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= [[:Category: US Articles|Articles]] =
= [[:Category: US Articles|Articles]] =
== 2020 ==
== 2024 ==
|20240913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603997-us-sanctions-rt/ US sanctions RT / The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed]||[[US]] / [[RT]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]]
|20240825||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603054-us-behind-durov-arrest/ US orchestrated Durov arrest – former spokesman / The Telegram CEO wouldn’t have landed in Paris if he thought he was in danger, Georgy Loboushkin has told RT]||[[DUROV, PAVEL]] / [[TELEGRAM]] / [[LOBOUSHKIN, GEORGY]] / [[US]]
|20240810||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-ambassador-boycotts-nagasaki-bomb-ceremony-because-israel-was-not-invited US Ambassador Boycotts Nagasaki A-Bomb Ceremony Because Israel Not Invited]||[[ATOMIC BOMB]] / [[NUCLEAR WEAPONS]] / [[US]] / [[JP]] / [[NAGASAKI]] / [[US-JP]] / [[US-IL]]
|20240809||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/ulrich-wickert-ueber-seine-zeit-in-den-usa-ich-habe-gemerkt-wie-frei-man-sein-kann-a-11e947c2-9f87-4ff2-9717-ded31f07c182 Ulrich Wickert über seine Zeit in den USA »Ich habe gemerkt, wie frei man sein kann« / Beim Studium in Connecticut hat Ulrich Wickert vor gut 60 Jahren vieles überrascht. Besonders gut erinnert sich der langjährige »Tagesthemen«-Moderator an einen »Freedom Ride«, eine Protestaktion gegen die Rassentrennung.]||[[WICKERT, ULRICH]] / [[US]]
|20240616||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/599362-record-americans-dislike-candidates/ Record number of Americans dislike both Biden and Trump – poll / The share of ‘double haters’ is the highest since 1988, a survey by the Pew Research Center says]||[[US]]
|20240419||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/israel-gaza-konflikt-usa-blockieren-uno-resolution-fuer-palaestina-mitgliedschaft-a-d6365738-ac63-475d-a5df-1bfab6cc9c29 Veto im Uno-Sicherheitsrat USA blockieren Uno-Vollmitgliedschaft von Palästina / Schon 2011 hatte Mahmud Abbas vor der Uno die Vollmitgliedschaft Palästinas beantragt. Jetzt wurde ein neuer Anlauf gestartet – der an einem Veto der USA scheiterte.]||[[PS]] / [[UN]] / [[US]]
|20230418||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/596159-typhoon-us-philippines-antonov/ US bringing destabilizing weapons out of the shadows – Moscow / The deployment of American intermediate-range missiles in the Philippines is another blow to global stability, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov has said]||[[US]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[PH]] / [[LUZON]] / [[TYPHOON MRC]]
|20240302||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-wants-g7-give-russian-central-bank-funds-ukraine-europe-still-resisting Biden Wants G7 To Give Russian Central Bank Funds To Ukraine, But France Resists]||[[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[US]] / [[G7]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20240202||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/591739-us-retaliation-strikes-updates/ US unleashes strikes across Middle East / Washington has launched a new bombing campaign against Iranian-backed fighters in Iraq and Syria]||[[US-IQ]] / [[US-SY]] / [[US]]
|20240202||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/usa-starten-luftangriffe-gegen-irakische-und-syrische-milizen-a-7a45f2a6-ca5e-4d69-9a1a-a3ebdc7a1069 Gegenschläge nach tödlichen Drohnenangriffen USA starten Luftangriffe gegen irakische und syrische Milizen]||[[US]] / [[IQ]] / [[SY]] / [[US-IQ]] / [[US-SY]]
|20240103||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/590069-us-qatar-base-hamas/ US secretly prolongs military base deal with Qatar – CNN / American troops will remain in the Gulf state for at least another decade, sources told the broadcaster]||[[QA]] / [[US]] / [[US-QA]] / [[QA-US]]
=== 202007 ===
== 2023 ==
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|20200716||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-secretly-authorized-cia-run-very-aggressive-cyberwar-ops-no-oversight Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[CIA]]
|20231219||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/dec/20/us-officials-monitored-pro-assange-protests-in-australia-for-anti-us-sentiment-documents-reveal Julian Assange: US officials monitored pro-Assange protests in Australia for ‘anti-US sentiment’, documents reveal]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[AU]] / [[US]] / [[US-AU]] / [[US STATE DEPARTMENT]]
|20231205||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-wie-eine-diktatur-unter-ihm-aussehen-koennte-a-2a144342-af78-4b9e-94a6-18bd493119ed US-Wahlkampf / Wie eine Trump-Diktatur aussehen könnte - Loyale Justiz, gefügiges Militär, entmachteter Kongress: Donald Trump könnte nach einem Wahlsieg versuchen, in den USA als Alleinherrscher zu regieren. Wer kann ihn noch stoppen?]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20231113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/587128-us-could-have-ruled-world/ Dmitry Trenin: The US could have ruled the world, but this one weakness ruined it all]||[[US]]
|20231026||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/von-game-of-thrones-bis-zur-cosmopolitan-was-haeftlinge-nicht-lesen-duerfen-a-8cd5f526-236b-4e53-ba2e-d6e3de3b3178 Themen von Kunst bis Medizin Diese Bücher sind in US-Gefängnissen verboten]||[[US]]
|20231017||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/israel-gaza-news-heute-usa-versetzen-soldaten-offenbar-in-einsatzbereitschaft-a-b5477cc3-edef-430a-823d-62a2c91df4d9 USA versetzen Soldaten offenbar in Einsatzbereitschaft]||[[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[HAMAS]] / [[US]]
|20231007||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/first-peru-now-ecuador-us-southern-command-escalates-its-war-drugs-south-america First Peru, Now Ecuador: US Southern Command Escalates Its "War On Drugs" In South America]||[[US]] / [[PE]] / [[EC]] / [[SOUTHCOM]]
|20230917||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/ladendiebstahl-in-den-usa-zahncreme-hinter-schloss-und-riegel-a-0df5d897-3069-47ff-87b4-dd8a3754fbe0 Diebstahlflut in US-Supermärkten / Zahncreme hinter Schloss und Riegel]||[[US]]
|20230902||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/dire-warning-against-us-plan-turn-ukraine-europes-big-israel A Dire Warning: The US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe's 'Big Israel']||[[US]] / [[US-UA]]
|20230901||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-getting-moneys-worth-ukraine-because-american-troops-arent-dying-sen-blumenthal US Getting "Money's Worth" In Ukraine Because American Troops Aren't Dying: Sen Blumenthal]||[[US]] /  [[US-UA]]
|20230808||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/580984-us-lying-russias-position-ukraine-talks-moscow/ US lying about Russia’s position on Ukraine peace talks – Moscow / Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that Kiev had withdrawn from negotiations under US pressure]||[[RU]] / [[UA]] / [[US]]
|20230419||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/575021-us-spying-on-un-chief/ Up to their old tricks again: New intelligence leaks expose American spying on UN chief Gutteres / Spying on your enemies is one thing, but when it’s directed at supposed friends who can blame them for being annoyed?]||[[GUTERRES, ANTONIO]] / [[UN]] / [[US]]
|20230411||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/usa-und-philippinen-starten-militaermanoever-mit-fast-18-000-soldaten-a-00357fb3-83f5-461a-9216-74d3b5a22318 Nahe Taiwan USA und Philippinen starten Militärmanöver mit fast 18.000 Soldaten]||[[US]] / [[PH]] / [[TW]]
|20230102||needtoknow.news||[https://needtoknow.news/2023/01/fdic-bankers-discuss-bail-ins-to-deal-with-impending-market-collapse FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse]||[[CAPITALISM]] / [[US]]
== 2022 ==
=== 202210 ===
|20221018||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/564939-us-generals-saudi-consulting-biden/ Retired US generals worked for Saudis – WaPo / 15 retired high-ranking officers consulted for the Saudi Defense Ministry]||[[US]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[SA]]
|20221007||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-warns-nuclear-armageddon-threat-back-first-time-cuban-missile-crisis Biden Warns 'Nuclear Armageddon' Threat Back 'For First Time Since Cuban Missile Crisis']||[[US]]
=== 202207 ===
|20220712||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/drugmaker-asks-us-regulators-approval-over-counter-birth-control-pill Drugmaker Asks US Regulators For Approval Of Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill]||[[US]]
=== 202206 ===
|20220606||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/556722-biden-declares-energy-emergency/ Biden declares US energy emergency]||[[US]]
=== 202205 ===
|20220522||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/service/abbott-chef-entschuldigt-sich-fuer-engpaesse-bei-babymilch-a-18ec2b1d-9a2a-4896-a783-b1c99f3c1ef5 Wegen Engpässen USA fliegen Babynahrung über Ramstein ein]||[[US]]
|20220518||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/555717-chip-roy-ukraine-war/ ‘I’m wondering when we voted to go to war?’ – US Congressman / Chip Roy accused his fellow lawmakers of waging a “proxy war” so they can “look all fancy with our blue and yellow ribbons”]||[[ROY, CHIP]] / [[US]]
|20220512||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/555388-paul-gosar-putin-ukraine/ ‘Russia not our enemy’ – US congressman / Amid bipartisan support for arming Ukraine, some GOP lawmakers want the Biden administration to solve problems at home]||[[US]] / [[GOSAR, PAUL]]
|20220507||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-duma-sprecher-wirft-usa-direkte-beteiligung-an-kriegshandlungen-vor-a-53d56bdf-d3d1-43d8-bdfb-d2ff75abbdc3 »Washington koordiniert Operationen« Duma-Sprecher Wolodin wirft USA direkte Beteiligung an Kriegshandlungen vor]||[[RU-US]] / [[US-RU]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20220505||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-nato-not-taking-nuclear-threat-seriously Russia: NATO Not Taking Nuclear Threat Seriously]||[[RU]] / [[US]] / [[NATO]] / [[UA]]
|20220503||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/food-bank-demand-soars-again-inflation-crushes-working-poor Food Bank Demand Soars (Again) As Inflation Crushes Working-Poor]||[[US]] / [[POVERTY]]
=== 202204 ===
|20220428||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/554628-congress-lend-lease-ukraine/ US Congress approves WWII-like weapons program for Ukraine / Senate-approved “Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act” clears the House, waives restrictions of arms deliveries]||[[US]] / [[US-UA]] / [[UA]]
|20220428||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/554677-biden-seize-assets-ukraine/ Biden wants new powers to seize Russian assets][||[[US]] / [[RU]]
|20220413||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/aukus-sicherheitsbuendnis-fuer-suedpazifik-sondiert-bei-japan-a-67f6b974-5b02-4528-b38e-8c0a15ac0c3e Südpazifik Ist Japan bald im Aukus-Sicherheitsbündnis? - Der Gegner heißt China: Australien rüstet massiv auf und kooperiert mit Großbritannien und den USA bei der Hyperschallraketenentwicklung. Und offenbar soll das Aukus-Bündnis bald weiterwachsen.]||[[AUKUS]] / [[AU]] / [[GB]] / [[US]] / [[JP]]
|20220410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/553641-us-accelerates-ukraine-weapons-aid/ US boasts of sending weapons to Ukraine ‘every day’ - Biden’s top security advisor says US will give Kiev all that it needs to help weaken Russia]||[[SULLIVAN, JAKE]] / [[US]] / [[UA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20220410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/553641-us-accelerates-ukraine-weapons-aid/ US boasts of sending weapons to Ukraine ‘every day’ - Biden’s top security advisor says US will give Kiev all that it needs to help weaken Russia]||[[SULLIVAN, JAKE]] / [[US]] / [[UA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20220606||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/553364-us-germany-hydra-darknet/ West targets Russian darknet market / The “world’s largest” dark web market and a major cryptocurrency exchange were shut down in a crackdown on “cybercrime,” officials said]||[[US]] / [[US-RU]] / [[HYDRA]] / [[GARANTEX]]
|20220405||treasury.gov||[https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0701 Treasury Sanctions Russia-Based Hydra, World’s Largest Darknet Market, and Ransomware-Enabling Virtual Currency Exchange Garantex]||[[US]] / [[US-RU]] / [[HYDRA]] / [[GARANTEX]]
|20220331||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/553074-state-department-americans-leave-immediately/ US tells Americans in Russia and Ukraine to leave immediately - State Department says Russia is targeting Americans after basketball star is jailed on drug charges]||[[US]] / [[US-UA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20220401||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/553084-us-israel-iran-deal/ US says Israel free to act against Iran / The US envoy to Israel said Tel Aviv would not be tied by any nuclear deal with Iran]||[[US]] / [[IL]] / [[IR]]
=== 202203 ===
|20220308||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/ukraine-krieg-usa-wollen-oel-import-aus-russland-verbieten-a-4ef064ce-9b5b-402c-bd75-9b387cb40fa3 Reaktion auf Ukrainekrieg USA wollen Energie-Importe aus Russland stoppen]||[[US]] / [[US-RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[OIL]] / [[GAS]]
|20220308||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/551456-us-china-russian-sanctions/ White House warns China over sanctions - Beijing called Russia its “most important” partner despite the West’s backlash to the military campaign in Ukraine]||[[SANCTIONS]] / [[US]] / [[US-RU]] / [[US-CN]]
|20220302||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/550990-us-nato-sanctions-wars/The US and NATO have never been sanctioned for starting wars. Why? - The reaction to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, no matter what you think about it, has exposed the West’s double standards]||[[SANCTIONS]] / [[US]] / [[NATO]]
=== 202202 ===
|20220222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/550305-us-sends-troops-baltic-ukraine/ Biden orders troops to countries bordering Russia]||[[US]]
|20220222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/550308-blinken-lavrov-meeting-cancelled/ US cancels diplomatic summit with Russia - Secretary of state Antony Blinken has canceled planned meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov]||[[US]]
|20220204||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/548331-ted-cruz-accuses-biden/ Biden escalating Ukraine tensions – US Senator]||[[US]]
=== 202201 ===
|20220128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krise-usa-rufen-in-ukraine-konflikt-den-uno-sicherheitsrat-an-a-e6788e6b-149d-4e83-95ce-d279bf3e40f1 Konflikt mit Russland USA rufen den Uno-Sicherheitsrat an - Der Westen fürchtet einen Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine. Nun hat das Thema den Uno-Sicherheitsrat erreicht. Wegen der »eindeutigen Bedrohung« fordern die USA eine öffentliche Sitzung in der kommenden Woche.]||[[US]]
|20220127||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/ukraine-usa-warnen-russland-vor-aus-fuer-nord-stream-2-a-1c3b73b9-9cc5-45e4-a64a-b1ca2f5d54d4 Wegen Bedrohung der Ukraine USA warnen Russland vor Aus für Nord Stream 2]||[[US]] / [[NORD STREAM 2]]
|20220122||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-embassy-ukraine-orders-evacuation-all-non-essential-staff-diplomats-family-members US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine]||[[UA]] / [[US]]
|20220112||poll.qu.edu||[https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3831 Political Instability Not U.S. Adversaries, Seen As Bigger Threat, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly 6 In 10 Think Nation's Democracy Is In Danger Of Collapse]||[[US]]
|20220112||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-job-approval-plummets-33-majority-think-us-democracy-danger-collapse Biden Job Approval Plummets To 33% As Majority Think US Democracy 'In Danger Of Collapse']||[[US]]
== 2021 ==
=== 202112 ===
|20211222||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/22/america-fascism-legal-phase The far right - America is now in fascism’s legal phase]||[[US]]
=== 202110 ===
|20211022||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/538219-congress-investigating-cia-kill-assange/ Congress is investigating CIA plans to kidnap & kill Julian Assange – but don't hold your breath for the truth coming out]||[[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[US]]
=== 202108 ===
|20210819||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/taliban-possesses-black-hawk-helicopters-billions-dollars-us-military-hardware Senators "Horrified" To See Black Hawk Helicopters In Taliban Hands]||[[US]] / [[AF]] / [[TALIBAN]]
=== 202107 ===
|20210712||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/lawsuit-centered-saudi-ex-spymaster-threatens-make-us-covert-ops-public Lawsuit Centered On Saudi Ex-Spymaster Threatens To Make US Covert Ops Public]||[[AL-JABRI, SAAD]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[SA]] / [[US]]
=== 202106 ===
|20210623||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/extremwetterereignisse-nehmen-zu-usa-stehen-vor-nie-dagewesener-hitzewelle-a-6bd9ecfa-6892-4832-8df3-ab4a8ff0196d Extremwetterereignisse USA stehen vor nie dagewesener Hitzewelle]||[[CLIMATE]] / [[US]]
|20210613||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/financial-blowout-ahead-lobotomized-economists-clash-deck-titanic zeroFinancial Blowout Ahead: Lobotomized Economists Clash On The Deck Of The Titanic]||[[US]]
|20210613||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/bombs-paradise-how-hawaii-fast-becoming-most-militarized-place-earth Bombs In Paradise: How Hawaii Is Fast Becoming The Most Militarized Place On Earth]||[[US]]
=== 202105 ===
|20210517||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/524045-blinken-israel-arms-deal/ Secretary of State Blinken says US working ‘behind the scenes’ to end Israel/Palestine violence… despite new $735mn arms deal]||[[US]]
=== 202101 ===
|20210124||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/513482-noam-%D1%81homsky-interview-hedges/ Liberals can’t accept US is a ‘leading terrorist state,’ just as Trump supporters can’t accept his election loss – Chomsky to RT]||[[CHOMSKY, NOAM]] / [[US]] / [[TERRORISM]]
|20210119||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/512991-trump-sanctions-nord-stream-ships-companies/ US expands sanctions against Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, targeting ships & Russian firms working on vital pan-European project]||[[US]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[NORD STREAM 2]]
|20210116||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/512716-green-zone-dc-baghdad-inauguration/ ‘As if it was Baghdad’: US Secret Service creates fortified ‘Capitol Green Zone’ ahead of inauguration]||[[WASHINGTON DC]] / [[US]]
|20210116||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-donald-trump-verhaengt-neue-sanktionen-gegen-china-kuba-und-iran-a-2d9b2233-ecaf-4835-891b-3f31444a127c Kurz vor Amtsende: Trump will Warenkauf aus China unterbinden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[US-CN]] / [[US-CU]] / [[US-IR]]
|20210115||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/treasury-unveils-new-11th-hour-cuba-sanctions-ahead-biden-inauguration Treasury Unveils New 11th-Hour Cuba Sanctions Ahead Of Biden Inauguration]||[[US]]
|20210111||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/article/emily-rainey-army-investigation-capitol-5e3cd1ed9fc23269ce3b74ae55664d90 Army investigating officer who led group to Washington rally]||[[PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS]] / [[RAINEY, EMILY]] / [[US]]
|20210111||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-kuba-wieder-auf-der-terrorliste-a-c36ced65-44cc-4f50-9915-cffb6bfd36b4 Außenpolitik vor dem Machtwechsel US-Regierung stuft Kuba erneut als Terrorunterstützer ein]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[US]] / [[CU]]
|20210111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/512140-pompeo-china-taiwan-ties/ Pompeo has wilfully crossed China’s red line on Taiwan, and now the world waits to see how Beijing will respond]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[US]] / [[TW]] / [[US-TW]] / [[US-CN]]
|20210108||kieranhealy.org||[https://kieranhealy.org/blog/archives/2021/01/08/what-happened/ What Happened?]||[[US]]
|20210107||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/07/capitol-hill-riots-doj-456178 Justice Department warns of national security fallout from Capitol Hill insurrection - Lawmakers are demanding a "full accounting" of what was taken as rioters ransacked congressional offices.]||[[US]]
|20210107||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-kongress-bestaetigt-joe-biden-als-us-praesident-a-b04f3cf7-b32d-4fe4-85ed-7fd686e9f549 Kongress bestätigt Joe Bidens Wahl zum US-Präsidenten]||[[US]]
|20210107||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/kapitol-in-washington-es-findet-ein-putsch-statt-a-1e330f6b-6e78-44e0-beff-b27530966404 Reaktionen nach Aufruhr in Washington »Es findet ein Putsch statt«]||[[US]] / [[US 20210106]]
|20210107||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/washington-newsblog-zum-sturm-auf-das-kapitol-a-ad563a13-5e30-43eb-8866-80131ee58912 Im Kapitol angeschossene Frau gestorben - Eine von Sicherheitskräften im Kapitol angeschossene Frau ist nach Polizeiangaben gestorben. Die Stimmen für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Donald Trump werden lauter. Die Entwicklungen im Newsblog.]||[[US]] / [[US 20210106]]
|20210107||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/washington-sturm-auf-us-kapitol-donald-trump-schickt-nationalgarde-a-7cbfcfd0-7384-40d3-837e-fc0e94ede522 Sturm aufs Parlament Nach Angriff von Trump-Anhängern – Polizei und Nationalgarde sichern Kapitol]||[[US]] / [[US 20210106]]
|20210106||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/sturm-aufs-kapitol-angriff-auf-die-demokratie-a-b3f86a43-9efc-4100-9575-a6b813271c11 Fotostrecke Attacke auf die Demokratie]||[[US]] / [[US 20210106]]
|20210106||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-kapitol-joe-biden-spricht-von-beispiellosem-angriff-auf-demokratie-a-5d9c1bc3-b27a-48b9-9ea3-08592930ffa7 Sturm auf US-Kapitol Biden spricht von »beispiellosem Angriff«]||[[US]] / [[US 20210106]]
== 2020 ==
=== 202012 ===
|20201230||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/30/us-approves-sale-of-290m-in-bombs-to-saudi-arabia US approves sale of $290m in bombs to Saudi Arabia]||[[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[US]] / [[SA]]
|20201229||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/511062-us-approves-bombs-saudi/ US green lights sale of 3,000 bombs worth $290 million to Saudi Arabia & flurry of other Middle East arms deals]||[[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[US]] / [[SA]]
|20201210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/509299-election-battle-states-supreme-court/ Battle lines are being drawn as 44 US states pick sides in Texas-led Supreme Court election showdown]||[[US]]
|20201202||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-wahlbeamter-gabriel-sterling-warnt-jemand-wird-getoetet-werden-a-bce0a6a3-cedc-402c-a169-9849d77f09f5 Wahlbeamter warnt Trump vor Aufwiegelung »Jemand wird getötet werden«]||[[US]]
=== 202011 ===
|20201128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/todesstrafe-in-den-usa-donald-trumps-regierung-erlaubt-zusaetzliche-hinrichtungsmethoden-a-3201334f-74ae-41b0-a4d9-16604ea80b16 Todesstrafe in den USA Trumps Regierung erlaubt zusätzliche Hinrichtungsmethoden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
=== 202009 ===
|20200921||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/iran-us-aussenminister-mike-pompeo-verkuendet-neue-sanktionen-wegen-atomprogramm-a-5711a6f7-b5c1-415c-96fc-b7fac56a793c Mike Pompeo US-Außenminister verkündet neue Sanktionen gegen Iran]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[US]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[IR]]
|20200918||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fbi-warnt-vor-leicht-entzuendbarer-gewalt-in-den-usa-a-60add438-600e-4877-bbd1-868c760566c6 Vor der Wahl FBI warnt vor "leicht entzündbarer" Gewalt in den USA]||[[US]]
|20200908||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/500023-fisa-fbi-spying-americans/ US spying program is violating rules on protecting citizen privacy rights, but carry on, FISA court tells FBI]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[US]] / [[FISA]]
|20200904||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/us-waffenhersteller-verzeichnet-beispiellose-nachfrage-a-b4eb475c-01ea-4dbd-a187-2c87893faf3c Smith & Wesson US-Waffenhersteller verzeichnet "beispiellose" Nachfrage]||[[US]]
|20200902||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/499742-nsa-spying-illegal-snowden/ Snowden did nothing wrong? Court rules NSA spying on Americans’ phones was illegal all along]||[[US]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
=== 202008 ===
|20200820||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/498588-pompeo-un-sanctions-iran-us/ US formally requests ‘snapback’ of UN sanctions against Iran, even though it exited nuclear deal]||[[US]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[IR]]
|20200820||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/should-snowden-and-assange-pardon-us-government Should Snowden And Assange Pardon The US Government?]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[US]]
|20200817||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/498209-pompeo-huawei-blacklist-international-stability/ US blacklists 38 Huawei affiliates as Pompeo calls on allies to take similar measures to protect ‘international stability’]||[[US]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20200814||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-praesident-raeumt-blockade-gegen-briefwahl-offen-ein-a-d50d500b-a337-49de-9a0d-d4b1f7c9ef79 Kein Geld für die Post US-Präsident Trump räumt Blockade der Briefwahl offen ein]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200813||vice.com||[https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/n7wk9z/the-post-office-is-deactivating-mail-sorting-machines-ahead-of-the-election The Post Office Is Deactivating Mail Sorting Machines Ahead of the Election - Good thing nobody's predicting a huge surge in mail any time soon.]||[[US]]
|20200807||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/497419-russia-china-iran-trump-election/Damned if you do, damned if you don’t? US intel director warns all election outcomes may be driven by Russia, China or Iran]||[[US]] / [[EVANINA, WILLIAM]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20200807||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-spionageabwehr-china-will-dass-trump-die-praesidentschaftswahl-verliert-a-31f188a6-3906-4973-9cdc-931399874004 US-Spionageabwehr China will offenbar Wiederwahl von Trump verhindern]||[[US]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20200807||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-krise-in-den-usa-forscher-befuerchten-fast-300-000-corona-tote-bis-dezember-a-3e6e438d-5a1e-4013-a846-e1a86bbe5a49 Drastische Prognose für die USA Forscher befürchten fast 300.000 Corona-Tote in den USA bis Dezember]||[[US]]
|20200807||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3096405/tiktok-wechat-targeted-us-ban-trumps-latest-executive-orders TikTok, WeChat targeted for US ban with Trump’s latest executive orders]||[[TIKTOK]] / [[WECHAT]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200807||rt.com||[https://rt.com/usa/497316-trump-executive-order-tiktok/ ‘National security threat’? Trump signs executive orders on TikTok & WeChat, bans transactions with Chinese owners in 45 days]||[[TIKTOK]] / [[WECHAT]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200806||chinadigitaltimes.net||[https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2020/08/u-s-clean-network-seeks-to-ban-untrusted-chinese-apps/ U.S. “Clean Network” Seeks to Ban “Untrusted” Chinese Apps]||[[CLEAN NETWORK]] / [[INTERNET]] / [[US-CN]] / [[US]]
|20200806||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-addressing-threat-posed-wechat/ Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by WeChat]||[[WECHAT]] / [[US]]
|20200806||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-addressing-threat-posed-tiktok/ Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok]||[[TIKTOK]] / [[US]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200806||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3096367/coronavirus-four-dead-three-blind-after-ingesting Coronavirus: four dead, three blind after ingesting hand sanitiser in US]||[[US]]
=== 202007 ===
|20200726||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/proteste-in-usa-mann-in-austin-erschossen-ausschreitungen-in-seattle-a-f9c5b609-1f93-4122-b2f9-b49c6ee7aeb0 Proteste in den USA Mann in Austin erschossen, Ausschreitungen in Seattle]||[[US]] / [[AUSTIN]] / [[SEATTLE]]
|20200724||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/americans-are-buying-guns-record-numbers-washington-post-isnt-pleased Americans Are Buying Guns In Record Numbers & The Washington Post Isn't Pleased]||[[US]]
|20200722||globaltimes.cn||[https://www.globaltimes.cn//content/1195284.shtml Update: China’s countermeasures to cause the US real pain over closure order of Chinese Consulate General in Houston]||[[US]] / [[US-CN]] / [[CN EMBASSY HOUSTON]]
|20200722||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/22/china-us-ordered-abrupt-closure-houston-consulate-texas US foreign policy - US-China tensions escalate after closure of Houston consulate]||[[US]] / [[US-CN]] / [[CN EMBASSY HOUSTON]]
|20200722||rt.com||[https://rt.com/news/495464-us-china-close-consulate-houston/ US abruptly informs Beijing to CLOSE consulate in Houston – Chinese Foreign Ministry]||[[US]] / [[US-CN]] / [[CN EMBASSY HOUSTON]]
|20200716||wsws.org||[https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/07/16/pris-j16.html Nearly 70,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in US prisons]||[[US]] / [[PRISONS]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200716||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-secretly-authorized-cia-run-very-aggressive-cyberwar-ops-no-oversight Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[CIA]]
|20200711||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/news/Trump-bestaetigt-Cyberangriff-gegen-Russland-2018-4841542.html Trump bestätigt Cyberangriff gegen Russland 2018 - US-Präsident Donald Trump bestätigt im Interview einen Cyberangriff gegen Russland. Die Einmischung Russlands zugunsten von Trump bestreitet der Präsident.]||[[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]  
|20200711||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/news/Trump-bestaetigt-Cyberangriff-gegen-Russland-2018-4841542.html Trump bestätigt Cyberangriff gegen Russland 2018 - US-Präsident Donald Trump bestätigt im Interview einen Cyberangriff gegen Russland. Die Einmischung Russlands zugunsten von Trump bestreitet der Präsident.]||[[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]  
|20200709||medium.com||[https://medium.com/indica/the-plague-states-of-america-53b20678a80e American Passports Are Worthless Now (Map) - Oh the places you can’t go]||[[US]]
|20200707||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-offiziell-aus-who-ausgetreten-a-2d4cb695-f895-474d-b60e-9c6ec2134928 Bestätigung durch US-Senator USA machen WHO-Austritt offiziell]||[[US]] / [[WHO]]
|20200707||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-offiziell-aus-who-ausgetreten-a-2d4cb695-f895-474d-b60e-9c6ec2134928 Bestätigung durch US-Senator USA machen WHO-Austritt offiziell]||[[US]] / [[WHO]]
Line 2,917: Line 3,307:
|20141003||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/193044-us-embarrass-eu-sanctions/ Biden says US 'embarrassed' EU into sanctioning Russia over Ukraine]||[[US]] / [[EU]] / [[RU]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]]
|20141003||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/193044-us-embarrass-eu-sanctions/ Biden says US 'embarrassed' EU into sanctioning Russia over Ukraine]||[[US]] / [[EU]] / [[RU]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]]
|20141002||telesurtv.net||[http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Wikileaks-Hong-Kong-Protests-Have-Links-to-US-Government--20141002-0011.html Wikileaks: HK Protests Linked to US Government]||[[HK]] / [[US]] / [[NED]]
|20141002||telesurtv.net||[http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Wikileaks-Hong-Kong-Protests-Have-Links-to-US-Government--20141002-0011.html Wikileaks: HK Protests Linked to US Government]||[[HK]] / [[US]] / [[NED]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]

Latest revision as of 13:54, 15 September 2024

The country formerly known as the United States




Date Source Title Tags
20240913 rt.com US sanctions RT / The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed US / RT / SANCTIONS / BLINKEN, ANTHONY
20240825 rt.com US orchestrated Durov arrest – former spokesman / The Telegram CEO wouldn’t have landed in Paris if he thought he was in danger, Georgy Loboushkin has told RT DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / LOBOUSHKIN, GEORGY / US
20240810 zerohedge.com US Ambassador Boycotts Nagasaki A-Bomb Ceremony Because Israel Not Invited ATOMIC BOMB / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / US / JP / NAGASAKI / US-JP / US-IL
20240809 spiegel.de Ulrich Wickert über seine Zeit in den USA »Ich habe gemerkt, wie frei man sein kann« / Beim Studium in Connecticut hat Ulrich Wickert vor gut 60 Jahren vieles überrascht. Besonders gut erinnert sich der langjährige »Tagesthemen«-Moderator an einen »Freedom Ride«, eine Protestaktion gegen die Rassentrennung. WICKERT, ULRICH / US
20240616 rt.com Record number of Americans dislike both Biden and Trump – poll / The share of ‘double haters’ is the highest since 1988, a survey by the Pew Research Center says US
20240419 spiegel.de Veto im Uno-Sicherheitsrat USA blockieren Uno-Vollmitgliedschaft von Palästina / Schon 2011 hatte Mahmud Abbas vor der Uno die Vollmitgliedschaft Palästinas beantragt. Jetzt wurde ein neuer Anlauf gestartet – der an einem Veto der USA scheiterte. PS / UN / US
20230418 rt.com US bringing destabilizing weapons out of the shadows – Moscow / The deployment of American intermediate-range missiles in the Philippines is another blow to global stability, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov has said US / US ARMY / PH / LUZON / TYPHOON MRC
20240302 zerohedge.com Biden Wants G7 To Give Russian Central Bank Funds To Ukraine, But France Resists BIDEN, JOSEPH / US / G7 / RU / UA
20240202 rt.com US unleashes strikes across Middle East / Washington has launched a new bombing campaign against Iranian-backed fighters in Iraq and Syria US-IQ / US-SY / US
20240202 spiegel.de Gegenschläge nach tödlichen Drohnenangriffen USA starten Luftangriffe gegen irakische und syrische Milizen US / IQ / SY / US-IQ / US-SY
20240103 rt.com US secretly prolongs military base deal with Qatar – CNN / American troops will remain in the Gulf state for at least another decade, sources told the broadcaster QA / US / US-QA / QA-US


