anything but IN-RU / IN / RU / CN


Date Source Title Tags
20180428 docs.house.gov House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Report on Russian Active Measures US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20180428 rt.com Over $400bn illegally withdrawn from Russia in 17yrs RU
20180428 zerohegde.com Mystery Group Of "Wealthy Donors" And Soros Spends $50 Million For "Private Trump-Russia Investigation" SOROS, GEORGE / FUSION GPS / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180428 spiegel.de Warnung an russische Konzerne Medwedew will Einhalten von US-Sanktionen zur Straftat machen MEDWEDEW, DMITRI / RU / SANCTIONS
20180420 spiegel.de Fall Skripal und Russland Auswärtiges Amt spricht von "gezielten Falschmeldungen" DE / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / OPCW
20180420 spiegel.de Vorwurf der Wahlbeeinflussung Demokraten verklagen Russland und Trumps Team wegen Verschwörung DNC / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180420 washingtonpost.com Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign DNC / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180419 rt.com London systematically destroying evidence in Skripal case – Russia’s UN envoy RU / UN / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180416 zerohedge.com Trump Halts Plan For More Russia Sanctions; Russian Stocks, Ruble Jump TRUMP, DONALD / SANCTIONS / RU
20180416 zerohedge.com Russia Reveals Who "Staged" Syria Gas Attack, As US Claims Moscow "May Have Tampered" With Site SY / RU / DOUMA
20180416 bleepingcomputer.com Russia Bans 1.8 Million Amazon and Google IPs in Attempt to Block Telegram TELEGRAM / RU
20180415 rt.com ‘We cannot declare Russia, the country and its people, to be an enemy’ – German president DE / RU
20180414 spiegel.de Angriff auf Ex-Spion Russland behauptet, Skripal wurde mit Kampfstoff aus dem Westen vergiftet SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU
20180414 zerohedge.com UK Produces "Dossier" To Prove Russian Motive In Skripal Poisoning, Russia Says UK Abducted Daughter SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / SKRIPAL, YULIA / GB / RU
20180414 spiegel.de Dringlichkeitssitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats Russland wirft USA "neokoloniales Auftreten" vor SY / UN / RU / US
20180414 spiegel.de Russlands Antwort auf US-Angriff in Syrien Harsche Worte, aber kein Rückschlag RU / SY
20180414 rt.com Strategic Russian firm dumps SWIFT in favor of domestic bank transfer alternative RU / SWIFT / SPFS
20180413 tass.com Court rules to block Telegram messenger in Russia RU / TELEGRAM
20180413 spiegel.de Chat-App Russisches Gericht lässt Telegram blockieren TELEGRAM / RU
20180412 rt.com Duma gives nod to bill on multimillion-ruble fake news fines RU / FAKE NEWS
20180412 spiegel.de Nach Trump-Drohung Weiterhin Kontakt zwischen Moskau und Washington in Syrienkrise SY / US / RU
20180411 rt.com Putin: The world is getting more chaotic, but we hope that common sense will prevail PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / SY
20180411 zerohedge.com Putin: World Is Getting "More Chaotic", But Hopes "Common Sense Will Prevail" PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / SY
20180411 spiegel.de Moskaus Antwort auf Trump-Drohung "Wir beteiligen uns nicht an Twitter-Diplomatie" PESKOW, DMITRI / RU / SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20180411 rt.com Get ready Russia, missiles will be coming at Syria, nice and new and ‘smart’! TRUMP, DONALD / RU / SY
20180411 zerohedge.com Trump: 'Get Ready Russia', Missiles Will Be Coming 'Nice' and 'New' and 'Smart' TRUMP, DONALD / SY / RU
20180406 thecipherbrief.com Another Russian Dossier, aka What Moscow Has Always Done RU / KGB
20180406 tagesschau.de Britische Vorwürfe an Moskau Gibt es ein Nowitschok-Geheimprogramm? CHEMICAL WEAPONS / NOVICHOK / SCHICHANY / GOSNIIOCHT / GB / RU
20180406 rt.com 'If my plane explodes, ask the CIA’ – Duterte after requesting arms from Russia & China DUTERTE, RODRIGO / CN / RU / US / WEAPONTRADE
20180405 rt.com 'Theater of absurd': Russian envoy shows UK version of Skripal case 'falls apart' (VIDEO) UN / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / JOHNSON, BORIS
20180404 spiegel.de Vorwürfe im Fall Skripal Russland fordert Sitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU / UN
20180404 washingtonpost.com National Security: Trump administration to impose fresh sanctions against Russia US / RU / SANCTIONS
20180403 spiegel.de Fall Sergej Skripal Russland fordert Entschuldigung von Großbritannien PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / GB
20180403 zerohedge.com UK Authorities Unable To Prove Novichok Nerve Agent Was Made In Russia PORTON DOWN / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU
20180403 spiegel.de Fall Skripal Russische Herkunft von Nervengift im Labor nicht nachweisbar PORTON DOWN / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU
20180403 rt.com Porton Down revelations: How they affect Skripal case, Russia and Theresa May’s govt PORTON DOWN / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU
20180403 rt.com Unidentified: Porton Down scientists CANNOT confirm nerve agent used on Skripals was made in Russia PORTON DOWN / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU
20180403 theguardian.com Porton Down experts unable to verify precise source of novichok: Defence lab unable to definitively say where nerve agent that poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter came from SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / SKRIPAL, YULIA / NOVICHOK / CHEMICAL WEAPONS / GB / RU / OPCW / PORTON DOWN / AITKENHEAD, GARY / MAY, THERESA / JOHNSON, BORIS
20180402 spiegel.de Fall Skripal Russland wirft Briten und USA Verlust jeden Anstands vor SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / GB / US
20180402 spiegel.de Fall Skripal Russland will Vorschlag machen, um Ermittlungen voranzubringen SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / OPCW
20180401 spiegel.de Affäre Skripal Regierungssprecherin unterstellt Westen niedere Beweggründe SACHAROWA, MARIA / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20180331 rt.com ‘US expelling America’s friends’: Russian Ambassador decries Trump’s move as diplomats leave DC RU / US / RU-US
20180331 rt.com Moscow confronts London with 14 questions on ‘fabricated’ Skripal case SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / GB / FR / OPCW
20180329 rt.com Russia to close US consulate in St. Petersburg, expel 60 diplomats as Washington did – Lavrov RU / US
20180329 spiegel.de Moskaus Antwort auf Diplomaten-Ausweisung Mit gleicher Münze RU / US
20180329 spiegel.de Vergeltung im Fall Skripal Russland weist 60 US-Diplomaten aus und schließt US-Konsulat RU / US
20180328 spiegel.de EU-Plan Panzer sollen schneller durch Europa rollen EU / RU
20180328 spiegel.de Ausweisung von russischen Diplomaten Warten auf Moskaus Antwort SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU
20180328 rt.com ‘Without doubt Russia is responsible’: Presentation UK gave to prompt diplomat expulsions leaked SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU
20180326 zerohedge.com Russia Vows Imminent Response: "The US Only Understands Force" RU
20180326 rt.com 14 EU states announce mass co-ordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / DE / FR / PL / NL / DK / IT / LT / LV / EE / FI / SE
20180326 rt.com Trump orders expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats, closure of Seattle consulate TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20180326 spiegel.de Anschlag auf Ex-Spion Skripal Deutschland weist vier russische Diplomaten aus SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / GB / MAY, THERESA / DE / FR / US / PL / LT / UA / CZ / NL / EE / IT / RO
20180325 spiegel.de Russischer Gifterfinder Tödliche Tropfen im Telefonhörer CHEMICAL WEAPONS / RU / NOVICHOK
20180323 rt.com Inappropriate meetings & ineffective intel: Key findings of House Committee on Russia probe US HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE / US / RU / WIKILEAKS
20180322 rt.com 'No collusion': House Intel Committee votes to end Russia probe US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180320 rt.com Skripal case: EU demands ‘disclosure of Novichok program,’ Russia says it has 'nothing to disclose’ NOVICHOK / EU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU
20180320 zerohedge.com Russia Is Hoarding Gold At The Fastest Pace In 12 Years RU / GOLD / USD
20180317 spiegel.de Wirtschaftsbilanz des Kreml Aufstieg und Fall der Putinomics RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180316 zerohedge.com Russian Spy Poisoning Story = Iraq WMD Scam 2.0 SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU / MURRAY, CRAIG / KELLY, DAVID / BLACK, ROBIN / NOVICHOK / CHEMICAL WEAPONS / OPCW
20180316 rt.com Moscow investigating murder attempt on Skripal’s daughter & ex-Aeroflot official’s death in UK GLUSHKOV, NIKOLAY / GB / SKRIPAL, YULIA / RU
20180315 us-cert.gov Alert (TA18-074A): Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors US / CYBERWAR / RU
20180315 nytimes.com Cyberattacks Put Russian Fingers on the Switch at Power Plants, U.S. Says US / CYBERWAR / ATTRIBUTION / RU
20180315 rt.com ‘Looks like Russians were behind spy poisoning’ - Trump SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20180315 rt.com Putin ‘extremely concerned’ over UK’s ‘destructive, provocative’ stance in Skripal case – Kremlin SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180315 zerohedge.com US Accuses Russia Of Cyber Attacks, Sanctions "Putin's Chef", Russian Troll Farm US / RU / SANCTIONS / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY
20180315 spiegel.de Wegen Wahlbeeinflussung USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen Russland US / RU / SANCTIONS / MNUCHIN, STEVEN
20180315 rt.com ‘Fantasy politics’: France accuses May of punishing Russia prematurely over ex-spy poisoning GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / MAY, THERESA / FR / MACRON, EMMANUEL
20180315 rt.com UK blocks Russia's draft UN Security Council statement on Skripal poisoning case UN / GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180315 rt.com White House backs UK decision to expel Russian diplomats over Skripal saga US / GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180314 rt.com West launches massive campaign to kick ‘inconvenient’ Russia out of UN Security Council – Senator RU / UN
20180314 rt.com ‘We have nothing to hide’: Russia’s UN envoy calls for more critical thinking in Skripal case RU / GB / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / UN / OPCW / CHEMICAL WEAPONS
20180314 rt.com Britain seeks urgent UN Security Council meeting over Salisbury spy attack GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / UN
20180314 zerohedge.com "This Hostile Action Is Unacceptable": Russian Embassy Responds To UK Expulsions RU / GB / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180314 spiegel.de Fall Skripal Liebesgrüße aus London GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / MAY, THERESA
20180314 bangkokpost.com UK expels 23 Russian diplomats over spy poisoning GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / UA
20180314 rt.com Russia is ‘culpable’ over ex-double agent poisoning, claims Theresa May GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / MAY, THERESA
20180314 spiegel.de Attentat auf Ex-Agent Skripal Moskaus Mauern GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / MAY, THERESA
20180314 spiegel.de Fall Skripal Großbritannien weist 23 russische Diplomaten aus GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / MAY, THERESA
20180314 theguardian.com UK expels 23 Russian diplomats over spy poisoning - Politics live GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / MAY, THERESA
20180314 spiegel.de Fall Sergej Skripal Russland will Zugang zu Agenten-Tochter SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / SKRIPAL, JULIA / RU
20180314 politico.eu British cyber option to punish Russia prompts fear of ‘electronic war’: Britain is a ‘top tier’ country when it comes to cyber capability and could hit Russia hard. Whether it wants to is another question. CYBERWAR / GB / RU
20180313 medium.com The UK government is manufacturing its nerve agent case for ‘action’ on Russia - Official claim that ‘Novichok’ points solely to Russia discredited SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / NOVICHOK / OPCW / RU
20180313 zerohedge.com Russia Threatens UK: "One Does Not Give 24Hrs Notice To A Nuclear Power" RU / GB
20180313 rt.com 'Don’t try anything rash’: Russian Embassy urges UK to rethink rumored cyber attack RU / GB / CYBERWAR
20180313 rt.com No British outlet will work in Russia if London shuts down RT - Foreign Ministry RT / RU / GB
20180310 apnews.com Putin on alleged US election interference: I don’t care PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / ATTRIBUTION
20180306 spiegel.de US-Ermittlungen zur Wahleinmischung Komplott? Manipulation? Auch egal PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US
20180302 tass.com Moscow cancels new round of strategic consultations with US - an ambassador accuses Washington of hampering cyber security consultations with Moscow CYBERWAR / RU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20180227 spiegel.de Leningrader Sinfonie Mit Pauken und Trompeten gegen den Terror RU / SCHOTAKOWITSCH, DMITRI / MUSIC
20180226 rt.com Russia overtakes China in gold reserves race to end US dollar dominance GOLD / RU / CN
20180122 rt.com Russians hacked English too? US establishment adopts 'spy' language RU / US / PROPAGANDA
20180219 theintercept.com A Consensus Emerges: Russia Committed an “Act of War” on Par With Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Should the U.S. Response Be Similar? DNC / ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20180217 nytimes.com Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too. CIA / RU / JOHNSON, LOCH K. / HALL, STEVEN L. / ELECTIONS
20180213 rt.com ‘If we don’t work together we should be fired’: Ex-CIA agent calls for closer ties with Russia CIA / MOWATT-LARSSEN, ROLF / RU
20182013 rt.com Russia could host Palestine-Israel talks as US can no longer be the sole broker – Palestine FM AL-MALIKI, RIYAD / RU / PS / IL
20180213 rt.com US Homeland Security refutes NBC report that claims Russia hacked elections DHS / RU / US
20180213 spiegel.de Kongresswahlen US-Geheimdienstdirektor warnt vor russischen Cyberattacken COATS, DAN / CYBERWAR / RU / US / PROPAGANDA
20180213 spiegel.de Niederlande Lüge über Putin-Treffen - Außenminister tritt zurück ZILJSTRA, HALBE / NL / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20180213 rt.com Dutch FM resigns after admitting lie about meeting Putin ZILJSTRA, HALBE / NL / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20180210 rt.com US spies paid ‘Russians’ $100k for stolen NSA tools, but got dud ‘Trump secrets’ they didn’t want? SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CIA / RU
20180209 theintercept.com U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CIA / BERLIN / RU
20180209 nytimes.com U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / BERLIN / RU
20180208 washingtonpost.com The Netherlands just revealed its cyber-capacity. So what does that mean? CYBERWAR / NL / RU / US
20180204 rt.com Russia must find out where Syrian militants got MANPADS that downed Su-25 – MPs SY / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20180125 rt.com CryptoRuble introduced as legal tender in draft bill submitted to Russian parliament CRYPTORUBBLE / RU
20180125 reuters.com Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / RU / CIA / NSA
20180125 zerohedge.com Trump Officially Restores Cold War TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CN
20180116 zerohedge.com Investors Are Buying Power Stations In Russia To Mine Cryptocurrency RU
20180113 rt.com ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media MOBY / CIA / TWITTER / PROPAGANDA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180112 zerohedge.com "We Know Who They Are": Putin Claims "State Provocateur" Behind "Terrorist Drones" In Syria SY / US / DRONES / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / TR / CIA / MORELL, MICHAEL
20180102 zerohedge.com Huma Abedin Forwarded Top Secret Passwords To Yahoo Account Hacked By Russian With Odd Clinton Connection ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / YAHOO / TRUMP, DONALD
20180101 zeit.de Russland: 56 Bombendrohungen in 50 Städten RU