Date Source Title Tags
20231219 theguardian.com Julian Assange: US officials monitored pro-Assange protests in Australia for ‘anti-US sentiment’, documents reveal ASSANGE, JULIAN / AU / US / US-AU / US STATE DEPARTMENT
20231205 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf / Wie eine Trump-Diktatur aussehen könnte - Loyale Justiz, gefügiges Militär, entmachteter Kongress: Donald Trump könnte nach einem Wahlsieg versuchen, in den USA als Alleinherrscher zu regieren. Wer kann ihn noch stoppen? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20231113 rt.com Dmitry Trenin: The US could have ruled the world, but this one weakness ruined it all US
20231026 spiegel.de Themen von Kunst bis Medizin Diese Bücher sind in US-Gefängnissen verboten US
20231017 spiegel.de USA versetzen Soldaten offenbar in Einsatzbereitschaft IL / PS / HAMAS / US
20231007 zerohedge.com First Peru, Now Ecuador: US Southern Command Escalates Its "War On Drugs" In South America US / PE / EC / SOUTHCOM
20230917 spiegel.de Diebstahlflut in US-Supermärkten / Zahncreme hinter Schloss und Riegel US
20230902 zerohedge.com A Dire Warning: The US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe's 'Big Israel' US / US-UA
20230901 zerohedge.com US Getting "Money's Worth" In Ukraine Because American Troops Aren't Dying: Sen Blumenthal US / US-UA
20230808 rt.com US lying about Russia’s position on Ukraine peace talks – Moscow / Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that Kiev had withdrawn from negotiations under US pressure RU / UA / US
20230419 rt.com Up to their old tricks again: New intelligence leaks expose American spying on UN chief Gutteres / Spying on your enemies is one thing, but when it’s directed at supposed friends who can blame them for being annoyed? GUTERRES, ANTONIO / UN / US
20230411 spiegel.de Nahe Taiwan USA und Philippinen starten Militärmanöver mit fast 18.000 Soldaten US / PH / TW
20230102 needtoknow.news FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse CAPITALISM / US



Date Source Title Tags
20221018 rt.com Retired US generals worked for Saudis – WaPo / 15 retired high-ranking officers consulted for the Saudi Defense Ministry US / US ARMY / SA
20221007 zerohedge.com Biden Warns 'Nuclear Armageddon' Threat Back 'For First Time Since Cuban Missile Crisis' US


Date Source Title Tags
20220712 zerohedge.com Drugmaker Asks US Regulators For Approval Of Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill US


Date Source Title Tags
20220606 rt.com Biden declares US energy emergency US


Date Source Title Tags
20220522 spiegel.de Wegen Engpässen USA fliegen Babynahrung über Ramstein ein US
20220518 rt.com ‘I’m wondering when we voted to go to war?’ – US Congressman / Chip Roy accused his fellow lawmakers of waging a “proxy war” so they can “look all fancy with our blue and yellow ribbons” ROY, CHIP / US
20220512 rt.com ‘Russia not our enemy’ – US congressman / Amid bipartisan support for arming Ukraine, some GOP lawmakers want the Biden administration to solve problems at home US / GOSAR, PAUL
20220507 spiegel.de »Washington koordiniert Operationen« Duma-Sprecher Wolodin wirft USA direkte Beteiligung an Kriegshandlungen vor RU-US / US-RU / RU / US
20220505 zerohedge.com Russia: NATO Not Taking Nuclear Threat Seriously RU / US / NATO / UA
20220503 zerohedge.com Food Bank Demand Soars (Again) As Inflation Crushes Working-Poor US / POVERTY


Date Source Title Tags
20220428 rt.com US Congress approves WWII-like weapons program for Ukraine / Senate-approved “Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act” clears the House, waives restrictions of arms deliveries US / US-UA / UA
20220428 rt.com Biden wants new powers to seize Russian assets[ US / RU
20220413 spiegel.de Südpazifik Ist Japan bald im Aukus-Sicherheitsbündnis? - Der Gegner heißt China: Australien rüstet massiv auf und kooperiert mit Großbritannien und den USA bei der Hyperschallraketenentwicklung. Und offenbar soll das Aukus-Bündnis bald weiterwachsen. AUKUS / AU / GB / US / JP
20220410 rt.com US boasts of sending weapons to Ukraine ‘every day’ - Biden’s top security advisor says US will give Kiev all that it needs to help weaken Russia SULLIVAN, JAKE / US / UA / US-RU
20220410 rt.com US boasts of sending weapons to Ukraine ‘every day’ - Biden’s top security advisor says US will give Kiev all that it needs to help weaken Russia SULLIVAN, JAKE / US / UA / US-RU
20220606 rt.com West targets Russian darknet market / The “world’s largest” dark web market and a major cryptocurrency exchange were shut down in a crackdown on “cybercrime,” officials said US / US-RU / HYDRA / GARANTEX
20220405 treasury.gov Treasury Sanctions Russia-Based Hydra, World’s Largest Darknet Market, and Ransomware-Enabling Virtual Currency Exchange Garantex US / US-RU / HYDRA / GARANTEX
20220331 rt.com US tells Americans in Russia and Ukraine to leave immediately - State Department says Russia is targeting Americans after basketball star is jailed on drug charges US / US-UA / US-RU
20220401 rt.com US says Israel free to act against Iran / The US envoy to Israel said Tel Aviv would not be tied by any nuclear deal with Iran US / IL / IR


Date Source Title Tags
20220308 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Ukrainekrieg USA wollen Energie-Importe aus Russland stoppen US / US-RU / SANCTIONS / OIL / GAS
20220308 rt.com White House warns China over sanctions - Beijing called Russia its “most important” partner despite the West’s backlash to the military campaign in Ukraine SANCTIONS / US / US-RU / US-CN
20220302 rt.com US and NATO have never been sanctioned for starting wars. Why? - The reaction to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, no matter what you think about it, has exposed the West’s double standards SANCTIONS / US / NATO


Date Source Title Tags
20220222 rt.com Biden orders troops to countries bordering Russia US
20220222 rt.com US cancels diplomatic summit with Russia - Secretary of state Antony Blinken has canceled planned meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov US
20220204 rt.com Biden escalating Ukraine tensions – US Senator US


Date Source Title Tags
20220128 spiegel.de Konflikt mit Russland USA rufen den Uno-Sicherheitsrat an - Der Westen fürchtet einen Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine. Nun hat das Thema den Uno-Sicherheitsrat erreicht. Wegen der »eindeutigen Bedrohung« fordern die USA eine öffentliche Sitzung in der kommenden Woche. US
20220127 spiegel.de Wegen Bedrohung der Ukraine USA warnen Russland vor Aus für Nord Stream 2 US / NORD STREAM 2
20220122 zerohedge.com US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine UA / US
20220112 poll.qu.edu Political Instability Not U.S. Adversaries, Seen As Bigger Threat, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly 6 In 10 Think Nation's Democracy Is In Danger Of Collapse US
20220112 zerohedge.com Biden Job Approval Plummets To 33% As Majority Think US Democracy 'In Danger Of Collapse' US



Date Source Title Tags
20211222 theguardian.com The far right - America is now in fascism’s legal phase US


Date Source Title Tags
20211022 rt.com Congress is investigating CIA plans to kidnap & kill Julian Assange – but don't hold your breath for the truth coming out CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / US


Date Source Title Tags
20210819 zerohedge.com Senators "Horrified" To See Black Hawk Helicopters In Taliban Hands US / AF / TALIBAN


Date Source Title Tags
20210712 zerohedge.com Lawsuit Centered On Saudi Ex-Spymaster Threatens To Make US Covert Ops Public AL-JABRI, SAAD / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / SA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20210623 spiegel.de Extremwetterereignisse USA stehen vor nie dagewesener Hitzewelle CLIMATE / US
20210613 zerohedge.com zeroFinancial Blowout Ahead: Lobotomized Economists Clash On The Deck Of The Titanic US
20210613 zerohedge.com Bombs In Paradise: How Hawaii Is Fast Becoming The Most Militarized Place On Earth US


Date Source Title Tags
20210517 rt.com Secretary of State Blinken says US working ‘behind the scenes’ to end Israel/Palestine violence… despite new $735mn arms deal US


Date Source Title Tags
20210124 rt.com Liberals can’t accept US is a ‘leading terrorist state,’ just as Trump supporters can’t accept his election loss – Chomsky to RT CHOMSKY, NOAM / US / TERRORISM
20210119 rt.com US expands sanctions against Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, targeting ships & Russian firms working on vital pan-European project US / POMPEO, MIKE / NORD STREAM 2
20210116 rt.com ‘As if it was Baghdad’: US Secret Service creates fortified ‘Capitol Green Zone’ ahead of inauguration WASHINGTON DC / US
20210116 spiegel.de Kurz vor Amtsende: Trump will Warenkauf aus China unterbinden TRUMP, DONALD / US / US-CN / US-CU / US-IR
20210115 zerohedge.com Treasury Unveils New 11th-Hour Cuba Sanctions Ahead Of Biden Inauguration US
20210111 apnews.com Army investigating officer who led group to Washington rally PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS / RAINEY, EMILY / US
20210111 spiegel.de Außenpolitik vor dem Machtwechsel US-Regierung stuft Kuba erneut als Terrorunterstützer ein POMPEO, MIKE / US / CU
20210111 rt.com Pompeo has wilfully crossed China’s red line on Taiwan, and now the world waits to see how Beijing will respond POMPEO, MIKE / US / TW / US-TW / US-CN
20210108 kieranhealy.org What Happened? US
20210107 politico.com Justice Department warns of national security fallout from Capitol Hill insurrection - Lawmakers are demanding a "full accounting" of what was taken as rioters ransacked congressional offices. US
20210107 spiegel.de Kongress bestätigt Joe Bidens Wahl zum US-Präsidenten US
20210107 spiegel.de Reaktionen nach Aufruhr in Washington »Es findet ein Putsch statt« US / US 20210106
20210107 spiegel.de Im Kapitol angeschossene Frau gestorben - Eine von Sicherheitskräften im Kapitol angeschossene Frau ist nach Polizeiangaben gestorben. Die Stimmen für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Donald Trump werden lauter. Die Entwicklungen im Newsblog. US / US 20210106
20210107 spiegel.de Sturm aufs Parlament Nach Angriff von Trump-Anhängern – Polizei und Nationalgarde sichern Kapitol US / US 20210106
20210106 spiegel.de Fotostrecke Attacke auf die Demokratie US / US 20210106
20210106 spiegel.de Sturm auf US-Kapitol Biden spricht von »beispiellosem Angriff« US / US 20210106



Date Source Title Tags
20201230 theguardian.com US approves sale of $290m in bombs to Saudi Arabia WEAPONTRADE / US / SA
20201229 rt.com US green lights sale of 3,000 bombs worth $290 million to Saudi Arabia & flurry of other Middle East arms deals WEAPONTRADE / US / SA
20201210 rt.com Battle lines are being drawn as 44 US states pick sides in Texas-led Supreme Court election showdown US
20201202 spiegel.de Wahlbeamter warnt Trump vor Aufwiegelung »Jemand wird getötet werden« US


Date Source Title Tags
20201128 spiegel.de Todesstrafe in den USA Trumps Regierung erlaubt zusätzliche Hinrichtungsmethoden TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20200921 spiegel.de Mike Pompeo US-Außenminister verkündet neue Sanktionen gegen Iran POMPEO, MIKE / US / SANCTIONS / IR
20200918 spiegel.de Vor der Wahl FBI warnt vor "leicht entzündbarer" Gewalt in den USA US
20200908 rt.com US spying program is violating rules on protecting citizen privacy rights, but carry on, FISA court tells FBI SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / FISA
20200904 spiegel.de Smith & Wesson US-Waffenhersteller verzeichnet "beispiellose" Nachfrage US
20200902 rt.com Snowden did nothing wrong? Court rules NSA spying on Americans’ phones was illegal all along US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD


Date Source Title Tags
20200820 rt.com US formally requests ‘snapback’ of UN sanctions against Iran, even though it exited nuclear deal US / SANCTIONS / IR
20200820 zerohedge.com Should Snowden And Assange Pardon The US Government? SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / US
20200817 rt.com US blacklists 38 Huawei affiliates as Pompeo calls on allies to take similar measures to protect ‘international stability’ US / POMPEO, MIKE / SANCTIONS / HUAWEI
20200814 spiegel.de Kein Geld für die Post US-Präsident Trump räumt Blockade der Briefwahl offen ein TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200813 vice.com The Post Office Is Deactivating Mail Sorting Machines Ahead of the Election - Good thing nobody's predicting a huge surge in mail any time soon. US
20200807 rt.com if you do, damned if you don’t? US intel director warns all election outcomes may be driven by Russia, China or Iran US / EVANINA, WILLIAM / PROPAGANDA
20200807 spiegel.de US-Spionageabwehr China will offenbar Wiederwahl von Trump verhindern US / PROPAGANDA
20200807 spiegel.de Drastische Prognose für die USA Forscher befürchten fast 300.000 Corona-Tote in den USA bis Dezember US
20200807 scmp.com TikTok, WeChat targeted for US ban with Trump’s latest executive orders TIKTOK / WECHAT / US / WHITE HOUSE
20200807 rt.com ‘National security threat’? Trump signs executive orders on TikTok & WeChat, bans transactions with Chinese owners in 45 days TIKTOK / WECHAT / US / WHITE HOUSE
20200806 chinadigitaltimes.net U.S. “Clean Network” Seeks to Ban “Untrusted” Chinese Apps CLEAN NETWORK / INTERNET / US-CN / US
20200806 whitehouse.gov Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by WeChat WECHAT / US
20200806 whitehouse.gov Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok TIKTOK / US / WHITE HOUSE
20200806 scmp.com Coronavirus: four dead, three blind after ingesting hand sanitiser in US US


Date Source Title Tags
20200726 spiegel.de Proteste in den USA Mann in Austin erschossen, Ausschreitungen in Seattle US / AUSTIN / SEATTLE
20200724 zerohedge.com Americans Are Buying Guns In Record Numbers & The Washington Post Isn't Pleased US
20200722 globaltimes.cn Update: China’s countermeasures to cause the US real pain over closure order of Chinese Consulate General in Houston US / US-CN / CN EMBASSY HOUSTON
20200722 theguardian.com US foreign policy - US-China tensions escalate after closure of Houston consulate US / US-CN / CN EMBASSY HOUSTON
20200722 rt.com US abruptly informs Beijing to CLOSE consulate in Houston – Chinese Foreign Ministry US / US-CN / CN EMBASSY HOUSTON
20200716 wsws.org Nearly 70,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in US prisons US / PRISONS / COVID-19
20200716 zerohedge.com Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight TRUMP, DONALD / US / CYBERWAR / CIA
20200711 heise.de Trump bestätigt Cyberangriff gegen Russland 2018 - US-Präsident Donald Trump bestätigt im Interview einen Cyberangriff gegen Russland. Die Einmischung Russlands zugunsten von Trump bestreitet der Präsident. INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / CYBERWAR / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200709 medium.com American Passports Are Worthless Now (Map) - Oh the places you can’t go US
20200707 spiegel.de Bestätigung durch US-Senator USA machen WHO-Austritt offiziell US / WHO
20200705 spiegel.de Suizide, Drogen, Alkohol Das stille Sterben der amerikanischen Mittelschicht US
20200705 spiegel.de Unabhängigkeitstag in den USA Falschmeldung führt zu bewaffnetem Aufmarsch rechter Gruppen US
20200703 scmp.com US students throw ‘coronavirus parties’ to infect guests, giving prizes to those who catch Covid-19 first US / COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200629 theguardian.com Europeans' trust in US as world leader collapses during pandemic US
20200625 spiegel.de Coronakrise Neuinfektionen in den USA auf höchstem Tageswert seit April US
20200622 wired.com Hack Brief: Anonymous Stole and Leaked a Megatrove of Police Documents - The so-called BlueLeaks collection includes internal memos, financial records, and more from over 200 state, local, and federal agencies. DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SECRETS / US
20200606 cnn.com Is the US still the world's moral leader? Not after what Trump just did this week US / TRUMP, DONALD
20200605 spiegel.de US-Demokratie in der Krise Die erschöpfte Nation US
20200604 scmp.com US protests latest: Pentagon chief Mark Esper shocks White House by rejecting use of military to quell unrest US
20200603 spiegel.de Nach Trumps Drohungen US-Armee zieht Soldaten rund um Washington zusammen US / US ARMY / WASHINGTON DC
20200602 thaienquirer.com Foreign Affairs: Unrest continues for a seventh day in former British colony US
20200602 spiegel.de Möglicher Militäreinsatz gegen Demonstranten Trump spielt Diktator TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200602 rt.com More than half of Americans SUPPORT SENDING MILITARY to aid police in dealing with George Floyd protests – poll US
20200602 spiegel.de Rede vor dem Weißen Haus Trump droht mit Einsatz des Militärs gegen US-Bürger US / TRUMP, DONALD
202006 theatlantic.com Since I Met Edward Snowden, I’ve Never Stopped Watching My Back - After receiving a trove of documents from the whistleblower, I found myself under surveillance and investigation by the U.S. government. GELLMAN, BARTON / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / FBI / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES


Date Source Title Tags
20200531 tagesschau.de Unruhen in den USA Trump will Antifa zu Terroristen erklären US
20200530 zerohedge.com Descends Into Chaos Amid Nationwide Attacks "Designed To Destabilize Civil Society" US
20200530 spiegel.de Nach Protesten gegen Polizeigewalt New Yorks Bürgermeister verurteilt harten Polizei-Einsatz in seiner Stadt US / DE BLASIO, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20200530 scmp.com Donald Trump says the US is ‘terminating’ its relationship with the World Health Organisation TRUMP, DONALD / US / WHO
20200529 globaltimes.cn US should stand with Minnesota violent protesters as it did with HK rioters CN / US / HK
20200528 whitehouse.gov Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship US / TRUMP, DONALD / SOCIAL MEDIA / FREEDOM OF SPEECH
20200528 rt.com Two can play Section 230 game: Trump’s EO uses key statute against social media censorship SOCIAL MEDIA / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200527 scmp.com Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China, US determines, as Mike Pompeo makes certification that may mean sanctions HK / US / POMPEO, MIKE
20200522 spiegel.de Auch bei zweiter Viruswelle Weißes Haus schließt neuen Lockdown der USA aus TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200521 zerohedge.com Washington State Loses "Hundreds Of Millions" To Nigerian Unemployment Claims Fraud Scheme US / WASHINGTON
20200519 scmp.com Coronavirus: China, US consumers turn on each other’s goods as pandemic drives commercial nationalism CN-US / CN / US-CN / US
20200519 rt.com Palestine withdraws from all agreements with Israel and US, says Mahmoud Abbas PS / IL / US
20200516 rt.com US threatens ICC with ‘consequences’ if it acts on war crimes complaint against Israel filed by ‘fake’ Palestinian state ICC / US / IL / PS / POMPEO, MIKE
20200515 scmp.com US still has no coronavirus plan, whistle-blower Rick Bright says, warning that Americans are at risk BRIGHT, RICK / US / COVID-19
20200511 zerohedge.com As COVID-19 Spreads In Meat Plants, 200 USDA Inspectors Test Positive US / MEAT / COVID-19
20200510 rollingstone.com The Four Men Responsible For America’s COVID-19 Test Disaster US / REDFIELD, ROBERT / HAHN, STEPHEN / AZAR, ALEX / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20200427 zerohedge.com AG Barr Sics Federal Prosecutors On States With 'Unconstitutional' Lockdowns US
20200424 politico.com GOP memo urges anti-China assault over coronavirus - The Senate Republican campaign arm distributed the 57-page strategy document to candidates. US / REPUBLICAN PARTY / GOP / CN
20200424 abcnews.go.com Coronavirus live updates: Maryland agency receives more than 100 disinfectant use calls US
20200424 rt.com Trump says his 'injecting disinfectant' comments about Covid-19 were 'sarcastic question to reporters' (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200424 bbc.com Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200421 theguardian.com US anti-lockdown rallies could cause surge in Covid-19 cases, experts warn US
20200421 rt.com America On The Brink? Shocking Images Show "Pennsylvania Militia" Rolling Up To "Reopen America" Rally US
20200415 spiegel.de Ankündigung von Präsident Trump USA stoppen Beitragszahlungen an Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO / US
20200414 rt.com 'Immoral & inhumane': Russian FM denounces US sanctions hampering worlds' efforts against Covid-19 pandemic US / SANCTIONS / COVID-19
20200414 rt.com Trump halts WHO funding, accuses health body of conspiring with China to ‘cover up’ Covid-19 outbreak WHO / US
20200411 rt.com Cuba enraged over ‘cruel & genocidal’ US blockade impeding anti-coronavirus efforts US / SANCTIONS / COVID-19 / CU
20200404 spiegel.de Geschönte Zahlen Pekings zweifelhafte Corona-Statistik US / CN
20200403 theguardian.com US coronavirus live: Fauci says 'I don't understand' why every state has not issued stay-home order US
20200403 tagesspiegel.de USA fangen 200.000 Schutzmasken ab Berlins Innensenator spricht von „moderner Piraterie“ DE / MASKS / BERLIN / US
20200403 tagesspiegel.de Coronavirus in Berlin USA fangen Berliner Bestellung für Schutzmasken ab MASKS / DE / US
20200402 bloomberg.com China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says US / CN
20200402 rt.com Pentagon seeks 100,000 body bags as Covid-19 fatalities top 5,000 in US after deadliest day to date US
20200402 theguardian.com 'A perfect storm': US facing hunger crisis as demand for food banks soars US / HUNGER CRISIS
20200402 rt.com Los Angeles train engineer tries to RAM ‘suspicious’ US Navy hospital ship ‘to wake people up’ US
20200402 spiegel.de Vorwürfe französischer Regionalpolitiker USA sollen Schutzmasken in China weggekauft haben COVID-19 / MASKS / US / FR / CN
20200401 liberation.fr Fair-play: Une commande française de masques détournée vers les Etats-Unis sur un tarmac chinois COVID-19 / MASKS / US / FR / CN
20200401 rt.com US bought France-bound face masks for CASH from China – French official to RT COVID-19 / MASKS / US / FR / CN
20200401 rt.com Not letting Covid-19 crisis go to waste? US ramps up war on drugs… focusing on Venezuela’s Maduro US / VE
20200401 spiegel.de Weißes Haus befürchtet bis zu 240.000 Corona-Tote in den USA US


Date Source Title Tags
20200331 rt.com Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20200328 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Corona-Pandemie Trump zwingt Autobauer GM zur Herstellung von Beatmungsgeräten US
20200327 spiegel.de Dramatische Lage USA melden weltweit höchste Zahl an Corona-Infektionen US / COVID-19
20200327 rt.com Trump signs TAIPEI Act, threatening ‘consequences’ for nations that fail to toe US line on Taiwan TW / US
20200326 bbc.com Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border COVID-19 / MX / US
20200326 rt.com Washington brings NARCO-TERRORISM charges against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro POMPEO, MIKE / US / MADURO, NICOLAS / VE
20200326 spiegel.de Venezuelas Staatschef USA setzen 15 Millionen Dollar für Festnahme Maduros aus POMPEO, MIKE / US / MADURO, NICOLAS / VE
20200324 spiegel.de Trump und die Coronakrise Präsident im Panikmodus TRUMP, DONALD / COVID-19 / US
20200323 zerohedge.com Hell is Coming, 2 Million Americans Could Be Infected In Coming Weeks: Here is the Mathematical Proof US / COVID-19
20200322 reuters.com Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak CDC / COVID-19 / US
20200314 rt.com US to suspend all travel to UK & Ireland from Monday night due to pandemic US / COVID-19
20200312 spiegel.de Erklärung von Donald Trump USA erlassen wegen Coronavirus 30-tägigen Einreisestopp aus Europa COVID-19 / US / EU


Date Source Title Tags
20200221 spiegel.de Syrien-Konflikt Türkei will US-Unterstützung durch "Patriot"-Raketen ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / SY / RU / US
20200217 reuters.com U.S. mulls cutting Huawei off from global chip suppliers, with TSMC in crosshairs US / TSMC / HUAWEI
20200209 scmp.com China out to exploit US vulnerabilities at all levels, Mike Pompeo warns POMPEO, MIKE / US-CN / US / CN
20200201 iribnews.ir The American crown or biological war against China. COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION / US
20200201 rt.com Pompeo says US can cover 100% of Belarus' oil needs amid Minsk row with Moscow BY / OIL / POMPEO, MIKE / US / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20200128 rt.com 'Jerusalem is not for sale, your conspiracy deal will not pass' – Abbas reacts to Trump's Middle East peace deal TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS / ABBAS, MAHMOUD
20200128 spiegel.de Palästinenserpräsident Abbas lehnt Trumps Friedensplan als "Verschwörung" ab TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS / ABBAS, MAHMOUD
20200128 rt.com ‘Deal of the century’: What’s in Trump’s peace plan for Israel and Palestine TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS
20200128 spiegel.de Trumps Nahost-Plan Fauler Frieden TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS
20200125 spiegel.de Impeachment-Verfahren gegen Trump Verteidiger widersprechen vehement den Vorwürfen US
20200125 rt.com Impeachment: Democrats cry ‘dictator’ while Team Trump cries ‘election interference’ US
20200125 theguardian.com Mike Pompeo - NPR host says Pompeo had a meltdown when she asked him about Ukraine - Secretary of state used the F-word and demanded host Mary Louise Kelly find Ukraine on a map, journalist says POMPEO, MIKE / US / UA
20200110 zerohedge.com "I'd Like To See Them Call Me": How Trump Used An Encrypted Swiss Fax Machine To Defuse The Iran Crisis US / IR / TRUMP, DONALD / CH
20200107 rt.com US denies Iran’s FM Zarif visa to address Security Council in violation of UN treaty US / IR / UN



Date Source Title Tags
20191119 tagesschau.de USA halten Siedlungen für legal "Dies ist ein historischer Tag" US / IL / PS
20191110 theguardian.com Thailand wants to ban these three pesticides. The US government says no TH / PESTICIDES / US / FDA
20191104 zerohedge.com US Issues $20M Reward For Return Of US Agent, "Longest Held" Hostage In Iran US / IR / LEVINSON, BOB


Date Source Title Tags
20191031 rt.com Congress approves ‘impeachment’ resolution authorizing Schiff’s secret probe of Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD / SCHIFF, ADAM
20191020 spiegel.de Protest gegen Regierung Zehntausende demonstrieren in Hongkong - erneute Krawalle HK / US
20191017 washingtonpost.com Teen suicides are increasing at an alarming pace, outstripping all other age groups, a new report says US
20191016 theguardian.com Three US diplomats held near Russian test site where mystery blast killed five RU / US / RU-US
20191016 spiegel.de Spannungen mit China US-Kongress will Menschenrechte in Hongkong schützen US / HK
20191014 rt.com Pentagon to ‘press NATO allies to sanction Turkey’ over Syrian op, blames Erdogan for potential ‘war crimes & ISIS resurgence’ US / TR / SANCTIONS / NATO / SY
20191014 rt.com US troops ‘leave’ Kobani as Turkish incursion advances and Kurds make deal with Damascus US / SY / TR
20191010 spiegel.de Offensive in Nordsyrien Trump will "Deal" zwischen Türkei und Kurden vermitteln TRUMP, DONALD / US / TR / SY / KURDS


Date Source Title Tags
20190929 rt.com US has started a cyberwar against Iran that it ‘won’t be able to finish,’ Iranian FM Zarif says IR / US / CYBERWAR
20190920 rt.com Trump hits Iranian bank with ‘highest’ sanctions ever imposed on a country US / SANCTIONS / IR
20190919 spiegel.de Sicherheitsberater O'Brien Der nächste Hardliner - rät er Trump zum Angriff auf Iran? O'BRIEN, ROBERT / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190912 politico.com Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House - The likely Israeli spying efforts were uncovered during the Trump presidency, several former top U.S. officials said. US / IL
20190309 zerohedge.com US, Poland Sign 5G Pact Taking Aim At China & Russia Cyber Espionage PL / US / HUAWEI


Date Source Title Tags
20190818 zerohedge.com America’s Benevolent Bombing Of Serbia RS / US / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20190718 rt.com Gibraltar rejects new US demand to seize Iranian tanker GI / IR / US
20190718 spiegel.de "Grace 1" mit iranischem Öl US-Gericht ordnet Beschlagnahmung von Tanker vor Gibraltar an GI / IR / US
20190817 zerohedge.com Trump Reviews Controversial US-Taliban Peace Deal Which Critics Call A "Betrayal" TRUMP, DONALD / US / TALIBAN
20190814 spiegel.de Signal an Washington China verbietet US-Kriegsschiffen die Einfahrt nach Hongkong HK / CN / US
20190813 rt.com Pompeo to UN: ‘Time is running out’ to kick Iran while it’s down POMPEO, MIKE / US / UN / IR
20190812 rt.com ‘World is watching’: US reaction points to Hong Kong as a ‘color revolution’ US / HK / COLOR REVOLUTIONS
20190812 spiegel.de John Bolton Trumps Berater ermutigt London zum harten Brexit BOLTON, JOHN / US / GB / BREXIT / US-GB
20190813 spiegel.de Green Cards und US-Staatsbürgerschaft Trump will legale Zuwanderung drastisch erschweren TRUMP, DONALD / IMMIGRATION / US


Date Source Title Tags
20190731 zerohedge.com China Accuses US Of Orchestrating Hong Kong Protests HK / CN / US
20190731 rt.com Germany won’t take part in US Strait of Hormuz initiative – FM DE / MAAS, HEIKO / STRAIT OF HORMUZ / IR / GB / US
20190731 spiegel.de US-Anfrage Deutschland beteiligt sich nicht an Golf-Mission - sagt Maas DE / MAAS, HEIKO / STRAIT OF HORMUZ / IR / GB / US
20190729 spiegel.de Iran-Konflikt Großbritannien will USA in europäische Hormus-Mission einbinden STRAIT OF HORMUZ / GB / US / IR / EU
20190727 spiegel.de Dan Coats Trumps Geheimdienstkoordinator tritt zurück US / COATS, DAN / RATCLIFFE, JOHN
20190726 spiegel.de Fall A$AP Rocky Trump attackiert Schweden wegen inhaftierten Rappers US / TRUMP, DONALD / US-SE / SE / A$AP ROCKY
20190720 zerohedge.com Hundreds Of US Troops Begin Deployment To Saudi Arabia To Counter Iran US ARMY / US / SA / IR
20190716 zerohedge.com Trump To Turkey: "We're Not Going To Sell You The F-35" After Russian Missile Purchase TRUMP, DONALD / US / TR / US-TR
20190709 rt.com ‘Wacky, very stupid, foolish & pompous’: Trump tears into May & UK envoy amid leaked memo scandal TRUMP, DONALD / US / MAY, THERESA / GB / DARROCH, KIM
20190709 spiegel.de Nach Depeschen-Leak Trump wütend, weil May an Botschafter festhält DARROCH, KIM / GB / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20190708 spiegel.de Diplomaten-Kritik an Trump Britischer Außenminister distanziert sich von Botschafter DARROCH, KIM / GB / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20190708 rt.com Leak of UK ambassador’s Trump views shows honesty has no place in international relations DARROCH, KIM / GB / TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20190626 spiegel.de Zuspitzung des Konflikts Trump droht Iran mit "Auslöschung" TRUMP, DONALD / US / ROHANI, HASSAN / IR
20190624 nytimes.com NY Times admints it sends stories to US government for approval before publication NEW YORK TIMES / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US
20190623 rt.com ‘They tried hard, but failed’: Iran foiled all US attempts to carry out cyber-attacks IR / US / CYBERWAR
20190623 rt.com US launched cyber-strike against Iran while backing away from military attack – report US / IR / CYBERWAR
20190623 spiegel.de Krise am Persischen Golf USA sollen Cyberangriff auf Iran ausgeführt haben US / IR / CYBERWAR
20190620 zerohedge.com Senate Blocks Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia In Bipartisan Trump Rebuke WEAPONTRADE / US / SA
20190618 independent.co.uk Ecuador 'gives US military permission' to use Galapagos island as airfield - Criticising agreement, former president says Pacific archipelago is 'not for gringo use EC / MORENO, LENIN / US
20190618 spiegel.de Irankonflikt USA schicken rund tausend weitere Soldaten in den Nahen Osten US / IR
20190618 rt.com Solar flare, aging infrastructure or Russia: Who gets blamed when the US has a massive power outage? ATTRIBUTION / US
20190617 zerohedge.com Iran's UK Ambassador: "Unfortunately We Are Heading Towards A Confrontation" With The US IR / US / IR-US
20190617 zerohedge.com "We Will Fight Until The End": Beijing Warns Washington Will Lose "Protracted" Trade War CN / US / CN-US
20190619 medium.com Former Naval officer exposes flaws in US intel on Iran oil tanker attack - Japanese government sources point finger of suspicion at US and Israel as Trump accelerates policy of ‘energy dominance’ IR / US / JP / IL
20190617 rt.com Iranian admiral urges ‘destabilizing’ US to leave Persian Gulf, reveals arrests of CIA-run agents IR / US / CIA
20190616 spiegel.de Druck auf Iran in Öltanker-Krise "Wir glauben nicht, dass jemand anderes das getan haben könnte" US / GB / HUNT, JEREMY / IR
20190616 zerohedge.com "Treason!" NYT Story Reveals US Cyber Ops Against Russian Power Grid Hidden From Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190616 telepolis.de Vor einem Cyberwar? USA legen "Cyberminen" im russischen Stromnetz CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190616 rt.com ‘Treason!’ Trump slams NYT claim of US cyber attacks on Russia’s power grid as harmful fake news CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190615 rt.com Hack away! NYT says US planted CYBER KILL SWITCH into Russian power grid… media shrugs CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190615 nytimes.com U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190615 spiegel.de Gesichtserkennung Wie amerikanische Städte gegen Überwachung kämpfen FACE RECOGNITION / US / EFF / ACLU
20190615 rt.com India to slap tariffs on 28 US products on Sunday – statement IN / US / IN-US
20190614 spiegel.de Jeremy Hunt zur Krise am Golf Britischer Außenminister macht Iran für Öltanker-Angriff verantwortlich HUNT, JEREMY / US / GB / IR
20190614 rt.com Sabotage diplomacy: Zarif says no need to be ‘clairvoyant’ to see US ‘plan B’ for Iran US / IR
20190614 spiegel.de US-Vorwürfe Video soll iranischen Angriff auf Tanker beweisen US / IR
20190613 spiegel.de Golf von Oman USA machen Iran für Tanker-Angriffe verantwortlich US / IR
20190613 spiegel.de Angriff auf Schiffe im Golf von Oman "Außerordentlich beunruhigend" US / IR / NO / DE / MAAS, HEIKO
20190613 rt.com Pompeo blames Iran for attack on tankers in Gulf of Oman US / POMPEO, MIKE / IR
20190613 rt.com ‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman US / IR
20190613 rt.com US sends destroyer to Gulf of Oman tanker incident site as Pentagon says ‘no interest’ in new war US / IR
20190613 zerohedge.com False Flag? Iran Has Little To Gain From Oman Tanker Attacks IR / US / OIL
20190613 spiegel.de Golf von Oman Norwegisches und deutsches Frachtschiff im Golf von Oman angegriffen US / IR / NO / DE
20190613 zerohedge.com Nearly 40% Of Americans Don't Ever See Themselves Retiring US
20190612 zerohedge.com "The Russians Are Coming!!" - Swallow That Bait And America Dies US / RUSSOPHOBIA
20190612 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer USA stellen Auslieferungsantrag für Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / US / EXTRADITION
20190611 rt.com ‘They will pay a price’: Bolton says US has expanded ‘offensive cyber operations’ against Russia BOLTON, JOHN / CYBERWAR / US / RU / US-RU
20190611 rt.com US officially requests extradition of Julian Assange – reports ASSANGE, JULIAN / US / EXTRADITION
20190609 rt.com ‘Complete blow to peace process’: US envoy to Israel castigated for West Bank annexation comments US / IL / PS / WEST BANK
20190609 spiegel.de Russische Raketen für die Türkei Erdogan stellt die Systemfrage US / TR / S400
20190607 spiegel.de Nato-Partner USA setzen Türkei Frist für Verzicht auf russische Raketen US / TR / S400
20190606 spiegel.de D-Day-Gedenken in der Normandie Geschichtsstunde für Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US / EU
20190606 spiegel.de Drohende Exportbeschränkung aus China US-Militär sucht neue Lieferanten für seltene Erden RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS / US / US ARMY
20190603 rt.com EU defense plan has US up in arms – report EU / US / NATO
20190601 ap.com US now seeking social media details from all visa applicants US STATE DEPARTMENT / US / PRIVACY