Date Source Title Tags
20171231 rt.com Europe ‘should be interested’ in improving Russia-US ties, key to non-proliferation – German FM GABRIEL, SIGMAR / DE / EU / RU / US
20171223 spiegel.de Russland empört über US-Waffendeal mit Ukraine "Das ist ein großer Fehler" US / WEAPONTRADE / UA / RU
20171223 zerohedge.com "The US Has Crossed The Line": Russia Warns Trump Decision To Arm Ukraine Will "Lead To Bloodshed" US / WEAPONTRADE / UA / RU
20171222 rt.com Boris Johnson the 'committed Russophile' goes native on first official trip to Moscow JOHNSON, BORIS / RU
20171221 rt.com Balkans trap: As Serbian president goes to Russia, US plots to ‘finish the job’ VUCIC, ALEKSANDAR / RS / RU / BELL POTTINGER
20171221 spiegel.de Desinformation als Kriegswaffe Russlands perfider Feldzug gegen die Wahrheit DISINFORMATION / SY / RU
20171218 rt.com Trump’s new security strategy to keep Russia & China as main competitors TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CN
20171215 telepolis.de "Keinen Inch weiter nach Osten": Was den Russen zur Wiedervereinigung über die Nato versprochen wurde DD / DE / NATO / RU
20171211 politico.com Ex-Spy Chief: Russia’s Election Hacking Was An ‘Intelligence Failure’ MORELL, MICHAEL / RU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20171205 foreignaffairs.com How to Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies BIDEN, JOSEPH / CARPENTER, MICHAEL / US / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RS / GE / UA / KG / MD / ME / WIKILEAKS / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / NL / IT / ES / CATALONIA / AFD / NORTHERN LEAGUE / LE PEN, MARINE / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20171202 rt.com Russia continues stocking up on gold under Putin’s strategy RU / GOLD


Date Source Title Tags
20171129 zerohedge.com Russia Warns Washington: Confiscating Gold Reserves Would Be "Declaration Of Financial War" RU / GOLD / US
20171115 cbsnews.com How did WikiLeaks become associated with Russia? WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / RT / RU
20171114 spiegel.de Großbritannien May wirft Russland Wahleinmischung vor MAY, THERESA / GB / RU
20171114 rt.com UK PM May calls Russia ‘chief threat’ amid abysmal domestic ratings MAY, THERESA / GB / RU
20171117 rt.com Soros and his ‘226 EU friends’ thrust into spotlight by Farage – so who are they? FARAGE, NIGEL / SOROS, GEORGE / ORBAN, VIKTOR / BRADSHAW, BEN / BREXIT / EU / RU / OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS
20171112 dw.com Ausländische Medien in Russland bald "Agenten"? RU
20171111 rt.com Putin: Moscow will introduce tit-for-tat measures over US attack on Russian media RU / US / RT / RU-US
20171108 dailybeast.com BORDER JUMPING - The FBI Blindly Hacked Computers in Russia, China, and Iran FBI / US / RU / CN / IR
20171105 tagesschau.de Offshore-Geschäfte Die Russlanddeals des US-Handelsministers ROSS, WILBUR / RU / PARADISE PAPERS


Date Source Title Tags
20171030 spiegel.de Anklagen in Russlandaffäre: Tricks, Betrug und viele Lüge MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / MANAFORT, PAUL / GATES, RICHARD / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / YANUKOVYCH, VIKTOR / UA / RU
20171017 rt.com Putin green lights launch of the CryptoRuble PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / CRYPTORUBLE
20171015 yahoo.com Russian trolls were schooled on ‘House of Cards’ PROPAGANDA / RU / US
20171011 rt.com Russia to regulate bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies RU / BTC
20171010 nytimes.com How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for U.S. Secrets KASPERSKY / IL / RU / US
20171005 washingtonpost.com U.S. military uses Russian 'deconfliction' line 20 times a day to separate jets over Syria SY / RU / US
20171003 rt.com US staging ‘fatal provocations’ against Russian forces in Syria – Lavrov SY / US / RU
20171002 zerohedge.com Mastermind Of $4 Billion Bitcoin Money Laundering Operation May Be Extradited To US VINNICK, ALEXANDER / RU / US / BTC-e / BTC


Date Source Title Tags
20170923 spiegel.de Rätselhafte Bombendrohungen: Telefonterror scheucht Russland auf RU
20170921 rt.com Communists launch initiative to share natural resource revenue among Russian citizens [RU]]
20170921 spiegel.de Sonderermittler zur Russland-Affäre Trump muss umfangreiche Unterlagen herausgeben MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / COMEY, JAMES / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20170919 rt.com Putin orders to end trade in US dollars at Russian seaports PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / USD / RUB
20170911 tagesanzeiger.ch Unsere Angst macht Putin stark - Die Warnungen vor russischen Hackerangriffen nehmen im Westen hysterische Züge an. Besser könnte es für Moskaus Geheimdienst gar nicht laufen. ATTRIBUTION / RU
20170909 rt.com ‘They’re real’: Russia eyes regulating Bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies BTC / RU
20170908 rt.com Putin: Russia to move away from foreign software for sake of security PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / DIGITAL SOVEREIGNTY
20170907 independent.co.uk Facebook sold $100,000 of political ads to fake russian accounts during 2016 us election- Ads were intended to sow divisiveness, Facebook’s head of security says FACEBOOK / RU
20170907 nytimes.com The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election FACEBOOK / RU / US / DCLEAKS / FIREEYE / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY / TWITTER / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20170907 theguardian.com Facebook says likely Russia-based group paid for political ads during US election FACEBOOK / RU
20170906 recode.net Facebook profited from Russia-backed accounts trying to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election: Facebook says “inauthentic” accounts bought roughly 3,000 ads FACEBOOK / RU
20170906 techcrunch.com Facebook sold more than $100,000 in political ads to a Russian company during the 2016 election FACEBOOK / RU
20170906 theverge.com Russia bought political ads from Facebook during the election, company says FACEBOOK / RU
20170906 nytimes.com Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads FACEBOOK / RU / US
20170902 rt.com Moscow hands in note of protest to US over plan to search trade mission in Washington US / RU / US-RU
20170901 rt.com US security services to search Russian consulate in San Francisco on Saturday – Moscow US-RU / US / RU / SAN FRANCISCO


Date Source Title Tags
20170831 spiegel.de Diplomatische Krise Russland muss Konsulat in San Francisco schließen US / RU / US-RU / SAN FRANCISCO
20170831 rt.com US orders closure of Russian Consulate in San Francisco – State Department US / RU / US-RU / SAN FRANCISCO
20170830 rt.com Ukrainian security services snatch Russian journalist from street and deport her KURBATOVA, ANNA / UA / RU
20170824 washingtonpost.com At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president’s ardent ally US / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE / RU / MUELLER, ROBERT
20170824 spiegel.de Im Swimmingpool Russlands Botschafter im Sudan tot aufgefunden RU / SD / SHIRINSKIY, MIRGAYAS M.
20170823 rt.com Russia mulls limitations on internet exchange points over fears of US eavesdropping RU / INTERNET
20170823 zerohedge.com Russian Ambassador To Sudan Found Dead, Drowned In Own Pool RU / SD / SHIRINSKIY, MIRGAYAS M.
20170819 spiegel.de Chinesische Touristen in Russland Luxusshopping im Bruderstaat CN / RU
20170807 rt.com Russia to reduce reliance on US dollar & payment systems in response to sanctions RU
20170802 spiegel.de Russische Reaktion auf US-Gesetz "Sanktionen kommen Handelskrieg gleich" MEDWEDEW, DMITRI / SANCTIONS / RU / US
20170802 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Donald Trump unterschreibt Gesetz zu Russlandsanktionen TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / SANCTIONS
20170802 rt.com Trump: Newly-signed Russia sanctions law ‘significantly flawed’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / SANCTIONS


Date Source Title Tags
20170730 rt.com Putin: 755 US diplomats to depart Russia, time to show we won’t leave anything unanswered RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US
20170730 spiegel.de Russland Putin fordert 755 Mitarbeiter von US-Vertretungen zur Ausreise auf RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US
20170728 spiegel.de Neue Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland Gabriel will neue US-Sanktionen nicht akzeptieren SANCTIONS / US / RU / GABRIEL, SIGMAR
20170725 spiegel.de Hackerangriffe und Krim-Annexion US-Repräsentantenhaus billigt neue Russland-Sanktionen SANCTIONS / US / RU
20170721 spiegel.de Privatsphäre im Internet Russisches Parlament will VPN-Dienste beschränken RU
20170720 rt.com Russia in talks with US to create cybersecurity working group – Putin envoy CYBERSECURITY / RU / US / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY
20170717 rt.com Lavrov: Any US conditions for return of Russian diplomatic property would be ‘daylight robbery’ RU
20170714 foreignpolicy.com Private Email of Top U.S. Russia Intelligence Official Hacked - As concerns about cyberattacks grow, hackers are going after Russia wonks. WALLANDER, CELESTE / US / RU
20170711 rt.com Moscow says preparing ‘tough response’ to US closure of Russian diplomatic compounds RU / US / RU-US
20170711 bloomberg.com Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence KASPERSKY / RU / KASPERSKY, EUGENE / CHEKUNOV, IGOR / STOYANOV, RUSLAN
20170710 news.vice.com Russians now need a passport to watch Pornhub RU / PORNHUB
20170709 rt.com Moscow offers evidence to UN that N. Korea tested mid-range missile, not ICBM KP / RU / UN
20170707 nbcsnews.com Lawyer Probing Russian Corruption Says His Balcony Fall Was ‘No Accident’ GOROKHOV, NIKOLAI / RU / CORRUPTION / MAGNITSKY, SERGEI / BROWDER, BILL / KARA-MURZA, VLADIMIR
20170704 spiegel.de Neuer Bericht: Verfassungsschutz fürchtet mehr Cyberattacken aus Russland und China MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / BFV / ATTRIBUTION / RU / CN
20170703 rt.com THAAD deployment to S Korea undermines region’s strategic security – Chinese president KR / US / THAAD / CN / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20170630 spiegel.de Ärger über Stimmrecht Russland stoppt Zahlungen an Europarat RU / EU
20170623 washingtonpost.com Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault US / CIA / RU / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BRENNAN, JOHN / JOHNSON, JEH / BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER / HAINES, AVRIL / RICE, SUSAN / MCDONOUGH, DENIS / NSA / FBI / CYBERWAR
20170621 rt.com Russian Su-27 warns off NATO F-16 trying to approach defense minister’s plane over Baltic (VIDEO) RU / US
20170619 spiegel.de Kampfjet-Abschuss in Syrien Russland betrachtet Jets der US-Koalition als potenzielle Ziele RU / SY / US
20170619 telepolis.de Kampf um Einflusszonen in Syrien zwischen USA und Russland verschärft sich gefährlich RU / SY / US
20170618 spiegel.de Neue US-Sanktionen Russland verurteilt Trumps Kuba-Wende US / CU / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170617 cnn.com Russia says it may have killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi AL-BAGHDADI, ABU BAKR / RU
20170617 rt.com 'Germany – unlike Russia – is not sovereign, US largely controls its foreign policy' JATRAS, JIM / DE / RU / US
20170615 rt.com Putin: Russia ready to grant asylum to former FBI Director James Comey PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / COMEY, JAMES
20170614 rt.com US Senate adopts amendment on more sanctions against Russia US / RU / SANCTIONS
20170613 bloomberg.com How the Russian Internet Censor Banned Itself - More proof that censoring the internet is as difficult as it is futile. RU / CENSORSHIP
20170612 spiegel.de Festnahmen und Tränengas Russische Polizei geht hart gegen Demonstranten vor RU
20170612 rt.com Welcome to a Russian protest, where reality clashes with 'media world of make believe' RU
20170612 spiegel.de Proteste in Russland Nawalny fordert Putin heraus NAVALNY, ALEXEJ / RU
20170612 haaretz.com Israel Successfully Hacked ISIS Computers; Trump Leaked It to the Russians, NYT Reports ISLAMIC STATE / IL / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170609 rt.com Russia allays fears over Belarus drill after Lithuanian ‘hysteria’ LT / RU / BY
20170607 oilprice.com Russia Dismisses Reports It Could Buy Back Rosneft Stake From Qatar ROSNEFT / QA / RU
20170603 dailymail.co.uk Putin tells NBC's Megyn Kelly that hacking of Democratic Party during last year's election may have been CIA-run false flag operation designed to incriminate Russia PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20170602 rt.com ‘We love sanctions’: Russian deputy PM says US attempts at pressure backfire SANCTIONS / US / RU
20170602 yahoo.com How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short TRUMP, DONALD / FRIED, DAN / SANCTIONS / US / RU
20170601 nytimes.com Maybe Private Russian Hackers Meddled in Election, Putin Says PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / US / CYBERWAR
20170601 rt.com Putin: ‘Patriotic hackers’ could exist, but ‘Russia does not order state level cyberattacks’ PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / CYBERWAR 7 ATTRIBUTION