Date Source Title Tags
20190531 spiegel.de Treffen mit Merkel und Maas in Berlin USA bekräftigen massives Vorgehen gegen Iran US / POMPEO, MIKE / IR
20190530 rt.com Shhh. It's not fracking, it's freedom gas. US / GAS / PROPAGANDA
20190524 rt.com Assange indictments aim to 'discourage media from reporting atrocities & war crimes' ASSANGE, JULIAN / US
20190523 rt.com Up to 175 yrs in prison: US slaps Julian Assange with 17 more charges under Espionage Act ASSANGE, JULIAN / US
20190523 nytimes.com Assange Indicted Under Espionage Act, Raising First Amendment Issues ASSANGE, JULIAN / US / ESPIONAGE ACT
20190521 zerohedge.com FT Editors Warn Washington's "Coercive Steps" Against Huawei Are "Seriously Misguided" HUAWEI / US / ANDROID
20190520 wikileaks.org Ecuador to hand over Assange's entire legal defense to the United States ASSANGE, JULIAN / US
20190517 spiegel.de Reform der Visa-Vergabe Trumps wunderbare neue Einwanderer-Welt TRUMP, DONALD / IMMIGRATION / US
20190517 spiegel.de Spionagevorwurf US-Regierung setzt Huawei auf schwarze Liste HUAWEI / US
20190516 spiegel.de USA Trump erklärt nationalen Notstand in der Telekommunikation US / HUAWEI
20190515 spiegel.de Bundesregierung im USA-Iran-Konflikt Ein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer DE / US / IR
20190515 zerohedge.com Top British Commander In Rare Public Dispute With US Over Iran Intelligence GB / US / IR
20190515 nytimes.com Iran Threat Debate Is Set Off by Images of Missiles at Sea US / IR
20190515 rt.com ‘National emergency’: Trump signs executive order clearing way to ban Huawei from US telecoms US / HUAWEI
20190515 zerohedge.com China's Huawei, 70 Affiliates Blacklisted By US Commerce Department US / HUAWEI
20190514 telepolis.de US-Polizei dringt in venezolanische Botschaft in Washington vor US / VE
20190513 elpais.com Assange: Ecuador dará a Washington los ordenadores y documentos de Assange en Londres ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / US
20190512 rt.com Ecuador will give US all documents & devices Assange left in London embassy – report ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / US
20190511 zerohedge.com Trump Pulls The Trigger: Begins Process Of Raising Tariffs On All Remaining $300 Billion China Imports TRUMP, DONALD / US / CN
20190509 rt.com Pompeo threatens UK with intel sharing cut-off if they buy Huawei 5G POMPEO, MIKE / US / GB / HUAWEI
20190508 spiegel.de Atomstreit USA verschärfen Sanktionen gegen Iran US / IR / SANCTIONS
20190508 thehill.com Pompeo warns US may not share intel with UK if it lets Huawei into 5G network HUAWEI / POMPEO, MIKE / US / GB
20190502 zerohedge.com US Military Stops Releasing Information On Afghanistan War AF / US / US ARMY
20190501 zerohedge.com Pompeo Threatens Military Intervention After Maduro Declares Victory Over 'Attempted Coup' POMPEO, MIKE / US / VE
20190501 rt.com US military action in Venezuela ‘possible if that’s what’s required’ – Pompeo US / VE / POMPEO, MIKE
20190501 apnews.com US military stops releasing Afghanistan war information US / US ARMY / AF


Date Source Title Tags
20190429 spiegel.de 5G USA drohen Staaten, die mit Huawei zusammenarbeiten US / HUAWEI
20190428 rt.com Ecuador sold out Julian Assange to get US approval for lavish IMF loan – father ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / IMF / US
20190426 rt.com Trump announces US withdrawing from UN Arms Trade Treaty US / TRUMP, DONALD / WEAPONTRADE / UN ARMS TRADE TREATY
20190426 rt.com ‘We are at war’ with Russia: DNC Chair Perez says Trump ‘compromised’ DNC / PEREZ, TOM / US / RU
20190424 spiegel.de Frauenknast in den USA Gefangen in Oklahoma US / PRISONS / OKLAHOMA
20190422 spiegel.de Iran-Sanktionen USA wollen Irans Ölexporte komplett verhindern - und Abnehmerländer bestrafen POMPEO, MIKE / US / SANCTIONS / IR / OIL
20190418 rt.com MILLIONS of pills: 60 doctors & pharmacists caught up in largest federal opioid bust in US history DRUGS / US
20190418 justice.gov Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election MUELLER, ROBERT / US / US DOJ
20190417 zerohedge.com Iran's Parliament Passes Vote Declaring US Central Command A "Terror Organization" IR / US / US CENTCOM / TERRORISM
20190417 zerohedge.com Gabbard Campaign Video Slams Trump For Making US "The Prostitute Of Saudi Arabia" GABBARD, TULSI / US / SA / YE
20190417 spiegel.de Präsident gegen Kongress Trump hält US-Militärhilfe im Jemen per Veto aufrecht TRUMP, DONALD / US / YE
20190412 zerohedge.com Ecuador's Deal With Washington: Hand Over Assange, And We'll Hand You A Trade Deal EC / US / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20190412 apnews.com WikiLeaks’ Assange hauled from embassy, faces US charge ASSANGE, JULIAN / EXTRADITION / US
20190412 theguardian.com Julian Assange faces US extradition after arrest at Ecuadorian embassy ASSANGE, JULIAN / EXTRADITION / US
20190411 reuters.com Ecuador was not aware of requests for Assange extradition: foreign minister ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / EXTRADITION / US
20190411 heise.de Assange: Koordinierte Aktion von Ecuador, USA und Großbritannien ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / US / GB
20190411 elcomercio.com Información sobre colaborador de WikiLeaks y hackers rusos será remitida a Fiscalía, señaló ministra Romo ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / US / GB
20190411 rt.com ‘UK, you are America’s bitch’: Pamela Anderson launches scathing tweetstorm following Assange arrest ASSANGE, JULIAN / ANDERSON, PAMELA / GB / US
20190408 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Trump-Erklärung Iran erklärt US-Militär zu Terrororganisation IR / US / TERRORISM
20190405 spiegel.de Drohende Ermittlungen gegen US-Soldaten USA entziehen Chefanklägerin das Visum ICC / BENSOUDA, FATOU / US
20190404 rt.com Congress votes to withdraw US support from Saudi-led Yemen war US / YE


Date Source Title Tags
20190325 spiegel.de Trump und die Russlandaffäre Was Mueller herausfand - und was nicht MUELLER, ROBERT / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190324 speaker.gov Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement On Attorney General Barr’s Summary Of The Mueller Report PELOSI, NANCY / SCHUMER, CHUCK / BARR, WILLIAM / MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20190324 rt.com Mueller probe finds no collusion or conspiracy between Trump & Russia BARR, WILLIAM / MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20190324 judiciary.house.gov AG March 24 2019 Letter to House and Senate Judiciary Committees MUELLER, ROBERT / BARR, WILLIAM / US
20190322 spiegel.de Im Wortlaut Der Brief des US-Justizministers an die Abgeordneten MUELLER, ROBERT / US / BARR, WILLIAM
20190322 zerohedge.com First Lawsuit Filed Seeking To Make Mueller Report Public; Congress To See Conclusions This Weekend MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20190322 rt.com No new indictments!? Mueller concludes Russiagate probe, Dems demand ‘underlying evidence’ MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20190322 spiegel.de Untersuchung zu Trump und Russland Sonderermittler Mueller hat seinen Bericht übergeben MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20190315 zerohedge.com Pompeo Tells Senators They Don't "Truly Care About Yemeni Lives" After Vote POMPEO, MIKE / US / YE
20190315 rt.com 'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe POMPEO, MIKE / US / ICC
20190313 bloomberg.com U.S. Calls Out China’s ‘Remarkably Awful’ Human Rights Abuses POMPEO, MIKE / US / HUMAN RIGHTS / CN
20190312 spiegel.de Streit um Huawei-Beteiligung an 5G Kanzlerin weist Drohung des US-Botschafters zurück US / DE / GRENELL, RICHARD / MERKEL, ANGELA / HUAWEI
20190311 spiegel.de 5G-Ausbau USA stellen wegen Huawei Geheimdienst-Kooperation infrage HUAWEI / DE / US
20190311 zerohedge.com U.S. Warns Germany To Drop Huawei Or Risk Losing Intelligence Sharing US / DE / HUAWEI
20190310 spiegel.de Vakanzen im US-Außenministerium Trumps leere Botschaften: Saudi-Arabien, Türkei, Ägypten, Katar - in den Schlüsselländern des Nahen Ostens haben die USA derzeit keinen Botschafter. US / SA / TR / EG / QA / SD / SY / PK / AE / MA / IQ / IR
20190308 zerohedge.com Syria Accuses US Of Stealing Over 40 Tons Of Its Gold SY / US / GOLD / ISIS
20190307 zerohedge.com Leaked Documents Show US Government Tracking Journalists Through A Secret Database US
20190305 rt.com Trump to terminate India trade benefits, demands ‘equitable & reasonable’ access to its markets TRUMP, DONALD / US / IN
20190304 rt.com Congress silent as Trump extends national emergency – because it’s to sanction Russia US
20190304 spiegel.de US-Repräsentantenhaus Justizausschuss leitet größere Untersuchung gegen Trump ein US / TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP, DONALD JR.


Date Source Title Tags
20190228 zerohedge.com Kushner's Multibillion-Dollar Plot To Give Saudis Nukes KUSHNER, JARED / SA / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / US
20190219 zerohegde.com House Oversight Whistleblowers Claim Trump Trying To Transfer US Nuke Technology To Saudi Arabia US / SA
20190214 zerohedge.com Two-Thirds Of All US Bankruptcies Are Primarily Caused By Medical Bills, New Study Finds US
20190214 rt.com ‘Secret US sabotage program’ could be to blame for Iranian satellite launch failures – NY Times US / IR
20190213 nytimes.com U.S. Revives Secret Program to Sabotage Iranian Missiles and Rockets US / IR
20190213 zerohedge.com Watch Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams Lose His Cool During Tense Exchange With Rep. Ilhan Omar VE / US / ABRAMS, ELLIOTT / OMAR, ILHAN
20190213 rt.com House hearing on Venezuela: Military intervention no, regime change yes VE / US
20190213 rt.com Revolution is the new black: How Western money funds overthrow-your-government classes PRAGUE CIVIL SOCIETY CENTER / CAMPCAMP 2018 / US
20190213 spiegel.de Russland-Ermittlungen US-Senat findet vorerst wohl keine Beweise gegen Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190209 rt.com Venezuela’s self-proclaimed ‘president’ Guaido isn’t ruling out ‘authorizing’ US intervention VE / GUAIDO, JUAN / US
20190208 zerohedge.com How Chrystia Freeland Organized Donald Trump's Coup In Venezuela FREELAND, CHRYSTIA / LIMA GROUP / AR / BR / CL / CO / CR / GT / GY / HN / PA / PY / PE / LC / EC / EU / FR / DE / NL / PT / ES / GB / US / CA / VE
20190208 rt.com Huawei 5G ban: US dragging Germany into harmful economic war with China, warns industry union head US / HUAWEI / DE


Date Source Title Tags
20190125 spiegel.de Ablenkung, Öl, Wählerstimmen Warum sich Trump in Venezuela einmischt TRUMP, DONALD / US / VE
20190124 spiegel.de Keine Mehrheiten für Lösung US-Senat kann Patt im Shutdown-Streit nicht überwinden US
20190124 rt.com US refuses to withdraw diplomats from Venezuela, vows ‘appropriate action’ if they’re harmed VE / US
20190123 defensenews.com US House votes overwhelmingly to bar US exit from NATO US / NATO
20190123 afacwa.org Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots, Flight Attendants Detail Serious Safety Concerns Due to Shutdown US / AIR TRANSPORT
20190123 zerohedge.com Pelosi Blocks Trump's "State Of The Union" Speech PELOSI, NANCY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190123 spiegel.de Streit über Rede zur Lage der Nation Pelosi sperrt Trump aus dem Repräsentantenhaus aus PELOSI, NANCY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190123 rt.com Venezuela breaking diplomatic relations with US after its attempt to stage coup – President Maduro VE / US
20190123 spiegel.de Folgen des US-Shutdowns: FBI kann Informanten nicht mehr bezahlen US / FBI
20190119 zerohedge.com Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers Face $1 Billion Suit For Infecting Guatemalan Hookers With Syphilis GT / US / JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY / BRISTOL-MEYERS SQUIBB / ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION
20190108 rt.com US downgraded EU ambassador’s diplomatic status, ‘forgot’ to tell Brussels – report US / EU / US-EU



Date Source Title Tags
20181224 urdpoint.com Washington Should Explain Why US Embassies Purchased Spy Equipment - Beijing WIKILEAKS / CN / US
20181223 zerohedge.com New Cold War? WikiLeaks Reveals US Embassies Stockpiling Spy Gear And Hacking Tools WIKILEAKS / US / SV / CO / DE / US EMBASSY FRANKFURT
20181222 spiegel.de "Shutdown" und die Folgen Diese US-Institutionen sind betroffen US
20181222 spiegel.de Streit um Mexiko-Mauer "Shutdown" legt Washington lahm US
20181221 rollingstone.com We Know How Trump’s War Game Ends TRUMP, DONALD / US / AF / SY
20181221 spiegel.de Industriespionage China protestiert gegen Hacking-Vorwürfe der USA CN / US
20181220 spiegel.de Hackerkampagne APT10 USA klagen Chinesen wegen Industriespionage an CN / US
20181217 rt.com Saudi Arabia slams US Senate for naming Prince MBS as ‘responsible’ for Khashoggi murder SA / US / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
2081217 spiegel.de Fall Jamal Khashoggi Riad kritisiert "gehaltlose Vorwürfe" des US-Senats SA / US / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181217 spiegel.de USA Zwei Männer als "illegale Agenten" der Türkei angeklagt GUELEN, FETHULLAH / US / TR / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20181213 rt.com US Senate passes resolution blaming Saudi Prince MBS for Jamal Khashoggi murder US / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181211 zerohedge.com Kremlin To Release US-Russia Communications On Election Meddling If Trump Agrees RU / US
20181211 rt.com Moscow ready to release correspondence with US on alleged Russian election meddling RU / US
20181209 rt.com China summons US envoy to lodge ‘strong protest’ over Huawei executive's arrest – FM HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CN / US
20181208 spiegel.de Huawei-Finanzchefin Meng in Haft China droht Kanada HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CA / US / CN
20181207 nytimes.com Meng Wanzhou Was Huawei’s Professional Face, Until Her Arrest HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CA / US / CN
20181207 spiegel.de Meng Wanzhou Huaweis Finanzchefin drohen mehr als 30 Jahre Haft HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CA / US / CN
20181205 spiegel.de Saudi-Arabiens Atomprogramm: Der Prinz und die Bombe US / SA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181205 zerohedge.com China Outraged At Arrest Of Huawei CFO, Warns It Will "Take All Measures" HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CA / US / CN
20181205 zerohedge.com Trade Truce Over? Canada Arrests Huawei CFO At US Request HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CA / US / CN
20181205 rt.com Huawei finance chief arrested in Canada, faces extradition to US over Iran sanctions – report HUAWEI / WANZHOU, MENG / CA / US / CN
20181205 spiegel.de "Er ist gefährlich" US-Senatoren beschuldigen saudischen Kronprinz im Fall Khashoggi KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA / US / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED


Date Source Title Tags
20181129 rt.com US Senate advances proposal to stop backing Saudi Arabia in Yemen US / YE
20181129 zerohegde.com Senators Seeking To Shoot Down Yemen Bill Were Paid By Saudi Lobbyists US / YE
20181126 zeit.de USA werfen Russland Verletzung der ukrainischen Souveränität vor UA / RU / US
20181122 zerohedge.com Buchanan: Are The Saudi Princes True Friends? KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20181121 washingtonpost.com Killing of Khashoggi tests U.S. defense industry as backlash builds on Capitol Hill US / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181121 theintercept.com Trump’s Amoral Saudi Statement Is a Pure Expression of Decades-Old “U.S. Values” and Foreign Policy Orthodoxies TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA / US-SA
20181120 spiegel.de Schlagabtausch mit Premier Imran Khan Trump-Tweets stürzen USA in Krise mit Pakistan KHAN, IMRAN / PK / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20181117 zerohedge.com White House Official Involved In Saudi Sanctions Resigns US / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181116 zerohedge.com National Defense Strategy Commission: US Could Lose Wars With Russia, China US
20181110 zerohedge.com "They've Listened, They Know": Erdogan Announces Turkey Shared Khashoggi Death Tapes With U.S. KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / US / GB / FR / DE
20181110 rt.com How Khashoggi was killed: Erdogan says chilling audio sent to Saudi Arabia, US, UK, France & Germany KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / US / GB / FR / DE
20181107 washingtonpost.com Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at Trump’s request SESSIONS, JEFF / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20181106 electronicintifada.net Watch final episodes of Al Jazeera film on US Israel lobby IL / PROPAGANDA / PS / US
20181105 rt.com Saudis ‘don’t know how to use’ US bombs: Trump condemns deadly Yemen school bus strike… kind of SA / WEAPONTRADE / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20181102 rt.com US needs ‘handful more weeks’ before sanctioning strategic partner Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi murder KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / US
20181102 rt.com US threatens to smack SWIFT with sanctions if it fails to cut off financial services to Iran SWIFT / US / EU / IR
20181102 spiegel.de US-Grenze zu Mexiko Trump droht Flüchtlingen mit Gewalt REFUGEES / US / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20181031 apnews.com Authorities probing immigrant Saudi sisters’ mystery deaths SA / US / NEW YORK
20181027 rt.com Yes, Russia is getting ready for war – in case US attacks, diplomat tells UN RU / US
20181024 spiegel.de Clinton über mutmaßliche Paketbomben "Es ist eine Zeit tiefer Spaltung" US / CLINTON, HILLARY / CNN / CLINTON, BILL / OBAMA, BARACK
20181024 spiegel.de Möglicher Bombenfund Secret Service fängt "verdächtige Pakete" an Obama und Clinton ab US / SOROS, GEORGE / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY
20181024 spiegel.de Fall Khashoggi USA kündigen erste Sanktionen gegen Saudi-Arabien an US / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181024 zerohegde.com Iran's Rouhani: 'Saudi Wouldn't Have Killed Khashoggi Without US Approval' KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / US / ROUHANI, HASSAN
20181022 washingtonpost.com CIA director flies to Turkey amid growing controversy over Jamal Khashoggi killing HASPEL, GINA / CIA / US / SA / TR / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181021 washingtonpost.com Inside the Saudis’ Washington influence machine: How the kingdom gained power through fierce lobbying and charm offensives SA / LOBBYING / US
20181020 rt.com Trump vows to pull US out of ‘unacceptable’ nuclear missile deal with Russia NUCLEAR WEAPONS / RU / US
20181020 spiegel.de Atomwaffenfähige Mittelstreckenraketen Trump will Abrüstungsvertrag mit Russland kündigen NUCLEAR WEAPONS / RU / US
20181019 washingtonpost.com Khashoggi outcry galvanizes critics against Saudi arms sales KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / WEAPONTRADE / US / LOCKHEED MARTIN
20181019 nytimes.com Justice Dept. Accuses Russians of Interfering in Midterm Elections US / RU / KHUSYAYNOVA, ELANA ALEKSEEVNA / PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY
20181019 spiegel.de Kongresswahlen US-Justiz klagt Russin wegen Wahleinmischung an US / RU / KHUSYAYNOVA, ELANA ALEKSEEVNA / PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY
20181017 spiegel.de Handelsstreit USA kündigen internationales Postabkommen UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION / US
20181016 globaltimes.cn Khashoggi case tests Washington’s attitude to human rights KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / US / HUMAN RIGHTS
20181016 rt.com US thanks Saudi for ‘transparent’ probe as new evidence points to Khashoggi’s murder in consulate US / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181016 rt.com US won’t impose economic sanctions against Saudis to protect its arms sales to kingdom – analysts KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / US / SA / SANCTIONS
20181015 spiegel.de Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump schickt Außenminister nach Saudi-Arabien KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA / POMPEO, MIKE
20181013 washingtonpost.com Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if U.S. determines Saudi Arabia killed Khashoggi KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA
20181011 washingtonpost.com Trump’s $110 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia: still fake] TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA / WEAPONTRADE
20181011 theintercept.com Is This the Beginning of the End of the U.S.-Saudi Alliance? KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / US
20181011 rt.com First ever 'Chinese spy' extradited to stand trial in US CN / US
20181010 rt.com US senators demand Magnitsky Act probe, sanctions on Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi disappearance KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / US / SA
20181002 strategic-culture.org US Switching to Ukraine as Location to Start World War III Against Russia US / UA / RU / SY


Date Source Title Tags
20180910 spiegel.de Sicherheitsberater Bolton US-Regierung droht Den Haager Richtern und Anklägern mit Einreisesperre ICC / US / BOLTON, JOHN
20180906 theguardian.com Trump aide's anonymous op-ed reveals 'resistance' inside administration: Unidentified official claims staffers are working to frustrate parts of the president’s agenda and ‘his worst inclinations’ US


Date Source Title Tags
20180822 pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia / Alexandria Division: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. SEITU SULAYMAN KOKAYI US / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20180813 rt.com Turkish currency hit by perfect storm of US sanctions, tariffs & debt, plunges to historic low TR / US / TRY
20180811 spiegel.de Streit um Atomprogramm Nordkorea schreibt Wutbrief an US-Regierung KP / US / TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / BOLTON, JOHN
20180811 spiegel.de Gastbeitrag in der "New York Times" Erdogan droht USA mit Ende der Partnerschaft TR / US / TR-US
20180810 nytimes.com Erdogan: How Turkey Sees the Crisis With the U.S. - Unilateral actions against Turkey by the United States will undermine American interests and force Turkey to look for other friends and allies. ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / US / TR-US
20180810 telepolis.de USA: Wie mit angeblichen russischen Hacks und Beeinflussungsoperationen Wahlkampf gemacht wird US / PROPAGANDA
20180809 rt.com Russia to treat further US sanctions as an open declaration of economic war – PM RU / US / SANCTIONS
20180809 rt.com US State Dept sanctions against Russia aimed at 'undercutting' Trump, analysts say US / RU / SANCTIONS / TRUMP, DONALD / PAUL, RAND
20180808 spiegel.de Fall Skripal USA verhängen neue Russland-Sanktionen wegen Giftanschlag SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / US / RU
20180804 reuters.com Trump administration goes on attack against leakers, journalists US / SESSIONS, JEFF / JOURNALISM / LEAKS
20180804 zerohedge.com Russia Slams Leak Of Secret Memo On US-Moscow Cooperation in Syria SY / RU / US
20180803 rt.com China threatens tariffs on $60 billion in US goods CN / US
20180803 spiegel.de USA Schwarze Studentin sitzt auf dem Campus - College-Mitarbeiter ruft Polizei US / MASSACHUSETTS / RACISM
20180802 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Russland mischt sich offenbar weiter in US-Wahlen ein WHITE HOUSE / US / RU
20180801 theintercept.com Saudi Arabia Planned to Invade Qatar Last Summer. Rex Tillerson’s Efforts to Stop It May Have Cost Him His Job. SA / QA / US / TILLERSON, REX


Date Source Title Tags
20180731 zerohegde.com Five Trillion Dollars! Doomed US Pensions' Shortfall Now The Size Of Japan's Economy US
20180728 rt.com 'Assange's days in Ecuadorian Embassy in London are numbered' – Correa ASSANGE, JULIAN / MORENO, LENIN / CORREA, RAFAEL / EC / US
20180726 zerohegde.com US Preparing To Bomb Iran's Nuclear Capabilities As Soon As Next Month: Report US / IR
20180726 zerohegde.com Chinese Firms Are Net Sellers Of U.S. Commercial Real Estate, "First Time Since 2008" CN / US
20180723 zerohedge.com Pompeo Speech Marks Start Of Broader Campaign For Iran Regime-Change US / POMPEO, MIKE / IR
20180723 zerohedge.com Escobar: Here's The Real Reason The US Must Talk To Russia RU / US
20180719 rt.com US will not let Americans be questioned by Moscow, but demands extradition of 12 Russians US / RU
20180719 rt.com Trump: ‘Reckless’ media pushing for ‘major confrontation with Russia that could lead to war’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20180719 zerohegde.com American Cold War Experts: "The Real Threat Is Russophobia" US / RUSSOPHOBIA
20180717 zerohegde.com Paul Craig Roberts: "Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?" TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / US-RU
20180717 rt.com Lights go out at White House as Trump pledges loyalty to US intelligence (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180717 zerohegde.com Russia Liquidates Its US Treasury Holdings RU / US
20180717 abcnews.go.com Russian gun-rights activist linked to NRA indicted for acting as foreign agent US / BUTINA, MARIA / NRA
20180717 zerohegde.com Putin Claims U.S. Intelligence Agents Funneled $400 Million To Clinton Campaign PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BROWDER, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / US
20180717 zerohedge.com Mish: "Mass Hysteria" US / TRUMP, DONALD / US-RU
20180716 spiegel.de Tweets vor Treffen mit Putin Trump macht Obama für schlechtes Verhältnis zu Russland verantwortlich TRUMP, DONALD / US / OBAMA, BARACK / RU
20180712 zerohegde.com Germans Actually Want US Troops Out Of Germany, Poll Finds DE / US / NATO
20180708 zerohedge.com "I Was There, I Know What Took Place": Pompeo Slams North Korea Criticism Of Denuclearization POMPEO, MIKE / KP / US
20180708 rt.com N. Korea sticks to promise to scrap missile engine test site, but US sanctions remain – Pompeo KP / US
20180708 rt.com US warships sail through Taiwan Strait for first time in a year as China tariffs kick in US / CN
20180707 zerohegde.com Leaked Chinese Memo Warns Of "Thucydides Trap" With US, "War Is Unavoidable" CN / US
20180705 rt.com N. Korea regrets US attitude & unilateral denuclearization demands during Pompeo talks KP / US / POMPEO, MIKE
20180705 rt.com US intel report on Russian meddling 'shabby & politically motivated' – Ex-US envoy to Soviet Union US / RU
20180705 zerohegde.com Facebook Algorithm Flags The Declaration Of Independence As "Hate Speech" US / FACEBOOK / HATE SPEECH
20180704 spiegel.de Treffen in Berlin US-Botschafter bietet Autobossen offenbar Lösung im Zollstreit an GRENELL, RICHARD / US
20180703 senate.gov Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Review of Intelligence Community Assessment US / SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE


Date Source Title Tags
20180630 spiegel.de Medienbericht USA prüfen offenbar Truppenabzug aus Deutschland US / US ARMY / NATO / PL
20180627 zerohedge.com Supreme Court Justice Kennedy Is Retiring, Giving Trump 2nd Supreme Court Pick US / KENNEDY, ANTHONY
20180624 zerohegde.com Maxine Waters Calls For Attacks On White House Employees: "Create A Crowd And Push Back On Them" US
20180624 spiegel.de Flüchtlingspolitik Maßnahmen der Unmenschlichkeit US
20180616 rt.com Russia dumps half of its US Treasury bonds RU / US / US TREASURY BONDS
20180615 globaltimes.cn China vows powerful retaliation against US tariffs CN / US
20180615 spiegel.de Medienberichte USA verhängen offenbar Milliarden-Strafzölle gegen China US / CN
20180615 rt.com Trump slaps China with $50 billion in trade tariffs on imports US / CN
20180612 rt.com North Korea sanctions to 'remain in effect’ – Trump JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Trump und Kim in Singapur Die Erklärung im Wortlaut (englisch) JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Koreanische Halbinsel Trump kündigt Stopp der Militärmanöver an JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Gipfel in Singapur Trump und Kim unterzeichnen Vereinbarung JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 rt.com Historic handshake: Kim, Trump face off at Singapore summit (VIDEO, PHOTOS) JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Historisches Treffen in Singapur Trump sagt "großartige Beziehung" zu Kim voraus JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180611 spiegel.de Mögliche Cyberangriffe USA verhängen weitere Sanktionen gegen Russland US / SANCTIONS / RU
20180603 zerohedge.com "This Is A Red Line": Beijing Warns Trump Trade Deal Is Off If US Imposes Tariffs CN / US
20180603 bloomberg.com Kudlow Says Don't Blame Trump as China Warns of Trade Pullback CN / US
20180601 rt.com ‘Why does Israel get impunity?’ UNSC call for protection of Palestinians vetoed by US HALEY, NIKKI / US / UN / PS / IL


Date Source Title Tags
20180531 zerohegde.com EU Rages At "Unacceptable" US Tariffs, Vows Retaliation "In Coming Hours" EU / US
20180531 spiegel.de Handelsstreit Das müssen Sie über die US-Strafzölle wissen EU / US
20180524 defenseone.com The Word That Derailed the Trump-Kim Summit KP / KR / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LY
20180522 rt.com 'No question' Trump might walk away from summit with Kim – Pence US / KP
20180521 nytimes.com Chances of China Trade Win Undercut by Trump Team Infighting CN / US
20180521 rt.com ‘Strongest sanctions in history’: Pompeo issues 12 demands to Iran, vows ‘unprecedented pressure’ POMPEO, MIKE / US / IR
20180521 spiegel.de Konfrontation mit Iran USA kündigen "stärkste Sanktionen der Geschichte" an POMPEO, MIKE / US / IR
20180519 rt.com China to buy more American goods, but not as much as Trump wants CN / US
20180519 spiegel.de Iran-Sanktionen Trumps Dollar-Keule TRUMP, DONALD / US / SANCTIONS / IR
20180519 rt.com US supports Venezuela's democracy by accusing Maduro of drug profiteering ahead of elections US / VE
20180518 spiegel.de Nervengift Alliierte wussten schon vor BND von Nowitschok NOVICHOK / BND / US / GB / NL / CA
20180518 rt.com US House Intelligence Committee declares China ‘pre-eminent threat to American security & values’ US / CN
20180514 spiegel.de Gewalt im Gazastreifen Türkei macht USA für "Massaker" verantwortlich TR / IL / US
20180513 tagesschau.de Vor Einweihung US-Botschaft Israels Armee rüstet sich IL / US
20180510 zerohedge.com Merkel: "Europe Can No Longer Rely On The US To Protect It" MERKEL, ANGELA / EU / US
20180509 zerohedge.com Veteran CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Assaulted By Police While Protesting Nomination Of Gina Haspel MCGOVERN, RAY / US / HASPEL, GINA
20180509 zerohedge.com Mastermind Behind 9/11 Attacks Wants To Chime In On Haspel CIA Confirmation SHEIKH MOHAMMED, KHALID / HASPEL, GINA / CIA / US
20180509 spiegel.de Deutsche Kritik an US-Botschafter Grenell "Partnerschaft und Kasernenhof-Ton schließen sich aus" GRENELL, RICHARD / US / DE / IR
20180509 rt.com Former CIA analyst dragged from Haspel hearing by Capitol Police after anti-torture protest MCGOVERN, RAY / US / HASPEL, GINA
20180508 spiegel.de US-Forderung Deutsche Firmen sollen sich "sofort" aus Iran zurückziehen US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de USA vs. Iran Die Erklärung des Weißen Hauses im Wortlaut (englisch) TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de Atom-Deal Trump verkündet Ausstieg aus Iran-Abkommen TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Trump Iran droht mit Uran-Anreicherung "in den nächsten Wochen" TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de Trumps Iran-Entscheidung Einfach brandgefährlich TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR


Date Source Title Tags
20180430 spiegel.de US-Außenminister zum Iran-Atomdeal USA bezichtigen Iran der Lüge POMPEO, MIKE / US / IR / IL
20180428 docs.house.gov House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Report on Russian Active Measures US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20180428 rt.com Pompeo lands in Saudi Arabia, immediately calls for new sanctions against Iran POMPEO, MIKE / US / SA / IR / SANCTIONS
20180428 spiegel.de Atomabkommen USA fordern Europäer zu Sanktionen gegen Iran auf POMPEO, MIKE / US / SA / IR / SANCTIONS
20180428 zerohedge.com Future Uncertain For Assange In Wake Of US-Ecuador Military Deal ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / US
20180427 disobedientmedia.com Future Uncertain For Assange In Wake Of US-Ecuador Military Deal ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / US
20180426 spiegel.de Trumps Kandidat Senat bestätigt Pompeo als Außenminister US / US STATE DEPARTMENT / POMPEO, MIKE
20180420 spiegel.de Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht Bundestags-Gutachten verurteilt Vergeltungsschlag in Syrien DE / SY / US / GB / FR
20180420 welt.de US-Angriff auf Syrien Luftschlag war laut Bundestags-Gutachten völkerrechtswidrig DE / SY / US / GB / FR
20180418 tass.com Russia proves Novichok agent patented in US as a chemical weapon — OPCW envoy / According to the Russian diplomat, nerve agents like Novichok were not only produced but were even patented as a chemical weapon in the United States NOVICHOK / OPCW / US / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180418 telesurtv.net Ecuador to Seek Colombian Border 'Security' Cooperation With US EC / CO / US
20180415 spiegel.de Pressestimmen zu US-Luftschlägen "Trump ist eine Belastung für Amerika und die Welt" SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20180415 rt.com 'Security Council, unite’: US, UK & France want UN to back their illegal Syria strikes UN / US / GB / FR / SY
20180415 zerohedge.com Pentagon Has "Global Campaign Plan For China" Amid Unprecedented Military Buildup US / CN
20180415 zerohedge.com China: "The Arrogant US Has A Record Of Launching Wars On Deceptive Grounds" CN / SY / US
20180414 globaltimes.cn US, allies risk Russian retaliation in Syrian attack CN / SY / US
20180414 zerohedge.com This Really Is The Everything Bubble: Even Subprime Mortgage Bonds Are Back US
20180414 spiegel.de Dringlichkeitssitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats Russland wirft USA "neokoloniales Auftreten" vor SY / UN / RU / US
20180413 spiegel.de Weißes Haus zur Syrien-Strategie "Wir werten weiter Geheimdiensterkenntnisse aus" SY / US
20180413 spiegel.de Syrien-Krise Ex-Botschafter rechnet mit Militärschlag von Trump SY / US
20180412 zerohedge.com Is China Selling Treasuries? CN / US
20180412 spiegel.de Nach Trump-Drohung Weiterhin Kontakt zwischen Moskau und Washington in Syrienkrise SY / US / RU
20180412 spiegel.de Möglicher US-Angriff in Syrien Trumps Sprecherin: "Noch ist nichts entschieden" TRUMP, DONALD / US / SY
20180411 spiegel.de Moskaus Antwort auf Trump-Drohung "Wir beteiligen uns nicht an Twitter-Diplomatie" PESKOW, DMITRI / RU / SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20180409 zerohedge.com "We Understand The Chinese Government Has Halted Purchases Of US Treasuries": SGH CN / US
20180409 rt.com 'We have a lot of options militarily' – Trump on Syria 'chemical attack' response US / SY
20180406 rt.com 'If my plane explodes, ask the CIA’ – Duterte after requesting arms from Russia & China DUTERTE, RODRIGO / CN / RU / US / WEAPONTRADE
20180405 rt.com Trump threatens China with $100bn more in tariffs as response to Beijing’s ‘unfair retaliation’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / CN
20180404 washingtonpost.com National Security: Trump administration to impose fresh sanctions against Russia US / RU / SANCTIONS
20180403 rt.com ‘It’s only polite to reciprocate’: Beijing slams new US tariffs on $50bn worth of Chinese goods CN / US
20180402 spiegel.de Fall Skripal Russland wirft Briten und USA Verlust jeden Anstands vor SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / GB / US


Date Source Title Tags
20180331 rt.com ‘US expelling America’s friends’: Russian Ambassador decries Trump’s move as diplomats leave DC RU / US / RU-US
20180329 zerohedge.com U.S. Tourists Will Be Required To Turn Over Their Social Media History DHS / US
20180329 rt.com Russia to close US consulate in St. Petersburg, expel 60 diplomats as Washington did – Lavrov RU / US
20180329 spiegel.de Moskaus Antwort auf Diplomaten-Ausweisung Mit gleicher Münze RU / US
20180329 spiegel.de Vergeltung im Fall Skripal Russland weist 60 US-Diplomaten aus und schließt US-Konsulat RU / US
20180328 rt.com Spread of Wahhabism was done at request of West during Cold War – Saudi crown prince WAHHABISM / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / US
20180328 qz.com Mapped: The breathtaking global reach of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / US / GB / AR / CO / GY / UY / TT / GD / VC / LC / KN / AG / CY / NG / GA / KY / ZM / ZA / LV / LT / UA / RO / IT / MD / AL / IN / PK / NP / TH / ID / PH / MU
20180327 zerohedge.com The US Government Just Destroyed Our Privacy While Nobody Was Paying Attention CLOUD COMPUTING / US / PRIVACY
20180327 zerohedge.com 37 State Attorneys General Demand Answers From Zuckerberg In Data Harvesting Scandal FACEBOOK / ZUCKERBERG, MARK / US
20180326 rt.com Trump orders expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats, closure of Seattle consulate TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20180326 spiegel.de Anschlag auf Ex-Spion Skripal Deutschland weist vier russische Diplomaten aus SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / GB / MAY, THERESA / DE / FR / US / PL / LT / UA / CZ / NL / EE / IT / RO
20180325 rt.com Trump suggests American military may pay for US-Mexico border wall since it’s now 'rich' US / MX / TRUMP, DONALD
20180324 rt.com US demands China reconsider ‘catastrophic’ ban on importing foreign garbage & recyclables US / CN / WTO / WASTE
20180324 spiegel.de Strategie der Strafzölle Trumps Attacke auf den Welthandel TRUMP, DONALD / US / WTO
20180323 spiegel.de US-Strafzölle China hält sich zurück. Warum? US / CN
20180323 rt.com Inappropriate meetings & ineffective intel: Key findings of House Committee on Russia probe US HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE / US / RU / WIKILEAKS
20180323 spiegel.de Deutsche Reaktionen auf John Bolton "In Washington kommt jetzt die Stunde der Hardliner" BOLTON, JOHN / US
20180322 zerohedge.com House Commerce Chair Calls On Zuckerberg To Testify ZUCKERBERG, MARK / US / FACEBOOK / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA
20180322 rt.com ‘Pentagon cyber-espionage op’: US reportedly behind Slingshot malware targeting Mid East & Africa KASPERSKY / PENTAGON / US / ATTRIBUTION
20180322 rt.com China 'would fight to the end' in trade war with US – Embassy CN / US
20180322 rt.com 'No collusion': House Intel Committee votes to end Russia probe US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180321 rt.com ‘Peanuts for you’: Trump showcases weapons US sold to Yemen-bombing Saudi prince (VIDEO) WEAPONTRADE / SA / US
20180320 cyberscoop.com Kaspersky's 'Slingshot' report burned an ISIS-focused intelligence operation KASPERSKY / PENTAGON / US / ATTRIBUTION
20180320 spiegel.de Datenskandal US-Verbraucherschutzbehörde ermittelt offenbar gegen Facebook FACEBOOK / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / US / GB / DE
20180315 us-cert.gov Alert (TA18-074A): Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors US / CYBERWAR / RU
20180315 nytimes.com Cyberattacks Put Russian Fingers on the Switch at Power Plants, U.S. Says US / CYBERWAR / ATTRIBUTION / RU
20180315 diplo.de Salisbury attack: Joint statement from the leaders of France, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / FR / US / GB / DE
20180315 spiegel.de Möglicher Handelskrieg Trumps eigentliche Gegner sitzen in China US / CN / GLOBAL ECONOMY
20180315 zerohedge.com US Accuses Russia Of Cyber Attacks, Sanctions "Putin's Chef", Russian Troll Farm US / RU / SANCTIONS / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY
20180315 spiegel.de Wegen Wahlbeeinflussung USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen Russland US / RU / SANCTIONS / MNUCHIN, STEVEN
20180313 spiegel.de USA Trump entlässt Außenminister Rex Tillerson US / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX / POMPEO, MIKE / HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180313 nytimes.com Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo US / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX / POMPEO, MIKE / HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180306 spiegel.de US-Ermittlungen zur Wahleinmischung Komplott? Manipulation? Auch egal PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US
20180305 rt.com US embassy in Turkey closed over security threat amid tensions between nations US Embassy Ankara / TR / US
20180302 tass.com Moscow cancels new round of strategic consultations with US - an ambassador accuses Washington of hampering cyber security consultations with Moscow CYBERWAR / RU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20180228 wsj.com The Legal Case for Striking North Korea First: Does the necessity of self-defense leave ‘no choice of means, and no moment of deliberation’? BOLTON, JOHN / US / KP
20180225 theguardian.com Colombia extradites 'Pablo Escobar of Ecuador' to US: Washington Edison Prado is accused of shipping hundreds of tonnes of cocaine to US EC / EXTRADITION / US
20180223 middleeasteye.net US embassy moving to Jerusalem on Israel's independence day US / IL / JERUSALEM / PS
20180222 rt.com Trump suggests arming teachers & staff could prevent school massacres TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180222 rt.com Russians hacked English too? US establishment adopts 'spy' language RU / US / PROPAGANDA
20180221 spiegel.de Florida Parlament lehnt schärferes Waffenrecht ab - Schüler brechen in Tränen aus US
20180219 theintercept.com A Consensus Emerges: Russia Committed an “Act of War” on Par With Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Should the U.S. Response Be Similar? DNC / ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20180213 rt.com US Homeland Security refutes NBC report that claims Russia hacked elections DHS / RU / US
20180213 spiegel.de Kongresswahlen US-Geheimdienstdirektor warnt vor russischen Cyberattacken COATS, DAN / CYBERWAR / RU / US / PROPAGANDA
20180213 rt.com Assange expert tells RT: Wikileaks founder’s extradition fears are ‘completely rational’ ASSANGE, JULIAN / GB / US / MAURIZI, STEFANIA
20180212 rt.com Trump back to slamming Middle East wars as he pushes infrastructure spending TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180208 washingtonpost.com The Netherlands just revealed its cyber-capacity. So what does that mean? CYBERWAR / NL / RU / US
20180205 rt.com Switzerland & United States are the world’s most corrupt nations – report BANK SECRECY / TAX AVOIDANCE / CH / US


Date Source Title Tags
20180130 bloomberg.com U.S. Regulators Subpoena Crypto Exchange Bitfinex, Tether US / BTC / BITFINEX / TETHER
20180125 zerohedge.com Trump Officially Restores Cold War TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CN
20180125 rt.com US ‘needs to stop supporting terrorists’ to avoid possible clash with Turkey in Syria – Deputy PM TR / SY / US
20180118 spiegel.de Handelsstreit mit China USA verhängen weitere Strafzölle US / CN
20180112 rt.com ‘US sees UK as obedient poodles in Assange case’ ASSANGE, JULIAN / US / GB
20180112 zerohedge.com "We Know Who They Are": Putin Claims "State Provocateur" Behind "Terrorist Drones" In Syria SY / US / DRONES / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / TR / CIA / MORELL, MICHAEL
20180112 rt.com Trump cancels UK visit… so much for the ‘special relationship’ US-GB / US / GB / TRUMP, DONALD
20180111 ewg.org 170 Million in U.S. Drink Radioactive Tap Water. Trump Nominee Faked Data to Hide Cancer Risk. US
20180111 spiegel.de Trump und die Russlandaffäre Befragung durch Ermittler Mueller "eher unwahrscheinlich" TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / US
20180108 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Sonderermittler Mueller will Trump persönlich befragen TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / US
20180105 washingtonpost.com FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months CLINTON FOUNDATION / FBI / US
20180103 spiegel.de Globaler Datenzugriff US-Gericht entscheidet über unsere Privatsphäre CLOUD COMPUTING / INTERNET / US
20180103 spiegel.de Trump reagiert auf Kims Drohung "Mein Atomwaffenknopf ist größer als seiner" TRUMP, DONALD / US / JONG UN, KIM / KP



Date Source Title Tags
20171231 rt.com Europe ‘should be interested’ in improving Russia-US ties, key to non-proliferation – German FM GABRIEL, SIGMAR / DE / EU / RU / US
20171230 zerohedge.com US State Department Hints At Iran Overthrow: Are We Witnessing The Early Stages Of Regime Change? US / IR
20171230 spiegel.de Proteste gegen Regierung in Teheran USA verurteilen Festnahmen iranischer Demonstranten US / IR
20171228 zerohedge.com Intelligence Insider Warns Of Imminent War: "Likely In The Next 12 Weeks..." KP / US / POMPEO, MIKE
20171223 spiegel.de Russland empört über US-Waffendeal mit Ukraine "Das ist ein großer Fehler" US / WEAPONTRADE / UA / RU
20171223 zerohedge.com "The US Has Crossed The Line": Russia Warns Trump Decision To Arm Ukraine Will "Lead To Bloodshed" US / WEAPONTRADE / UA / RU
20171222 rt.com McCarthy-style targeting of Jill Stein proves Democrats have truly lost the plot STEIN, JILL / US
20171219 spiegel.de Erpressersoftware USA machen Nordkorea für "WannaCry"-Attacke verantwortlich ATTRIBUTION / US / KP
20171219 spiegel.de Reaktion auf US-Sicherheitsstrategie "China bösartig verleumdet" CN / US
20171218 rt.com Trump’s new security strategy to keep Russia & China as main competitors TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CN
20171212 torrentfreak.com How The US Pushed Sweden to Take Down The Pirate Bay US / PIRATE BAY
20171209 npr.org Recycling Chaos In U.S. As China Bans 'Foreign Waste CN / US
20171206 PILGER, JOHN/aljazeera.com The Coming War on China: Journalist John Pilger on how the world's greatest military power, the US, may well be on the road to war with China. CN / US
20171206 spiegel.de Trotz Sorge um Stabilität im Nahen Osten Trump erkennt Jerusalem als Hauptstadt Israels an TRUMP, DONALD / US / IL / PS / JERUSALEM
20171205 foreignaffairs.com How to Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies BIDEN, JOSEPH / CARPENTER, MICHAEL / US / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RS / GE / UA / KG / MD / ME / WIKILEAKS / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / NL / IT / ES / CATALONIA / AFD / NORTHERN LEAGUE / LE PEN, MARINE / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20171205 rt.com Trump informs Abbas of intention to move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem TRUMP, DONALD / US / IL / PS / JERUSALEM
20171201 ynetnews.com US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration IL / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171201 zerohedge.com The Internecine Deep State Conflict Moves To Stage Two US


Date Source Title Tags
20171129 zerohedge.com Russia Warns Washington: Confiscating Gold Reserves Would Be "Declaration Of Financial War" RU / GOLD / US
20171125 rt.com It flies, and it snoops: Norway’s pricey F-35s caught sending ‘sensitive data’ to US NO / US / F35
20171120 rt.com Trump declares North Korea state sponsor of terrorism TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20171114 zerohedge.com Bombshell Report Confirms US Coalition Struck A Deal With ISIS ISLAMIC STATE / US / SY
20171114 spiegel.de Fazit zu Trumps Asienreise Amerika dankt ab US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171114 spiegel.de USA Russischer TV-Sender RT lässt sich als "ausländischer Agent" registrieren RUSSIA TODAY / US
20171113 rt.com ‘Nobody thinks Russia had impact on election’ – US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin MNUCHIN, STEVEN / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171113 rt.com Forcing RT to register as 'foreign agent' is a ‘horrendous blow to press freedom’ RT / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20171111 rt.com Putin: Moscow will introduce tit-for-tat measures over US attack on Russian media RU / US / RT / RU-US
20171109 zerohedge.com DOJ To Russia Today: Register As A Foreign Agent Or Face Arrest RT / US
20171108 dailybeast.com BORDER JUMPING - The FBI Blindly Hacked Computers in Russia, China, and Iran FBI / US / RU / CN / IR
20171108 rt.com 'Zero evidence' for claims Russia hacked DNC, says NSA whistleblower (VIDEO)] BINNEY, WILLIAM / DEMOCRATIC PARTY / DNC / US
20171105 spiegel.de Größter Börsengang der Welt Trump will Ölkonzern Saudi Aramco nach New York locken SA / SAUDI ARAMCO / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171104 zerohedge.com The 'War On Terror' Has Cost American Taxpayers $250 Million A Day For 16 Years US
20171103 zerohedge.com The Swiss National Bank Now Owns A Record $88 Billion In US Stocks SNB / US
20171102 spiegel.de Manipulationen im US-Wahlkampf Plötzlich sind Google und Facebook ganz kleinlaut FACEBOOK / TWITTER / GOOGLE / US


Date Source Title Tags
20171027 rt.com Twitter’s multi-million dollar US election pitch to RT revealed in FULL TWITTER / RT / US
20171018 rt.com ‘Sex brings down kingdoms’: Massive prostitution sting results in 277 arrests PROSTITUTION / US
20171015 yahoo.com Russian trolls were schooled on ‘House of Cards’ PROPAGANDA / RU / US
20171013 newsweek.com U.S. - Former Trump Staffer Killed After Being Shot 13 Times in His Sleep CORVINO, NICK / US
20171013 spiegel.de Austritt aus der Unesco Amerikas Abkehr UNESCO / US
20171012 spiegel.de Uno-Kulturorganisation: Auch Israel will Unesco verlassen UNESCO / US / IL
20171012 rt.com US withdraws from UNESCO, cites ‘continuing anti-Israel bias’ UNESCO / US
20171012 spiegel.de Streit um Mitgliedschaft Palästinas USA treten aus Unesco aus UNESCO / US
20171010 nytimes.com How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for U.S. Secrets KASPERSKY / IL / RU / US
20171005 washingtonpost.com U.S. military uses Russian 'deconfliction' line 20 times a day to separate jets over Syria SY / RU / US
20171003 rt.com US staging ‘fatal provocations’ against Russian forces in Syria – Lavrov SY / US / RU
20171002 zerohedge.com Mastermind Of $4 Billion Bitcoin Money Laundering Operation May Be Extradited To US VINNICK, ALEXANDER / RU / US / BTC-e / BTC
20171002 golem.de US-Armee: Trump ordnet Denial-of-Service-Angriffe gegen Nordkorea an CYBERWAR / KP / US
20171001 spiegel.de "Zeitverschwendung" Nordkorea-Sondierungen - Trump brüskiert seinen Außenminister TILLERSON, REX / TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP


Date Source Title Tags
20170930 spiegel.de Atomstreit mit Pjöngjang USA beklagen Nordkoreas mangelnde Gesprächsbereitschaft US / KP
20170930 rt.com State Dept. distances itself from ambassador saying Israel occupies mere ‘2% of West Bank’ US / PS / IL
20170930 spiegel.de Atomstreit USA suchen direkte Gespräche mit Nordkorea KP / US
20170928 latimes.com ICE arrests hundreds of immigrants in 'sanctuary cities' around the nation, California US
20170925 rt.com Pentagon urges N. Korea to stop provocative actions, will provide options to deal with Pyongyang KP / US
20170925 spiegel.de Reaktion auf US-Präsidenten Nordkorea wertet Trumps Worte als Kriegserklärung KP / US
20170924 rt.com ‘North Korean leadership won’t be around much longer’ – Trump KP / US
20170924 spiegel.de Trump gegen Nordkorea "Sie werden nicht mehr lange da sein" KP / US
20170923 spiegel.de Atomkonflikt USA schicken Bomber vor Nordkoreas Küste KP / US
20170921 spiegel.de Sonderermittler zur Russland-Affäre Trump muss umfangreiche Unterlagen herausgeben MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / COMEY, JAMES / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20170919 rt.com ‘Trump was right!’ Twitter goes wild after CNN admits FBI wiretapped Trump aide Manafort MANAFORT, PAUL / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170919 spiegel.de Nach Übergriffen auf Demonstranten US-Regierung friert Waffenverkäufe an Erdogans Leibwächter ein US / WEAPONTRADE / TR
20170916 spiegel.de Gegen Einwände des Pentagons CIA will eigenen Drohnenkrieg starten CIA / DRONES / US / AF
20170912 rt.com US threatens to ‘cut China off’ from dollar if it does not uphold sanctions against N. Korea US / CN / KP
20170908 rt.com US to ‘pay dear price’ for envoy Haley’s claim N. Korea ‘begs for war’ – Pyongyang KP / US / HALEY, NIKKI
20170908 rt.com Google says it found no trace of Russia’s interference in US election on its ad platforms GOOGLE / US
20170908 rt.com More than 140,000 Americans sign petition against George Soros, but will it make a difference? SOROS, GEORGE / US
20170907 nytimes.com The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election FACEBOOK / RU / US / DCLEAKS / FIREEYE / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY / TWITTER / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20170906 nytimes.com Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads FACEBOOK / RU / US
20170904 rt.com 'Unacceptable': China slams Trump's threat to end commerce with N. Korea's trade partners CN / US / TRUMP, DONALD / KP
20170902 rt.com Moscow hands in note of protest to US over plan to search trade mission in Washington US / RU / US-RU
20170901 rt.com Petition to declare George Soros ‘terrorist’ and seize his assets gains 80k signatures SOROS, GEORGE / US
20170901 rt.com US security services to search Russian consulate in San Francisco on Saturday – Moscow US-RU / US / RU / SAN FRANCISCO


Date Source Title Tags
20170831 spiegel.de Diplomatische Krise Russland muss Konsulat in San Francisco schließen US / RU / US-RU / SAN FRANCISCO
20170831 rt.com US orders closure of Russian Consulate in San Francisco – State Department US / RU / US-RU / SAN FRANCISCO
20170827 rt.com The US Senate is trying to brand WikiLeaks a ‘hostile intelligence service’ — whatever that means WIKILEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US
20170825 spiegel.de Handel mit Staatsanleihen verboten Trump verschärft Sanktionen gegen Venezuela US / VE / SANCTIONS
20170825 rt.com North Korea threatens Britain with ‘miserable end’ if it joins with US forces KP / GB / US
20170824 washingtonpost.com At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president’s ardent ally US / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE / RU / MUELLER, ROBERT
20170824 zerohedge.com Senate Declares War On Assange US / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20170824 rt.com Assange blasts ‘absurd’ bid to class WikiLeaks a hostile intelligence service ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20170823 washingtontimes.com Senate bill would label WikiLeaks ‘non-state hostile intelligence service’ WIKILEAKS / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20170823 spiegel.de Schulz-Vorstoß zu US-Atomwaffen Klingt gut - wird aber nichts SCHULZ, MARTIN / DE / NATO / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / US
20170819 spiegel.de Regierungschaos in Washington Angst vor dem Trump-Crash TRUMP, DONALD / US / COHN, GARY
20170818 rt.com Trump elevates US Cyber Command to independent status CYBERWAR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170816 rt.com Kim Jong-un 'made very wise & well reasoned decision' over Guam - Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170816 rt.com 'Hit the brakes’: China to US & N. Korea as both exchange strike threats CN / KP / US
20170809 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Trump Nordkorea droht mit Raketenangriff auf US-Insel Guam KP / US / GU
20170808 spiegel.de Atomkonflikt Trump droht Nordkorea mit "Feuer, Wut und Macht" TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170802 spiegel.de Russische Reaktion auf US-Gesetz "Sanktionen kommen Handelskrieg gleich" MEDWEDEW, DMITRI / SANCTIONS / RU / US
20170802 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Donald Trump unterschreibt Gesetz zu Russlandsanktionen TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / SANCTIONS
20170802 rt.com Trump: Newly-signed Russia sanctions law ‘significantly flawed’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / SANCTIONS


Date Source Title Tags
20170731 zerohedge.com Trump Saw A Disturbing Video, Then He Shut Down The CIA's Covert Syria Program CIA / SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170730 spiegel.de Nach Raketentest US-Bomber überfliegen koreanische Halbinsel KP / US / KR
20170730 rt.com ‘Ready to use force’: US supersonic bombers, Japan & S. Korea fighters fly over Korean Peninsula US / JP / KR / KP
20170730 rt.com Putin: 755 US diplomats to depart Russia, time to show we won’t leave anything unanswered RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US
20170730 spiegel.de Russland Putin fordert 755 Mitarbeiter von US-Vertretungen zur Ausreise auf RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US
20170728 spiegel.de Neue Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland Gabriel will neue US-Sanktionen nicht akzeptieren SANCTIONS / US / RU / GABRIEL, SIGMAR
20170727 spiegel.de Antwort auf Zuschauerfrage US-Admiral spricht über Atomangriff auf China SWIFT, SCOTT / US / CN
20170725 spiegel.de Hackerangriffe und Krim-Annexion US-Repräsentantenhaus billigt neue Russland-Sanktionen SANCTIONS / US / RU
20170724 rt.com Armed Chinese jets drive off US spy plane over Yellow Sea SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20170721 rt.com State Dept. bans American travel to North Korea US / KP
20170721 nytimes.com Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD / US / SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY
20170720 rt.com Russia in talks with US to create cybersecurity working group – Putin envoy CYBERSECURITY / RU / US / KRUTSKIKH, ANDREY
20170718 spiegel.de Flugreisen USA verschärfen Kontrollen US / BORDER CONTROLS
20170718 spiegel.de Streit über Atomabkommen USA verhängen neue Sanktionen gegen Iran US / IR
20170714 foreignpolicy.com Private Email of Top U.S. Russia Intelligence Official Hacked - As concerns about cyberattacks grow, hackers are going after Russia wonks. WALLANDER, CELESTE / US / RU
20170711 rt.com Moscow says preparing ‘tough response’ to US closure of Russian diplomatic compounds RU / US / RU-US
20170705 spiegel.de Konflikt mit Nordkorea USA beantragen Sitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats US / KP / UN
20170705 spiegel.de Nordkorea-Krise USA und Südkorea feuern Raketen als Warnung ab US / KR / KP
20170703 rt.com THAAD deployment to S Korea undermines region’s strategic security – Chinese president KR / US / THAAD / CN / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20170630 rt.com US to sell Taiwan $1.4bn in arms, China says deal runs counter to Trump-Xi meeting US / TW / WEAPONTRADE / CN
20170629 spiegel.de Wegen Handels mit Nordkorea USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen chinesische Bank US / DANDONG / KP / CN
20170623 washingtonpost.com Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault US / CIA / RU / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BRENNAN, JOHN / JOHNSON, JEH / BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER / HAINES, AVRIL / RICE, SUSAN / MCDONOUGH, DENIS / NSA / FBI / CYBERWAR
20170621 rt.com Russian Su-27 warns off NATO F-16 trying to approach defense minister’s plane over Baltic (VIDEO) RU / US
20170619 spiegel.de Kampfjet-Abschuss in Syrien Russland betrachtet Jets der US-Koalition als potenzielle Ziele RU / SY / US
20170619 telepolis.de Kampf um Einflusszonen in Syrien zwischen USA und Russland verschärft sich gefährlich RU / SY / US
20170619 rt.com Data used by Trump campaign on 198mn Americans found exposed online BIG DATA / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170618 rt.com ‘Grave concerns’ prompt new probe into Trump admin’s proposed cuts to civil rights enforcement US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170618 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trumps Anwalt bestreitet Berichte über Ermittlungen TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170618 spiegel.de Neue US-Sanktionen Russland verurteilt Trumps Kuba-Wende US / CU / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170617 rt.com 'Germany – unlike Russia – is not sovereign, US largely controls its foreign policy' JATRAS, JIM / DE / RU / US
20170616 rt.com Documents shedding light on CIA-orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 released by State Dept IR / US / CIA
20170616 state.gov Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954, Iran, 1951–1954 US / IR
20170615 spiegel.de Ermittlungen gegen Trump Tatort Weißes Haus TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20170615 spiegel.de US-Sonderermittler Mueller ermittelt nun offenbar gegen Trump persönlich MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170614 rt.com should consider moving airbase from Qatar as it gives Doha ‘nice insurance’ – UAE envoy AE / QA / US
20170614 rt.com US Senate adopts amendment on more sanctions against Russia US / RU / SANCTIONS
20170612 thehill.com COVFEFE Act would make social media a presidential record US / INTERNET
20170610 rt.com Journalist indicted on felony rioting at Trump inauguration faces 75 years in prison US
20170608 resistancereport.com Trump ‘may not have known’ Qatar hosts 11,000 US troops when he attacked the nation on Twitter QA / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170604 spiegel.de Nordkoreas Atomprogramm Uno-Strafen lassen Kim kalt KP / JONG UN, KIM / CN / US
20170603 dailymail.co.uk Putin tells NBC's Megyn Kelly that hacking of Democratic Party during last year's election may have been CIA-run false flag operation designed to incriminate Russia PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20170602 washingtonpost.com National Security - Nunes-led House Intelligence Committee asked for ‘unmaskings’ of Americans NUNES, DEVIN / US / UNMASKING / UNCOVER
20170602 rt.com ‘We love sanctions’: Russian deputy PM says US attempts at pressure backfire SANCTIONS / US / RU
20170602 yahoo.com How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short TRUMP, DONALD / FRIED, DAN / SANCTIONS / US / RU
20170602 aljazeera.com US anti-Trump protesters facing decades behind bars US
20170602 spiegel.de Europäer gegen Trump "Paris kann nicht neu verhandelt werden" CLIMATE / EU / US
20170601 nytimes.com Maybe Private Russian Hackers Meddled in Election, Putin Says PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / US / CYBERWAR
20170601 rt.com Trump announces US withdrawal from Paris climate change deal CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170601 rt.com Show us your tweets: US unveils nosy new visa questionnaire US
20170601 reuters.com Trump administration approves tougher visa vetting, including social media checks US


Date Source Title Tags
20170530 spiegel.de Nordkorea gegen USA Kim droht mit "größeren Geschenkpaketen" JONG UN, KIM / KP / US
20170526 washingtonpost.com National Security - Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin KUSHNER, JARED / FLYNN, MICHAEL / KISLYAK, SERGEY / RU / US
20170525 nytimes.com U.S. - Federal Prosecutor Found Dead on Florida Beach WHISENANT, BERANTON J. / US
20170525 spiegel.de USA Trump scheitert mit Berufung gegen Einreiseverbot US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170525 spiegel.de Im Telefongespräch mit Duterte Trump soll Atom-U-Boot-Tabu gebrochen haben DUTERTE, RODRIGO / TRUMP, DONALD / KP / US
20170524 voanews.com Israel Alters Intelligence Sharing with US IL / US / LIBERMAN, AVIGDOR
20170523 spiegel.de Trumps Etat-Plan Weniger für die Armen, mehr fürs Militär TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170522 mcclatchydc.com Saudis gave the U.S. $360b in deals. Now they want Trump to rescind 9/11 lawsuit law. US / US 20010911 / TRUMP, DONALD / SA
20170522 rt.com Widow of 9/11 victim to Trump: Saudis should be held accountable for ‘role in murdering 3,000’ US / US 20010911 / TRUMP, DONALD / SA
20170522 spiegel.de Wegen Donald Trump Starinvestor Soros wettet auf fallende US-Kurse SOROS, GEORGE / US
20170520 nytimes.com Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations CIA / CN / US
20170520 spiegel.de Trumps Reiseauftakt in Saudi-Arabien ...und dann ein "unglaublicher Tag" beim König TRUMP, DONALD / SA / US / WEAPONTRADE
20170520 rt.com Trump strikes arms deal with Saudis worth $350bn, $110bn to take effect immediately SA / TRUMP, DONALD / US / WEAPONTRADE
20170518 bloomberg.com Ex-FBI Chief Mueller Named Special Counsel on Russia Probe MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / US / RU
20170518 rt.com Trump: Russia probe is greatest witch hunt of a politician in US history TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170517 rt.com Putin ready to provide records of Trump-Lavrov talks to prove no secrets were leaked PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170517 zdnet.com Congress introduces bill to stop US from stockpiling cyber-weapons CYBERWEAPONS / US
20170511 rt.com ‘Trump’s only ideology is ‘me’, deeply authoritarian & very dangerous’ – Noam Chomsky CHOMSKY, NOAM / US / REPUBLICAN PARTY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170510 rt.com CIA consolidates assets, expertise & ‘creativity’ against ‘North Korea target’ US / CIA / KP
20170510 spiegel.de Entlassener FBI-Chef Geheimdienstausschuss lädt Comey als Zeugen vor US / COMEY, JAMES
20170510 rt.com Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias RU-US / US / LAVROV, SERGEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20170509 nytimes.com F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump US / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170509 abcnews.go.com Officials fear Russia could try to target US through popular software firm under FBI scrutiny KASPERSKY / US
20170508 spiegel.de "Lunch shaming" in den USA Wenn Eltern nicht zahlen, bezahlen die Kinder US
20170504 spiegel.de Gesundheitsreform US-Repräsentantenhaus stimmt für Abschaffung von Obamacare US