Date Source Title Tags
20170531 spiegel.de Krieg in Syrien Russland feuert auf IS-Stellungen nahe Palmyra RU / SY
20170528 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre "War Room" soll Vorwürfe gegen Trump abwehren WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PRIEBUS, REINCE / BANNON, STEVE
20170526 washingtonpost.com National Security - Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin KUSHNER, JARED / FLYNN, MICHAEL / KISLYAK, SERGEY / RU / US
20170525 citizenlab.org Tainted Leaks: Disinformation and Phishing With a Russian Nexus LEAKS / DISINFORMATION / SATTER, DAVID / RU
20170525 rt.com Russian public supports measures to limit internet anonymity – poll RU / INTERNET / ANONYMITY
20170523 washingtonpost.com The Latest: Ex-CIA head says he warned Russia about meddling BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / RU
20170520 inpedendent.co.uk Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner 'person of interest in Russia investigation' FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / KUSHNER, JARED
20170519 spiegel.de Russland-Affäre Enger Trump-Mitarbeiter offenbar im Visier der Ermittler FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170518 rt.com Trump: Russia probe is greatest witch hunt of a politician in US history TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170518 bloomberg.com Ex-FBI Chief Mueller Named Special Counsel on Russia Probe MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / US / RU
20170517 washingtonpost.com House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump MCCARTHY, KEVIN / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / ROHRABACHER, DANA
20170517 rt.com Putin ready to provide records of Trump-Lavrov talks to prove no secrets were leaked PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170516 spiegel.de Sanktionen Ukraine sperrt russische Internetdienste UA / RU / VKONTAKTE
20170511 spiegel.de "Pokémon Go" in der Kirche Dreieinhalb Jahre auf Bewährung für russischen Blogger RU
20170511 rt.com Russia 'full-scope cyber actor' which will remain 'major threat' to US - intel director COATS, DAN / RU
20170510 spiegel.de Der Comey-Skandal Trump, Russland und das FBI TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU / COMEY, JAMES
20170508 vanityfair.com From Russia With Love: Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money - “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia. TRUMP, ERIC / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170504 rt.com German spy chief: Decision on whether to use ‘hacked data’ in Bundestag elex will be made in Kremlin MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG / BUNDESTAG / RU
20170503 rt.com FBI director: I have 'never' been anonymous source on Clinton, Trump investigations COMEY, JAMES / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20170424 apnews.com Ukraine soldiers bombarded by ‘pinpoint propaganda’ texts UA / RU
20170422 zerohedge.com Did Russia Shoot Down US Missiles In Syria RU / US / SY
20170422 spiegel.de Konflikt mit Russland Nato fliegt Rekordzahl an Kampfjet-Einsätzen RU / NATO
20170419 mid.ru Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, April 19, 2017 RU / ZAKHAROVA, MARIA / FACEBOOK
20170414 rt.com Surprise: Trump has suddenly found a way to use anti-Russia talking points in his favor TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170413 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Britischer Geheimdienst soll früh vor Kontakten nach Moskau gewarnt haben GCHQ / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / HANNIGAN, ROBERT / BRENNAN, JOHN
20170413 zerohedge.com Congress Panics As US Oil Assets Could Fall Into Russian Hands If Venezuela Defaults VE / RU / OIL / US
20170410 rt.com Russia slaps Facebook with ‘Google Tax’ FACEBOOK / RU / GOOGLE
20170410 rt.com US completely unwilling to cooperate on Syria & consider other interests – Kremlin SY / US / RU
20170409 rt.com Trump considering sanctions against Russia & Iran over Syria – US envoy to UN HALEY, NIKKI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / IR
20170408 spiegel.de US-Luftschlag in Syrien Russland und Iran werfen Trump Unberechenbarkeit vor SY / RU / IR / US
20170407 rt.com US afraid of real investigation into Syria chemical incident – Russian deputy UN envoy SY / RU / US
20170407 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf US-Angriff in Syrien Russland sieht Beziehungen zu USA "signifikant beschädigt" RU / US / RU-US
20170406 rt.com Pentagon, White House in detailed discussions on military options in Syria - US official PENTAGON / WHITE HOUSE / US / SY / RU
20170404 democracynow.org Chomsky: With U.S. History of Overthrowing Govts, Outrage over Russian Hacking Claims is Laughable CHOMSKY, NOAM / US / RU
20170402 spiegel.de Proteste und Festnahmen in Russland "Bleib lieber weg!" RU
20170401 zerohedge.com Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar In Global Markets, Shift To Gold Trade RU / CN / GOLD / USD
20170401 rt.com ‘Press 2 if hackers needed’: Russian FM April Fools voicemail leaves US media unamused RU


Date Source Title Tags
20170331 washingtonpost.com Here’s what we know so far about Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170329 themoscowtimes.com Medvedev Is Out: Anti-Corruption Protests Cost Russia's Prime Minister his Future MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20170327 spiegel.de Proteste in Russland Die Jungen begehren auf, der Staat schlägt zurück RU
20170323 spiegel.de US-Präsident vs. FBI: Trump und die Russen-Disco TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU
20170321 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Trump-Team Ex-BND-Chef nennt Untersuchung in Russland-Affäre "absolut gravierend" HANNING, AUGUST / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170320 spiegel.de Luftangriffe in Syrien Russland bestellt israelischen Botschafter ein SY / RU / IL
20170320 rt.com FBI confirms probe into Trump’s alleged ties with Moscow during 2016 election campaign FBI / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170320 rt.com FBI & NSA chiefs testify in Congress on Trump, Russia, wiretapping (WATCH LIVE) FBI / NSA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / COMEY, JAMES / ROGERS, MIKE
20170314 rt.com Foreign secret services stepping up efforts to destabilize Russia – top security official PATRUSHEV, NIKOLAY / RU
20170310 rt.com ‘Great threat to global security’: Russia urges US to explain CIA hacking exposed by WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS / CIA / RU
20170308 rt.com #1917LIVE: Russian revolution begins RU
20170308 spiegel.de Sturz des russischen Zaren "Und mir hat keiner gesagt, dass es eine Revolution gibt!" RU
20170308 spiegel.de Hacks und Propaganda "Im Kreml glaubt man an Verschwörungen" SOLDATOW, ANDREJ / RU
20170308 spiegel.de Spionage-Angst auf Russland-Reise Dänische Abgeordnete lassen Smartphones daheim DK / RU
20170304 rt.com Russia invites NATO leadership for ‘open discussion’ at Moscow Security Conference NATO / RU
20170303 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Obamas Gift OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170302 rt.com Russian Embassy brushes aside Sessions contact allegation SESSIONS, JEFF / RU
20170302 spiegel.de Jeff Sessions Trumps Justizminister verschwieg Kontakte zu Russland SESSIONS, JEFF / RU
20170301 washingtonpost.com Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose SESSIONS, JEFF / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20170228 spiegel.de Vereinte Nationen Russland und China stimmen gegen Syrien-Sanktionen SY / RU / CN / UN
20170225 spiegel.de Ukrainischer Gasmagnat Firtasch Der Oligarch, den Amerika jagt FIRTASCH, DMITRO / UA / AT / RU / US / GAZPROM / ROSUKRENERGO
20170221 rt.com Estonia’s spy chief warns UK against Russian ‘honeytraps’ for British troops in E. Europe - report EE / GB / RU / HONEY TRAP
20170220 rt.com US intel ‘routinely taps Russian ambassador’s communications’ – Lavrov KISLYAK, SERGEY / US / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170220 rt.com Russian ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies day before turning 65 CHURKIN, VITALY / RU / UN
20170219 spiegel.de US-Verhältnis zu Russland "Der Kongress wird Russland in den Arsch treten" GRAHAM, LINDSEY / US / RU
20170218 rt.com Four NATO powers prefer Russia to the US, Gallup poll shows NATO / RU / US
20170218 rt.com ‘CIA leaks like a sieve, Obama’s holdovers should be probed' - Roger Stone, former Trump adviser STONE, ROGER / CIA / RU / US / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20170217 rt.com Russia to clear entire Soviet debt by year-end RU
20170216 rt.com US intel agencies keep Trump in dark citing alleged ‘Russian contacts’ – media US / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170215 reuters.com Russia tells White House it will not return Crimea to Ukraine RU / CRIMEA / UA / US
20170210 cnn.com U.S. Investigators Corrobate Some Aspects of Russia Dossier STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / RU / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170207 rt.com German intel finds no proof of Russian ‘disinformation ops’ against Berlin – govt source DISINFORMATION / DE / RU
20170206 tagesschau.de Bericht der Geheimdienste Keine "Smoking Gun" aus Russland DISINFORMATION / DE / RU
20170203 rt.com ‘I haven’t eased anything,’ Trump says after Treasury amends sanctions on Russian FSB TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / FSB
20170203 spiegel.de Heftige Kämpfe in der Ostukraine Trump enttäuscht den Kreml UA / RU / US / HALEY, NIKKI
20170202 buzzfeed.com There’s Something Very Weird Happening Inside Russia’s Cybersecurity World - The arrest of several of Russia’s top cybersecurity figures has led to speculation that there’s a shake-up inside the country’s national security service related to hacks surrounding the US election. STOYANOV, RUSLAN / KASPERSKY / RU / FSB / MIKHAILOV, SERGEI / DOKUCHAZEV, DMITRY


Date Source Title Tags
20170125 forbes.com Russia Arrests Kaspersky Cybercrime Hunter In 'Treason Probe' STOYANOV, RUSLAN / RU / KASPERSKY
20170123 spiegel.de Beeinflussung von Wahlen in Europa EU-Diplomaten warnen vor Putins Propaganda EU / RU
20170123 themoscowtimes.com Russian State TV Praises Trump for Avoiding ‘Democracy’ in Inauguration Speech: The Kremlin's ‘chief propagandist’ welcomes America's new president and slams his millions of critics TRUMP, DONALD / RU / KISEYOV, DMITRY
20170115 rt.com Big surge in cyberattacks on Russia amid US hacking hysteria – Russian security chief CYBERWAR / RU / PATRUSHEV, NIKOLAY / US
20170114 businessinsider.com Report: CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump's campaign TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20170114 spiegel.de Spaltung des Westens BND wirft Russland gezielte Stimmungsmache vor BND / PROPAGANDA / RU
20170111 wsj.com Christopher Steele, Ex-British Intelligence Officer, Said to Have Prepared Dossier on Trump - Former spy is director of London-based Orbis Intelligence Ltd. STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / ORBIS INTELLIGENCE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170111 theguardian.com The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI / MCCAIN, JOHN / CORN, DAVID / COMEY, JAMES
20170111 buzzfeed.com These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / KOMPROMAT
20170108 spiegel.de Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CIA / FBI / NSA
20170107 zeit.de US-Geheimdienst: Der Putin-Report ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20170106 theguardian.com Young Russian denies she aided election hackers: ‘I never work with douchebags’ SHEVCHENKO, ALISA / ESAGE LAB / ZOR / RU / US / DIALOGNAUKA / BRIAN BARTHOLOMEW / KASPERSKY / ATTRIBUTION
20170106 nytimes.com Putin Ordered ‘Influence Campaign’ Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says US / RU / ATTRIBUTION / DNC / WIKILEAKS
20170106 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienste Russland soll Mails über Umwege an WikiLeaks weitergegeben haben WIKILEAKS / RU / US
20170101 rt.com Facts force Washington Post to backtrack on report that Russia hacked US power grid ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / GRIZZLY STEPPE / BURLINGTON ELECTRIC
20170101 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Hackerangriffe Russische Diplomaten verlassen die USA US / RU



Date Source Title Tags
20161231 spiegel.de "Grizzly Steppe" Russische Hacker sollen US-Stromversorger angegriffen haben ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / GRIZZLY STEPPE / BURLINGTON ELECTRIC
20161231 rt.com ‘Russian hackers’ penetrate US power grid with ‘outdated Ukrainian malware’ ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20161230 rollingstone.com Something About This Russia Story Stinks ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161230 washingtonsblog.com Creator of NSA’s Global Surveillance System Calls B.S. On Russian Hacking Report ATTRIBUTION / DNC / US / RU / WIKILEAKS / BINNEY, WILLIAM
20161230 rt.com Kremlin: New sanctions underline Obama admin’s ‘unpredictable & aggressive’ foreign policy RU / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20161230 spiegel.de Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161229 rt.com Russia sanctions? Trump says US needs to ‘get on with our lives’ instead TRUMP, DONALD / RU / SANCTIONS
20161229 spiegel.de US-Bericht über russischen Hackerangriff Operation "Grizzly Steppe" US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161230 spiegel.de Hackeraffäre Russland will vorerst doch keine US-Diplomaten ausweisen RU / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161230 spiegel.de Hacker-Affäre Russland will auch 35 Diplomaten ausweisen RU / US
20161229 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Hackerangriffe USA weisen 35 russische Diplomaten aus US / RU / OBAMA, BARACK
20161226 spiegel.de Ende der Sowjetunion "Adieu, rote Flagge. Du warst uns Feind und Bruder" RU / SU
20161220 spiegel.de Mord an russischem Botschafter "Der Schütze war unruhig" KARLOW, ANDREJ / TR / RU / ALTINTAS, MEVLÜT MERT
20161220 spiegel.de Mord an russischem Botschafter Was wollte der Attentäter von Ankara? KARLOW, ANDREJ / TR / RU / ALTINTAS, MEVLÜT MERT
20161220 tagesspiegel.de Attentat in der Türkei Was der Mord an Putins Botschafter bedeutet KARLOW, ANDREJ / TR / RU / SY
20161219 spiegel.de Türkei Russischer Botschafter in Ankara erschossen KARLOW, ANDREJ / TR / RU
20161218 spiegel.de Vorwürfe an Russland Senatoren fordern Sonderausschuss wegen Hackerangriffen US / RU
20161217 rt.com FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia’s alleged election help for Trump – report US / FBI / CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20161216 spiegel.de Radio-Interview Obama kündigt Vergeltung für russische Hackerangriffe an PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 spiegel.de EU-Gipfel Merkel wirft Russland und Iran Verbrechen in Aleppo vor MERKEL, ANGELA / RU / IR / SY
20161215 spiegel.de US-Demokraten Putin soll in Hackerangriff involviert gewesen sein PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 nbcnews.com U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / MCFAUL, MICHAEL
20161213 nytimes.com The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S. US / RU / DNC
20161213 bbc.com Russian hitmen been killing with impunity in Turkey? TR / RU / ISRAPILOV, RUSLAN
20161213 reuters.com Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources CIA / RU / ODNI / TRUMP, DONALD
20161212 spiegel.de Angebliche Hilfe aus Moskau Der Russland-Krimi belastet Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161212 rt.com White House attacks Trump over connections to Russia and RT EARNEST, JOSH / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161211 rt.com ‘It’s ridiculous’: Trump on CIA claims that Moscow helped him win US Presidency TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 spiegel.de Angebliche Wahlhilfe durch Russland Trump nennt CIA-Bericht "lächerlich" TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161210 theguardian.com CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161210 spiegel.de Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen CIA / RU / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161209 washingtonpost.com National Security: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161209 nytimes.com Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes RNC / RU / US / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20161206 rt.com Vladimir Putin signs new Russian information security doctrine PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20161201 politico.com Russia accuses Ukraine of sabotaging Trump: A Foreign Ministry official says Ukrainian officials hampered Trump by targeting Manafort. MANAFORT, PAUL / TRUMP, DONALD / UA / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20161129 techcrunch.com Jolla’s Sailfish OS now certified as Russian government’s first ‘Android alternative’ RU / JOLLA / SAILFISH
20161124 rt.com If EU parliament resolution to counter Russian media implemented, retaliation will follow – Moscow EU / RU
20161124 spiegel.de Nach Festnahme in Prag USA und Russland streiten um russischen Hacker NIKULIN, JEWGENI / CZ / RU / US
20161121 themoscowtimes.com Russian Communications Expert Says Kremlin Is Hacker-Proof RU
20161121 rt.com Putin optimistic about OPEC deal to cap oil output OPEC / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20161119 rt.com demands explanation for Russian media plane being shadowed by Swiss fighter jets RU / CH
20161118 rt.com Plane with Russian journalists on way to Peru tracked by Swiss fighter jets (VIDEO, PHOTOS) RU / CH
20161118 rt.com Putin: Russia will oppose any attempts to break global strategic balance, incl. NATO missile system PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / NATO
20161118 spiegel.de Außenminister Lawrow Obamas Ratschlag für Trump verärgert Russland LAVROV, SERGEY / OBAMA, BARACK / RU / US
20161117 rt.com 'Made in Russia' could be coming to a store near you RU
20161116 motherjones.com The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate. ROGERS, MICHAEL / NSA / US / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC
20161112 rt.com Putin: Russian military not threatening anybody, we are protecting our borders PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20161110 spiegel.de US-Wahl Russland hatte Kontakt zu Trumps Wahlkampfteam TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161109 wired.com Trump’s Win Signals Open Season for Russia’s Political Hackers RU / US / INFORMATION WARFARE
20161109 washingtonpost.com ‘Yes We Did’: Russia’s establishment basks in Trump’s victory RU / US
20161109 rt.com ‘Reflection of insecurity?’ Merkel claims ‘Russian hackers’ might derail German elections MERKEL, ANGELA / RU / DE
20161109 rt.com Putin on Trump victory: Russia is ready to restore relations with US PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / US
20161105 rt.com Russia demands Washington explain after reports say US military hacked into Russian networks CYBERWAR / RU / US
20161104 nbcnews.com U.S. Govt. Hackers Ready to Hit Back If Russia Tries to Disrupt Election US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161103 warontherocks.com The Russians Read our Cold War Playbook RU / US / COLD WAR
20161103 rt.com Russian manufacturing activity back on track RU
20161103 rt.com Monitors’ absence at US elections proves Russia has no intent of meddling – official RU / US / OSCE
20161102 reuters.com Staff blocked from Amnesty Moscow office: employee AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20161031 nytimes.com Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU
20161031 motherjones.com A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI
20161021 csoonline.com John McAfee: 'Iran hacked the DNC, and North Korea hacked DYN' MCAFEE, JOHN / DNC / DYN / IR / KP / RU / ATTRIBUTION
20161020 esquire.com How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History DNC / RU / WIKILEAKS / DCLEAKS
20161018 businessinsider.de Russian sanctions have cost Exxon over $1 billion EXXON / RU
20161018 spiegel.de Ukraine-Gipfel Merkel empfängt Putin an diesem Mittwoch MERKEL, ANGELA / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / DE / RU / FR / UA
20161015 rt.com 'Obama cyber saber-rattling against Russia possible ploy to boost Clinton camp' JATRAS, JIM / RU / US / DNC / WIKILEAKS
20161015 rt.com Kremlin: Russia faces unprecedented cyber-threats from the US PESKOV, DMITRY / RU / US
20161015 rt.com CIA working on ‘clandestine’ cyberattack against Russia – report US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA
20161015 spiegel.de Möglicher Cyber-Angriff "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung" - USA drohen Russland US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161014 nbcnews.com CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia US / RU / CIA / BIDEN, JOE
20161011 nasdaq.com Russia's Preference for Open-Source to Hurt U.S. Tech Stocks RU / INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
20161010 rt.com Putin: Russia, Turkey call for urgent end to bloodshed in Syria PUTIN, VLADIMIR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / RU / SY
20161008 nbcnews.com Russia Hack of U.S. Politics Bigger Than Disclosed, Includes GOP US / RU
20161008 rt.com 'Clinton campaign blames Russian hackers as Assange promises more leaks' US / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161008 spiegel.de Kaliningrad Russland stationiert Iskander-Raketen nahe EU-Grenze KALININGRAD / RU
20161007 spiegel.de Cyberattacke USA werfen Russland Wahlbeeinflussung vor US / RU / DCLEAKS / WIKILEAKS / DNC
20161007 rt.com US gov't officially accuses Russia of political hacks US / RU / DCLEAKS / WIKILEAKS / DNC
20161005 rt.com US seeks to enforce global dominance by unleashing war on countries who oppose it – Assad AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / US / RU
20161001 rt.com Direct aggression by US against Damascus to cause 'tectonic shift' in Middle East - Moscow SY / US / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20160925 spiegel.de Vorwurf von Kriegsverbrechen Russland verbittet sich Kritik an Syrienpolitik SY / RU
20160923 rt.com Putin: USSR could have been reformed, there was no need to destroy it PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20160923 spiegel.de Wahlkommission Zahl der russischen Soldaten in Syrien enthüllt SY / RU
20160921 spiegel.de "Admiral Kusnezow" Russland schickt Flugzeugträger an syrische Küste RU / SY
20160921 rt.com US intel head suggests Russia behind DNC hacks, says Moscow tried to affect elections in past CLAPPER, JAMES / DNC / US / RU
20160917 spiegel.de USA und Russland Streit über Syrien ist neu entflammt SY / US / RU
20160916 abc.net.au Robot arrested by Russian police at political rally in Moscow ROBOTICS / RU
20160916 rt.com FBI stepping up search for evidence to indict Russian hackers – reports FBI / RU / DNC / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / EARNEST, JOSH
20160915 rt.com US spy agencies divert resources from war on terror to focus on alleged Russian threat – report US / RU
20160908 spiegel.de Ukrainekrise EU verlängert Sanktionen gegen Putin-Vertraute EU / RU / UA
20160906 rt.com ‘Loss of reputation’: Lawmaker hints at Clinton ‘phobia’ after Russian threat statements CLINTON, HILLARY / YAROVAYA, IRINA / RU
20160905 spiegel.de Vor der Parlamentswahl Russland erklärt Meinungsforscher zu Agenten LEWADA / RU
20160904 spiegel.de Die Stadt, die es nicht gab EE / SILLAMAEE / RU / NUCLEAR WEAPONS
20160901 rt.com Russian human rights advocates propose alternative NGO for Eurasian states HUMAN RIGHTS / RU / EARG
20160901 rt.com ‘Why is Clinton using Russia as punching bag for her electoral contest?’ CLINTON, HILLARY / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20160826 rt.com Russia, US reduce areas of misunderstanding on Syria as Lavrov & Kerry agree concrete steps SY / RU / US
20160826 spiegel.de Gespräche in Genf: USA und Russland einig über Waffenruhe im Syrien-Konflikt SY / RU / US
20160826 rt.com ‘Progressing senility’: Poklonskaya blasts Kiev for calling Crimean elections ‘illegal’ POKLONSKAYA, NATALIA / UA / RU
20160819 spiegel.de Ukraine: Putin hält Treffen mit russischem Sicherheitsrat auf Krim ab RU / UA
20160818 rt.com Turkey considering military ties with Russia as NATO shows unwillingness to cooperate – Ankara TR / RU / NATO
20160816 spiegel.de Enthüllungen über Chefberater: Trumps geheime Russland-Connection TRUMP, DONALD / MANAFORT, PAUL / RU
20160815 unz.com American Pravda: Did the US Plan a Nuclear First Strike Against Russia in the Early 1960s? US / RU
20160815 rt.com 30% of Russians see failed 1991 coup as national tragedy RU
20160812 rt.com Washington considers sanctioning Moscow over DNC email leak - report US / DNC / RU / WIKILEAKS / PELOSI, NANCY
20160810 rt.com ‘Kiev has turned to terrorism’: Putin on foiled sabotage plot in Crimea CRIMEA / UA / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160811 rt.com FSB busts internet ring recruiting terrorists for ISIS FSB / RU / ISIS
20160811 wsj.com U.S. Considers Sanctions Against Russia in Response to Hacks of Democratic Groups - Levying sanctions would require White House to publicly accuse Russia or Russian-backed hackers US / RU / DNC
20160811 spiegel.de Krimkrise: Angst vor einem neuen Krieg CRIMEA / UA / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / POROSCHENKO, PETRO
20160810 rt.com Russian FSB foils terrorist attacks plotted by Ukrainian intel agents in Crimea FSB / RU / UA
20160802 rt.com Who does the Kremlin want to win: Clinton or Trump? RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160801 rt.com ‘Absurd’ election rhetoric: Kremlin, Assange slam Clinton for blaming DNC leaks on Russia DNC / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLAPPER, JAMES
20160801 spiegel.de Nach Hackerangriff: Clinton wirft russischen Geheimdiensten Partei-Ausspähung vor CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160731 rt.com Russia sends military planes, biohazard troops to fight Siberian anthrax outbreak ANTHRAX / RU
20160729 voanews.com Turkey-Russia Relations Could Benefit in Wake of Failed Coup TR / RU
20160727 rt.com Moscow to consider lifting Turkish food embargo RU / TR
20160727 abcnews.go.com Trump Says Russia Should Find Clinton's Missing Emails TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20160727 spiegel.de Türkei nach dem Putsch: Erdogans Flirt mit Putin provoziert die Nato ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160727 rt.com Democrats trying to 'deflect horror & stupidity of WikiLeaks disaster' – Trump DNC / WIKILEAKS / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20160727 spiegel.de E-Mails der US-Demokraten: Kreml weist amerikanische Hacking-Vorwürfe zurück DNC / OBAMA, BARACK / RU / WIKILEAKS
20160725 freebeacon.com Putin’s Sinister Role in the Failed Turkish Coup - Analysis: Pulling Erdogan from Western Orbit is a Russian Objective RU / TR / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20160724 nytimes.com As Democrats Gather, a Russian Subplot Raises Intrigue DNC / WIKILEAKS / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20160724 spiegel.de IOC-Beschluss zu Russland: Dabeisein ist alles IOC / RU
20160722 intelnews.org Did Russian intelligence warn Turkish government of impending coup? TR / RU
20160722 huffingtonpost.com Were Turkish Coup Planners Involved In Downing Russian Jet? RU / TR / US
20160722 spiegel.de Abschuss von russischem Jet: Erdogan verkündet Festnahme türkischer Piloten TR / RU / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20160722 spiegel.de Syrien: Russische Jets sollen US-Stützpunkt angegriffen haben RU / US / SY
20160721 realclearworld.com Were Turkish Coup Planners Involved in Downing Russian Jet? TR / RU
20160721 pravdareport.com Russia warned Turkey about plotted coup RU / TR
20160721 sputniknews.com Hours Before Military Coup Attempt, Turkey Warned by Russia – Reports RU / TR
20160721 themoscowtimes.com Russia Warned Turkish Government About Imminent Coup - Reports RU / TR
20160720 vestnikkavkaza.net Russian military saved Erdogan from coup, media reports TR / RU / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20160720 en.farsnews.com Erdogan Warned of Incoming Coup by Russian Alert ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / RU / GUELEN, FETHULLAH
20160720 rt.com New Russian anti-terror laws fight US global information monopoly, key sponsor claims RU
20160710 spiegel.de Litauens Präsidentin Grybauskaite: "Wir müssen Putins Paranoia ernst nehmen" GRYBAUSKAITE, DALIA / LT / NATO / RU
20160708 spiegel.de Russland und die Nato: Putin sammelt Feinde NATO / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160706 spiegel.de Moskaus Versöhnung mit der Türkei: Wie frisch verliebt TR / RU / TR-RU


Date Source Title Tags
20160628 rt.com Putin to have phone conversation with Erdogan on Wednesday – Kremlin PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / TR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20160627 rt.com Erdogan apologizes to Putin over death of Russian pilot, calls Russia ‘friend & strategic partner’ ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160625 rt.com ‘Mass surveillance doesn't work’: Snowden lashes out at Russia’s new anti-terror bill SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20160623 theguardian.com Are Russia's anti-terror laws designed to fight democracy? RU
20160623 spiegel.de Nato und Russland: Erler warnt vor Eskalation "bis hin zum Krieg" STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / DE / NATO / RU / ERLER, GERNOT
20160622 spiegel.de Truppen in Osteuropa: Putin kündigt Reaktion auf "aggressive" Nato an RU / NATO / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160621 spiegel.de Steinmeier-Zitat: Russlands Hardliner wittern den Wandel STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / RU
20160621 rt.com Putin visit to Beijing promises to cement Russia-China economic ties RU / CN
20160621 rt.com Duma committee softens restrictions on exiting Russia in new anti-terrorist bill RU
20160618 spiegel.de Doping: Russland ermittelt gegen Whistleblower Rodtschenkow IOC / RU / US / RODTSCHENKOW, GRIGORIJ
20160616 rt.com NATO aims to feed fears by painting Russia as ‘treacherous enemy’ – Russian Defense Ministry NATO / RU
20160615 rt.com Posh restaurant near Kremlin ditches Visa & MasterCard to prop up Russian payment system RU / MIR
20160614 washingtonpost.com Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump DNC / RU
20160614 spiegel.de Konflikt mit der Nato: Putin lässt Einsatzbereitschaft der Armee prüfen RU
20160601 rt.com Russia and Saudi Arabia dump $50bn in US assets RU / SA / US
20160601 rt.com ‘Exemplary intl relations:’ Russia-China ties at their peak despite Western sanctions RU / CN / RU-CN


Date Source Title Tags
20160531 rt.com ‘I have difficulty understanding it’: Erdogan wants to mend ties with Russia, but doesn’t know how ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / RU
20160527 spiegel.de Steinmeier im Baltikum: Beruhigungspillen gegen die Putin-Phobie STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / NATO / LT / EE / LV / RU
20160527 rt.com Putin: Romania ‘in crosshairs’ after opening NATO missile defense base RO / NATO / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / GR / TSIPRAS, ALEXIS
20160522 rt.com Gorbachev says US was ‘rubbing its hands with glee’ after Soviet Union’s demise GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL / US / RU
20160514 spiegel.de Japanisches Meer: Nordkorea setzt russische Jacht fest KP / RU
20160513 rt.com Putin: Russia will consider tackling NATO missile defense threat NATO / RO / US / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160513 spiegel.de Raketenschutzschirm in Osteuropa: Putin sieht Nato-Pläne als weltweite Bedrohung NATO / RO / TR / PL / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160505 unz.com Counter-Propaganda, Russian Style RU / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20160430 spiegel.de Wichtigste Industriestaaten: Kanzleramt hält Rückkehr Russlands in die G8 für ausgeschlossen KANZLERAMT / G8 / RU / DE / US
20160430 spiegel.de Syrien: Russland lehnt Feuerpause im umkämpften Aleppo ab ALEPPO / SY / RU
20160427 dailmymail.co.uk Revealed: Downing Street aides traded bogus secrets for SEX with undercover Russian and Chinese 'honey-trap' spies GB / CN / RU / HONEY TRAP
20160424 spiegel.de Schwächelnde Wirtschaft: Russischer Staatsfonds hofft auf deutsche Investoren RU / DE / RDIF
20160419 rt.com Most Russians regret USSR collapse, dream of its return, poll shows RU
20160417 rt.com ‘Erratic & aggressive’: Pentagon protests Russian interception of US spy plane BALTIC SEA / US / RU
20160408 spiegel.de Ende der Funkstille: Nato-Russland-Rat tagt erstmals seit 2014 NATO / RU
20160407 rt.com Putin on Panama Papers: 'Info product' aimed to destabilize Russia PANAMAPAPERS / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / WIKILEAKS / ROLDUGIN, SERGEY
20160405 spiegel.de Panama-Daten und die Russen: Das System ist korrupt. Na und? PANAMAPAPERS / RU
20160404 rt.com Putinophobia hits boiling point: Kremlin says ‘insinuations’ in Panama leak don’t need response PANAMAPAPERS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20160404 spiegel.de Kampf um Bergkarabach: Plötzlich wieder Krieg AZ / AM / TR / RU
20160401 rt.com Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN TR / ISIS / RU / UN