Date Source Title Tags
20170428 rt.com NSA to stop collecting Americans' emails, texts about foreign surveillance targets NSA / US
20170425 rt.com Entire US Senate to descend on White House for N. Korea briefing US / KP
20170422 zerohedge.com Did Russia Shoot Down US Missiles In Syria RU / US / SY
20170422 spiegel.de USA Stromausfall legt Teile von San Francisco lahm SAN FRANCISCO / US / POWER OUTAGE
20170421 independent.co.uk US has regressed to developing nation status, MIT economist warns: Peter Temin says 80 per cent of the population is burdened with debt and anxious about job security US
20170421 spiegel.de WikiLeaks USA wollen Klage gegen Assange erheben WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / US / SESSIONS, JEFF
20170421 independent.co.uk Donald Trump on US charging Julian Assange: 'It's OK with me' TRUMP, DONALD / US / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SESSIONS, JEFF
20170421 rt.com ‘Trump, Kim or Putin?’ Online conspiracy theorists go wild over US power outages US / POWER OUTAGE
20170421 rt.com ‘Totally surreal’: Blackouts hit LA, New York and San Francisco LOS ANGELES / NEW YORK / SAN FRANCISCO / US / POWER OUTAGE
20170421 democracynow.org As U.S. Preps Arrest Warrant for Assange, Glenn Greenwald Says Prosecuting WikiLeaks Threatens Press Freedom for All US / SESSIONS, JEFF / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20170419 rt.com Tillerson warns 'unchecked Iran' could follow path of North Korea TILLERSON, REX / US / IR
20170414 rt.com New Korean War may break out ‘at any moment’ – Chinese FM CN / KP / US
20170413 zerohedge.com Congress Panics As US Oil Assets Could Fall Into Russian Hands If Venezuela Defaults VE / RU / OIL / US
20170413 spiegel.de Kampf gegen IS USA setzen erstmals größte nichtatomare Bombe ein US / AF / WEAPONS
20170413 rt.com ‘Riskier than striking Syria’: Beijing warns US against attacking North Korea CN / KP / US / SY
20170412 vox.com Trump on North Korea: “After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy” TRUMP, DONALD / JINPING, XI / US / KP
20170411 spiegel.de Drohung an USA Nordkorea zu "jeder Art Krieg bereit" KP / US
20170411 rt.com ‘Catastrophic consequences’: N. Korea vows to retaliate against deployment of US strike group KP / US
20170410 spiegel.de Syrien-Konflikt Putin wirft USA neue Angriffspläne vor PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / SY
20170410 rt.com Wife of Russian programmer 'suspected of cyber attacks on US' shares details about his arrest LEVASHOV, PYOTR / ES / US
20170410 rt.com Ex-MI6 chief fears Trump will launch catastrophic war on North Korea SAWERS, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170410 rt.com Trump’s decision to hit Syrian airfield was outside UN framework – Belgian foreign minister REYNDERS, DIDIER / BE / US / SY / UN
20170410 rt.com US completely unwilling to cooperate on Syria & consider other interests – Kremlin SY / US / RU
20170410 spiegel.de Salzgitter Erster deutscher Konzern zahlt Trumps Strafzoll SALZGITTER / US
20170409 spiegel.de Eskalation im Atomstreit mit Pjöngjang USA schicken Flugzeugträger nach Korea US / KP
20170408 spiegel.de Attacke in Syrien Die Stunden, die zum US-Angriff führten US / SY
20170408 spiegel.de US-Luftschlag in Syrien Russland und Iran werfen Trump Unberechenbarkeit vor SY / RU / IR / US
20170408 newsweek.com Tech & Science: Privacy Experts Say CIA Left Americans Open to Cyber Attacks IT SECURITY / CIA / US / WIKILEAKS
20170408 rt.com ‘They’re terrified that peace was going to break out’ – Ron Paul on US Syria strike PAUL, RON / US / SY
20170408 rt.com 'Emergency' protests across US demand 'Hands off Syria' (VIDEOS, PHOTOS) SY / US
20170407 rt.com Bolivia mercilessly trolls US over Iraq WMD lie in front of UN Security Council (VIDEO) BO / US / UN / IQ / SY / ISIS
20170407 rt.com US afraid of real investigation into Syria chemical incident – Russian deputy UN envoy SY / RU / US
20170407 spiegel.de Vergeltungsschlag nach Chemiewaffenangriff Was über die US-Attacke in Syrien bekannt ist SY / US
20710407 theintercept.com The Spoils of War: Trump Lavished With Media and Bipartisan Praise For Bombing Syria TRUMP, DONALD / SY / US
20170407 spiegel.de Syrien USA drohen Assad mit neuen Angriffen US / SY / HALEY, NIKKI
20170407 spiegel.de Stahlstreit mit den USA EU auf dem Weg in den Handelskrieg EU / US
20170407 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf US-Angriff in Syrien Russland sieht Beziehungen zu USA "signifikant beschädigt" RU / US / RU-US
20170407 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Giftgasangriff USA greifen Luftwaffenbasis der syrischen Armee an US / SY
20170407 rt.com US reported to fire ‘dozens’ of Tomahawks at Syrian military base near Homs US / SY
20170406 rt.com Pentagon, White House in detailed discussions on military options in Syria - US official PENTAGON / WHITE HOUSE / US / SY / RU
20170406 spiegel.de Spekulation über Machtkampf Warum sitzt Bannon nicht mehr im Sicherheitsrat? BANNON, STEVE / US
20170405 spiegel.de USA Bannon verliert Sitz im Nationalen Sicherheitsrat BANNON, STEVE / US
20170404 democracynow.org Chomsky: With U.S. History of Overthrowing Govts, Outrage over Russian Hacking Claims is Laughable CHOMSKY, NOAM / US / RU
20170404 spiegel.de Syrien USA machen Assad für Angriff verantwortlich SY / US
20170404 qz.com TICKET, PASSPORT, PHONE PASSWORD - Trump is reportedly going to demand foreigners share their phone passwords to get into the US BORDER CONTROLS / US
20170403 theguardian.com US justice system - For 18 years, I thought she was stealing my identity. Until I found her IDENTITY THEFT / US


Date Source Title Tags
20170330 rt.com US is like ‘armed robber breaking into your house’ – Iranian defense minister DEHQAN, HOSSEIN / IR / US
20170330 spiegel.de 'Donald Trump is the fifth straight American president to bomb Iraq TRUMP, DONALD / US / IQ
20170330 spiegel.de Umgang mit Assad USA deuten Kurswechsel in Syrien an US / AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY
20170330 reuters.com A scramble at Cisco exposes uncomfortable truths about U.S. cyber defense CISCO / US / CYBERWAR
20170326 china.org Will Washington intervene in Ecuador’s election? EC / US
20170324 spiegel.de Umstrittene Gesundheitsrefom Abstimmung über "Trumpcare" abgesagt US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170323 spiegel.de Schlappe für Trump Republikaner verschieben Abstimmung über Abschaffung von Obamacare US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170322 rt.com US electronics on flights ban may not be just about security AIR TRANSPORT / US
20170321 rt.com Turkey wants US laptop flights ban canceled or relaxed – minister TR / US
20170321 dhs.gov Fact Sheet: Aviation Security Enhancements for Select Last Point of Departure Airports with Commercial Flights to the United States US / AIR TRANSPORT / DHS / AMM / CAI / IST / JED / RUH / KWI / CMN / DOH / DXB / AUH
20170321 spiegel.de Flüge aus Nahost und Afrika USA wollen offenbar elektronische Geräte an Bord verbieten AIR TRANSPORT / US
20170320 rt.com Philippines’ Duterte calls Obama ‘idiot,’ impersonates Trump ‘endorsing’ his war on drugs DUTERTE, RODRIGO / OBAMA, BARACK / PH-US / PH / US
20170317 bbc.com US will 'not repeat' claims GCHQ wiretapped Donald Trump GCHQ / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170317 spiegel.de Syrien Mindestens 42 Tote und Dutzende Verletzte nach US-Luftangriff ALEPPO / SY / US
20170316 spiegel.de Trumps Haushaltsplan Etats für Außen- und Umweltpolitik sollen sinken, Militärausgaben steigen US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170314 rt.com Trump gave CIA power to authorize drone strikes – report CIA / PENTAGON / TRUMP, DONALD / US / DRONES / ASSASSINATIONS
20170313 rt.com US deploys drones in South Korea capable of striking North Korean targets KP / KR / US
20170305 spiegel.de Weißes Haus US-Kongress soll Abhörvorwürfe gegen Obama untersuchen US / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170304 ndr.de Werden US-Streitkräfte in der Heide stationiert? DE / US
20170303 rt.com EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe EU / US / EU-US
20170303 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Obamas Gift OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170303 frontline.in U.S. - Pre-fascism & the Muslim question US / FASCISM


Date Source Title Tags
20170227 tagesschau.de Trump will Wehretat ausbauen "Wir müssen wieder Kriege gewinnen" TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170225 spiegel.de Ukrainischer Gasmagnat Firtasch Der Oligarch, den Amerika jagt FIRTASCH, DMITRO / UA / AT / RU / US / GAZPROM / ROSUKRENERGO
20170224 justsecurity.org A Look at the Case of the ex-CIA Officer Being Extradited to Italy for Her Role in a 2003 Rendition DE SOUSA, SABRINA / CIA / IT / PT / LADY, ROBERT SELDON / PA / US
20170221 spiegel.de USA Trump will noch viel mehr Einwanderer ausweisen US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170220 rt.com US intel ‘routinely taps Russian ambassador’s communications’ – Lavrov KISLYAK, SERGEY / US / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170220 spiegel.de "Tag ohne Migranten" in den USA Hundert Entlassungen nach Anti-Trump-Protesten US
20170219 telepolis.de CIA-Chef Pompeo zeichnet Saudi-Arabien aus POMPEO, MICHAEL / US / CIA / SA / BIN NAYEF, MUHAMMAD
20170219 spiegel.de Neue Anweisungen US-Regierung will härtere Abschieberegeln durchsetzen US / KELLY, JOHN / DHS
20170219 spiegel.de US-Verhältnis zu Russland "Der Kongress wird Russland in den Arsch treten" GRAHAM, LINDSEY / US / RU
20170218 rt.com Four NATO powers prefer Russia to the US, Gallup poll shows NATO / RU / US
20170218 spiegel.de Nato-Finanzierung Münchner Unsicherheitskonferenz MSC / NATO / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170218 rt.com ‘CIA leaks like a sieve, Obama’s holdovers should be probed' - Roger Stone, former Trump adviser STONE, ROGER / CIA / RU / US / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20170216 rt.com US intel agencies keep Trump in dark citing alleged ‘Russian contacts’ – media US / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170215 newsweek.com U.S. - U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications US / TRUMP, DONALD / FLYNN, MICHAEL / KISLYAK, SERGEY / DUTERTE, RODRIGO / ANTONIO, JOSE E.B. / NATO / MAY, THERESA / MERKEL, ANGELA / TILLERSON, REX / SECHIN, IGOR
20170215 reuters.com Russia tells White House it will not return Crimea to Ukraine RU / CRIMEA / UA / US
20170210 rt.com Trump speaks with China’s Xi, agrees to uphold ‘One China’ policy JINPING, XI / CN / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170209 rt.com ‘US taxpayers paid $100 bln attempting to turn Afghanistan into Holland’ JATRAS, JIM / AF / US
20170207 khamenei.ir We thank Trump for exposing the reality of the U.S.: Ayatollah Khamenei KHAMENEI, AYATOLLAH / IR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170205 rt.com China warns US against stirring up ‘instability’ in East China Sea EAST CHINA SEA / CN / US
20170203 rt.com ‘I haven’t eased anything,’ Trump says after Treasury amends sanctions on Russian FSB TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / FSB
20170203 spiegel.de Heftige Kämpfe in der Ostukraine Trump enttäuscht den Kreml UA / RU / US / HALEY, NIKKI
20170203 spiegel.de Wegen Iran-Besuch Norwegens Ex-Premier an US-Flughafen festgehalten BONDEVIK, KJELL MAGNE / NO / US
20170202 rt.com ‘Worst so far’: Trump ‘hangs up’ on Australian PM after heated call, report says AU / US / TURNBULL, MALCOLM / TRUMP, DONALD
20170202 spiegel.de Verfassung zur Amtsenthebung Wie wird man - mal ganz theoretisch - einen US-Präsidenten los? US


Date Source Title Tags
20170131 spiegel.de Nach Kritik an Einreiseverbot Trump entlässt kommissarische Justizministerin Yates YATES, SALLY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170130 spiegel.de Grenzkontrollen in den USA Müssen künftig alle Reisenden ihre Social-Media-Konten zeigen? US
20170130 medium.com Trial Balloon for a Coup? Analyzing the news of the past 24 hours US / PRIEBUS, REINCE / DHS / GIULIANI, RUDY / BANNON, STEVE / MILLER, STEPHEN / US STATE DEPARTMENT / FLYNN, MICHAEL / KUSHNER, JARED / ROSNEFT / SCHILLER, KEITH
20170129 medium.com What “Things Going Wrong” Can Look Like US / RACISM
20170129 spiegel.de Kommandoeinsatz gegen al-Qaida Dutzende Tote bei US-Militäraktion im Jemen YE / US / AQAP / AL-AWLAKI, NOURA
20170129 rawstory.com Steve Bannon personally overruled DHS decision not to include green card holders in travel ban: CNN BANNON, STEVE / DHS / US
20170129 spiegel.de Trump-Vertrauter Ex-"Breitbart"-Chef Bannon kriegt Sitz im Nationalen Sicherheitsrat BANNON, STEVE / NSC / US / PRIEBUS, REINCE
20170128 rt.com UN urges Trump to backtrack on banning refugees UN / US / REFUGEES
20170128 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Trumps Einreisestopp "Von den Wangen der Freiheitsstatue rollen die Tränen" US
20170128 spiegel.de Trumps Einreisestopp Muslime berichten von Abweisungen am Flughafen US
20170128 spiegel.de Dekret des US-Präsidenten Trump verhängt Einreisestopp für sieben muslimische Staaten TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170128 rt.com Trump’s executive order bars Syrian refugee program, halts entry for citizens of 7 Arab countries TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170126 spiegel.de Mexiko reagiert auf Trumps Mauerbau Wie eine Kriegserklärung TRUMP, DONALD / US / MX
20170125 reuters.com As Trump stresses 'America First', China plays the world leader US / CN
20170125 nytimes.com George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Is Suddenly a Best-Seller US
20170124 bbc.com Trump executive order pulls out of TPP trade deal TRUMP, DONALD / TPP / US
20170123 spiegel.de Protektionismus USA verbieten Import von Zitronen aus Argentinien US / LEMONS / AR
20170123 spiegel.de Freihandelsabkommen Trump besiegelt Ausstieg aus TPP TRUMP, DONALD / TPP / US
20170115 rt.com Big surge in cyberattacks on Russia amid US hacking hysteria – Russian security chief CYBERWAR / RU / PATRUSHEV, NIKOLAY / US
20170114 rt.com Beijing to Trump: ‘One China’ principle non-negotiable TRUMP, DONALD / US / CN
20170113 rt.com Mystery order: Troops providing inauguration security to lose commanding general mid-ceremony US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170113 foxnews.com Glenn Greenwald: Democrats hoping intelligence agencies will 'undermine and subvert' Trump presidency TRUMP, DONALD / GREENWALD, GLENN / US / CIA
20170113 spiegel.de Senatsanhörungen Trumps Auserwählte machen starken Eindruck US
20170112 spiegel.de US-Gesundheitssystem Republikaner beginnen mit Abschaffung von Obamacare US
20170111 spiegel.de Künftiger US-Außenminister Tillerson "Wir werden China eine klare Botschaft übermitteln müssen" TILLERSON, REX / US / CN
20170111 cnn.com Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 buzzfeed.com These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / KOMPROMAT
20170109 huffingtonpost.com Counter-Sting Catches James O’Keefe Network Attempting To Sow Chaos At Trump’s Inauguration US / O'KEEFE, JAMES
20170108 spiegel.de Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CIA / FBI / NSA
20170107 zeit.de US-Geheimdienst: Der Putin-Report ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20170107 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienstbericht zu Putin Codewort "Hohe Sicherheit" - Die US-Geheimdienste erheben in ihrem Hacking-Bericht schwere Vorwürfe gegen Russlands Präsidenten Wladimir Putin. Ihre Beweise veröffentlichen sie nicht. Doch die Analyse ist auch so hochinteressant - selbst Donald Trump reagierte. PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / GRU / GUCCIFER 2.0 / DCLEAKS
20170106 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienste Putin soll Wahlbeeinflussung in den USA angeordnet haben PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US
20170106 cnn.com Trump to get briefing, Intel report says US identifies go-betweens who gave emails to WikiLeaks US
20170106 theguardian.com Young Russian denies she aided election hackers: ‘I never work with douchebags’ SHEVCHENKO, ALISA / ESAGE LAB / ZOR / RU / US / DIALOGNAUKA / BRIAN BARTHOLOMEW / KASPERSKY / ATTRIBUTION
20170106 nytimes.com Putin Ordered ‘Influence Campaign’ Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says US / RU / ATTRIBUTION / DNC / WIKILEAKS
20170106 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienste Russland soll Mails über Umwege an WikiLeaks weitergegeben haben WIKILEAKS / RU / US
20170105 washingtonpost.com U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win US
20170105 spiegel.de Senator Dan Coats Früherer Botschafter in Deutschland soll US-Geheimdienstdirektor werden COATS, DAN / US / TRUMP, DONALD / DNI
20170101 rt.com Facts force Washington Post to backtrack on report that Russia hacked US power grid ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / GRIZZLY STEPPE / BURLINGTON ELECTRIC
20170101 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Hackerangriffe Russische Diplomaten verlassen die USA US / RU



Date Source Title Tags
20161231 spiegel.de "Grizzly Steppe" Russische Hacker sollen US-Stromversorger angegriffen haben ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / GRIZZLY STEPPE / BURLINGTON ELECTRIC
20161231 rt.com ‘Russian hackers’ penetrate US power grid with ‘outdated Ukrainian malware’ ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20161230 rollingstone.com Something About This Russia Story Stinks ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161230 washingtonsblog.com Creator of NSA’s Global Surveillance System Calls B.S. On Russian Hacking Report ATTRIBUTION / DNC / US / RU / WIKILEAKS / BINNEY, WILLIAM
20161230 rt.com Kremlin: New sanctions underline Obama admin’s ‘unpredictable & aggressive’ foreign policy RU / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20161230 spiegel.de Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161230 spiegel.de Hackeraffäre Russland will vorerst doch keine US-Diplomaten ausweisen RU / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161230 spiegel.de Hacker-Affäre Russland will auch 35 Diplomaten ausweisen RU / US
20161229 spiegel.de US-Bericht über russischen Hackerangriff Operation "Grizzly Steppe" US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161229 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Hackerangriffe USA weisen 35 russische Diplomaten aus US / RU / OBAMA, BARACK
20161222 npr.org Database Tracks History Of U.S. Meddling In Foreign Elections US / REGIME CHANGE
20161219 spiegel.de USA Wahlleute wählen Donald Trump zum US-Präsidenten US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161218 spiegel.de Vorwürfe an Russland Senatoren fordern Sonderausschuss wegen Hackerangriffen US / RU
20161218 rt.com ‘Bye-bye America’: Duterte wants US troops banned from Philippines unless aid is okayed DUTERTE, RODRIGO / PH / US
20161218 washingtonpost.com A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote US ELECTION SYSTEM / US
20161218 washingtonpost.com National Security: China said it would return a seized U.S. naval drone. Trump told them to ‘keep it.’ SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20161217 rt.com FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia’s alleged election help for Trump – report US / FBI / CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20161217 truth-out.org The Republican Sabotage of the Vote Recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin US ELECTION SYSTEM / MICHIGAN / WISCONSIN / US
20161216 spiegel.de Yuan-Stützung Japan löst China als größten US-Gläubiger ab JP / CN / US / JPY / CNY / USD
20161216 spiegel.de Israel-Botschafter der USA Friedman soll US-Botschafter werden - in Jerusalem FRIEDMAN, DAVID / TRUMP, DONALD / IL / US / JERUSALEM
20161216 spiegel.de Radio-Interview Obama kündigt Vergeltung für russische Hackerangriffe an PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 spiegel.de US-Demokraten Putin soll in Hackerangriff involviert gewesen sein PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 nbcnews.com U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / MCFAUL, MICHAEL
20161214 thehill.com Intel agencies reject request for House committee briefing, citing larger probe US
20161213 nytimes.com The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S. US / RU / DNC
20161213 rt.com Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election ODNI / CIA / US
20161213 washingtonpost.com Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump CLIMATE / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161211 boingboing.net Insiders: America's largest chain of psych hospitals kidnaps people seeking care, drugs and holds them until they're out of insurance US / UHS
20161210 spiegel.de Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen CIA / RU / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161209 washingtonpost.com National Security: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161209 nytimes.com Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes RNC / RU / US / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20161209 spiegel.de US-Wahl Obama beauftragt Geheimdienstbericht über Cyberattacken US / OBAMA, BARACK
20161205 economist.com Transport employees in America were secretly paid by the government to search travellers’ bags TSA / DEA / US
20161203 rt.com US sells weapons, but I can't get a call? Trump baffled about outrage over his Taiwan phone call ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / WEAPONTRADE
20161203 theguardian.com Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161203 spiegel.de Taiwan-Telefonat: Trumps erster Affront gegen Peking ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161203 spiegel.de Handelsbeziehungen Trump telefoniert mit Taiwan - und provoziert China ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161202 spiegel.de US-Veto wegen Sicherheitsbedenken Obama stoppt Verkauf deutscher Firma an China AIXTRON / DE / US / OBAMA, BARACK / CFIUS / GCI / GABRIEL, SIGMAR
20161202 ghanabusinessnews.com Foreign, Ghana security authorities shut down fake US Embassy in Accra GH / US


Date Source Title Tags
20161126 spiegel.de Neuauszählung bei US-Wahl Trump gegen Clinton - die Verlängerung US
20161125 rt.com ‘Shiny new toys’: WikiLeaks reveals US plan to give $147mn in military hardware to Yemen YE / US / WIKILEAKS
20161124 spiegel.de Nach Festnahme in Prag USA und Russland streiten um russischen Hacker NIKULIN, JEWGENI / CZ / RU / US
20161119 rt.com ‘If you don’t like Trump, leave the country,’ US judge tells new citizens US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161118 spiegel.de Außenminister Lawrow Obamas Ratschlag für Trump verärgert Russland LAVROV, SERGEY / OBAMA, BARACK / RU / US
20161117 rt.com 'New form of segregation?': Moscow reacts to US State Dept treatment of RT reporter US / RT
20161116 slatestarcodex.com You Are Still Crying Wolf TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161116 spiegel.de US-chinesischer Handelsstreit Trump? Komm doch! CN / US
20161116 motherjones.com The NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked the 2016 Election. Congress Must Investigate. ROGERS, MICHAEL / NSA / US / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC
20161115 spiegel.de Freie Bahn für Trump Chefin der US-Börsenaufsicht tritt zurück WHITE, MARY JO / SEC / US
20161115 spiegel.de Milliardengeschäfte von Donald Trump Beispielloser Interessenkonflikt TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161114 spiegel.de China vs. USA Präsident Xi setzt auf Zusammenarbeit mit Trump JINPING, XI / CN / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161113 spiegel.de TV-Interview Trump will zwei bis drei Millionen Migranten abschieben TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161112 spiegel.de Clinton supporters petition to force Electoral College to vote for her December 19 CLINTON, HILLARY / US
20161112 rt.com Soros-fronted orgs among groups calling for anti-Trump protests SOROS, GEORGE / US
20161112 spiegel.de Tote und Verletzte Schwere Explosion in US-Hauptquartier in Afghanistan BAGRAM / AF / US
20161110 breitbart.com Trump’s Victory: A Rebellion Against Silicon Valley US / TRUMP, DONALD / THIEL, PETER
20161110 rt.com ‘Not my president!’ Anti-Trump protesters take to streets nationwide, dozens arrested (VIDEOS) US
20161110 rt.com Wave of racist incidents spreads fear across US after Trump victory US
20161110 rt.com US sends largest ammo shipment in 20yrs to Germany amid ongoing European buildup WEAPONTRADE / US / DE
20161110 rt.com Nationwide anti-Trump protests rock the US US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 spiegel.de US-Wahlumfragen Kaum zu glauben US
20161110 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Trumps Sieg bei US-Wahl "Nicht unser Präsident" US
20161109 wired.com Trump’s Win Signals Open Season for Russia’s Political Hackers RU / US / INFORMATION WARFARE
20161109 spiegel.de US-Wahl Clinton bekommt landesweit mehr Stimmen als Trump US
20161109 washingtonpost.com ‘Yes We Did’: Russia’s establishment basks in Trump’s victory RU / US
20161109 washingtonpost.com Intelligence community is already feeling a sense of dread about Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD / HAYDEN, MICHAEL
20161109 spiegel.de US-Kongress Republikaner behalten Mehrheit im Abgeordnetenhaus US
20161109 spiegel.de Impressionen der SPIEGEL-Korrespondenten "Eine Welt bricht vor unseren Augen zusammen" US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 spiegel.de Liveticker Trump steht vor dem Sieg - Clinton bricht Wahlparty ab US
20161109 spiegel.de Reaktionen in Presse und Netz "Sind die USA ein gescheiterter Staat?" TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161109 rt.com Putin on Trump victory: Russia is ready to restore relations with US PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / US
20161108 rt.com Germany must detach foreign policy from US, whether Trump or Clinton wins – think tank DE / US / SWP
20161105 rt.com Russia demands Washington explain after reports say US military hacked into Russian networks CYBERWAR / RU / US
20161104 nbcnews.com U.S. Govt. Hackers Ready to Hit Back If Russia Tries to Disrupt Election US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161104 spiegel.de USA vor der Wahl Stürzt die Welt zurück in die Dreißiger? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161103 warontherocks.com The Russians Read our Cold War Playbook RU / US / COLD WAR
20161103 rt.com Monitors’ absence at US elections proves Russia has no intent of meddling – official RU / US / OSCE
20161101 rt.com US floating SBX radar spent month spying on N.Korea nukes – reports US / KP
201611 theindicter.com Sweden now allowing US Homeland Security officers at Stockholm airport, permanently and with access to own weapons SE / US / SE-US


Date Source Title Tags
20161027 rt.com US intel agencies behind Berlin’s U-turn on Chinese takeover of German firm – report US / DE / AIXTRON / ARGONAUT CAPITAL / NORRIS, BARRY / FUJIAN GRAND CHIP
20161026 handelsblatt.com U.S. Said to Intervene in Aixtron Deal US / DE / AIXTRON / CN
20161025 heise.de WikiLeaks, Ecuadors Souveränität und Washingtons Drohungen ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / WIKILEAKS / US
20161022 rt.com Not even US president can legalize torture, Abu Ghraib inmates allowed to sue – court ruling US / TORTURE
20161017 washingtonpost.com Election officials brace for fallout from Trump’s claims of a ‘rigged’ vote US / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161016 rt.com US destroyer ‘appears’ to have fallen under new attack off Yemen – Pentagon YE / US / PENTAGON
20161015 rt.com 'Obama cyber saber-rattling against Russia possible ploy to boost Clinton camp' JATRAS, JIM / RU / US / DNC / WIKILEAKS
20161015 rt.com Kremlin: Russia faces unprecedented cyber-threats from the US PESKOV, DMITRY / RU / US
20161015 rt.com CIA working on ‘clandestine’ cyberattack against Russia – report US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA
20161015 spiegel.de Möglicher Cyber-Angriff "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung" - USA drohen Russland US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161014 nbcnews.com CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia US / RU / CIA / BIDEN, JOE
20161013 rt.com Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report TURI, MARC / WEAPONTRADE / CIA / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / LY
20161008 nbcnews.com Russia Hack of U.S. Politics Bigger Than Disclosed, Includes GOP US / RU
20161008 rt.com ‘We did US gov’t a favor by exposing their security flaws’ – hacker on FBI, DHS employees’ info leak US / DHS / FBI
20161008 rt.com 'Clinton campaign blames Russian hackers as Assange promises more leaks' US / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161007 washingtonpost.com Education: Students were told to select gender pronouns. One chose ‘His Majesty’ to protest ‘absurdity.’ US
20161007 spiegel.de Cyberattacke USA werfen Russland Wahlbeeinflussung vor US / RU / DCLEAKS / WIKILEAKS / DNC
20161007 rt.com US gov't officially accuses Russia of political hacks US / RU / DCLEAKS / WIKILEAKS / DNC
20161005 rt.com US seeks to enforce global dominance by unleashing war on countries who oppose it – Assad AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / US / RU
20161002 rt.com Russian server co. head on DNC hack: ‘No idea’ why FBI still has not contacted us DNC / US / FBI
20161001 rt.com Direct aggression by US against Damascus to cause 'tectonic shift' in Middle East - Moscow SY / US / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20160930 spiegel.de Nach US-Votum zum 9/11-Gesetz Saudi-Arabien warnt vor "katastrophalen Folgen" SA / US / US 20010911
20160929 rt.com Saudis could pull billions from US economy, hinder access to Mideast bases following 9/11 lawsuits SA / US 20010911 / US / GCC
20160924 rt.com Venezuela brands US ‘biggest violence exporter in the world’ RODRIGUEZ, DELCY / VE / US
20160922 rt.com ‘If US can’t stop the war, it can at least stop selling weapons to Saudis’ - 10yo Yemeni girl to RT YE / US / SA / WEAPONTRADE
20160922 spiegel.de Urteil von Welthandelsorganisation EU unterliegt den USA im Airbus-Streit AIRBUS / WTO / EU / US
20160921 rt.com US intel head suggests Russia behind DNC hacks, says Moscow tried to affect elections in past CLAPPER, JAMES / DNC / US / RU
20160920 spiegel.de Oliver Stone über den Fall Snowden "Alle halten das Maul, wie in Nazi-Deutschland" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / STONE, OLIVER / US
20160918 spiegel.de Nahe der US-Grenze Mexikanische Polizei stellt mutmaßliche Drogenkanone sicher DRUG TRAFFICKING / MX / US
20160917 spiegel.de Syrien US-geführte Koalition bombardiert Regierungstruppen US / SY
20160917 spiegel.de USA und Russland Streit über Syrien ist neu entflammt SY / US / RU
20160916 judiciary.gov.uk In the Westminster Magistrates’ Court: USA v Lauri Love LOVE, LAURI / GB / US
20160916 spiegel.de US-Bericht zu Whistleblower Edward Snowden - nur "ein unzufriedener Angestellter" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20160916 spiegel.de Fragwürdige Hypothekendeals USA fordern 14 Milliarden Dollar von Deutscher Bank DEUTSCHE BANK / US
20160915 rt.com House urges Obama not to pardon Snowden, claims he is ‘not a whistleblower’ SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20160915 rt.com US spy agencies divert resources from war on terror to focus on alleged Russian threat – report US / RU
20160909 time.com WikiLeaks Source Chelsea Manning Starts Hunger Strike MANNING, CHELSEA / US
20160903 nytimes.com Confrontations Flare as Obama’s Traveling Party Reaches China OBAMA, BARACK / CN / US / JINPING, XI
20160902 reuters.com Mexican senator to propose anti-Trump expropriation law MX / TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160831 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Clinton fast so unbeliebt wie Trump US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160827 spiegel.de Streit um Großkonzerne: Warum die USA Europa mit Steuerkrieg drohen TAX AVOIDANCE / US / EU / APPLE / MICROSOFT / CITIGROUP
20160826 rt.com Russia, US reduce areas of misunderstanding on Syria as Lavrov & Kerry agree concrete steps SY / RU / US
20160826 spiegel.de Gespräche in Genf: USA und Russland einig über Waffenruhe im Syrien-Konflikt SY / RU / US
20160825 spiegel.de Apple und Co.: USA drohen EU-Kommission wegen Steuerermittlungen TAX AVOIDANCE / EU / US / IE / LU / NL / APPLE / AMAZON / STARBUCKS / FIAT FINANCE AND TRADE / FIAT CHRYSLER
20160820 deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de US-Botschafter zu Türkei-Putsch: Gülen ist ein Mann der CIA GUELEN, FETHULLAH / CIA / HUGHES, ARTHUR H. / ABRAMOWITZ, MORTON / FULLER, GRAHAM / FIDAS, GEORGE / KARLOUTSOS, ALEXANDER / TENET, GEORGE / TR / US
20160819 nzz.ch Freilassung von Amerikanern durch Iran: Haben die USA ein Lösegeld gezahlt? IR / US
20160818 rt.com US agrees to give up power over internet to private company in October ICANN / US
20160816 rt.com Billionaire Soros doubles bet against US stocks SOROS, GEORGE / US
20160815 unz.com American Pravda: Did the US Plan a Nuclear First Strike Against Russia in the Early 1960s? US / RU
20160812 rt.com Washington considers sanctioning Moscow over DNC email leak - report US / DNC / RU / WIKILEAKS / PELOSI, NANCY
20160811 wsj.com U.S. Considers Sanctions Against Russia in Response to Hacks of Democratic Groups - Levying sanctions would require White House to publicly accuse Russia or Russian-backed hackers US / RU / DNC
20160809 rt.com Philippines leader calls US ambassador S.O.B. & gay, Washington demands clarification PH / DUTERTE, RODRIGO / US / GOLDBERG, PHILIP
20160808 rt.com Never elected, ex-CIA & Goldman Sachs: Meet Evan McMullin, the 'Never Trump' 3rd-party candidate MCMULLIN, EVAN / US
20160805 spiegel.de Angebliches Beweisvideo: Donald Trump gesteht Fehler ein TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR


Date Source Title Tags
20160731 kentucky.com Armed men in body armor at Walmart tell police they were preparing for doomsday US
20160731 spiegel.de Mutter von gefallenem US-Soldaten: "Trump hat einen schwarzen Charakter" US / TRUMP, DONALD
20160729 rt.com North Korea says 'US declared war', social media mocks massively KP / US
20160722 huffingtonpost.com Were Turkish Coup Planners Involved In Downing Russian Jet? RU / TR / US
20160722 spiegel.de Syrien: Russische Jets sollen US-Stützpunkt angegriffen haben RU / US / SY
20160721 rt.com KickassTorrents offline: Suspected boss of world’s biggest illegal movie website arrested COPYRIGHT / PL / US / UA / EXTRADITION
20160719 spiegel.de Parteitag US-Republikaner: Rebellen vermasseln Trump die Show US
20160717 spiegel.de Putschversuch in der Türkei: Erdogan legt sich mit den USA an TR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / US / INCIRLIK AIRBASE
20160709 spiegel.de Angriff in Dallas: Blaue Stunden US / DALLAS / RACISM
20160708 spiegel.de Polizistenmorde von Dallas: Amerika am Siedepunkt US / DALLAS / RACISM
20160707 vox.com I'm a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing US-POLICE / US / RACISM
20160703 spiegel.de Brutale Festnahme in USA: Emirate empfehlen Verzicht auf traditionelle Kleidung US