Date Source Title Tags
20160331 russia.insider.com Putin Aide Details Russia's Gameplan Against the Empire - The Empire's debt casino is unsustainable and the ruling oligarchy sees war as the only way to salvage their hegemony GLAZYEV, SERGEY / RU
20160330 rt.com Budweiser sales surge in Russia despite struggling beer market RU / BUDWEISER
20160328 rt.com Russia considering sanctions against UK over tax evasion support - financial crime consultant RU / TAX AVOIDANCE / GB / VG / KY
20160327 rt.com ‘Russia at war with Anglo-Saxon media’ – Putin spokesman INFORMATION WARFARE / RU / US / TR
20160318 washingtonsblog.com Soros-Obama-Merkel-Erdogan Win Control of Europe SOROS, GEORGE / OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / EU / REFUGEES / OIL / QA / SA / TR / US / IR / IQ / RU
20160315 spiegel.de Putin-Befehl: Teilabzug aus Syrien beginnt - russische Soldaten packen ein PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / SY
20160314 spiegel.de Russland: Putin ordnet Truppenabzug aus Syrien an PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / SY
20160311 faz.net Systematische Schwächung: Sicherheitskreise werfen Moskau gezielte Propaganda gegen EU vor RU / DE / SENSBURG, PATRICK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20160211 spiegel.de Krieg in Syrien: Russen geben USA die Schuld an jüngsten Angriffen auf Aleppo ALEPPO / SY / RU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160129 spiegel.de Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen Putin: Kreml empört sich über US-Regierung US / RU
20160127 spiegel.de Sicherheitslage nach Anschlag: Russland spricht Reisewarnung für Türkei aus RU / TR
20160126 spiegel.de Angebliche Vergewaltigung einer 13-Jährigen: Russland wirft deutschen Behörden Vertuschung vor RU / DE
20160125 bangkokpost.com Russia ties with Thais at 'strongest' point RU / TH
20160121 rt.com UK to summon Russian ambassador over 'failure to cooperate' in Litvinenko case GB / RU / BEREZOVKSY, BORIS / MAY, THERESA / LITVINENKO, ALEXANDER / KOVTUN, DMITRY / LUGOVOY, ANDREY
20160121 rt.com UK Litvinenko death probe: Putin 'probably involved' LITVINENKO, ALEXANDER / PATRUSHEV, NIKOLAY / FSB / OWEN, ROBERT / BEREZOVKSY, BORIS / LUGOVOY, ANDREY / KOVTUN, DMITRY / GB / RU
20160106 spiegel.de Umstrittene Krim-Zuordnung: Coca-Cola verärgert Russen und Ukrainer COCA COLA / US / RU



Date Source Title Tags
20151231 rt.com Russia’s national security strategy for 2016 in 9 key points RU / COLOR REVOLUTIONS
20151230 taz.de Neue EU-Taskforce: Infokrieg gegen Russenpropaganda EU / RU / DISINFORMATION
20151226 rt.com Turkish ‘traitor’ MP’s revelations on sarin transfers must be probed, reported to UNSC – Moscow ERDEM, EREN / SARIN / TR / RU
20151224 zerohedge.com US National Insecurity: The Art Of Blaming Russia (For Everything) US / RU / GOMEZ, CHRISTIAN / PROPAGANDA
20151224 spiegel.de Revanche für Sanktionen: Kreml will sich für die USA "etwas Besonderes" ausdenken RU / US
20151223 sueddeutsche.de Ärger um ZDF-Doku über Putin - Der falsche Igor ZDF / SCHUMANN, DIETMAR / PROPAGANDA / RU / UA
20151223 rt.com Turkey ‘officially acknowledges’ attack on Su-24 was a planned step - Russian MoD TR / RU / SY
20151223 rt.com Caught in the act: German state channel accused of faking Russian soldiers in Ukraine ZDF / SCHUMANN, DIETMAR / PROPAGANDA / RU / UA
20151222 rt.com US military provided Assad with intel on extremists via Russia, Israel & Germany - report AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / US / DIA / RU / IL / DE
20151220 rt.com 320 foreign spies and agents exposed in Russia in 2015 – Putin RU
20151217 rt.com ‘Cancer of Europe’ – Russian Duma speaker calls for NATO dissolution RU / NATO
20151215 rt.com ‘We see Syria fundamentally very similarly’ – Kerry after talks with Putin, Lavrov LAVROV, SERGEY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / KERRY, JOHN / US / RU
20151209 rt.com Turkey detains & deports Russian journalists investigating ISIS oil trade reports TR / OIL / ISIS / RU
20151209 spiegel.de Abgeschossener Kampfjet: Putin bittet Briten um Hilfe bei Auswertung von Blackbox RU / GB / TR
20151209 spiegel.de Konflikt zwischen Ankara und Moskau: Türkei wirft Russland ethnische Säuberung in Syrien vor TR / RU / SY
20151204 harpers.org Mountain Ambush TR / RU / SY
20151203 spiegel.de Vorwurf an Türkei: Moskau bleibt Beweise für Ölhandel mit IS schuldig TR / OIL / ISIS / RU
20151203 spiegel.de Putin zum türkischen Jet-Abschuss: "Das werden sie noch bereuen" RU / TR
20151203 rt.com ‘Allah took their sanity’: Putin accuses Turkish leadership of ‘aiding terror’ RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TR
20151202 rt.com 'Great partners': Pentagon rejects Russian evidence of Turkey aiding ISIS US / TR / ISIS / RU
20151202 rt.com Russia presents proof of Turkey’s role in ISIS oil trade OIL / ISIS / TR / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20151130 rt.com Prosecutors ban Soros Foundation as ‘threat to Russian national security’ OSI / RU / SOROS, GEORGE
20151130 spiegel.de Begründung für Jet-Abschuss: Putin wirft Türkei Öl-Geschäfte mit dem IS vor OIL / TR / ISIS / SY / RU
20151128 spiegel.de Erdogan zu Su-24-Abschuss: "Wir wünschten, es wäre nicht passiert" TR / RU
20151128 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Su-24-Abschuss: Russland verhängt scharfe Sanktionen gegen die Türkei TR / RU
20151127 rt.com Syrian Turkmen commander who 'killed' Russian pilot turns out to be Turkish ultranationalist SY / TR / CELIK, ALPARSLAN / RU
20151127 rt.com UK, Russia can defeat ISIS together – Russian ambassador UK / RU
20151127 rt.com Russia to suspend visa-free travel with Turkey after Su-24 downing RU / TR
20151126 zerohedge.stfi.re Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey's President ERDOGAN, BILAL / OIL / TR / RU / ISIS
20151126 spiegel.de Su-24-Abschuss: Erdogan lehnt Entschuldigung bei Russland ab ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / RU
20151126 spiegel.de Nach Abschuss von Kampfbomber: Türkei will Russland besänftigen TR / RU
20151126 spiegel.de Streit mit der Türkei: Russland startet Vergeltung - mit Gemüsekontrollen TR / RU
20151126 spiegel.de Audiomitschnitte vor Su-24-Abschuss: "Sie nähern sich türkischem Luftraum!" TR / RU / SY
20151125 thinkpol.ca “I gave the order myself” − Turkish PM on downing Russian plane DAVUTOGLU, AHMET / TR / RU / SY
20151125 spiegel.de Kampf um die Lufthoheit: Wenn Russland und die Türkei streiten, freut sich der IS RU / TR
20151125 spiegel.de Abschuss von russischem Kampfjet: Die Chronologie der Eskalation TR / RU / SY
20151125 rt.com Downed in 17 seconds? Where Turkey’s story of Su-24 violating airspace just doesn’t add up TR / RU
20151125 rt.com Putin will respond: Russians feel betrayed as Turkey stabs them in the back TR / RU
20151125 spiegel.de Abgeschossener russischer Kampfjet: Türkisches Militär veröffentlicht Mitschnitt von Warnungen TR / RU / SY
20511125 spiegel.de Streit um abgeschossenen Kampfjet: Russland wirft Türkei gezielten Hinterhalt vor TR / RU / SY
20151124 rt.com Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger SY / RU / TR
20151124 rt.com Downing of Russian jet over Syria stab in the back by terrorist accomplices SY / RU / TR
20151124 rt.com Russian Su-24 pilots shot dead while parachuting over Syria - Turkmen militia SY / RU / TR
20151124 spiegel.de Nach Abschuss des Kampfjets: Nato warnt Türkei vor Eskalation mit Russland NATO / TR / RU
20151124 spiegel.de Fragwürdiger Luftkampf: Nur ein paar Sekunden auf der falschen Seite TR / RU / SY
20151124 rt.com Putin: Downing of Russian jet over Syria stab in the back by terrorist accomplices TR / RU / SY
20151124 spiegel.de Zwischenfall an türkisch-syrischer Grenze: Die Rache der Turkmenen SY / RU / TR
20151124 spiegel.de Abschuss von russischem Kampfjet: Putin droht mit Konsequenzen - Nato beruft Sondertreffen ein SY / RU / TR
20151124 spiegel.de Russland und Türkei: Freundschaft in Flammen SY / RU / TR
20151124 spiegel.de Grenze zu Syrien: Türkei schießt russischen Kampfjet ab SY / RU / TR
20151122 spiegel.de Angriff auf Stromleitungen: Russland ruft Notstand auf der Krim aus UA / RU
20151118 spiegel.de Streit über EU-Abkommen: Russland verbietet ukrainische Lebensmittelimporte UA / RU / EU
20151111 qz.com COLD WAR TACTICS: Norway says Russian spies are ensnaring its politicians in sex traps NO / RU / KOMPROMAT
20151107 spiegel.de Washington: Putin-Berater tot in Hotelzimmer gefunden LESSIN, MICHAIL / RU / RUSSIA TODAY
20151103 thedailybeast.com Russians to Putin: We Won’t Forget Stalin’s Crimes RU


Date Source Title Tags
20151031 debka.com ISIS claims downing Russian airliner in Sinai in reprisal for Moscow’s Syria air strikes 7K9268 / RU / ISIS / EG
20151025 nytimes.com Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Too Close for U.S. Comfort RU / US
20151023 rt.com Snowden leaks reveal harmfulness of US monopoly on internet – Russian minister INTERNET / RU / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20151014 spiegel.de Kurden-Konflikt: Türkei bestellt Botschafter Russlands und der USA ein TR / RU / US
20151013 vice.com How Putin Tried to Control the Internet INTERNET / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY / GROMYKO, ANDREI / FSB / FAPSI
20151011 spiegel.de Kampfjets in Syrien: Moskau empört über angebliche britische Abschusserlaubnis RU / SY / GB
20151008 rt.com Bellingcat accuses Russia of faking videos showing jets dropping bombs on ISIS RU / SY / PROPAGANDA / BELLINGCAT / HIGGINS, ELIOT


Date Source Title Tags
20150930 spiegel.de Intervention in Syrien: Russland bombardiert Rebellen - nicht den IS RU / SY
20150930 rt.com 8 ISIS targets hit during 20 combat flights in Syria – Russian military RU / SY / ISIS
20150929 tagesschau.de Russische Sicht auf UN-Gipfel "Punktsieg für Putin" RU / SY
20150922 spiegel.de Anschlag auf russischen Journalisten: 50 Schläge mit der Eisenstange RU / KASCHIN, OLEG / TURTSCHAK, ANDREJ
20150919 spiegel.de Syrien-Krieg: Putins Manöver zwingen USA zu Gesprächen SY / RU / US
20150919 spiegel.de Hilfe für Assad: Russland soll Kampfjets nach Syrien verlegt haben RU / SY
20150918 spiegel.de Bürgerkrieg: Russland erwägt Einsatz von Bodentruppen in Syrien RU / SY
20150910 spiegel.de Syrien-Krieg: Russische Militärbewegungen irritieren USA SY / RU / US
20150909 reuters.com Exclusive: Russia building major military base near Ukrainian border RU / UA
20150908 spiegel.de Waffenlieferungen: Putins Geheimplan für Syrien SY / RU
20150905 spiegel.de Gerücht über Aufmarschpläne: USA warnen Russland vor Militäreinsatz in Syrien US / RU / SY
20150903 spiegel.de Gestoppter Kriegsschiff-Deal: Frankreich zahlt 949.754.849 Euro an Russland FR / RU / WEAPONTRADE
20150901 rt.com Putin says dump dollar PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / CIS / USD / EUR


Date Source Title Tags
20150827 nbcnews.com Diamonds Worth Millions Vanish from 'Russia's Fort Knox' DIAMONDS / RU / SEVERALMAZ / GOKHRAN
20150820 rt.com Kissinger: ‘Breaking Russia has become objective for US’ KISSINGER, HENRY / RU / US
20150808 spiegel.de Beziehungen zu Russland: Moskau verweigert deutschem Militärattaché Visum RU / DE / GAWELLEK, GERT
20150807 spiegel.de Präsidentenerlass: Die wahren Gründe für Putins Lebensmittelverbrennungen RU
20150805 spiegel.de "Mistral"-Kriegsschiffe: Paris und Moskau lösen Rüstungsvertrag auf FR / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20150728 spiegel.de Ermittlungen der Bundesanwaltschaft: Russischer Physiker soll Max-Planck-Institut ausgeforscht haben DE / MPI / RU / NL
20150724 spiegel.de Wegen Streit mit US-Branchenriesen: Russland will eigene Ratingagentur gründen RATING / RU
20150723 spiegel.de Putin-Kritiker: Chodorkowski warnt USA vor Krieg gegen Russland KHODORKOVSKY, MICHAIL / UA / RU / US
20150710 spiegel.de Sex mit minderjährigen Schülern: Russen fordern Freilassung von US-Lehrerin SEX / US / RU
20150704 spiegel.de Jelena Baturina: Russlands reichste Frau fordert Medwedews Rücktritt MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / BATURINA, JELENA / RU
20150703 rt.com Putin: We don’t expect any change in hostile policies toward Russia RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20150703 washingtonpost.com National Security: How the CIA ran a ‘billion dollar spy’ in Moscow CIA / RU
20150702 spiegel.de Neuer Strategiebericht: US-Militär stuft Russland und China als Bedrohung ein US / RU / CN
20150700 wired.com Inside the secret world of russia's cold war Mapmakers MAPS / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20150625 rt.com Russian satellite-gagging jammer field tests announced WEAPONS / RU / HERF / KRET
20150622 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: EU verlängert Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland EU / RU
20150621 spiegel.de Streit um Jukos-Milliarden: Belgien gibt russische Konten frei BE / YUKOS / RU
20150620 spiegel.de 50-Milliarden-Dollar-Urteil wegen Jukos: Russland droht wegen Kontensperrungen mit Vergeltung YUKOS / RU / BE / FR
20150619 rt.com Russian military to order major research to counter ‘color revolutions’ COLOR REVOLUTIONS / RU
20150618 spiegel.de Trotz Ukraine-Krise: Russland gilt als zuverlässiger Handelspartner RU
20150618 rt.com Russia to construct new gas pipeline to Germany via Baltic Sea – Gazprom RU / GAZPROM
20150618 rt.com France freezes Russian state assets, Moscow plans to appeal FR / RU
20150617 rt.com Russia cuts US debt holding by more than 40% over year RU / US
20150617 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: EU einigt sich auf Verlängerung von Russland-Sanktionen EU / RU / EMBARGO POLITICS
20150616 rt.com Moscow will respond to NATO approaching Russian borders ‘accordingly’ – Putin RU / NATO