Date Source Title Tags
20160627 spiegel.de Vorschlag: US-Einreisebehörden wollen Social-Media-Accounts abfragen US
20160623 spiegel.de Herbe Niederlage: Obamas Einwanderungsreform scheitert vor Gericht US / OBAMA, BARACK
20160618 spiegel.de Doping: Russland ermittelt gegen Whistleblower Rodtschenkow IOC / RU / US / RODTSCHENKOW, GRIGORIJ
20160612 rt.com Erdogan slams US support of Syrian Kurds, lectures Washington on ‘good & bad terrorists’ SY / TR / US / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TERRORISM
20160604 rt.com US asks Russia not to target Al-Qaeda branch in Syria – Russian FM Lavrov US / AL QAEDA / SY / AL NUSRA / TERRORISM / LAVROV, SERGEY
20160601 rt.com Russia and Saudi Arabia dump $50bn in US assets RU / SA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160522 rt.com US drone strike on Taliban leader in Pakistan ‘violation of sovereignty’ – Foreign Ministry PK / US / DRONES
20160522 spiegel.de Geheimdienste: Ehemaliger Top-Beamter des Pentagon ergreift Partei für NSA-Whistleblower WHISTLEBLOWING / DRAKE, THOMAS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CRANE, JOHN / NSA / PENTAGON / US
20160522 rt.com Gorbachev says US was ‘rubbing its hands with glee’ after Soviet Union’s demise GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL / US / RU
20160518 spiegel.de Islamistische Terrorgefahr: Deutschland und USA vereinbaren mehr Datenaustausch DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / DE / US
20160518 spiegel.de Terror: US-Senat will 9/11-Klagen gegen Saudi-Arabien zulassen US 20010911 / US / SA / OBAMA, BARACK
20160517 rt.com Bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia passes the Senate US 20010911 / US / SA
20160515 heavy.com Nevada Democratic Convention: The Videos You Need to See DEMOCRATIC PARTY / US
20160513 rt.com Putin: Russia will consider tackling NATO missile defense threat NATO / RO / US / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160513 rt.com Brazil's acting president used to be US intel informant - WikiLeaks TEMER, MICHEL / BR / US / WIKILEAKS
20160509 washingtonpost.com National Security: Syrian hacker extradited to the United States from Germany ROMAR, PETER / SYRIAN ELECTRONIC ARMY / SY / US / EXTRADITION
20160506 spiegel.de Verdacht auf Geldwäsche: Kolumbien nimmt Unternehmer aus Panama fest WAKED, NIDAL / CO / US / MONEY LAUNDERING


Date Source Title Tags
20160430 spiegel.de Wichtigste Industriestaaten: Kanzleramt hält Rückkehr Russlands in die G8 für ausgeschlossen KANZLERAMT / G8 / RU / DE / US
20160422 rt.com McAfee: If FBI gets backdoor to people's phones, US society will collapse MCAFEE, JOHN / FBI / US
20160418 rt.com Has a double agent compromised £3bn UK spy plane before it even enters service? CHIEH-LIANG, EDWARD / ESPIONAGE / US
20160417 rt.com ‘Erratic & aggressive’: Pentagon protests Russian interception of US spy plane BALTIC SEA / US / RU
20160411 rt.com Taiwan-born US Navy officer to stand trial for ‘espionage & prostitution’ TW / US / ESPIONAGE
20160410 rt.com ‘Worst mistake as president’: Obama admits he had no plan after Libya regime change LY / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20160408 npr.org America: Why The FBI Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam FBI / US / COMEY, JAMES / SURVEILLANCE
20160407 rt.com ‘Panama Papers’ turn up names of rogue US execs PANAMAPAPERS / US
20160406 theintercept.com Class-Action Suit Targets System That Added a Baby to Terrorist Watchlist NO FLY LIST / US
20160406 rt.com US government, Soros funded Panama Papers to attack Putin – WikiLeaks PANAMAPAPERS / OCCRP / ICIJ / OSI / USAID / SOROS, GEORGE / US
20160405 independent.co.uk Panama Papers tax avoidance: Obama says ‘frankly, Americans are doing the same’ OBAMA, BARACK / PANAMAPAPERS / US
20160405 rt.com Bad rules: Obama invokes Panama Papers as US Treasury moves to stop corporate tax dodgers PANAMAPAPERS / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20160402 rt.com Pentagon enrolls ‘dozens’ of Syrian rebels in new training program after failed attempt SY / US
20160402 spiegel.de Spionage: BND hörte Regierungsstellen in Jerusalem, London und Washington ab BND / IL / GB / US
20160401 spiegel.de Erdogan im Weißen Haus: Obama sichert Türkei Unterstützung gegen den Terror zu ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / OBAMA, BARACK / US / TR


Date Source Title Tags
20160330 alternet.org Meet the Doctor Big Pharma Can´t Shut Up PHARMA / US / HEALY, DAVID / RXISK.ORG
20160327 rt.com ‘Russia at war with Anglo-Saxon media’ – Putin spokesman INFORMATION WARFARE / RU / US / TR
20160327 spiegel.de Drogen in den USA: Das gefährliche Heroin-Comeback US / HEROIN
20160323 spiegel.de Luftangriff im Jemen: USA attackieren al-Qaida-Lager - angeblich Dutzende Tote YE / US
20160322 spiegel.de Obama trifft Castro: "Senor Presidente, Andrea hat noch eine Frage an Sie!" CASTRO, RAUL / OBAMA, BARACK / US / CU
20160318 washingtonsblog.com Soros-Obama-Merkel-Erdogan Win Control of Europe SOROS, GEORGE / OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / EU / REFUGEES / OIL / QA / SA / TR / US / IR / IQ / RU
20160312 rt.com US-based companies & Turkish arms manufacturers 'breaking Libya embargo' – UN report LY / TR / US
20160307 rt.com Hacker ‘Guccifer,’ who uncovered Clinton’s private emails, to be extradited to US LEHEL, MARCEL LAZAR / CLINTON, HILLARY / US / EXTRADITION / RO
20160304 rt.com Iraq War veteran committed suicide after emergency hotline went to voicemail US
20160303 newsthump.com Psychiatric hospitals filling up with time travellers sent back to kill Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US
20160302 ap.org Argentine Nobel Prize winner to Obama: Don't visit March 24 AR / US / ESQUIVEL, ADOLFO PEREZ / OBAMA, BARACK


Date Source Title Tags
20160216 nytimes.com U.S. Had Cyberattack Plan if Iran Nuclear Dispute Led to Conflict US / IR / CYBERWAR
20160214 rt.com US urges Turkey to stop shelling Kurdish and Syrian forces US / TR / SY
20160211 spiegel.de Krieg in Syrien: Russen geben USA die Schuld an jüngsten Angriffen auf Aleppo ALEPPO / SY / RU / US
20160211 rt.com Still BFF? Turkey’s Erdogan attacks US over support of Kurds, blames it for Syrian ‘sea of blood’ TR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / KURDS / SY / US
20160204 ap.org Swiss bank cooperates with US as 2 ex-bankers plead guilty US / JULIUS BAER / IRS
20160203 rt.com New transatlantic data transfer deal sealed with ‘written assurances’ of US spying limitations SAFE HARBOR / PRIVACYSHIELD / EU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160129 spiegel.de Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen Putin: Kreml empört sich über US-Regierung US / RU
20160123 rt.com ‘They caused problems’: CIA involved with Gitmo inmates’ suicides – former guard to RT GUANTANAMO BAY / CIA / SOCALLEDSUICIDE / US
20160120 bangkokpost.com Chinese army linked to US military hacking CN / US
20160112 mic.com 3 years after Aaron Swartz´s dead here's what's happened to Aaron's Law SWARTZ, AARON / US
20160106 spiegel.de Umstrittene Krim-Zuordnung: Coca-Cola verärgert Russen und Ukrainer COCA COLA / US / RU
20160105 spiegel.de USA: Obama verkündet schärferes Waffengesetz - und weint OBAMA, BARACK / US / WEAPONTRADE
20160105 spiegel.de Schärfere Waffengesetze in den USA: Obama startet seinen Alleingang OBAMA, BARACK / US / WEAPONTRADE
20160103 spiegel.de Protest gegen US-Regierung: Bewaffnete Rancher besetzen Nationalpark in Oregon US
20160101 rt.com ‘The only thing Washington has not blamed Iran for is global warming’ IR / US



Date Source Title Tags
20151231 spiegel.de Bericht über Raketentest: Iran wirft USA psychologische Kriegsführung vor IR / US
20151230 rt.com US created ISIS, seeks discord among Muslims – Ayatollah Khamenei KHAMENEI, AYATOLLAH / US / ISIS
20151224 zerohedge.com US National Insecurity: The Art Of Blaming Russia (For Everything) US / RU / GOMEZ, CHRISTIAN / PROPAGANDA
20151224 spiegel.de Revanche für Sanktionen: Kreml will sich für die USA "etwas Besonderes" ausdenken RU / US
20151223 telepolis.de Atombomben auf Ost-Berlin - USA geben geheime Liste nuklearer Ziele von 1956 frei US / BERLIN / MOSCOW / LENINGRAD
20151223 spiegel.de Kalter Krieg: USA wollten im Ernstfall 91 Ziele in Ost-Berlin treffen BERLIN / US
20151222 rt.com US military provided Assad with intel on extremists via Russia, Israel & Germany - report AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / US / DIA / RU / IL / DE
20151220 rt.com ‘US not after regime change in Syria, but Assad must go’ – Kerry to Russian TV US / SY
20151219 spiegel.de Südchinesisches Meer: Peking empört über Bomberflug der US-Luftwaffe SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20151219 rt.com Beijing rebukes Washington after B-52 bomber strays over artificial island in South China Sea SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20151218 rt.com Deployment fail: US special ops forces arrive in Libya, immediately told to leave LY / US
20151218 thehill.com Poll: 30 percent of Republicans want to bomb country from ‘Aladdin’ US
20151215 rt.com ‘We see Syria fundamentally very similarly’ – Kerry after talks with Putin, Lavrov LAVROV, SERGEY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / KERRY, JOHN / US / RU
20151214 nytimes.com Texas Plumber Sues Car Dealer After His Truck Ends Up on Syria’s Front Lines US / TR / SY
20151211 spiegel.de Flughafen Los Angeles: Beamte halten Girlband für Prostituierte KR / US
20151210 rt.com Muslim group CAIR's HQ evacuated after powdery substance found in envelope US
20151209 theintercept.com One Year After the Senate Torture Report, No One’s Read It and It Might Be Destroyed TORTURE / CIA / US
20151207 spiegel.de Republikanischer Präsidentschaftsbewerber: Trump fordert Einreiseverbot für Muslime TRUMP, DONALD / US
20151207 bbc.com San Bernardino attack: Obama vows to overcome terror threat SAN BERNARDINO / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20151205 rt.com US unwilling to acknowledge Turkey-ISIS oil trade ‘smacks of direct patronage’ – Russian top brass TR / ISIS / US / OIL
20151204 spiegel.de Kalifornien: FBI stuft Attentat von San Bernardino als Terrorakt ein US
20151204 spiegel.de Bluttat in San Bernardino: Terror-Indizien heizen politische Debatte in den USA an US
20151203 spiegel.de Bluttat in Kalifornien: Täter-Ehepaar hortete Bomben, Waffen und Munition US
20151202 rt.com 'Great partners': Pentagon rejects Russian evidence of Turkey aiding ISIS US / TR / ISIS / RU
20151201 spiegel.de Syrien und Irak: USA drängen Türkei zu mehr Einsatz gegen IS SY / IQ / US / TR / ISIS


Date Source Title Tags
20151130 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Pariser Anschläge: USA verschärfen Einreisebestimmung US
20151129 spiegel.de Nach Schießerei in Frauenklinik: Obama fordert schärferes Waffenrecht US
20151129 spiegel.de Ex-US-Geheimdienstchef über den IS: "Wir waren zu dumm" ISIS / FLYNN, MICHAEL / US / IQ / LY
20151126 spiegel.de Terror-Hype und Islamophobie: Amerikas Hassprediger drehen auf US / HATE SPEECH / TRUMP, DONALD
20151123 rt.com Anti-Muslim sentiment grows in US after Paris attacks US
20151113 spiegel.de Einsatz in Syrien: USA fliegen Luftangriff gegen IS-Mörder "Dschihadi John" US / ISLAMIC STATE / SY
20151105 theintercept.com Leaked Emails From Pro-Clinton Group Reveal Censorship of Staff on Israel, AIPAC Pandering, Warped Militarism CAP / CLINTON, HILLARY / AIPAC / LEWIS, ANN / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TANDEN, NEERA / US / IL
20151103 spiegel.de Satelliten-Projekt "Tandem X": USA drängen auf Daten-Deal mit der Bundeswehr DE / BUNDESWEHR / IMAGERY / NGA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20151029 spiegel.de Sorge um Flugsicherheit: Militär-Luftschiff schwebt führerlos über Amerika US / DRONES
20151027 rt.com Senate passes CISA, strikes down four pro-privacy amendments US / CISA
20151027 rt.cm China furious after US Navy destroyer passes disputed islands in S. China Sea SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20151027 bangkokpost.com US Navy to challenge China in Spratlys SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20151027 spiegel.de Territorialstreit um Spratly-Inseln: USA schicken Kriegsschiff ins Südchinesische Meer SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN
20151025 nytimes.com Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Too Close for U.S. Comfort RU / US
20151023 zerohedge.com The GOP's Nightmare Is Coming True: With Jeb Out Of Cash, Insiders Say Trump Nomination Almost Certain US
20151023 rt.com Snowden leaks reveal harmfulness of US monopoly on internet – Russian minister INTERNET / RU / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20151015 ap.org APNewsBreak: US analysts knew Afghan site was hospital US / AF
20151014 spiegel.de Kurden-Konflikt: Türkei bestellt Botschafter Russlands und der USA ein TR / RU / US
20151009 spiegel.de Datenschutz in den USA: US-Regierung verzichtet vorerst auf Hintertüren-Pflicht ENCRYPTION / US
20151007 spiegel.de Fuhrpark des IS: Toyotas Problem mit den Terror-Trucks TOYOTA / ISIS / US
20151006 boingboing.net NYPD steal black woman banker's BMW, commit her when she asks for it back RACISM / US
20151006 spiegel.de Safe Harbor: Europäischer Gerichtshof entscheidet über umstrittenes Datenschutzabkommen SAFE HARBOR / EUGH / EU / US / PRIVACY
20151004 faz.net Waffengewalt in Amerika - Die ernüchternde Sprache der Zahlen: Eine neue Statistik vergleicht die Zahl der durch Schusswaffen und der durch Terrorismus getöteten Amerikaner. Das Ergebnis ist bestürzend. US
20151004 spiegel.de US-Luftangriff in Kunduz: Ärzte ohne Grenzen spricht von Kriegsverbrechen AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 spiegel.de Kampf um Kunduz: Uno nennt US-Angriff auf Krankenhaus "unentschuldbar" AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 zeit.de Ärzte ohne Grenzen: UN halten Angriff für "unentschuldbar und vielleicht sogar kriminell" AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 rt.com ‘Inexcusable, possibly even criminal’: UN rights chief says Kunduz bombing may be war crime AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 rt.com Suspected US airstrike hits hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan AF / US / MSF
20151003 rt.com 12 MSF staff, 7 patients killed in Kunduz attack, US admits airstrike 'in vicinity' of hospital AF / US / MSF
20151003 spiegel.de Luftangriffe in Kunduz: "Das US-Militär wusste, wo unser Krankenhaus liegt" AF / US / MSF
20151003 rt.com ‘Collateral damage’: At least 3 MSF staff killed in suspected US airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan AF / US / MSF
20151003 spiegel.de Kampf um Kunduz: US-Luftangriff trifft Krankenhaus - mehrere Tote AF / US / MSF
20151002 spiegel.de Massaker an US-College in Oregon: Amerika lernt wieder - nichts US
20151002 spiegel.de Bluttat in Oregon: Mann erschießt mehrere Menschen an US-College US


Date Source Title Tags
20150928 jungewelt.de USA: Schwarzer Rollstuhlfahrer erschossen US
20150926 spiegel.de Cyber-Konsens zwischen USA und China: Weniger Heucheln dank Snowden CYBERWAR / US / CN
20150924 rt.com ‘If we want security, let us give security’: Pope Francis gives historic speech in Congress BERGOGLIO, JORGE MARIO / US
20150919 spiegel.de Syrien-Krieg: Putins Manöver zwingen USA zu Gesprächen SY / RU / US
20150915 engadget.com ISP wins 11-year battle to reveal warrantless FBI spying CALYX / MERRILL, NICOLAS / US / FBI
20150914 english.cntv.com China, US reach consensus on cyber cooperation CN / US
20150910 spiegel.de Syrien-Krieg: Russische Militärbewegungen irritieren USA SY / RU / US
20150909 thedailybeast.com Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked CENTCOM / US / ISIS
20150907 rt.com Europe has to deal with refugee disaster caused by US – Nicolas Maduro to RT MADURO, NICOLAS / REFUGEES / US / IQ / LY / SY
20150905 spiegel.de Gerücht über Aufmarschpläne: USA warnen Russland vor Militäreinsatz in Syrien US / RU / SY
20150902 spiegel.de Kampf gegen IS: Ex-CIA-Chef will Nusra-Kämpfer abwerben PETRAEUS, DAVID / US / ISIS / SY / AL NUSRA / AL QAEDA
20150902 theintercept.com TV Station Owners Report Unexpected Flood of Money From Iran Deal Opponents PROPAGANDA / IR / SA / US / AIPAC
20150901 washingtonpost.com U.S. launches secret drone campaign to hunt Islamic State leaders in Syria US / SY / DRONES / ISIS


Date Source Title Tags
20150828 rt.com US pressured Norway to arrest & extradite Snowden, seize all devices – documents SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NO
20150827 zerohedge.com It's Official: China Confirms It Has Begun Liquidating Treasuries, Warns Washington CNY / USD / CN / US
20150827 spiegel.de USA: Wal-Mart nimmt Sturmgewehre aus dem Programm US / WEAPONTRADE / WAL-MART
20150820 rt.com Kissinger: ‘Breaking Russia has become objective for US’ KISSINGER, HENRY / RU / US
20150820 theintercept.com Wave of TV Ads Opposing Iran Deal Organized By Saudi Arabian Lobbyist AMERICAN SECURITY INITIATIVE / IR / SA / COLEMAN, NORM / US
20150817 spiegel.de "Operation Fuchsjagd": USA beschweren sich über chinesische Agenten US / CN
20150816 rt.com N Korea threatens to ‘invade US’ unless S Korean military exercises aren’t halted KP / KR / US
20150814 spiegel.de Angebliche Vergewaltigung: Amerikaner saß 33 Jahre zu Unrecht in Haft US
20150813 rt.com Retiring Army chief suggests US forces return to Iraq – to help fight ISIS US / IQ / ISIS / ODIERNO, RAY
20150811 spiegel.de Hindernisse an der Grenze: Was Sie bei der Einreise in die USA wirklich erwartet US
20150811 washingtonpost.com Lawrence Lessig wants to run for president — in a most unconventional way LESSIG, LAWRENCE / US
20150810 rt.com US ex-intelligence chief on ISIS rise: It was 'a willful Washington decision' ISIS / US / DIA / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20150808 rtdeutsch.com USA investieren 68 Millionen US-Dollar für NATO-Militärbasen Ausbau in Estland EE / US
20150807 zerohedge.com The U.S. Is Destroying Europe US / EU
20150806 spiegel.de US will never apologize for Hiroshima, Nagasaki - President Truman’s grandson US
20150805 rt.com US says Assad is ‘root of all evil’ after first drone strikes launch from Turkey US / TR / SY / AL-ASSAD, BASHAR
20150805 spiegel.de Gescheiterte US-Einreise: "Ich kam mir vor wie eine Schwerverbrecherin" US
20150803 berliner-zeitung.de Ärger wegen Facebook-Chat 19-jährige Deutsche bei USA-Einreise abgewiesen US
20150803 spiegel.de Syrien-Krieg: US-Militär will notfalls auch Assads Armee bombardieren SY / US / ISIS


Date Source Title Tags
20150729 spiegel.de Nach Erschießung eines Schwarzen: US-Polizist des Mordes angeklagt US
20150725 spiegel.de Nach Iran-Deal: USA könnten israelischen Spion nach 30 Jahren freilassen POLLARD, JONATHAN / US
20150725 spiegel.de Ausbildermission: US-Armee drillt Kiews Spezialeinheiten UA / US ARMY / US
20150723 spiegel.de Putin-Kritiker: Chodorkowski warnt USA vor Krieg gegen Russland KHODORKOVSKY, MICHAIL / UA / RU / US
20150717 thewire.in How the US is Using a Secret Agreement on Services to Wriggle Out of Its WTO Obligations US / WTO / TISA / TPP / TTIP
20150710 spiegel.de Sex mit minderjährigen Schülern: Russen fordern Freilassung von US-Lehrerin SEX / US / RU
20150702 spiegel.de Neuer Strategiebericht: US-Militär stuft Russland und China als Bedrohung ein US / RU / CN


Date Source Title Tags
20150630 spiegel.de Militärhilfe: USA liefern wieder Waffen nach Bahrain BH / US
20150627 rt.com White Americans bigger terror threat than Islamic extremists – study US / TERRORISM
20150627 spiegel.de Fahnenstreit in den USA: Aktivistin holt Südstaatenflagge vom Mast US / SOUTH CAROLINA / NEWSOME, BREE
20150624 reuters.com U.S., European authorities investigate possible new leaker: sources LEAKS / US / WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20150624 rt.com Secret doc: US to give Tehran nuclear technology, refurbish reactor under deal IR / US
20150621 spiegel.de Charleston-Morde: Amerika streitet über die Südstaaten-Flagge US / CHARLESTON
20150620 rt.com Bin Laden’s son asked US for father’s death certificate – WikiLeaks BIN LADEN, OSAMA / SA / US / WIKILEAKS
20150618 spiegel.de Massaker in Charleston: Das rassistische Fanal US / CHARLESTON
20150617 rt.com Russia cuts US debt holding by more than 40% over year RU / US
20150617 spiegel.de Gesetzesänderung: US-Senat verbietet Folter US / TORTURE
20150615 rt.com US, China strike deal, set to hold joint military drills CN / US
20150615 cntv.cn China: US owes explanation over surveillance scandal US / CN
20150610 rt.com 'No big deal': Senior Iranian commander says Tehran ready for war with US IR / US
20150609 rt.com US accuses Russia of missile violations to cover Europe deployment plans – Moscow US / RU
20150605 xinhuanet.com U.S. urged to "lower the temperature" over S. China Sea rift with China SOUTH CHINA SEA / CN / US
20150603 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: USA setzen Kooperation mit BND im Irak aus NSA / BND / US / DE / IQ
20150603 spiegel.de Kritik an Netanyahu: Obama warnt Israel vor Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust US / IL / PS / OBAMA, BARACK


Date Source Title Tags
20150530 spiegel.de Konfrontation in Fernost: USA warnen China vor Eskalation im Inselstreit SOUTH CHINA SEA / US / CN / TW / BN / MY / VN / PH
20150530 spiegel.de Trotz Sanktionen: Handel zwischen USA und Russland floriert EMBARGO POLITICS / EU / US / RU
20150529 reuters.com Exclusive: U.S. tried Stuxnet-style campaign against North Korea but failed - sources CYBERWAR / US / KP
20150520 cntv.com China 'concerned' over U.S. espionage charges CN / US
20150520 spiegel.de Gestohlene Firmengeheimnisse: USA werfen chinesischen Professoren Spionage vor US / CN
20150504 rt.com NATO & allies stage thousands-strong drills across Europe EE / NATO / US / GB / DE / LV / LT / BE / PL / NL


Date Source Title Tags
20150428 rt.com Renewed suspicions US was ‘lobbied’ to leave UK out of CIA torture report TORTURE / US / GB
20150424 qz.com Datensparsamkeit: Germans are paranoid that the US is spying on their data DE / US / PRIVACY
20150423 sueddeutsche.de Anti-Terror-Einsätze: USA töteten versehentlich zwei westliche Geiseln in Pakistan DRONES / US / PK
20150421 rt.com Assad: France supporting ‘terrorists’ in Syria, acts as Washington’s satellite AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / FR / US / TERRORISM
20150420 spiegel.de FBI-Skandal um DNA-Schlamperei: Wenn die Forensik versagt DNA / FBI / FORENSICS / US
20150417 washngtonsblog.com HEAD of the FBI’s Anthrax Investigation Says the Whole Thing Was a SHAM ANTHRAX / FBI / US / LAMBERT, RICHARD / LEAHY, PATRICK / DASCHLE, TOM / ASSAAD, AYAAD
20150417 rt.com ‘Any reader of Orwell would be perfectly familiar’ with US maneuvers – Chomsky to RT CHOMSKY, NOAM / PROPAGANDA / US
20150416 rt.com House panel urges US to fight Russia's ‘weaponized information’ BBG / US / PROPAGANDA
20150415 firstlook.org/theintercept Religious Fanaticism is a Huge Factor in Americans’ Support for Israel US / IL
20150411 rt.com Americans don’t want Congress to sabotage Iran deal – new poll US / IR
20150410 reuters.com Exclusive: U.S. expands intelligence sharing with Saudis in Yemen operation YE / US / SA
20150410 washingtonpost.com National Security: As encryption spreads, U.S. grapples with clash between privacy, security ENCRYPTION / US
20150410 rt.com Sanaa-tized? Rights groups sue State Dept for refusing to evacuate 1,000s of Americans from Yemen YE / US
20150408 spiegel.de Krieg im Jemen: USA beschleunigen Waffenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien YE / SA / US
20150401 rt.com Obama announces hacker sanctions amid cyber-security ‘national emergency’ US / OBAMA, BARACK


Date Source Title Tags
20150331 smh.com.au Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas fault line RU / US
20150319 rt.com Lavrov: Washington is pushing Kiev to military solution of Donbass conflict UA / RU / US
20150319 rt.com CISA text released: ​Cyber bill’s privacy safeguards don’t impress critics US / CISA
20150313 spiegel.de Hilfszahlung: USA unterstützen syrische Opposition mit 70 Millionen Dollar US / SY
20150310 spiegel.de Republikaner-Brief an Iran: Die Saboteure US / IR


Date Source Title Tags
20150224 spiegel.de Nach Krisengipfel in Paris: Kerry bezichtigt Russland der Lüge KERRY, JOHN / US / RU / UA
20150223 theguardian.com South Africa monitored Iranian agents under US pressure, spy cables show ZA / US / IR
20150212 nytimes.com Obama Heads to Tech Security Talks Amid Tensions OBAMA, BARACK / US / GOOGLE / APPLE / DANIEL, MICHAEL / COOK, TIM / ENCRYPTION
20150210 spiegel.de Nach Sony-Hack: USA wollen Behörde gegen Cyberangriffe gründen SONY / US / CTIIC / MONACO, LISA
20150210 firstlook.org The U.S. Media and the 13-Year-Old Yemeni Boy Burned to Death Last Month by a U.S. Drone DRONES / US
20150210 spiegel.de Angespannte Sicherheitslage: USA schließen Botschaft im Jemen US / SY / LY / YE
20150204 zeroherdge.com Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: The Entire Oil Collapse Is All About Crushing Russian Control Over Syria US / SA / RU / SY / OIL
20150203 spiegel.de Neue Richtlinien für US-Geheimdienste: Daten über Ausländer müssen nach fünf Jahren gelöscht werden US
20150201 cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com PRES OBAMA on Fareed Zakaria GPS OBAMA, BARACK / US / DRONES / SA / IL / UA / RU / CN / IN / TERRORISM
20150202 spiegel.de Waffenlieferungen an Ukraine: Obamas Planspiele gefährden Europas Einheit UA / US / DE / RU
20150202 spiegel.de Gescheiterte Friedensgespräche: USA erwägen Waffenlieferung an Ukraine UA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20150126 uk.businessinsider.com FBI: We Found Three Russian Spies In New York City US / FBI / RU / BURYAKOV, EVGENY / PODOBNYY, VICTOR / SPORYSHEV, IGOR / VNESHECONOMBANK



Date Source Title Tags
20141220 spiegel.de Bodycams an Polizisten: Die Kamera-Cops US
20141212 spiegel.de US-Folterbericht: US-Senatorin Feinstein nimmt CIA-Chef auf Twitter auseinander FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN / US / TORTURE
20141209 spiegel.de Verhöre von Terrorgefangenen: US-Senat prangert brutale Foltermethoden der CIA an US / CIA / TORTURE
20141207 spiegel.de Proteste in den USA: Atemlos vor Wut US
20141206 spiegel.de US-Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt: Der Zorn wächst US
20141205 texasobserver.org Grand Jury Clears Two Former Jasper Cops Who Beat Woman in Jail US


Date Source Title Tags
20141126 spiegel.de Jury-Entscheid im Fall Michael Brown: Demonstranten blockieren Verkehr in 170 US-Städten US / FERGUSON / BROWN, MICHAEL
20141119 rt.com Releasing torture report might risk American lives overseas – ex-CIA chief HAYDEN, MICHAEL / US / TORTURE
20141119 rt.com Kerry to Lavrov: Ignore Obama’s naming of Russia on top threats list RU / US
20141108 rt.com Pentagon raises specter of Chinese superiority to boost funding PENTAGON / US / CN
20141105 spiegel.de Obamas Niederlage bei US-Midterms: Der gefesselte Präsident US


Date Source Title Tags
20141031 spiegel.de Fingerabdruck-Scanner: US-Strafverfolger können Verdächtige zum Smartphone-Entsperren zwingen BIOMETRICS / US
20141018 spiegel.de Korruption: USA verhängen Einreisesperre gegen ungarische Offizielle HU / US
20141027 m.thenation.com Edward Snowden: A ‘Nation' Interview SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20141016 yahoo.com Syrian Ambassador Calls ISIS An ‘American Myth’ SY / ISLAMIC STATE / US / TR / SA / QA
20141016 spiegel.de Koalition gegen Terrormiliz: Russland verweigert sich beim Einsatz gegen den IS LAVROV, SERGEY / RU / KERRY, JOHN / US
20141015 tagesschau.de Tödlicher Luftangriff im Jemen: Drohnenopfer verklagen Deutschland YE / DRONES / US / DE
20141015 spiegel.de USA und Russland: Geheimdienste wollen im Kampf gegen IS kooperieren ISLAMIC STATE / US / RU
20141014 spiegel.de Studie: Sieben Minderjährige sterben in den USA pro Tag durch Schusswaffen WEAPONS / US
20141013 spiegel.de Kampf gegen IS: US-Armee darf türkische Militärstützpunkte nutzen TR / US / ISLAMIC STATE
20141012 spiegel.de Milliarden-Anschaffungen: US-Polizei nutzt beschlagnahmtes Geld für Aufrüstung US
20141011 spiegel.de Streit um Rückenlehne: Flugpassagier drohen bis zu 20 Jahre Haft AMERICAN AIRLINES / US
20141010 spiegel.de Diebstahl von Millionen Kreditkartendaten: Russischer Hacker in den USA angeklagt SELEZNYOV, ROMAN / US / EXTRADITION
20141006 rt.com Biden’s top 5: US policy secrets revealed in VP’s Harvard speech BIDEN, JOSEPH / US
20141003 rt.com Biden says US 'embarrassed' EU into sanctioning Russia over Ukraine US / EU / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH
20141002 telesurtv.net Wikileaks: HK Protests Linked to US Government HK / US / NED / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20141002 rt.com US tanks arrive in Baltics, Poland requests greater US military presence PL / US
20140930 spiegel.de Überweisungen an Gläubiger: Argentinien trotzt Warnungen der US-Justiz AR / US
20140929 rawstory.com ‘Target practicing and praying’: Fox host advises viewers to prep for ISIS invasion US / ISLAMIC STATE
20140928 spiegel.de Designierte EU-Handelskommissarin Malmström soll amerikanische Interessen vertreten haben MALMSTROEM, CECILIA / EU / US
20140923 spiegel.de Krieg gegen "Islamischen Staat": USA fliegen mit arabischen Partnern Luftangriffe in Syrien US / SY / AE / BH / JO / SA
20140922 netzpolitik.org Robert Pittenger lädt zum “Gespräch” zu Geheimdienstarbeit – Europa soll froh sein, beschützt zu werden PITTENGER, ROBERT / NSA / US / DE
20140921 faz.net Streit um Spionage: „Die NSA betreibt keine Massenüberwachung, sie sammelt Daten“ PITTENGER, ROBERT / US / NSA
20140907 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Westliche Staaten dementieren Waffenlieferungen UA / US / FR / IT / NO / PL
20140905 firstlook.org The U.S. Government’s Secret Plans to Spy for American Corporations US / ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE
201409 foreignaffairs.com Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault: The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin UA / US / NATO / MEARSHEIMER, JOHN


Date Source Title Tags
20140820 firstlook.org/theintercept U.S. Military Bans The Intercept THE INTERCEPT / US / CENSORSHIP
20140819 spiegel.de Krawalle in Ferguson: US-Polizei nimmt deutsche Journalisten fest FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / FERGUSON
20140806 en.ria.ru Pentagon Confirms Arrival of US European Command Team in Kiev UA / PENTAGON / US
20140805 firstlook.org Barack Obama’s Secret Terrorist-Tracking System, by the Numbers TERRORISM / US
20140804 pressdemocrat.com Bloomberg: CIA caught spying on its overseers CIA / US
20140801 spiegel.de Obama zu CIA und 9/11: "Wir haben ein paar Leute gefoltert" OBAMA, BARACK / US / CIA / TORTURE


Date Source Title Tags
20140731 firstlook.org It’s About the Lying BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / US
20140726 spiegel.de Gewalt in Libyen: USA ziehen Personal ihrer Botschaft ab US / LY
20140723 slate.com America’s Flight 17 - The time the United States blew up a passenger plane—and tried to cover it up. 19880703 Iran Air 655 / MH17 / US
20140720 rt.com Berlin wants to prosecute US handlers of German spies DE / US / DAF / CIA / BND / MAAS, HEIKO / M., ANDREW / MERKEL, ANGELA / KIPPING, KATJA / HAHN, ANDRE
20140716 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre: Obama und Merkel sprechen über Geheimdienstkooperation OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / US / DAF
20140716 spiegel.de Telefonat nach Spionageaffäre: Kein Sorry unter dieser Nummer DE / US / DAF / MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140715 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre: Berliner CIA-Chef soll noch diese Woche ausreisen DE / US / DAF / CIA
20140714 wsj.de US-Geheimdienstler bleibt stur und blamiert Berlin DE / US / DAF / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER
20140712 bundeskanzlerin.de Die Ausspähung muss endlich ein Ende haben MAAS, HEIKO / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / US / NSA / CIA / DAF
20140712 spiegel.de Spionage-Affäre beim BND: Mutmaßlicher US-Spion bekam aus Wien Befehle BND / CIA / DE / US / DAF / US Embassy Vienna / MERKEL, ANGELA / R., MARKUS / SCHROTH, KLAUS
20140711 spiegel.de US-Reaktion auf Spionage-Affäre: Jetzt ist auch Obama verstimmt US / DE / DAF / OBAMA, BARACK / EARNEST, JOSH / RISCH, JIM
20140711 spiegel.de USA in der Spionageaffäre: Kalt erwischt US / DE / DAF
20140710 nytimes.com Justice Dept. Declines to Investigate C.I.A. Review US / CIA / CARR, PETER / FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / HOLDER, ERIC / BOYD, DEAN
20140710 washingtonpost.com Europe: Germany orders CIA station chief to leave over spying allegations DE / DAF / US / CIA / SEIBERT, STEFFEN / RIZZO, JOHN A. / BND / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN
20140710 spiegel.de Spionage-Vorwürfe: USA kündigen Gespräche mit Deutschland an US / DE / DAF / KERRY, JOHN / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / PSAKI, JEN / CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN
20140710 tagesschau.de Reaktion der Bundesregierung auf Spionageaffäre: US-Geheimdienstler muss gehen DE / US / DAF / SEIBERT, STEFFEN / BINNINGER, CLEMENS
20140710 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Spionage-Affäre: Rausschmiss erster Klasse DE / US / DAF / CIA / NSA
20140708 spiegel.de BND-Spionageaffäre: Von der Leyen verlangt von USA Kooperation VON DER LEYEN, URSULA / BND / US / DE / EARNEST, JOSH / SCHOCKENDORF, ANDREAS / MUETZENICH, ROLF / GOERING-ECKARDT, KATRIN / HARDT, JUERGEN
20140708 spiegel.de Kreditkartenbetrug: US-Ermittler nehmen russischen Hacker fest SELEZNYOV, ROMAN / US / RU / US SECRET SERVICE
20140708 rt.com US ‘kidnaps’ Russian MP’s son to ‘exchange him for Snowden’ RU / US / SELEZNYOV, ROMAN / MV / US SECRET SERVICE
20140707 spiegel.de BND-Spitzelaffäre: USA wollen offenbar CIA-Beteiligung eingestehen BND / CIA / EARNEST, JOSH / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / US
20140707 faz.net Geheimdienste: Deutschland könnte bald die Vereinigten Staaten ausspionieren BND / NSA / DE / US / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS
20140707 bild.de SPIONAGE-SKANDAL: BND-Agent spitzelte für den US-Geheimdienst CIA BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF / US EMBASSY BERLIN
20140707 spiegel.de Konsequenzen der BND-Affäre: De Maizière will künftig die USA ausspionieren BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / MAYER, STEPHAN / MERKEL, ANGELA / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / GAUCK, JOACHIM
20140707 spiegel.de Spionage-Affäre beim BND: Alle Spuren führen in die USA BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF
20140707 spiegel.de BND-Spionageskandal: Transatlantik-Beauftragter der Bundesregierung fürchtet Zerwürfnis mit USA BND / NSA / DE / US / HARDT, JUERGEN / MISSFELDER, PHILIPP
20140706 de.ria.ru Verhafteter deutscher Doppelagent wollte Russland seine Dienste anbieten – Medien BND / NSA / DE / US / RU
20140706 spiegel.de Berlin und die US-Spionageaffäre: Schon wieder hilflos BND / NSA / DE / US / DAF
20140706 spiegel.de Doppelagent beim BND: Merkel enttäuscht über mögliche US-Spionage BND / NSA / DE / US / MERKEL, ANGELA
20140706 spiegel.de Umfrage: Deutsche wollen größere Unabhängigkeit von den USA DE / US / DAF
20140704 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre um BND-Mitarbeiter: US-Botschafter ins Auswärtige Amt gebeten EMERSON, JOHN B. / DE / US / BND / NSA / STEINLEIN, STEPHAN / AUSWAERTIGES AMT
20140704 rt.com Germany arrests suspected 'double agent' for working for US - report DE / US / BND / DE PUA NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20140626 wired.com Snarky Lawmaker Reminds Former NSA Chief That Selling State Secrets Is Illegal NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / US / GRAYSON, ALAN
20140626 spiegel.de Datenschutzabkommen: EU-Bürger sollen Klagerecht in den USA bekommen EU / US / PRIVACY
20140622 spiegel.de Militarisierung der US-Polizei: Dein Freund und Panzerfahrer US
20140614 washingtonpost.com National Security: U.S. officials scrambled to nab Snowden, hoping he would take a wrong step. He didn’t. SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20140614 spiegel.de Irak-Konflikt: USA schicken Flugzeugträger in den Persischen Golf IQ / US
20140614 spiegel.de Kampf gegen irakische Islamisten: Irans Präsident Rohani bietet USA Zusammenarbeit an IQ / IR / US
20140605 spiegel.de Lauschangriff auf Merkel: USA reagieren verstimmt auf deutsches Ermittlungsverfahren DE / US / MERKEL, ANGELA


Date Source Title Tags
20140531 spiegel.de Geiselhaft in Afghanistan: USA tauschen gefangenen Soldaten gegen fünf Taliban aus TALIBAN / AF / US
20140530 spiegel.de Interne Kritik an Spähprogrammen: NSA veröffentlicht E-Mail Snowdens SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US
20140529 theguardian.com US cybercrime laws being used to target security researchers - Security researchers say they have been threatened with indictment for their work investigating internet vulnerabilities US / IT SECURITY / CFAA
20140529 spiegel.de Interview im US-Fernsehen: Edward Snowden erklärt sich zum Patrioten SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20140528 spiegel.de Hilfe für andere Länder: USA planen milliardenschweren Anti-Terror-Fonds KERRY, JOHN / US
20140528 spiegel.de Rede in West Point: Obama definiert Führungsanspruch der USA neu OBAMA, BARACK / US
20140528 spiegel.de Neue US-Außenpolitik: Die Obama-Doktrin US / OBAMA, BARACK
20140526 blogs.nytimes.com Beijing Levels New Attack at U.S. Cyber-Spying CN / ESPIONAGE / US / NSA
20140520 spiegel.de Anklagen wegen Cyberspionage: China bestellt US-Botschafter ein CN / US
20140522 bangkokpost.com As US weighs sanctions, foreign reaction rolls in TH / US
20140521 netzpolitik.org Bundesregierung bestätigt Datentauschring von BKA, Europol, Interpol und US-Militär zu “identifizierten ausländischen Terroristen” DE / BKA / EUROPOL / INTERPOL / US / HAMAH / AF / VENLIG / IQ
20140520 spiegel.de US-Besuch von Innenminister de Maizière: Auf der Suche nach Normalität DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / DE
20140519 reuters.com U.S. accuses China of cyber spying on American companies US / CN
20140519 spiegel.de Spähangriffe: USA klagen erstmals Chinesen wegen Cyberspionage an US / CN
20140511 israelnationalnews.com Newsweek Reporter Defends Israeli Spying Allegation GORE, AL / IL / US / MOSSAD
20140511 spiegel.de Einsatz gegen Separatisten: Ukrainische Armee bekommt offenbar Unterstützung von US-Söldnern UA / US / ACADEMI
20140510 haaeretz.com Did an Israeli spy hide in Al Gore's bathroom? Former intel officials deny Newsweek claims operatives would entice U.S. officials with women and drugs to find their weak spots GORE, AL / IL / US / MOSSAD
20140508 nytimes.com POLITICS: Intelligence Policy Bans Citation of Leaked Material LEAKS / SECRECY / FREEDOM OF SPEECH / CENSORSHIP / US
20140507 techdirt.com How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He Refused To Become An Informant FBI / INFORMANTS / US
20140506 newsweek.com Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S. GORE, AL / IL / US / MOSSAD
20140501 theguardian.com Germany blocks Edward Snowden from testifying in person in NSA inquiry: Officials say a personal invitation for US whistleblower to attend hearing would put 'grave strain' on US-German relations SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US / DE PUA NSA
20140501 spiegel.de US-Reise der Kanzlerin: Merkels Mission Neuanfang MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK / DE / US
20140501 spiegel.de Snowden-Vernehmung: US-Schützenhilfe für die Bundesregierung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US / HARRIS, JEFFREY / FLISEK, CHRISTIAN / RENNER, MARTINA / VON NOTZ, KONSTANTIN / DE PUA NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20140429 sueddeutsche.de Vor Merkels USA-Reise: Bundesregierung beerdigt No-Spy-Abkommen DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / US / NSA
20140423 rt.com Coup no more? US clears Egypt to receive Apache helicopters EG / US / IL / WEAPONTRADE
20140422 spiegel.de Ostukraine: USA zeigen umstrittene Beweise für Präsenz von Kreml-Truppen US / UA / PROPAGANDA
20140421 blogs.fas.org Intelligence Directive Bars Unauthorized Contacts with News Media SECRECY / US
20140421 rt.com Lavrov: US should face responsibility for powers it installed in Kiev LAVROV, SERGEY / UA / US
20140421 globalresearch.ca “Crimes against Peace”: Historic Class Action Law Suit against George W. Bush BUSH, GEORGE W / US / IQ
20140418 reuters.com Special Report: How the U.S. made its Putin problem worse US / RU / BUSH, GEORGE W / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / NATO / UA
20140417 sueddeutsche.de Fall Edward Snowden: Berlin verlangt Antworten von der US-Regierung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US
20140412 rt.com CIA deceived government on torture program according to Senate report CIA / TORTURE / US
20140412 russland.ru Russland ist dicht: Der Rückzug aus Afghanistan jetzt ein logistischer Alptraum AF / RU / US
20140411 spiegel.de Telefonat mit Merkel: Obama droht Russland neue Sanktionen an OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / US / DE / RU
20140411 spiegel.de Streit über Diplomaten: US-Kongress will iranischen Uno-Botschafter nicht einreisen lassen US / IR / ABUTALEBI, HAMID
20140408 alternet.org America's Coup Machine: Destroying Democracy Since 1953 U.S. efforts to overthrow foreign governments leave the world less peaceful, less just and less hopeful. US / CIA / UA / US EMBASSY KIEV / COUP D´ETAT
20140407 rt.com US reportedly starts supplying Syrian rebels with anti-tank weapons SY / US
20140405 welt.de Distanz zu den USA beunruhigt die Politik DE / US / RU / NATO / BROK, ELMAR / OEZDEMIR, CEM
20140405 spiegel.de Sanktionen gelockert: US-Regierung erlaubt Boeing Geschäfte mit Iran IR / US / BOEING
20140404 zerohedge.com US Threatens Russia Over Petrodollar-Busting Deal USD / US / RU / OIL
20140404 rt.com Relax and do some yoga, Moscow tells sanctions-waving US leaders RU / US / RYABKOV, SERGEY
20140402 spiegel.de Krise in der Ukraine: US-Kongress genehmigt Milliardenhilfe für Kiew UA / US
20140401 bangkokpost.com CIA 'misled' on Thai black site CIA / US / TH


Date Source Title Tags
20140328 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: US-Senatoren verlangen Waffenlieferung an Ukraine UA / US / MCCAIN, JOHN / GRAHAM, LINDSEY
20140314 spiegel.de Russisch-amerikanisches Krim-Treffen: Letzte Chance, vorbei UA / RU / US / KERRY, JOHN / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140311 nytimes.com Iranian Lawmaker Blames U.S. for Plane Disappearance MH370 / IR / US
20140310 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Kerry schlägt Einladung Moskaus aus KERRY, JOHN / US / RU / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140309 silvmail.com Peninsula UA / US / GRESH, JASON P. / PROTSYK, IGOR
20140308 tagesschau.de US-Außenpolitik in der Kritik: Amerikas Doppelmoral in der Ukraine US / UA
20140306 rt.com Russia hits back at US ‘barefaced cynicism and double standards’ over Ukraine RU / US / UA
20140306 rt.com US navy confirms missile destroyer USS Truxton approaching the Black Sea US NAVY / US / UA / RU / TR / BG / RO
20140306 rt.com US in tenuous sabre rattling over Ukraine US / UA / NATO / PL
20140306 spiegel.de Krim-Krise: EU verhängt leichte Sanktionen gegen Russland UA / EU / US / RU
20140305 cbc.ca The Ukraine crisis through the whimsy of international law UA / RU / US
20140305 spiegel.de Krisendiplomatie: Russlands Außenminister blockt den Westen ab UA / EU / US / RU / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20140305 rt.com Anti-leaks legislation coming within weeks, says NSA chief ALEXANDER, KEITH / LEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US
20140304 rt.com US suspends trade talks, military cooperation with Russia over Ukraine US / RU / UA
20140304 reuters.com Kremlin aide warns US of response if sanctions imposed: RIA RU / UA / US
20140304 nytimes.com C.I.A. Employees Face New Inquiry Amid Clashes on Detention Program CIA / US / TORTURE / INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT
20140304 theguardian.com NSA chief criticises media and suggests UK was right to detain David Miranda - Keith Alexander says revelations have caused ‘grave damage’ and claims officials are making ‘headway’ on ‘media leaks’ ALEXANDER, KEITH / LEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / MIRANDA, DAVID / GB
20140303 spiegel.de Afghanistan-Krise: Karzai "extrem wütend" über US-Regierung KARZAI, HAMID / AF / US
20140303 washingtonpost.com Interview: Karzai says 12-year Afghanistan war has left him angry at U.S. government KARZAI, HAMID / AF / US
20140302 enenews.com Emergency plan activated after ‘massive’ crack found in dam near nuclear site — Official: ‘Serious problem’; Failure risk ‘sufficiently high’ — NOAA: “Potential for rapid increase in flows” — Gov’t: Flooding could release radioactive waste from Hanford (VIDEO) NUCLEAR WASTE / US / HANFORD


Date Source Title Tags
20140228 xinhuanet.com Full text of Human Rights Record of the United States in 2013 US / HUMAN RIGHTS
20140228 spiegel.de Heikler USA-Besuch: Merkel reist Anfang Mai zu Obama DE / US / MERKEL, ANGELA
20140228 spiegel.de Steinmeier in den USA: Hauptsache Freunde STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / KERRY, JOHN / DE / US
20140227 rt.com US, NATO, EU lecture Russia with 'provocative statements' on Ukraine RU / US / NATO / EU / UA
20140227 bangkokpost.com Ukraine names pro-Western cabinet as US warns Russia UA / US / RU
20140225 spiegel.de USA gegen Russland: Kalter Krieg um die Ukraine UA / US / RU
20140224 spiegel.de Drohnenangriffe: Regierung will weiter Handy-Daten an USA übermitteln DRONES / US / DE
20140221 newsweek.com Break-in Reported at Project on Government Oversight US / POGO / WHISTLEBLOWING
20140220 firstlook.org New Details of Attack on Yemeni Wedding Prompt More Demands Obama Explain Drone Policy YE / DRONES / US
20140220 dailykos.com After the NSA affair, the German government is steering towards a serious confrontation with the US US / DE / NSA / BND / RAHAB
20140219 spiegel.de Rekord-Anleihenverkauf: China stößt US-Staatspapiere in Milliardenhöhe ab CN / US / USD
20140217 rt.com US diplomats given 48 hours to leave Venezuela VE / US
20140212 spiegel.de Spionage-Streit mit USA: Schluss mit der Jammerei! DE / FR / US / NSA
20140211 spiegel.de Hollande in Washington: Neue beste Freunde HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS / OBAMA, BARACK / FR / US
20140207 spiegel.de Victoria Nulands Ausrutscher: US-Diplomatin entschuldigt sich für "Fuck the EU" US / EU / UA / NULAND, VICTORIA
20140206 heise.de Olympische Winterspiele: USA warnen vor Überwachung in Sotschi US / RU
20140206 spiegel.de Fauxpas einer US-Diplomatin: "Fuck the EU" US / EU / UA / NULAND, VICTORIA
20140201 heise.de US-Senatoren nehmen Geheimdienstspitze unter Beschuss WYDEN, RON / HEINRICH, MARTIN / US / CLAPPER, JAMES / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20140131 spiegel.de US-Außenminister Kerry in Berlin: Hello! Goodbye! US / DE / KERRY, JOHN / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER
20140131 spiegel.de Nahost-Verhandlungen: USA wollen Frieden zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern bis Ende 2014 US / IL/ PS
20140129 nytimes.com Top Intelligence Official Assails Snowden and Seeks Return of N.S.A. Documents US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES
20140129 nytimes.com German Leader Criticizes U.S. Over Pervasive Surveillance MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20140129 spiegel.de Regierungserklärung der Kanzlerin: Merkel beklagt Vertrauensbruch durch US-Geheimdienste MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20140118 spiegel.de ZDF-Interview zu NSA-Spionage: Obama geht auf Wiedergutmachungskurs OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / US / DE
20140118 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Bundesregierung reichen Obamas Versprechen nicht DE / US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140115 spiegel.de Bericht der "New York Times": Obama will keinen Neuanfang bei NSA US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140115 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: NSA-Reformer im Kreuzverhör NSA / US
20140114 nytimes.com Obama to Place Some Restraints on Surveillance US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20140110 spiegel.de Besuch in den USA: EU-Experten durften Spähaffäre nicht ansprechen EU / US / NSA
20140109 orf.at NSA-Skandal entzweit EU-Parlament und Rat EU / US / NSA
20140102 rt.com US the biggest threat to world peace in 2013 – poll US
20140101 nytimes.com Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / US
20140101 rt.com NSA stands for ‘No Such Amendment’: Intelligence agency violates US Constitution NSA / US / MCGOVERN, RAY / CIA / SWARTZ, AARON / MANNING, CHELSEA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD



Date Source Title Tags
20131226 rt.com Radio station experiences major software meltdown during anti-NSA broadcast US / NSA
20131223 cnn.com Is al Qaeda outdoing the U.S. on truth telling? AL QAEDA / US
20131222 cnn.com Israel slams reports of U.S. spying on prime minister IL / US / NSA
20131221 nytimes.com White House Tries to Prevent Judge From Ruling on Surveillance Efforts US / WHITE HOUSE
20131218 spiegel.de Streit mit den USA: Festnahme von Diplomatin in New York erzürnt Indiens Regierung US / IN / KHOBRAGADE, DEVYANI
20131216 politico.com Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional NSA / US
20131211 rt.com Let us spy: NSA chief pleads with Senate to keep surveillance programs ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA / US
20131205 msnbc.com Obama: NSA leaks identified some areas of concern OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131202 fm4.orf.at NSA-Regeln für EU-Daten Der Bericht der transatlantischen Arbeitsgruppe zur NSA-Spionage zeigt, dass für den Umgang mit EU-Daten nur die internen Vorschriften der US-Geheimdienste gültig sind. NSA / EU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20131128 thestart.com Disabled woman denied entry to U.S. after agent cites supposedly private medical details - A Toronto woman is shocked after she was denied entry into the U.S. because she had been hospitalized for clinical depression. CA / US / SURVEILLANCE / PRIVACY
20131127 orf.at SWIFT: EU-Kommission übergeht Parlament Das Abkommen über den Abgriff von Finanzdaten aus dem SWIFT-System mit den USA wird von der Kommission nicht gekündigt. Das EU-Parlament war mehrheitlich dafür. SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131127 spiegel.de Swift-Abkommen: EU-Kommission will weiter Bankdaten in die USA schicken SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131125 spiegel.de US-Versöhnungstour im NSA-Skandal: EU stellt Partnerschaft vor Datenschutz NSA / US / EU
20131124 focus.de Großer Lauschangriff in Berlin: Kanzlerin Merkel von fünf Geheimdiensten abgehört MERKEL, ANGELA / US / RU / CN / KP / GB / COVERUP
20131121 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Merkel und Gauck lassen US-Delegation abblitzen DE / US / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / GAUCK, JOACHIM / MURPHY, CHRIS / HEUSGEN, CHRISTOPH / MEEKS, GREGORY / DIAZ-BALART, MARIO
20131120 foreignpolicy.com Exclusive: Inside America's Plan to Kill Online Privacy Rights Everywhere DE / BR / UN / US / NSA / SURVEILLANCE / PRIVACY
20131119 der-postillon.com Bundesregierung übt dezente Kritik an US-Nuklearschlag gegen Deutschland DE / US
20131119 spiegel.de Hans-Peter Friedrich und die NSA: Der verborgene Antiamerikanismus des Innenministers FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / US
20131118 spiegel.de NSA-Abhöraffäre: Friedrich kritisiert Schweigen der USA FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / NSA / US
20131118 gregorgysi.de Gregor Gysi - Edward Snowden Asyl gewähren - Sondersitzung des Bundestages zu den Abhöraktivitäten der NSA und den Auswirkungen auf Deutschland und die transatlantischen Beziehungen DIE LINKE / GYSI, GREGOR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US / NSA
20131117 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Kerry plant Versöhnungsreise nach Deutschland KERRY, JOHN / NSA / US / DE
20131111 spiegel.de Trans-Atlantic Free Trade: US Pushes for Deal Despite NSA Scandal US / TAFTA
20131111 spiegel.de NSA Scandal Warning: Are US Facilities in Germany at Greater Risk? US / NSA / DE
20131110 spiegel.de John McCain on Merkelgate: Obama 'Should Have Apologized' MCCAIN, JOHN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT / US / DE
20131109 SULLIVAN, MARGARET/nytimes.com Lessons in a Surveillance Drama Redux NEW YORK TIMES / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS / LEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131108 spiegel.de Paradise Lost: Paranoia Has Undermined US Democracy PARANOIA / US / DEMOCRACY
20131107 spiegel.de ARD-Deutschlandtrend: Bürger trauen Obama und den USA nicht mehr DE / US
20131107 tagesschau.de ARD-DeutschlandTrend: USA so unbeliebt wie zu Bush-Zeiten US / DE
20131106 dradio.de Wippl: NSA-Spionage "wird jetzt beendet" - Ex-Chef von CIA in Deutschland für Erweiterung des Five-Eyes-Spionagebündnisses CIA / WIPPL, JOSEPH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US
20131105 spiegel.de Merkel Spying: It's 'Unlikely' White House Didn't Know ALLEN, MICHAEL / USDE / NSA
20131105 theguardian.com Kerry urges Europe: don't let NSA surveillance concerns thwart trade talks - Secretary of state tries to salvage trade deal with EU by telling leaders the US will find 'the right balance' on surveillance KERRY, JOHN / NSA / US
20131104 spiegel.de Abhörskandal: US-Senatoren planen Besänftigungstour nach Deutschland US / DE
20131104 spiegel.de Streit um Snowden-Asyl: Die Amerika-Freunde schlagen zurück SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US / WESTERWELLE, GUIDO / TELTSCHIK, HORST / ISCHINGER, WOLFGANG
20131104 dradio.de Kein Asyl für Snowden - Bündnisinteressen mit USA hätten Vorrang SEIBERT, STEFFEN / DE / NSA / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131104 spiegel.de Studie zur NSA-Affäre: Viele US-Bürger missbilligen Spionage gegen verbündete Staatschefs US / NSA
20131103 heise.de NSA-Skandal: Milliardenschaden im Silicon Valley NSA / US
20131103 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: US-Politiker wollen Snowden keine Gnade gewähren SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / FEINSTEIN, DIANNE
20131102 spiegel.de Getöteter Taliban-Chef Mehsud: Der Feind ist tot, die Gefahr lebt PK / US / DRONES / TALIBAN / MEHSUD, HAKIMULLAH
20131102 spiegel.de Nach Ströbele-Besuch: Jetzt wollen alle zu Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN / BROK, ELMAR / DE / CH / RU / US
20131102 spiegel.de Drohnenschlag gegen Taliban-Führer: Pakistan bestellt US-Botschafter ein PK / TALIBAN / US / DRONES
20131101 spiegel.de Überwachungsaffäre: US-Außenminister Kerry räumt Fehler ein KERRY, JOHN / US / NSA
20131101 spiegel.de Mögliche Aussage in Berlin: Washington besteht auf Auslieferung Snowdens SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US / EXTRADITION


Date Source Title Tags
20131031 huffingtonpost.com Oh, By the Way, Germany Spies on Us US / DE / BND
20131029 spiegel.de Keith Alexander im US-Kongress: NSA-Chef wirft Europäern Spionage in Amerika vor ALEXANDER, KEITH / NSA / EU / US
20131027 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Westerwelle warnt vor deutsch-amerikanischem Bündnisbruch NSA / DE / US / WESTERWELLE, GUIDO
20131025 spiegel.de As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media - With General Alexander calling for NSA reporting to be halted, US and UK credibility as guardians of press freedom is crushed EU / NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / GB
20131025 rt.com Behind the Saudi crack-up SA / US / RU / BIN SULTAN, BANDAR / AL FAISAL, SAUD / AL FAISAL, TURKI
20131024 spiegel.de Internationale Reaktionen: "Wer braucht Feinde bei solchen Verbündeten" DE / US / NSA / GB / NL / ES / FR / IT
20131024 spiegel.de Frenemies: Spying on Allies Fits Obama's Standoffish Profile US / OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20131023 spiegel.de Votum gegen Swift-Abkommen: EU-Parlament will Bankdaten-Austausch mit USA stoppen SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131023 spiegel.de Votum gegen Swift-Abkommen: EU-Abgeordnete sabotieren Merkels Abwiegelstrateg SWIFT / EU / US / NSA
20131023 rt.com US lost credibility as an ‘ethical internet steward’ US / INTERNET
20132022 spiegel.de Internationaler Vergleich: US-Konzerne übertrumpfen europäische Konkurrenz US / EU
20131022 voanews.com Saudi Arabia Warns of Shift Away from US Over Syria, Iran SA / US / BIN SULTAN, BANDAR
20131022 spiegel.de Attacke auf französische Vertretungen: US-Sicherheitsberaterin lobte NSA-Abhöraktion FR / KERRY, JOHN / RICE, SUSAN / NSA / US
20131020 spiegel.de Spionage gegen Frankreich: Obama telefoniert mit Hollande wegen NSA-Affäre OBAMA, BARACK / HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS / US / FR
20131017 spiegel.de Zustimmung im Kongress: USA wenden Staatsbankrott in letzter Minute ab US
20131016 reuters.com U.S. eavesdropping agency chief, top deputy expected to depart soon ALEXANDER, KEITH / INGLIS, CHRIS / NSA / US / ROGERS, MICHAEL
20131014 spiegel.de US-Haushaltsstreit: Das globale Zittern US
20131012 spiegel.de US-Haushaltsstreit: "Wir machen uns große Sorgen" US
20131010 rt.com 'US unchained itself from constitution': Whistleblowers on RT after secret Snowden meeting WHISTLEBLOWING / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / ROWLEY, COLEEN / DRAKE, THOMAS / RADDACK, JESSELYN / MCGOVERN, RAY
20131010 rt.com Key creditor China begins acting to hedge against US default CN / US
20131009 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Terroristen: Obama will auch künftig Spezialeinsätze durchführen US / OBAMA, BARACK / TERRORISM
20131008 spiegel.de Haushaltsstreit - Rating-Agenturen schonen Pleitekandidaten USA RATING / US
20131008 spiegel.de Prüfbericht zu Safe Harbor: US-Konzerne täuschen EU-Bürger beim Datenschutz EU / PRIVACY / SAFE HARBOUR / US
20131007 spiegel.de HWWI-Chef Straubhaar: US-Shutdown lässt Euro-Krise zurückkehren US / USD / EUR
20131006 politico.com Surveillance panel shut down US / SURVEILLANCE / NSA
20131005 nytimes.com A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning US
20131003 rt.com US Capitol shooting: Police kill woman after she rams WH barricades, no weapon found US
20131003 rt.com US economy is just one giant hedge fund US / US ECONOMY
20131002 spiegel.de Wirtschaftliche Folgen: So teuer ist der Shutdown in den USA US
20131002 rt.com US Army and Intel: Shutdown already damaging national security US / CLAPPER, JAMES
20131002 rt.com The American Empire: Grinding To A Halt? US
20131002 bangkokpost.com Top lawmakers to meet Obama for US shutdown talks US
20131001 cnn.com Government shutdown: What's closed, what's open? US
20131001 spiegel.de NSA-Kritiker Ilija Trojanow: Deutscher Schriftsteller darf nicht in die USA einreisen TROJANOW, ILIJA / NSA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20131001 spiegel.de Haushaltsstreit: Einigung im Kongress gescheitert - US-Regierung ist lahmgelegt US
20130930 spiegel.de Countdown für US-Finanzchaos: Obama wird Gesundheitsreform nicht den Rechten opfern US
20130926 theguardian.com US intelligence chiefs urge Congress to preserve surveillance programs - Officials refuse to say in Senate testimony whether cell site data had ever been used to pinpoint an individual's location US / NSA
20130924 incakolanews.blogspot.de "It is a breach of international law, it is unacceptable, we want an apology" ROUSSEFF, DILMA / BR / US / NSA
20130924 reuters.com At U.N., Brazil's Rousseff blasts U.S. spying as breach of law NSA / BR / US / ROUSSEFF, DILMA
20130924 foreignpolicy.com Dilma Blasts U.S. Spies as International Crooks NSA / BR / US / ROUSSEFF, DILMA
20130921 rt.com Spying scandal sends US influence on Latin America into nosedive BR / US / BO
20130920 alternet.org The Senate Is Busy Creating a Privileged 1st Amendment Club for 'Official' Journalists - The Senate is skirting the substantial investigative role served by independent journalists, bloggers, and nontraditional media JOURNALISM / US
20130920 theguardian.com Brazil's controversial plan to extricate the internet from US control - President Rousseff expected to bring the conversation about the continued role of US-based supernetworks to the UN this month BR / US / UN
20130920 spiegel.de Abstimmung im Parlament: USA stehen kurz vor Finanzkollaps US
20130919 rt.com Venezuelan president denied travel through US airspace - Caracas VE / US / MADURO, NICOLAS
20130918 theguardian.com Will Eric Holder guarantee NSA reporters' first amendment rights? The US attorney general vows not to prosecute journalists, but his criminalisation of whistleblowers undermines that assurance HOLDER, ERIC / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / MIRANDA, DAVID / FBI / POITRAS, LAURA / GREENWALD, GLENN / US DOJ
20130917 rt.com Brazilian president postpones visit to Washington over US spying NSA / BR / US
20130917 tagesschau.de NSA-Affäre belastet diplomatische Beziehungen - Brasiliens Präsidentin sagt USA-Reise ab NSA / BR / US / ROUSSEFF, DILMA
20130917 planalto.gov.br Nota Oficial BR / US
20130917 globo.com Em nota, Presidência anuncia adiamento da visita oficial de Dilma aos Estados Unidos - Leia mais sobre esse assunto em BR / US / NSA
20130917 folha.uil.com.br Dilma decide cancelar viagem aos EUA em outubro BR / US / NSA
20130916 nytimes.com Guardian Story on Israel and N.S.A. Is Not ‘Surprising’ Enough to Cover GUARDIAN / NEW YORK TIMES / NSA / US / IL
20130915 spiegel.de Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: Obama sieht Chemiewaffenplan als Lehrstück für Iran US / OBAMA, BARACK / SY / IR
20130915 rt.com Kerry says Syrian strike 'still an option' as Israel awaits 'results, not words' from Russia-US chem deal KERRY, JOHN / US / SY / IL / RU / NETANJAHU, BENJAMIN
20130913 spiegel.de Reaktion auf "NYT"-Artikel: US-Regierung weist Putin in die Schranken US / RU / SY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130912 spiegel.de Genfer Syrien-Gespräche: Showdown im Interconti RU / SY / US / KERRY, JOHN / LAWROW, SERGEJ
20130912 theatlanticwire.com Terrorists and Julian Assange Aren't Considered Journalists by the Senate US / JOURNALISM / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130912 spiegel.de Beitrag in der "New York Times": Putin warnt Obama vor Kriegstreiberei PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / SY
20130911 nyimes.com A Plea for Caution From Russia: What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / SY
20130911 documentcloud.org Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the National Security Agency / Central Security Services (NSA/CSS) and the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU) pertaining to the protection of U.S. persons NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130909 npr.org U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power Presses For Strikes On Syria US / SY / POWER, SAMANTHA
20130907 spiegel.de Militärschlag gegen Syrien: Obamas letzter Trumpf US / SY / OBAMA, BARACK
20130904 deathandtaxesmag.com Barrett Brown gag order would silence the truth about spy-industrial complex BROWN, BARRETT / US / LEAKS
20130904 theguardian.com US stops jailed activist Barrett Brown from discussing leaks prosecution BROWN, BARRETT / US / LEAKS
20130904 businessinsider.com Half Of The United States Lives In These Counties US
20130904 rt.com Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves plan to strike Syria US / SY
20130903 rt.com Assange requests investigation into US actions against WikiLeaks ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US / SE / DE
20130903 rt.com Congress moves to approve Syria strike US / SY
20130903 telepolis.de Giftgaseinsatz durch Rebellen in Ghouta? Es gibt Hinweise, dass von Saudi-Arabien unterstützte Rebellen für das Freisetzen von Giftgas in Ghouta verantwortlich gewesen sein können BIN SULTAN, BANDAR / SA / SY / CHEMICAL WEAPONS / US / AL-JUBEIR, ADEL
20130902 spiegel.de US-Angriff auf Syrien: Obamas Iran-Dilemma SY / US
20130902 rt.com Syria urges UN to prevent ‘US-led foreign aggression’ SY / UN / US
20130901 telepolis.de Der saudische Sonderweg - ein Motiv für 9/11? US 20010911 / SA / US