Date Source Title Tags
20150602 nytimes.com The Agency - From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities. FAKE NEWS / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / RU / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20150530 spiegel.de Diplomatischer Eklat: Moskau weitet Einreiseverbot auf weitere Deutsche aus DE / RU / EU
20150530 spiegel.de Einreiseverbote für Russland: Bundesregierung verlangt Aufklärung über Visa-Sperrliste DE / RU / EU
20150530 spiegel.de Trotz Sanktionen: Handel zwischen USA und Russland floriert EMBARGO POLITICS / EU / US / RU
20150529 spiegel.de Russische Troll-Bekämpferin: "Diese Scheusale an die Öffentlichkeit zerren" RU / PROPAGANDA
20150529 spiegel.de Russische Propaganda: Insiderin berichtet aus der Trollfabrik des Kreml RU / PROPAGANDA
20150528 spiegel.de Auch in Friedenszeiten: Putin erklärt Verluste in der Armee zum Staatsgeheimnis RU
20150526 spiegel.de Foto-Shooting mit Nationalflagge: Behörden ermitteln gegen "Miss Russland" RU
20150525 spiegel.de Ukraine-Vermittler: Russland verweigert CDU-Politiker Einreise WELLMANN, KARL-GEORG / RU / UA
20150520 rt.com Russia to take legal moves if Ukraine defaults on $3bn debt - finance minister RU / UA / IMF
20150518 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Russische Gefangene sollen als Terroristen angeklagt werden UA / RU
20150512 spiegel.de Russisches Öl für China: Pumpen für die neue Weltordnung RU / CN / OIL


Date Source Title Tags
20150418 spiegel.de Schäuble zu Pipeline-Deal mit Moskau: "Alles, was Griechenland hilft, ist gut" RU / GR
20150418 rt.com Merkel says free trade zone with Russia possible DE / RU
20150412 rt.com Moscow hits out as Finland and Sweden seek closer ties with NATO NATO / FI / SE / RU
20150411 rt.com against Russia a counterproductive American game’ FR / RU
20150408 spiegel.de Griechischer Premier in Moskau: Tsipras lockt, Putin bremst GR / RU
20150406 bbc.com Poland to build Russia border towers at Kaliningrad PL / RU
20150403 newsweek.com Hackers Leak Messages 'Between Kremlin and France’s Front National' FR / RU
20150402 rt.com Russia’s Yemen consulate damaged amid Saudi-led airstrikes – embassy source YE / RU / SA
20150401 spiegel.de Prognose: Weltbank rechnet mit langer Rezession in Russland WORLD BANK / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20150331 smh.com.au Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas fault line RU / US
20150326 rt.com Russia warns NATO drills a ‘problem’ as US attack planes buzz Poland NATO / PL / RU
20150322 spiegel.de Diplomatischer Eklat: Russland droht Dänemark mit Atomraketen DK / RU
20150319 rt.com Lavrov: Washington is pushing Kiev to military solution of Donbass conflict UA / RU / US
20150303 themoscowtimes.com Russia's Gulag Museum Shuts Doors Amid Mounting State Pressure RU


Date Source Title Tags
20150224 spiegel.de Nach Krisengipfel in Paris: Kerry bezichtigt Russland der Lüge KERRY, JOHN / US / RU / UA
20150220 spiegel.de Putin-Rede: "Niemand ist Russland militärisch überlegen" PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / UA
20150219 spiegel.de Jahrestag des Maidan-Aufstands: "Im Palast herrschte Panik" UA / LUKIN, VLADIMIR / RU / JANUKOVITSCH, VIKTOR
20150204 zeroherdge.com Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: The Entire Oil Collapse Is All About Crushing Russian Control Over Syria US / SA / RU / SY / OIL
20150202 spiegel.de Waffenlieferungen an Ukraine: Obamas Planspiele gefährden Europas Einheit UA / US / DE / RU
20150201 cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com PRES OBAMA on Fareed Zakaria GPS OBAMA, BARACK / US / DRONES / SA / IL / UA / RU / CN / IN / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20150127 spiegel.de Waffenverkäufe: Russische Rüstungsexporte übersteigen 15 Milliarden Dollar RU / WEAPONTRADE
20150126 spiegel.de Wirtschaftskrise: Rating-Agentur S&P stuft Russland auf Ramsch herunter FINANCIAL WARFARE / RU / S&P
20150126 uk.businessinsider.com FBI: We Found Three Russian Spies In New York City US / FBI / RU / BURYAKOV, EVGENY / PODOBNYY, VICTOR / SPORYSHEV, IGOR / VNESHECONOMBANK
20150124 spiegel.de Russische Luftwaffe fliegt Scheinangriffe gegen Nato-Staaten RU
20150124 spiegel.de Russlands Raumfahrt: Mit neuem Staatskonzern zurück zur Weltspitze RU
20150116 spiegel.de Gorbachev Interview: 'I Am Truly and Deeply Concerned' GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL / RU / UA



Date Source Title Tags
20141202 spiegel.de Konflikt mit der EU: Russland gibt Pipeline-Projekt South Stream auf SOUTH STREAM / EU / BG / TR / RU
20141201 spiegel.de Treffen in Ankara: Putin umwirbt Erdogan ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20141126 reuters.com Putin’s allies channelled billions to oligarch who backed pro-Russian president of Ukraine FIRTASH, DMYTRO / YANUKOVICH, VIKTOR / RU / UA
20141119 rt.com Kerry to Lavrov: Ignore Obama’s naming of Russia on top threats list RU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20141029 cluborlov.blogspot.fi Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20141016 spiegel.de Koalition gegen Terrormiliz: Russland verweigert sich beim Einsatz gegen den IS LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / KERRY, JOHN / US
20141015 spiegel.de USA und Russland: Geheimdienste wollen im Kampf gegen IS kooperieren ISLAMIC STATE / US / RU
20141003 rt.com Biden says US 'embarrassed' EU into sanctioning Russia over Ukraine US / EU / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH


Date Source Title Tags
20140924 spiegel.de Ukraine-Konflikt: Nato meldet "signifikanten Rückzug" russischer Truppen UA / RU / NATO
20140921 zerohedge.com Military Plant In East Ukraine Devastated By Massive Explosion; Kiev Accuses Russia Of Using Tactial Nuke UA / RU
20140911 spiegel.de Großmanöver in Sibirien: Putin lässt Gefechtsbereitschaft der Armee prüfen RU
20140905 spiegel.de Gipfeltreffen in Wales: Merkel flüstert, die Nato folgt NATO / MERKEL, ANGELA / RU
20140905 spiegel.de EU-Beschluss gegen Russland: Schärfere Sanktionen treffen Gazprom EU / RU / GAZPROM
20140905 rt.com Estonian security officer detained in Russia on suspicion of spying EE / RU
20140905 baltictimes.com Estonia intelligence officer abducted by gunpoint and taken to Russia EE / RU
20140904 tagesspiegel.de UKRAINE UND RUSSLAND: US-Geheimdienst-Pensionäre warnen Merkel vor Fehlinformationen UA / RU / MERKEL, ANGELA / BINNEY, WILLIAM
20140903 spiegel.de Geplante Militärübung: Moskau nennt Nato-Manöver in der Ukraine Provokation NATO / UA / RU
20140903 spiegel.de Papier im Wortlaut: Putins Sieben-Punkte-Plan UA / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20140830 bloomberg.com U.K. Wants EU to Block Russia From SWIFT Banking Network SWIFT / GB / RU
20140829 spiegel.de Ostukraine-Krise: Berlin spricht von "militärischer Intervention" Russlands UA / RU
20140829 spiegel.de Kämpfe in der Ostukraine: Putin lobt Erfolge der Separatisten UA / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20140829 spiegel.de Zweiter Heimkehrversuch: Russischer Minister darf doch noch über Polen fliegen PL / RU
20140828 rt.com Putin calls on Ukraine militia to let out surrounded Kiev troops to avoid ‘needless loss of life’ PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / UA
20140822 spiegel.de Russischer Hilfskonvoi: Ukrainischer Geheimdienstchef wirft Moskau Invasion vor UA / RU / SBU / NALIWAITSCHENKO, VALENTIN
20140807 rt.com Russia bans agricultural products from EU, USA, Australia, Norway, Canada RU


Date Source Title Tags
20140728 spiegel.de Sanktionen im Ukraine-Konflikt: Westen schließt die Reihen gegen Putin MH17 / UA / RU
20140728 spiegel.de Russland-Sanktionen: BND sieht Brüche im Machtblock Putins BND / RU
20140726 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: EU setzt russische Geheimdienstchefs auf Sanktionsliste EU / UA / RU
20140725 heise.de Russland: 3,9 Millionen Rubel für De-Anonymisierung von Tor TOR / RU
20140723 spiegel.de "Russisches Blackwater": Moskau will Privatarmeen aufbauen RU
20140722 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Putin verbittet sich Drohungen des Westens PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / UA / MH17
20140722 spiegel.de Wirkung der Russland-Sanktionen: Vergiftetes Geschäftsklima in Moskau RU / NEWA / STRSCHALKOWSKI, WLADIMIR / SOGAZ / KOWALTSCHUK, JURI
20140717 spiegel.de Ukraine-Konflikt: Russland bestreitet Abschuss von ukrainischem Kampfjet UA / RU
20140716 spiegel.de Horchposten auf Kuba: Russland plant neuen Lauschangriff auf die USA RU / CU
20140709 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Snowden bittet um Verlängerung seines Asyls in Russland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20140708 spiegel.de Kreditkartenbetrug: US-Ermittler nehmen russischen Hacker fest SELEZNYOV, ROMAN / US / RU / US SECRET SERVICE
20140708 rt.com US ‘kidnaps’ Russian MP’s son to ‘exchange him for Snowden’ RU / US / SELEZNYOV, ROMAN / MV / US SECRET SERVICE
20140706 de.ria.ru Verhafteter deutscher Doppelagent wollte Russland seine Dienste anbieten – Medien BND / NSA / DE / US / RU
20140704 german.ruvr.ru Verhaftung in Abwesenheit: Was steht der "Kolomojski-Brigade" bevor? KOLOMOJSKI, IGOR / RU


Date Source TItle Tags
20140528 spiegel.de Syrien: Russland hilft Assad mit 175 Millionen Euro RU / SY
20140522 spiegel.de Britischer Thronfolger: Prinz Charles' Hitler-Putin-Vergleich erzürnt Russland CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES / SLANDERING / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20140511 spiegel.de Brückenkopf in die EU: Bundesregierung fürchtet Russlands Einfluss in Bulgarien BG / EU / RU / GAZPROM
20140501 spiegel.de Sanktionsstreit: Mastercard fürchtet die Putin-Card MASTERCARD / VISA / RU


Date Source TItle Tags
20140427 spiegel.de Ostukraine-Konflikt: Kerry wirft Russland Sabotage vor KERRY, JOHN / RU
20140425 spiegel.de Yandex, VK.com und Co.: Putin ruiniert Russlands IT-Branche RU / YANDEX
20140424 spiegel.de Erklärung zu Manövern: Ukraine stellt Russland Ultimatum UA / RU
20140423 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Russland verbietet Sicherheitsbeamten Reisen in mehr als hundert Länder RU
20140418 reuters.com Special Report: How the U.S. made its Putin problem worse US / RU / BUSH, GEORGE W / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / NATO / UA
20140417 berliner-zeitung.de Russland und Deutschland Es geht nicht um die Krim DE / RU
20140414 spiegel.de Konflikt in der Ostukraine: Russland im Sicherheitsrat isoliert RU / UN / UA
20140412 russland.ru Russland ist dicht: Der Rückzug aus Afghanistan jetzt ein logistischer Alptraum AF / RU / US
20140411 spiegel.de Telefonat mit Merkel: Obama droht Russland neue Sanktionen an OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / US / DE / RU
20140411 spiegel.de Finanzhilfen für die Ukraine: Russland bietet IWF und EU Zusammenarbeit an RU / UA / IWF / EU
20140410 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Nato zeigt Russlands Truppen auf Satellitenbildern NATO / RU
20140406 rt.com Russia will not import GMO products - PM Medvedev RU / GMO
20140405 welt.de Distanz zu den USA beunruhigt die Politik DE / US / RU / NATO / BROK, ELMAR / OEZDEMIR, CEM
20140404 zerohedge.com US Threatens Russia Over Petrodollar-Busting Deal USD / US / RU / OIL
20140404 rt.com Relax and do some yoga, Moscow tells sanctions-waving US leaders RU / US / RYABKOV, SERGEY
20140404 voiceofrussia.com Russia prepares to attack the petrodollar RU / USD
20140402 spiegel.de Ukrainische Grenze: Nato-Kommandeur besorgt über russische Truppen UA / NATO / RU
20140401 spiegel.de Ukraine-Konflikt: Nato stoppt zivile und militärische Zusammenarbeit mit Russland NATO / RU


Date Source TItle Tags
20140329 rt.com Russia has no intention to send troops into Ukraine – Lavrov LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / UA
20140328 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Gabriel hält russisches Erdgas für praktisch alternativlos GABRIEL, SIGMAR / DE / GAS / RU
20140328 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Was für deutsche Konzerne in Russland auf dem Spiel steht DE / RU
20140320 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Merkel kündigt neue Sanktionen gegen Russland an MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / RU
20140319 spiegel.de Westliche Sanktionen gegen Russland: Rosneft-Chef rechnet mit Eskalation des Konflikts ROSNEFT / SETSCHIN, IGOR / RU
20140318 spiegel.de Putin-Rede zur Krim-Krise: Der Großmächtige PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / CRIMEA / UA
20140318 kremlin.ru Address by President of the Russian Federation RU / CRIMEA / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20140318 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Japan schließt sich Sanktionen gegen Russland an JP / RU
20140317 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Putin erkennt Krim offiziell als unabhängigen Staat an RU / CRIMEA
20140316 spiegel.de Krim-Referendum: Putins Scheinsieg CRIMEA / RU
20140315 malaysiaflipflop.blogspot.de MH370 captured by US Navy: Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy MH370 / US NAVY / RU / GRU / RUSSIAN AEROSPACE DEFENCE FORCES / MV Maersk Alabama / KENNEDY, MARK DANIEL / REYNOLDS, JEFFREY KEITH / TRIDENT GROUP / HAK
20140315 rt.com Far East bonanza: Resource-rich Sea of Okhotsk all Russian, UN confirms OKHOTSK / RU
20140316 spiegel.de Kiew verkündet Abkommen mit russischem Militär UA / RU
20140314 rt.com Attempt to jam Russian satellites carried out from Western Ukraine UA / RU / JAMMING
20140314 theguardian.com Markets fear Russia has cut US treasury bill holding over Ukraine crisis: Transfer of more than $100bn out of US prompts speculation Russia is moving funds out of reach of possible sanctions USD / RU
20140314 spiegel.de Russisch-amerikanisches Krim-Treffen: Letzte Chance, vorbei UA / RU / US / KERRY, JOHN / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140310 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Kerry schlägt Einladung Moskaus aus KERRY, JOHN / US / RU / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140308 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Hacker attackieren ukrainische Behörden UA / RU / CRIMEA / CYBERWAR
20140308 rt.com Crimea hopeful of referendum, ready to join Russia ‘by end March’ CRIMEA / RU
20140306 rt.com Russia hits back at US ‘barefaced cynicism and double standards’ over Ukraine RU / US / UA
20140306 rt.com US navy confirms missile destroyer USS Truxton approaching the Black Sea US NAVY / US / UA / RU / TR / BG / RO
20140306 bbc.com Ukraine crisis: Crimea parliament asks to join Russia UA / RU
20140306 rt.com Sevastopol and Crimean parliament vote to join Russia, referendum to be held in 10 days UA / RU
20140306 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: EU verhängt leichte Sanktionen gegen Russland UA / EU / US / RU
20140305 cbc.ca The Ukraine crisis through the whimsy of international law UA / US / RU
20140305 spiegel.de Krisendiplomatie: Russlands Außenminister blockt den Westen ab UA / EU / US / RU / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140305 spiegel.de Sanktionen gegen Russland: Europas Angst vor der hohen Rechnung RU / EU
20140305 spiegel.de Gas, Öl, Autos, Maschinen: So eng sind Deutschland und Russland verflochten DE / RU
20140304 spiegel.de Moskaus Außenminister Lawrow: "Niemand hat das Recht, über Russland verärgert zu sein" LAWROW, SERGEJ / RU
20140304 rt.com US suspends trade talks, military cooperation with Russia over Ukraine US / RU / UA
20140304 reuters.com Kremlin aide warns US of response if sanctions imposed: RIA RU / UA / US
20140304 npr.org Putin Says Those Aren't Russian Forces In Crimea UA / RU
20140303 spiegel.de Diplomatie in der Krim-Krise: Alle schauen auf Merkel MERKEL, ANGELA / EU / UA / RU
20140303 businessweek.com Is China Siding With Putin in the Ukraine Crisis? CN / RU / UA
20140303 debka.com Moscow will halt military steps in Ukraine – only after a US guarantee not to post missile shield there UA / RU
20140303 rt.com Yanukovich sent letter to Putin asking for Russian military presence in Ukraine YANUKOVICH, VIKTOR / UA / RU
20140303 spiegel.de Ukraine-Russland-Konflikt: Krim-Regierung meldet Tausende übergelaufene Soldaten UA / RU
20140303 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Das deutsche Desaster DE / RU / UA / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER
20140303 rt.com Russian Defense Ministry dismisses Ukraine ultimatum reports as ‘total nonsense’ RU / UA
20140302 spiegel.de Militärarsenal im Vergleich: So sind Russland und die Ukraine gerüstet RU / UA
20140302 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Truppenbewegungen und Telefon-Diplomatie UA / RU
20140301 spiegel.de Putins Aufmarschpläne: Operation Protektorat Krim UA / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20140228 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: Ukraine wirft Russen Aggression vor UA / RU
20140228 rt.com 'No takeover' at Crimean capital’s airport, ‘self-defense squads’ on nearby patrol UA / RU
20140228 spiegel.de Konflikt zwischen Russland und Ukraine: Lage auf der Krim spitzt sich dramatisch zu UA / RU
20140227 rt.com US, NATO, EU lecture Russia with 'provocative statements' on Ukraine RU / US / NATO / EU / UA
20140227 bangkokpost.com Ukraine names pro-Western cabinet as US warns Russia UA / US / RU
20140226 spiegel.de Krise in der Ukraine: Putin versetzt Truppen in Alarmbereitschaft UA / RU
20140225 spiegel.de USA gegen Russland: Kalter Krieg um die Ukraine UA / US / RU
20140222 spiegel.de Ukraine-Vermittlung: Steinmeier lobt Russland UA / RU / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER
20140206 heise.de Olympische Winterspiele: USA warnen vor Überwachung in Sotschi US / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20140105 irib.ir Russland fordert Saudi-Arabien auf die Terrorliste zu setzen RU / SA / TERRORISM



Date Source Title Tags
20131231 spiegel.de Harsche Neujahrsansprache: Putin droht Terroristen mit "völliger Vernichtung" RU / WOLGOGRAD
20131212 rt.com Putin: Russia not aspiring to be superpower, or teach others how to live RU
20131210 spiegel.de Medien-Gigant "Russland heute": Putins neue Propagandamaschine gegen den Westen RU / RIA NOVOSTI
20131206 spiegel.de Protestcamp-Besuch: Russland kritisiert Westerwelle-Auftritt in Ukraine WESTERWELLE, GUIDO / RU / UA
20131204 spiegel.de Deutsch-russischer Dialog: Moskau setzt auf einen Außenminister Steinmeier STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / DE / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20131124 focus.de Großer Lauschangriff in Berlin: Kanzlerin Merkel von fünf Geheimdiensten abgehört MERKEL, ANGELA / US / RU / CN / KP / GB / COVERUP
20131107 spiegel.de Hans-Georg Wieck: Ex-BND-Chef warnt vor Snowden-Vernehmung in Moskau WIECK, HANS-GEORG / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE
20131102 spiegel.de Nach Ströbele-Besuch: Jetzt wollen alle zu Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN / BROK, ELMAR / DE / CH / RU / US
20131102 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Russland will Snowden-Befragung in Moskau zulassen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / DE
20131101 spiegel.de Snowden in Moskau: Unter Aufsicht von Putins Spionen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20131025 rt.com Behind the Saudi crack-up SA / US / RU / BIN SULTAN, BANDAR / AL FAISAL, SAUD / AL FAISAL, TURKI
20131020 theguardian.com Edward Snowden: I brought no leaked NSA documents to Russia - US whistleblower says he handed over all digital material to journalists he worked with in Hong Kong SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / RU / GREENWALD, GLENN / POITRAS, LAURA
20131020 spiegel.de Greenpeace-Crew in russischer Haft: Gazproms Rache RU / GREENPEACE
20131008 spiegel.de Festgenommener Diplomat: Putin fordert Entschuldigung RU / NL / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20131004 rt.com Saudi black op team behind Damascus chem weapons attack – diplomatic sources SY / SA / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20130915 rt.com Kerry says Syrian strike 'still an option' as Israel awaits 'results, not words' from Russia-US chem deal KERRY, JOHN / US / SY / IL / RU / NETANJAHU, BENJAMIN
20130913 spiegel.de Reaktion auf "NYT"-Artikel: US-Regierung weist Putin in die Schranken US / RU / SY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130912 spiegel.de Genfer Syrien-Gespräche: Showdown im Interconti RU / SY / US / KERRY, JOHN / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20130912 spiegel.de Syrien-Gespräche in Genf: Westerwelle verlangt klare Zusagen von Russland WESTERWELLE, GUIDO / SY / RU
20130909 rt.com Russia urges Syria hand over chemical weapons to intl control to avoid strike RU / SY
20130904 20committee.com Snowden, NSA, and Counterintelligence SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / SNOWDEN A RUSSIAN SPY


Date Source Title Tags
20130831 spiegel.de Giftgasangriff in Syrien: Putin fordert Beweise für Schuld des Assad-Regimes RU / SY / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130831 rt.com Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council RU / SY / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130827 rt.com Russia ‘regrets’ US decision to shelve Syria talks RU / US / SY
20130826 washingtonpost.com Report: Snowden stayed at Russian consulate while in Hong Kong SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130816 theage.com.au Snowden not interrogated by Russians: Assange SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / RU
20130810 spiegel.de Kritik an Obama-Äußerungen: Moskau wirft den USA antirussische Aktionen vor RU / US / OBAMA, BARACK / PUSCHKOW, ALEXEJ
20130810 spiegel.de Amerikanisch-russische Gespräche: Minister wollen Krise in Syrien gemeinsam managen SY / RU / US
20130807 dw.de United States: Assange attorney to Snowden: Stay out of the US ASSANGE, JULIAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / VE
20130807 theguardian.com Russian senator raises funds for Edward Snowden's work on personal data: United Russia politician Ruslan Gattarov says he has set up a website to gather money for the NSA whistleblower's work SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / GATTAROV, RUSLAN
20130807 theguardian.com On Obama's cancellation of summit with Putin and extradition - The US frequently refuses extradition requests where, unlike with Snowden, it involves serious crimes and there is an extradition treaty SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / EXTRADITION
20130807 theguardian.com On Obama's cancellation of summit with Putin and extradition - The US frequently refuses extradition requests where, unlike with Snowden, it involves serious crimes and there is an extradition treaty SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / EXTRADITION
20130807 rt.com Kremlin ‘disappointed’ Obama calls off Putin talks, decision 'Snowden-related SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130807 rt.com Obama cancels Moscow meeting with Putin over Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / SE
20130807 spiegel.de Eklat um Snowden-Asyl: Obama sagt Treffen mit Putin ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130807 spiegel.de Obama vs. Putin: Die neuen Kalten Krieger OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130803 rt.com ‘Russia is not a colony, US has no legal basis to claim Snowden’ – lawyer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US
20130803 whatdoesitmean.com Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia CH / US / RU / NDB / MI6 / WIKILEAKS / GRU / CIA
20130801 spiegel.de US-Reaktion auf Snowden-Asyl: "Wir sind extrem enttäuscht" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20130727 rt.com Russian police ‘puzzled’ by Interpol refusal to assist in Browder arrest BROWDER, WILLIAM / INTERPOL / RU
20130726 rt.com Russia won’t extradite Snowden to US – Kremlin SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130725 rt.com Russia calls on NATO to review Cold War methods of arms control NATO / RU / WEAPONTRADE
20130724 rt.com Snowden asylum still under review, stays in airport for now SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU
20130724 rt.com Edward Snowden's personal safety is top priority – lawyer to RT SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY
20130724 spiegel.de Anwalt des NSA-Whistleblowers: "Russland wird Snowden nicht herausgeben" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY / HARRISON, SARAH / WIKILEAKS
20130723 rt.com Viktor Bout’s wife sets up foundation to help Russian’s convicted abroad BOUT, VIKTOR / RU
20130723 rt.com Snowden plans to settle and work in Russia – lawyer to RT SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130718 nytimes.com Obama May Cancel Moscow Trip as Tensions Build Over Leaker SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / OBAMA, BARACK
20130717 rt.com Snowden’s lawyer to RT: ‘He fears torture, execution; never witnessed such persecution by the US’ SNOWDEN, EDWARD / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY / RU / US / HUMAN RIGHTS
20130717 rt.com ‘US-Russian relations above Snowden case' – Putin SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130717 rt.com Snowden has no plans to leave Russia, might seek citizenship - lawyer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / ASYLUM
20130716 spiegel.de NSA-Enthüller: Snowden beantragt offiziell Asyl in Russland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU
20130713 bangkokpost.com US warns Moscow on Snowden US / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden inflames US-Russian tensions with Moscow meeting - Obama and Putin to discuss situation after NSA whistleblower meets representatives of human rights agencies in Moscow SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden accuses US of illegal, aggressive campaign - Whistleblower uses first public appearance since surveillance leaks to defend decision and praise states that offered asylum SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / US / RU
20130712 spiegel.de Treffen mit Menschenrechtlern: Russland garantiert Snowden Rechtssicherheit SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130712 spiegel.de Moskauer Flughafen: Snowden bittet um vorübergehendes Asyl in Russland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden appears at Moscow airport and renews asylum claim – live / NSA whistleblower meets human rights groups / Renews Russia asylum claim in tactic to leave Moscow / Calls on international groups to offer protection / Media scrum at Sheremetyevo airport for meeting SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130710 guardian.co.uk Snowden: I never gave any information to Chinese or Russian governments - As a new poll shows widespread American approval for him, the NSA whistleblower vehemently denies media claims SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / RU / NEW YORK TIMES / DISINFORMATION
20130707 guardian.co.uk Snowden's Venezuela offer 'last chance' for political asylum – Russian official Alexei Pushkov tweets warning as Martin Dempsey claims whistleblower's leaks have damaged US relations with allies SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUSHKOV, ALEXEI / VE
20130706 guardian.co.uk Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia offer asylum to Edward Snowden: President Maduro offers to protect NSA whistleblower 'from persecution by the empire' and rejects US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / PUSHKOV, ALEXEI / VE / NI / BO
20130705 spiegel.de Prozess gegen Alexej Nawalny: Ankläger fordern sechs Jahre Haft für Anti-Putin-Blogger RU / FREEDOM OF SPEECH
20130703 dispatch.com ‘Transit zone’ can mean many things SNOWDEN, EDWARD / TRANSIT ZONE / RU
20130703 spiegel.de Morales' Zwangslandung in Wien: Diplomaten-Drama im VIP-Terminal BO| / MORALES, EVO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / AT / ES
20130702 spiegel.de Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's options dwindle after political asylum rejections - Several countries have denied whistleblower's request to seek asylum and others say he must be on their territory to apply SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / VE / MADURO, NICOLAS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEI
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: Obama guilty of deceit over extradition - US president pledged to avoid 'wheeling and dealing' while bullying countries that might grant asylum, says whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / EC / RU / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Whistleblower: Putin bietet Snowden Bleiberecht an - unter einer Bedingung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130701 de.ria.ru Putin: Snowden darf unter einer Bedingung in Russland bleiben SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130701 guardian.co.uk Snowden applies for political asylum in Russia - Vladmir Putin says US whistleblower can stay if he stops 'bringing harm to our American partners' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR / FSB / FBI
20130701 de.ria.ru Hat Snowden Asyl in Russland beantragt? Migrationsamt dementiert SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20130630 spiegel.de Snowdens Asylantrag: Ecuador schiebt Verantwortung auf Russland ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130626 spiegel.de Snowden-Spekulation in Moskau: Phantom vom Flughafen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130626 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden 'not likely to gain asylum in Ecuador for months' - As NSA whistleblower waits at Moscow airport, Ecuadorean foreign minister says entry decision will be considered carefully SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130625 politico.com White House to Vladimir Putin: Extradite Snowden “without delay” SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / WHITE HOUSE / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130625 guardian.co.uk Putin: Edward Snowden in Moscow airport but will not be extradited - Russian president confirms NSA whistleblower is in Moscow airport transit lounge but refuses US calls for cooperation SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130625 guardian.co.uk Putin confirms Snowden in Moscow airport but denies extradition – live - Vladimir Putin says Snowden is in Moscow airport transit zone and has committed no crime in Russia - Russian president says NSA whistleblower will not be extradited to US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130625 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden never crossed border into Russia, says foreign minister - Sergei Lavrov's comments about fugitive US whistleblower deepen mystery surrounding his whereabouts RU
20130625 guardian.co.uk US scrambles to find Edward Snowden and urges Russia to co-operate - Washington criticises China for allowing NSA whistleblower to leave but Snowden's whereabouts remain a source of confusion SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN / RU
20130624 hotair.com Cold war: U.S. tells Russia to give back Snowden, or else SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU
20130624 tagesschau.de USA kritisieren China und Russland: Scharfe Attacken gegen Snowdens Helfer US / CN / RU
20130624 guardian.co.uk US warns Moscow not to let Edward Snowden escape Russia - Confusion surrounds Snowden's whereabouts as journalists report NSA whistleblower was not on plane bound for Havana US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden leaves reporters chasing shadows around an airport - US whistleblower's rumoured arrival then non-departure from Russia leaves many in Moscow asking: was he ever even here? SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Affäre um Whistleblower Snowden: Kerry droht China und Russland KERRY, JOHN / US / CN / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden missing after failing to fly to Cuba - live - Whereabouts of former NSA contractor whose leaks to Guardian have caused global controversy a mystery after he does not catch expected flight to Cuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CU / RU
20130624 rt.com Kerry says would be deeply troubled if China, Russia had known of Snowden's travel plans SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / CU / KERRY, JOHN
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden booked on plane from Moscow to Havana – live coverage SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / CU
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador amid diplomatic storm - Whistleblower escapes from Hong Kong to Moscow on a commercial flight despite a formal US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / RU / EC / WIKILEAKS
20130624 spiegel.de Prism-Informant: Weißes Haus verlangt Snowdens Auslieferung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asks for asylum in Ecuador: live updates - The NSA whistleblower left Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight to Moscow, two days after the US charged him with espionage, before applying for asylum in Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk US politicians issue warning to Russia as Edward Snowden arrives in Moscow - Senator warns Vladimir Putin of 'serious consequences' if country neglects to send NSA whistleblower back to US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US
20130623 guardian.co.uk Whistleblower Snowden escapes arrest in Hong Kong thanks to US errors - Edward Snowden heads for Ecuador after flight to Russia leaves authorities in various countries amazed and infuriated SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / EC / US
20130623 guardian.co.uk Venezuela or Ecuador: where next for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden? Having left Hong Kong for Moscow, Edward Snowden will be assessing a number of criteria as decides on a final destination SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / VE / EC
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant Snowden: Entwischt SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / EC
20130623 nytimes.com Snowden, in Russia, Seeks Asylum in Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / EC
20130623 bangkokpost.com Snowden 'booked to Venezuela' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE / RU / CU
20130623 rt.com Snowden examined by Ecuadorian embassy doctor at Moscow airport upon arrival – RT source SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / EC / VE / CU
20130623 interfax.com No clarity yet whether Snowden will seek political refuge in Russia - Pushkov SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden 'arrives in Moscow' - NSA whistleblower lands in Russia after Hong Kong allows him to leave, with WikiLeaks saying it is providing assistance SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / HK
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant Snowden in Moskau gelandet: Der Kreml als Fluchthelfer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU
20130623 scmp.com Hong Kong has 'no legal basis' to keep Snowden, bound for Venezuela via Moscow and Cuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / VE / RU / CU
20130621 spiegel.de St. Petersburg: Merkel und Putin besuchen doch Beutekunst-Ausstellung DE / RU
20130621 spiegel.de Beutekunst-Streit zwischen Berlin und Moskau: In der Problemzone DE / RU
20130619 washingtonpost.com Head of Russian news website faces prison RU / PANOVA, AKSANA
20130616 spiegel.de Treffen mit Cameron: Putin verteidigt Waffenlieferungen an Syrien SY / RU / GB
20130614 guardian.co.uk Russia dismisses US claims of Syrian chemical weapons use: Moscow says evidence it has been shown 'does not look convincing', and cautions US against arming Syrian rebels SY / RU / US
20130614 spiegel.de Angeblicher Chemiewaffeneinsatz: Obamas Syrien-Vorstoß verprellt den Kreml SY / US / RU
20130611 guardian.co.uk NSA Prism scandal: Russia ‘would consider Edward Snowden asylum claim’ – live coverage SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130611 en.ria.ru Russia May Consider US Spy Leaker’s Asylum Request – Media SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130603 spiegel.de Sexuelle Revolution in Russland: "Plötzlich gab es an jeder Ecke Stripshows" PORN / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20130518 globalresearch.ca Gloves Off: Russia Names CIA Station Chief in Moscow RU / FSB / CIA / HOLMES, STEPHEN / DILLON, BENJAMIN / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130519 spiegel.de Russisch-amerikanische Initiative: Assad gibt Friedensgesprächen keine Chance AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / RU / US
20130518 spiegel.de CIA in Moskau: Russischer Geheimdienst lässt US-Spione auffliegen CIA / RU / FSB
20130517 spiegel.de "Jachont"-Raketen in Syrien: Russland liefert moderne Anti-Schiff-Raketen an Assad SY / RU / WEAPONTRADE
20130517 rt.com FSB: CIA crossed ‘red line’ with agent Fogle CIA / RU / FSB
20130514 rt.com Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow (VIDEO, PHOTOS HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130514 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Affäre: Russland nimmt US-Diplomat wegen Spionageverdacht fest HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130514 spiegel.de Spionage-Thriller in Moskau: Kreml führt angeblichen Spion im Staats-TV vor HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130510 spiegel.de Abwehrsysteme für Syrien: Russland verteidigt Waffendeals mit Assad WEAPONTRADE / SY / RU
20130509 spiegel.de Raketenabwehr: USA warnen Russland vor Rüstungsdeal mit Syrien SY / RU / US
20130509 spiegel.de Lieferung von Raketensystem: Russland will Assads Flugabwehr stärken SY / RU / WEAPONTRADE