Date Source TItle Tags
20130831 bangkokpost.com US wants Philippines bases for 20 years PH / US
20130831 spiegel.de Giftgasangriff in Syrien: Putin fordert Beweise für Schuld des Assad-Regimes RU / SY / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130831 spiegel.de Militärschlag: Obama lässt Kongress über Angriff auf Syrien entscheiden US / SY
20130831 rt.com Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council RU / SY / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130830 spiegel.de Syrien-Intervention: Kerry legt "Beweise" für Chemiewaffeneinsatz Assads vor US / KERRY, JOHN / SY
20130829 washingtonpost.com U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary US / CIA / NSA
20130828 theguardian.com Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' - Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces' 8200 unit, former official tells magazine SY / IL / US / UNIT 8200
20130827 businessinsider.com Defying International Concerns, US To Sell Cluster Bombs To Saudi Arabia US / SA / WEAPONTRADE / CLUSTER BOMBS
20130827 spiegel.de Militärschlag gegen Syrien: Alle warten auf Obamas Befehl SY / US
20130827 rt.com Russia ‘regrets’ US decision to shelve Syria talks RU / US / SY
20130825 nytimes.com Surveillance Revelations Shake U.S.-German Ties US / DE / NSA
20130825 spiegel.de Mögliche Syrien-Intervention: Iran droht USA mit "ernsthaften Konsequenzen SY / IR / US
20130823 theguardian.com NSA analysts deliberately broke rules to spy on Americans, agency reveals - Inspector general's admission undermines fresh insistences from president that breaches of privacy rules were inadvertent NSA / US
20130821 spiegel.de US-Militärgericht: 35 Jahre Haft für WikiLeaks-Informant Bradley Manning MANNING, BRADLEY / US
20130820 rt.com WikiLeaks: Govts attacks on media ‘signalling rise of fascism in UK, US' WIKILEAKS / GB / US / FASCISM / JOURNALISM / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130820 theguardian.com David Miranda detention: White House was given 'heads-up' - US says it did not sanction holding Glenn Greenwald's partner at Heathrow, but was told his name was on passenger list MIRANDA, DAVID / GREENWALD, GLENN / GB / US / WHITE HOUSE
20130819 spiegel.de Heathrow-Drama: US-Regierung wusste von Verhör des Greenwald-Partners GREENWALD, GLENN / MIRANDA, DAVID / GB / US
20130817 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: US-Politiker reagieren bestürzt auf neue NSA-Enthüllungen NSA / US
20130816 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA bricht tausendfach Rechte von US-Bürgern NSA / US
20130813 globalresearch.ca Obama Appoints Fox to Investigate Spying In the Henhouse: Spymaster James Clapper to Lead Investigation into Spying US / OBAMA, BARACK / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130813 spiegel.de Transparenz-Bemühungen der USA: Expertengruppe soll Arbeit der Geheimdienste durchleuchten US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130812 globalresearch.ca Why Are We At War in Yemen? US / YE
20130812 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Deutschland und USA verhandeln über Anti-Spionage-Abkommen POFALLA, RONALD / DE / US / BND / NSA
20130810 techdirt.com Jennifer Hoelzer's Insider's View Of The Administration's Response To NSA Surveillance Leaks US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HOELZER, JENNIFER / WYDEN, RON / HAYDEN, MICHAEL / HOLDER, ERIC / PATRIOT ACT / SECRECY
20130810 spiegel.de Kritik an Obama-Äußerungen: Moskau wirft den USA antirussische Aktionen vor RU / US / OBAMA, BARACK / PUSCHKOW, ALEXEJ
20130810 spiegel.de Amerikanisch-russische Gespräche: Minister wollen Krise in Syrien gemeinsam managen SY / RU / US
20130809 businessweek.com Surge in Americans Giving Up Passports as Rules Loom US
20130808 theguardian.com Obama cancels meeting with Putin over Snowden asylum tensions - Relationship between the two nations chills further as White House cites 'not enough progress on our bilateral agenda SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130807 dw.de United States: Assange attorney to Snowden: Stay out of the US ASSANGE, JULIAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / VE
20130807 theguardian.com On Obama's cancellation of summit with Putin and extradition - The US frequently refuses extradition requests where, unlike with Snowden, it involves serious crimes and there is an extradition treaty SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / EXTRADITION
20130807 rt.com Kremlin ‘disappointed’ Obama calls off Putin talks, decision 'Snowden-related SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130807 rt.com Obama cancels Moscow meeting with Putin over Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / SE
20130807 spiegel.de Eklat um Snowden-Asyl: Obama sagt Treffen mit Putin ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130807 spiegel.de Obama vs. Putin: Die neuen Kalten Krieger OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU
20130806 guardian.co.uk Former NSA chief warns of cyber-terror attacks if Snowden apprehended: Michael Hayden, who also headed the CIA, speculates on global hacker response if Edward Snowden brought back to US HAYDEN, MICHAEL / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / CIA
20130804 theguardian.com Members of Congress denied access to basic information about NSA - Documents provided by two House members demonstrate how they are blocked from exercising any oversight over domestic surveillance US / NSA
20130803 STERLING, BRUCE/medium.com The Ecuadorian Library - or, The Blast Shack After Three Years WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / STALLMANN, RICHARD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MANNING, BRADLEY / NSA / US
20130803 rt.com ‘Russia is not a colony, US has no legal basis to claim Snowden’ – lawyer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US
20130802 rt.com ‘Humiliating’ body searches dissuading Gitmo detainees from meeting lawyers US / TORTURE / GUANTANAMO BAY
20130802 spiegel.de Hinweis auf neuen Qaida-Terror: US-Regierung warnt Bürger vor Terrorattacken US / TERRORWARNING / AL QAEDA
20130803 whatdoesitmean.com Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia CH / US / RU / NDB / MI6 / WIKILEAKS / GRU / CIA
20130802 spiegel.de Strategiewechsel in der Arabien-Politik: Obama setzt wieder auf Despoten US / EG / OBAMA, BARACK / KERRY, JOHN
20130801 spiegel.de US-Reaktion auf Snowden-Asyl: "Wir sind extrem enttäuscht" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU


Name Source Title Tags
20130801 spiegel.de US-Reaktion auf Snowden-Asyl: "Wir sind extrem enttäuscht" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU
20130731 guardian.co.uk Senators strongly criticise intelligence chiefs over NSA data collection: Ron Wyden tells US senate of 'violations of court orders' while Mark Udall calls for major reforms of surveillance programmes US / NSA / WYDEN, RON / UDALL, MARK / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130727 rt.com US approves drones for civilian use http://rt.com/usa/us-drones-civilian-use-685/ DRONES / SURVEILLANCE / US
20130726 spiegel.de NSA-Informant: USA schließen Todesstrafe für Snowden aus SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130725 guardian.co.uk Democratic establishment unmasked: prime defenders of NSA bulk spying - NYT: "The Obama administration made common cause with the House Republican leadership" US / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de EU-Tochterfirmen: Irische Aufsichtsstelle nennt Datenexport in die USA legal PRIVACY / EU / US / IE
20130724 faz.net Information Consumerism: The Price of Hypocrisy BIG DATA / NSA / US
20130723 spiegel.de Pressefreiheit in den USA: Der nächste Sündenfall FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / RISEN, JAMES
20130722 MACHON, ANNIE/rt.com US looks even more like Stasi at news of Berlin cooperating with NSA US / NSA / MFS / DE
20130722 washingtonpost.com Congressional panels approve arms aid to Syrian opposition SY / US / WEAPONTRADE
20130721 informationclearinghouse.info Journalist James Risen Ordered to Testify in CIA Leaker Trial RISEN, JAMES / JOURNALISM / US / LEAKS / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130720 wsws.org US secretary of state threatens Venezuela over Snowden asylum SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE / US / KERRY, JOHN
20130719 guardian.co.uk Journalist James Risen ordered to testify in CIA leaker trial: Appeals court rules that reporters have no first amendment protection that would safeguard confidentiality of their sources RISEN, JAMES / JOURNALISM / US / LEAKS / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130719 spiegel.de Steinbrück-Forderung: USA sollen sich schriftlich zu Grundrechten bekennen STEINBRUECK, PEER / US
20130719 spiegel.de "Guardian"-Journalist Greenwald: "Ich trage diese Dokumente immer bei mir" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US / GREENWALD, GLENN / DE
20130718 nytimes.com Obama May Cancel Moscow Trip as Tensions Build Over Leaker SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / OBAMA, BARACK
20130717 stern.de Spionageaffäre Snowden AP-Reporter grillt US-Außenamtssprecherin: Darf Snowden sich nicht frei äußern? Warum sind die USA sauer auf Russland? Ein AP-Reporter hat dem US-Außenministerium kluge Frage gestellt - und die Sprecherin ordentlich ins Schlingern gebracht. SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSOCIATED PRESS / US
20130717 nytimes.com The Drone That Killed My Grandson US / DRONES / YE / TARGETED KILLING
20130717 rt.com Snowden’s lawyer to RT: ‘He fears torture, execution; never witnessed such persecution by the US’ SNOWDEN, EDWARD / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY / RU / US / HUMAN RIGHTS
20130717 rt.com ‘US-Russian relations above Snowden case' – Putin SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130717 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Ex-Präsident Carter verdammt US-Schnüffelei US / NSA / CARTER, JIMMY
20130716 tomdispatch.com Tomgram: Engelhardt, Can Edward Snowden Be Deterred? SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / US / MANNING, BRADLEY
20130715 thedailybeast.com Snowden Case Roils Major U.S.-China Dialogue SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN / HK
20130715 spiegel.de Kommentar: Amerikas Wahn US / NSA / BRINKBAEUMER, KLAUS
20130713 guardian.co.uk Barrett Brown, political prisoner of the information revolution - If the US government succeeds in criminalising Brown's posting of a hyperlink, the freedom of all internet users is in jeopardy BROWN, BARRETT / JOURNALISM / US
20130713 bangkokpost.com US warns Moscow on Snowden US / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130712 cnn.com U.S. criticizes China's handling of Snowden case SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN
20130712 spiegel.de Friedrichs US-Reise: Zu Besuch beim großen Bruder FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / NSA / US / DE
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden inflames US-Russian tensions with Moscow meeting - Obama and Putin to discuss situation after NSA whistleblower meets representatives of human rights agencies in Moscow SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden accuses US of illegal, aggressive campaign - Whistleblower uses first public appearance since surveillance leaks to defend decision and praise states that offered asylum SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / US / RU
20130712 guardian.co.uk US 'disappointed' with China for letting Edward Snowden leave Hong Kong - Refusal to extradite NSA whistleblower 'not consistent with the new type of relationship we both seek to build' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / HK
20130711 spiegel.de Mehrheit der US-Wähler sieht Snowden nicht als Verräter SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130711 zeit.de NSA-SKANDAL: Friedrich kündigt deutliche Worte gegenüber US-Regierung an FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / US / NSA
20130710 spiegel.de NSA-Aufklärungsreise in die USA: Koalitionäre erwarten Klartext von Friedrich FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / US / NSA
20130710 spiegel.de Innenminister im Interview: Friedrich beklagt mangelnde Fairness gegenüber den USA FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER / DE / US / NSA
20130706 guardian.co.uk US request for extradition of Edward Snowden - full text - A copy of the request sent to Venezuela to extradite the NSA whistleblower to the US should he arrive in the South American country SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / EXTRADITION / VE
20130705 guardian.co.uk Evo Morales threatens to close US embassy in Bolivia as leaders weigh in - Anger at US and EU from Bolivia's left-leaning South American allies at meeting to discuss rerouting of Morales' plane BO / MORALES, EVO / US
20130705 spiegel.de Schweizer Bundesgericht: Credit Suisse darf USA Steuerdaten liefern US / CH / CREDIT SUISSE
20130704 rt.com ‘We don’t need US Embassy in Bolivia’: Morales, UNASUR slam ‘imperial’ skyjack, demand apologies UNASUR / BO / US / FR / PT / IT / ES
20130704 telepolis.de Bolivien streitet die Durchsuchung des Präsidentenflugszeugs in Wien weiter ab - Snowden war nicht im Flugzeug, aber was in Wien geschah, ist weiterhin unklar und aus Boliviens Sicht eine Frage der Würde BO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130703 telesurtv.net EE.UU. solicitó a Cancillería boliviana extradición de Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / US
20130703 guardian.co.uk James Clapper, EU play-acting, and political priorities Fixations on denouncing Edward Snowden distract, by design, from the serious transgressions of those who are far more powerful CLAPPER, JAMES / US / EU / NSA
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR / US / CORREA, RAFAEL / SOTO, RUBEN SAAVEDRA
20130703 guardian.co.uk Bolivian president's jet rerouted amid suspicions Edward Snowden on board - France and Portugal accused of refusing entry to their airspace, while plane lands in Vienna with no sign of Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR / US
20130702 spiegel.de NSA-Whistleblower: Snowden wirft Obama Täuschung und Rechtsbruch vor SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / US
20130701 washingtonpost.com Misinformation on classified NSA programs includes statements by senior U.S. officials NSA / US / CLAPPER, JAMES / MISINFORMATION
20130701 guardian.co.uk Barack Obama seeks to limit EU fallout over US spying claims - President says NSA will assess espionage allegations as France and Germany demand answers and warn of delay to trade talks OBAMA, BARACK / US / NSA / DE / FR / EU
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Spionageaffäre: Aigner stellt Freihandelszone mit USA in Frage US / NSA / AIGNER, ILSE / EU / DE / REDING, VIVIANE
20130701 spiegel.de US-Spionage in Deutschland: Die lieben Verbündeten DE / US / MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK


Date Source Title Tags
20130629 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden has not weakened president, says Susan Rice - New US national security adviser says diplomatic consequences of NSA leaks are not that significant SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS / RICE, SUSANNE / US
20130628 spiegel.de Zensur: US-Armee sperrt Zugang zu "Guardian"-Artikeln US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130628 guardian.co.uk Ecuador breaks US trade pact to thwart 'blackmail' over Snowden asylum - Government renounces Andean Trade Preference Act even as Snowden's prospects of reaching Ecuador from Moscow dimmed EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130628 rt.com US Army restricts access to Guardian website over secrets in NSA leak stories US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130627 spiegel.de Zollabkommen mit den USA : Ecuador kommt Obama zuvor EC / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130627 guardian.co.uk Obama: US will not engage in 'wheeling and dealing' over Edward Snowden - US president indicates he won't spend much geopolitical capital to apprehend the NSA surveillance whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130627 spiegel.de Obama über Snowden: "Ich werde keine Jets schicken, um einen Hacker zu fassen" US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK
20130627 spiegel.de Asylantrag von Edward Snowden: USA drohen Ecuador mit Handelsstrafen EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130626 guardian.co.uk Whistleblowers will continue to leak state secrets, warns AP chief - President of global news agency says Obama administration cannot control flow of leaks in wake of Edward Snowden case ASSOCIATED PRESS / WHISTLEBLOWING / LEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US
20130626 scmp.com The US is the one with some explaining to do SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US
20130625 politico.com White House to Vladimir Putin: Extradite Snowden “without delay” SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / WHITE HOUSE / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130625 reuters.com U.S. taps Kerry's deputy as point man with Russia on Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / BURNS, BILL
20130625 spiegel.de Whistleblower-Affäre: Snowden spaltet Amerika US / WHISTLEBLOWING / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / GREGORY, DAVID
20130625 guardian.co.uk US scrambles to find Edward Snowden and urges Russia to co-operate - Washington criticises China for allowing NSA whistleblower to leave but Snowden's whereabouts remain a source of confusion SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN / RU
20130625 spiegel.de Whistleblower Snowden: China wehrt sich gegen Washingtons Fluchthelfer-Vorwürfe SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / US
20130624 hotair.com Cold war: U.S. tells Russia to give back Snowden, or else SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU
20130624 theweek.com Secrecy as the enemy of the state SECRECY / OBAMA, BARACK / US
20130624 amnestyusa.org U.S. Must Not Hunt Down NSA Whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
20130624 tagesschau.de USA kritisieren China und Russland: Scharfe Attacken gegen Snowdens Helfer US / CN / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Snowden-Affäre: Weißes Haus unterstellt Peking Täuschung US / CN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 guardian.co.uk US warns Moscow not to let Edward Snowden escape Russia - Confusion surrounds Snowden's whereabouts as journalists report NSA whistleblower was not on plane bound for Havana US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Affäre um Whistleblower Snowden: Kerry droht China und Russland KERRY, JOHN / US / CN / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden missing after failing to fly to Cuba - live - Whereabouts of former NSA contractor whose leaks to Guardian have caused global controversy a mystery after he does not catch expected flight to Cuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CU / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Prism-Informant: Weißes Haus verlangt Snowdens Auslieferung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / EXTRADITION
20130624 zerohedge.com Moody's Retaliates At Hong Kong For Snowden Insubordination HK / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MOODYS
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador amid diplomatic storm - Whistleblower escapes from Hong Kong to Moscow on a commercial flight despite a formal US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / RU / EC / WIKILEAKS
20130624 spiegel.de Prism-Informant: Weißes Haus verlangt Snowdens Auslieferung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk US politicians issue warning to Russia as Edward Snowden arrives in Moscow - Senator warns Vladimir Putin of 'serious consequences' if country neglects to send NSA whistleblower back to US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US
20130623 guardian.co.uk Whistleblower Snowden escapes arrest in Hong Kong thanks to US errors - Edward Snowden heads for Ecuador after flight to Russia leaves authorities in various countries amazed and infuriated SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / EC / US
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant Snowden: Entwischt SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / EC
20130623 guardian.co.uk NSA director: Edward Snowden has caused irreversible damage to US - Keith Alexander defends agency's broad surveillance as being in line with Americans' expectations for preventing another 9/11 SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / US
20130623 scmp.com China calls US the world's 'biggest villain' as Washington 'expects' Snowden extradition SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN / EXTRADITION
20130622 newyorker.com U.S. Seemingly Unaware of Irony in Accusing Snowden of Spying SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130622 globalresearch.ca Spying on Americans: The Bush and Obama Administrations’ Justification for Mass Surveillance US / SURVEILLANCE
20130622 nytimes.com U.S. Petitions for Extradition in N.S.A. Case SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / EXTRADITION
20130622 spiegel.de Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: Obama stationiert US-Truppen in Jordanien US / SY / JO
20130622 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: US-Justiz beschuldigt Snowden der Spionage SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130622 guardian.co.uk US files criminal charges against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: Charges include theft of government property and unauthorised communication of national defence information SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20130621 salon.com Pentagon: Reading Salon makes you a threat! - Government's crackdown on leakers seems to encourage employees to snitch on colleagues who read Salon or the Onion US / SALON / THE ONION
20130620 globalresearch.ca America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation TERRORISM / CHOMSKY, NOAM / OBAMA, BARACK / DRONES / US
20130620 spiegel.de Überwachung: FBI gibt Drohneneinsatz in den USA zu DRONES / FBI / US
20130619 guaridan.co.uk NSA surveillance is an attack on American citizens, says Noam Chomsky - Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat their primary enemy – their own population, says critic CHOMSKY, NOAM / NSA / US
20130618 spiegel.de Austausch von Kundendaten: Schweizer Parlament blockiert Steuerabkommen mit USA CH / US
20130618 edition.cnn.com Has U.S. started an Internet war? US / CYBERWAR
20130614 thinkprogress.org Retired Federal Judge: Your Faith In Secret Surveillance Court Is Dramatically Misplaced US
20130614 guardian.co.uk Russia dismisses US claims of Syrian chemical weapons use: Moscow says evidence it has been shown 'does not look convincing', and cautions US against arming Syrian rebels SY / RU / US
20130614 guardian.co.uk On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US
20130614 spiegel.de Angeblicher Chemiewaffeneinsatz: Obamas Syrien-Vorstoß verprellt den Kreml SY / US / RU
20130614 spiegel.de Syriens Bürgerkrieg: Obama greift ein SY / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130613 guardian.co.uk NSA revelations will test China-US ties, say Chinese media - Chinese press awash with news of scandal as whistleblower Edward Snowden says he plans to remain in territory NSA / CN / US
20130613 guardian.co.uk Snowden revelations on NSA strain US-China relations, says Beijing: State-run China Daily points to countries' 'soured relationship' on cybersecurity and suggests huge surveillance net is unjustified SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA / CN / CYBERWAR
20130612 nationaljournal.com Why I Don't Care About Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130612 reuters.com More Americans see man who leaked NSA secrets as 'patriot' than traitor: Poll SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / US
20130612 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen NSA: Snowden berichtet über US-Hacker-Angriffe auf China SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / CYBERWAR / NSA / US
20130611 foreignpolicy.com To Protect and Defend... - No, Mr. President, your top job is not to 'keep the American people safe.' US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130611 googleblog.blogspot.de Asking the U.S. government to allow Google to publish more national security request data GOOGLE / US
20130611 guardian.co.uk Obama administration under pressure as US senators demand end to secrecy: Senator Ron Wyden suggests US intelligence chief James Clapper may have misled him as international pressure builds US / NSA / WYDEN, RON / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130611 guardian.co.uk Obama pressured over NSA snooping as US senator denounces 'act of treason': Information chiefs worldwide sound alarm while US senator Dianne Feinstein orders NSA to review monitoring program US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130611 spiegel.de US-Spitzelei: Obama jagt die Geheimnisverräter US / OBAMA, BARACK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130610 spiegel.de Späh-Programm der NSA: Merkel will Prism-Skandal bei Obama-Besuch ansprechen US / DE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130610 guardian.co.uk US lawmakers call for review of Patriot Act after NSA surveillance revelations: White House insists it welcomes 'appropriate debate' after Republican leadership questions implementation of security act SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US / PATRIOT ACT
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's explosive NSA leaks have US in damage control mode - White House refers Snowden's case to Justice Department while Republicans in Congress call for whistleblower's extradition SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20130609 spiegel.de Cyberwar: USA rüsten Verbündete gegen Hackerattacken aus Iran auf CYBERWAR / US
20130607 slate.com I Am Worried. You Should Be Too. - We shouldn’t have to wait for an abuse of power to know that the NSA’s snooping has gone too far. NSA / US
20130607 politico.com NSA memo pushed to 'rethink' 4th Amendment NSA / US
20130604 reuters.com Obama to press China's Xi to act against cyber spying US / CN / ESPIONAGE
20130601 spiegel.de Streit um Atomprogramm: USA verschärfen Sanktionen gegen Irans Ölindustrie IR / US


Date Source Title Tags
20130530 spiegel.de Prozess in New York: Höchststrafe für Mordkomplott gegen Saudi-Botschafter SA / US / DEA / AL-DSCHUBEIR, ADEL
20130530 sueddeutsche.de US-Streitkräfte steuern Drohnen von Deutschland aus DRONES / US / AFRICOM / DE
20130530 spiegel.de Anti-Terror-Krieg: US-Basis in Deutschland soll Drohnenangriffe in Afrika unterstützen DRONES / US / AFRICOM / DE
20130524 bbc.com No food stamps for people convicted of violent crimes US
20130523 businessweek.com Enterprise Tech - How the U.S. Government Hacks the World ESPIONAGE / US
20130520 guardian.co.uk Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes: Yet another serious escalation of the Obama administration's attacks on press freedoms emerge WHISTLEBLOWING / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / US DOJ / FOX NEWS / ROSEN, JAMES
20130519 badchemistry.wbur.org Annie Dookhan And The Massachusetts Drug Lab Crisis DRUGS / US / DOOKHAN, ANNIE / FORENSICS
20130519 spiegel.de Russisch-amerikanische Initiative: Assad gibt Friedensgesprächen keine Chance AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / RU / US
20130516 jacksonville.com Tipping law enforcement to possible terrorist activity is purpose of 13-county program US / TERRORISM
20130515 globalresearch.ca Freedom of the Press: Obama Justice Department Secretly seized Associated Press Telephone Records FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / ASSOCIATED PRESS
20130514 rt.com Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow (VIDEO, PHOTOS HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130514 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Affäre: Russland nimmt US-Diplomat wegen Spionageverdacht fest HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130514 spiegel.de Spionage-Thriller in Moskau: Kreml führt angeblichen Spion im Staats-TV vor HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130510 reuters.com Booming 'zero-day' trade has Washington cyber experts worried US / CYBERWAR
20130510 reuters.com Special Report: U.S. cyberwar strategy stokes fear of blowback CYBERWAR / US
20130509 spiegel.de Raketenabwehr: USA warnen Russland vor Rüstungsdeal mit Syrien SY / RU / US
20130507 spiegel.de Vorwurf des Pentagon: Chinas Hacker spähen US-Militär aus CYBERWAR / US / CN
20130503 spiegel.de Hightech-Bomben gegen Iran: Amerika stärkt seine Bunkerbrecher US / IR
20130501 dailymail.co.uk EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia 'warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012' BOSTON / TSARNAEV, TAMERLAN / SA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20130422 informationclearinghouse.info Boston Bombing Will Boost U.S. Support for Israel, Says Netanyahu Aide DERMER, RON / BOSTON / US / HAMAS / JO / TR / IL
20130422 haaretz.com U.S. finalizes exclusive arms sale aimed at ensuring Israel's 'air superiority' WEAPONTRADE / US / IL / SA / AE / HAGEL, CHUCK / YAALON, MOSHE
20130422 spiegel.de Anschlag in Boston: Für immer im Ausnahmezustand BOSTON / US
20130419 spiegel.de Waffen für Israel und Saudis: USA planen riesigen Rüstungsdeal im Nahen Osten WEAPONTRADE / US / IL / SA
20130418 nytimes.com U.S. Arms Deal With Israel and 2 Arab Nations Is Near US / AE / SA / IL / WEAPONTRADE / HAGEL, CHUCK / PANETTA, LEON E. / BARAK, EHUD / YAALON, MOSHE
20130418 guardian.co.uk Gun control: Barack Obama condemns 'shameful' failure to pass reform: Dismayed president delivers rebuke to those who blocked amendment and accuses senators of caving in to the gun lobby WEAPONTRADE / US
20130418 spiegel.de USA: Düngerfabrik in Texas explodiert - Viele Tote und Verletzte US / TEXAS
20130418 spiegel.de Kuverts an Politiker: FBI meldet Festnahme im Giftbrief-Fall US
20130417 spiegel.de Kongress: Giftbrief an US-Senator abgefangen US / WICKER, ROGER / RIZIN
20130417 aljazeera.com 'US tortured detainees' after 9/11 attack: Bipartisan report says top officials to blame for 'cruel and inhuman' treatment of detainees US / TORTURE
20130416 nytimes.com U.S. Engaged in Torture After 9/11, Review Concludes US / TORTURE / CIA
20130415 spiegel.de USA: Explosionen beim Boston-Marathon - Tote und Verletzte US / BOSTON
20130413 nytimes.com Russia Bans 18 Americans After Similar US Move RU / US / TORTURE / YOO, JOHN / ADDINGTON, DAVID / MILLER, GEOFFREY / HARBESON, JEFFREY
20130413 spiegel.de Nordkorea-Politik der USA: Ruhige Worte, großer Knüppel KP / KERRY, JOHN / CN / US
20130411 spiegel.de Kriegsdrohungen aus Pjöngjang: Nordkorea provoziert Amerikas Falken KP / US
20130409 spiegel.de Krise in Fernost: US-Admiral warnt vor direkter Bedrohung durch Nordkorea KP / US / LOCKLEAR, SAMUEL
20130408 australiantimes.co.uk WikiLeaks reveals Bob Carr as long-term intelligence source to US CARR, BOB / US / WIKILEAKS
20130405 informationclearinghouse.info The US Plans to End Chávez’s Rule CHAVEZ, HUGO / VE / US / BROWNFIELD, WILLIAM / WIKILEAKS
20130405 globalresearch.ca Secret US Embassy Cable Reveals Comprehensive Plan to Infiltrate and Destabilize Chavez Government VE / US / CHAVEZ, HUGO / BROWNFIELD, WILLIAM
20130404 bangkokpost.com North Korea threatens US nuclear strike KP / US
20130404 welt.de Generalstab: Nordkoreas Armee genehmigt Atomangriff auf USA KP / US
20130404 spiegel.de Drohungen aus Nordkorea: USA errichten Raketenabwehr auf Pazifikinsel US / KP
20130403 spiegel.de Korea-Konflikt: Regime in Pjöngjang droht USA offiziell mit Atomangriff KP / US / NUCLEAR WEAPONS
20130403 spiegel.de US-Verteidigungsstrategie: Arm, aber stark KP / US / HAGEL, CHUCK
20130402 informationclearinghouse.info 9/11: Illegitimacy of US Government - New York City asks: What happened to the 1,116 missing 9/11 victims? US 20010911 / US
20130402 spiegel.de US-Reaktion auf Drohungen: Obama will Kim abschrecken KP / CN / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130401 globalresearch.ca The Dangers of War: What is Behind the US-North Korea Conflict? KP / US / KR


Date Source Title Tags
20130329 spiegel.de US-Streit mit Karzai: Bloß raus aus Korruptistan AF / US / KARZAI, HAMID / MATTIS, JAMES / KAM AIR / KAMGAR, ZAMARAI / DOSTUM, ABDUL RASCHID / DSCHALALI, WAIS
20130321 spiegel.de Nahost-Konflikt: Obama ruft Israelis und Palästinenser zum Frieden auf OBAMA, BARACK / IL / US / PS
20130321 spiegel.de Obama-Besuch bei Abbas: Der unerwünschte Präsident OBAMA, BARACK / IL / US / PS
20130321 spiegel.de Nahost-Konflikt: Obama überrascht mit deutlicher Kritik an Israel US / IL / OBAMA, BARACK
20130318 spiegel.de Wiedergutmachung für Israel: Was Adenauer verschwieg ADENAUER, KONRAD / DE / IL / US
20130318 spiegel.de Weltweite Rüstungsexporte: China rückt zu den Top-Waffenhändlern auf WEAPONTRADE / CN / PK / US / RU / FR / DE
20130315 wired.com Federal Judge Finds National Security Letters Unconstitutional, Bans Them US
20130313 spiegel.de Datendiebstahl: Obama wirft China Unterstützung von Cyberattacken vor US / CN / CYBERWAR
20130311 spiegel.de Afghanistan: USA empört über Karzais Verschwörungstheorie KARZAI, HAMID / AF / TALIBAN / US
20130306 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Chávez' Tod: Das wünscht Obama Venezuela CHAVEZ, HUGO / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130305 latimes.com Venezuela orders U.S. Embassy attache to leave country VE / US / MADURO, NICOLAS / DEL MONACO, DAVID
20130301 spiegel.de Reaktionen aus USA und Israel: Scharfe Kritik an Erdogans Zionismus-Entgleisung ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / US / IL


Date Source Title Tags
20130223 rt.com Egypt orders $2.5mln worth of teargas from US despite plunging economy EG / WEAPONS / US
20130223 spiegel.de US-Strahlenruine Hanford: Lecks in sechs unterirdischen Atommülltanks NUCLEAR WASTE / US / HANFORD
20130221 spiegel.de Palästinensischer Regisseur: US-Behörden hielten Oscar-Anwärter fest BURNAT, EMAD / PS / US
20130220 washingtonsblog.com Newly-Released Memo by Donald Rumsfeld Proves Iraq War Started On False Pretenses IRAQ WAR / RUMSFELD, DONALD / US / IQ
20130205 cleveland.com Cleveland police chase and shooting portrayed as chaotic scene by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (video) US / POLICE
20130208 youranonnews.tumblr.com Here’s an UNCENSORED copy of the rogue LAPD officers manifesto US / LAPD / DORNER, CHRISTOPHER JORDAN
20130206 guardian.co.uk CIA using Saudi base for drone assassinations in Yemen: Disclosure comes as architect of programme, John Brennan, prepares for Senate confirmation hearing to become CIA director CIA / US / SA / YE / DRONES / BRENNAN, JOHN / AQAP
20130205 derstandard.at Biden fordert von Cameron starke britische Rolle in EU - US-Vizepräsident will "weltoffene EU mit starkem Großbritannien im Mittelpunkt" GB / US / EU / BIDEN, JOE / CAMERON, DAVID
20130201 spiegel.de Türkei: Anschlag auf US-Botschaft in Ankara - Tote und Verletzte US Embassy Ankara / US / TR


Date Source Title Tags
20130131 therealnews.com Supervisor of Intelligence Estimate Hailed for Preventing War with Iran FINGAR, THOMAS / US / IR / GHANI, HASSAN / ASSANGE, JULIAN / MCGOVERN, RAYMOND / WRIGHT, ANN / ROWLEY, COLEEN / DRAKE, THOMAS / MACHHON, ANNIE