Date Source Title Tags
20130429 csmonitor.com Japan and Russia want to finally end World War II, agree it is 'abnormal' not to RU / JP
20130413 nytimes.com Russia Bans 18 Americans After Similar US Move RU / US / TORTURE / YOO, JOHN / ADDINGTON, DAVID / MILLER, GEOFFREY / HARBESON, JEFFREY


Date Source Title Tags
20130329 spiegel.de Schwarzes Meer: Putin verfolgt Großmanöver von Kampfhubschrauber aus RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130328 spiegel.de Schwarzes Meer: Putin ordnet überraschend Großmanöver an RU
20130325 spiegel.de Zypern-Rettung: Moskau bezichtigt Euro-Gruppe des Diebstahls CY / RU
20130321 debka.com Russian fleet abandons Tartus, docks in Beirut RU / SY / LB / TARTUS
20130321 spiegel.de Russische Milliarden: Zyperns Zentralbank schmettert Kritik ab CY / RU
20130320 spiegel.de Flugverkehr und Finanzströme: Zypern, Einflugschneise für Russen-Jets CY / RU
20130320 independent.co.uk Bolshoi ballet was a 'giant brothel' claims former dancer RU
20130318 spiegel.de Goldman-Sachs-Banker O'Neill: "Ich bin Außenseiter in meinem Beruf" GOLDMAN SACHS / ONEIL, JIM / BR / RU / IN / CN
20130318 spiegel.de Weltweite Rüstungsexporte: China rückt zu den Top-Waffenhändlern auf WEAPONTRADE / CN / PK / US / RU / FR / DE


Date Source Title Tags
20130119 shortnews.de Georgien: Regierung verhindert Beisetzung von Mafia-Pate Aslan Usojan (Update) USOJAN, ASLAN / GE / RU
20130118 rt.com Snowpocalypse Russia: 'Snow tsunami' swallows streets, cars, buildings (PHOTOS) CLIMATE / RU
20130102 spiegel.de Diamantenmine Mirny: Edelsteine aus der Eishölle DIAMONDS / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20121222 cnet.com U.S., Russia forge 'action plan' on piracy: The two countries agree on a plan to curtail theft of intellectual property, after President Obama grants Russia "permanent normal trade relations" and the two nations agree to have the WTO's tenets apply between them. RU / US / WTO / INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
20121223 guardian.co.uk Russian military presence in Syria poses challenge to US-led intervention: Advisers deployed with surface-to-air systems bolster President Assad's defences and complicate outcome of any future strikes SY / RU
20121223 spiegel.de Reise nach Neu-Delhi: Putin plant milliardenschweren Waffendeal mit Indien RU / IN / WEAPONTRADE / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20121216 spiegel.de Moskauer "Marsch der Freiheit" endet mit Festnahmen: An einer nichtgenehmigten Kundgebung der russischen Protestbewegung vor der Zentrale des Inlandgeheimdienstes FSB beteiligten sich nur wenige RU
20121128 spiegel.de Steuerbetrug: Englische Polizei findet Leiche von russischem Topinformanten - Er lieferte Schweizer Staatsanwälten Beweise dafür, dass korrupte russische Beamte Steuergelder in Millionenhöhe erschwindelten. Jetzt wurde der Unternehmer Alexander Perepilitschnij tot vor seinem Anwesen in England gefunden. Es war nicht die erste Leiche in einem mysteriösen Fall. PEREPILITSCHNYJ, ALEXANDER / MAGNITSKIJ, SERGEJ / HERMITAGE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT / CREDIT SUISSE / RU / CH
20121128 independent.co.uk Swiss prosecutors say death of Russian whistle blower will not derail huge fraud investigation - Alexander Perepilichnyy, a 44-year-old businessman who left Russia three years ago, was found dead outside his luxury mansion on an exclusive private estate in Surrey two weeks ago PEREPILITSCHNYY, ALEXANDER / MAGNITSKIJ, SERGEJ / HERMITAGE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT / CREDIT SUISSE / RU / CH / WHISTLEBLOWING
20121123 heise.de Akteneintrag Agent: Litauen stellt KGB-Dokumente online LT / RU / KGB
20121119 spiegel.de "Gierige Menschen": Schönheitskönigin prangert Putins Russland an RU / PEREWERSAWA, NATALIA
20121117 spiegel.de Berlins Ostpolitk: Niederlage der Nachsicht DE / RU
20121106 spiegel.de Russischer Untergrund: Hacker-Werkzeug kostet nur acht Dollar RU
02.11.2012 telepolis.de In Russland gilt nun Internet-Zensur RU / CENSORSHIP
23.10.2012 telepolis.de Neue russische Waffen sind fast alle mit US-Mikrochips bestückt RU / US / ARC ELECTRONICS INC / FISHENKO, ALEXANDER
10.10.2012 spiegel.de Flughafen Ankara: Türkische Jets zwingen syrisches Flugzeug zur Landung TR / SY / RU
27.09.2012 spiegel.de Spione in Deutschland: Bundesanwaltschaft klagt russische Agenten an ESPIONAGEDE / RU
25.09.2012 spiegel.de Statistik: Forscher finden Indizien für Wahlbetrug in Russland RU
22.09.2012 spiegel.de Kreml-Chef Putin: Russlands Wutbürger Nummer eins RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
10.09.2012 spiegel.de Rohstoffe: Russland will sein größtes Goldvorkommen versteigern RU / SUCHOI LOG
06.09.2012 spiegel.de Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: Putin hält unbeirrt an Assad fest SY / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR / AL-ASSAD, BASHAR
02.09.2012 spiegel.de Pussy-Riot-Sängerin: "Ich liebe Russland, ich hasse Putin" RU
27.08.2012 spiegel.de Haftstrafe: Pussy-Riot-Punkerinnen legen Berufung ein RU
20120823 rt.com Russia officially requests US to hand over Bout BOUT, VIKTOR / RU
21.08.2012 GREENWALD, GLENN@guardian.co,uk Human rights critics of Russia and Ecuador parade their own hypocrisy: The media's new converts to civic freedom over the Pussy Riot and Assange asylum affairs show a jingoism blind to US abuses ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / RU / US
18.08.2012 spiegel.de Pussy-Riot-Proteste: Schachspieler Kasparow droht Haft RU KASPAROW, GARRI
17.08.2012 spiegel.de Solidaritätsaktion: Nobelpreisträger lesen für Pussy Riot RU
17.08.2012 spiegel.de Straflager für Pussy Riot: Der Kreml sät Hass RU
17.08.2012 spiegel.de Urteil in Moskau: Pussy Riot müssen zwei Jahre ins Straflager RU
15.08.2012 guardian.co.uk Pussy Riot supporters detained during protest: Three activists protesting in support of jailed feminist punk band Pussy Riot detained ahead of trial verdict RU
04.08.2012 spiegel.de Wirkung der Sanktionen: Assad fleht Russland um Geld und Treibstoff an SY / RU
14.07.2012 spiegel.de Syriens Opposition: "Die Islamisten reißen die Macht an sich" SY QA SA IR RU
29.06.2012 spiegel.de Waffen für Syrien: So rüstet Russland Assads Flugabwehr auf RU SY
28.06.2012 spiegel.de Friedensplan für Syrien: Russland geht auf Distanz zu Assad SY RU UN
14.06.2012 spiegel.de Morddrohung gegen Reporter: Putins Schnüffler und das Waldrätsel RU
13.06.2012 spiegel.de Russland: Moskaus Chefermittler soll Journalist mit Tod bedroht haben RU
04.03.2012 telepolis.de Putin zum Dritten: Nach einer Pause von vier Jahren übernimmt Wladimir Putin wieder direkt die Leitung Russlands. Er erreichte nach Auszählung von 30 Prozent der Stimmzettel 63,42 Prozent der Stimmen RU PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20120119 spiegel.de Vorwurf von 2006: Briten geben Einsatz von Spionage-Stein zu RU / GB / ESPIONAGE


Date Source Title Tags
20110208 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Berichterstattung: Russland weist britischen Journalisten aus - Russland hat einen Korrespondenten des britischen "Guardian" ausgewiesen. Der Zeitung zufolge wurde ihrem Russland-Experten Luke Harding die Einreise verboten, als er nach zwei Monaten wieder nach Moskau zurückkehren wollte. Er hatte von London aus über die WikiLeaks-Dokumente berichtet. WIKILEAKS / GB / RU / GUARDIAN / HARDING, LUKE


Date Source Title Tags
20070925 exile.ru Eye On Harding RU / HARDING, LUKE


Author Issuer Title Published ISBN Tags
VON FRITSCH, RUEDIGER Aufbau Verlag Zeitenwende - Putins Krieg und die Folgen 2022 978-3351041762 PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / UA
ALIBEK, KEN/HANDELMAN , STEPHEN Econ München Direktorium 15. Russlands Geheimpläne für den Biologischen Krieg. 3-430-1101-30 RU BIOLOGICAL WARFARE
FELFE, HEINZ Rasch & Röhrig Im Dienst des Gegners 3-89136-059-2 BND RU
HOPKIRK, PETER Oxford Paperbacks The Great Game on secret service in High Asia 0-19-282799-5 HISTORY GB RU ASIA
PIERRE, ALLAN Strategische Studien Sowjetische Geheimdokumente zum Afghanistankrieg (1978 - 1991) 3-7281-2207-6 AF RU



Date Source Title Tags
20180315 youtube.com Zakharova Tells Who Is Really Behind The Salisbury Anti-Russian Campaign ZAKHAROVA, MARIA / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB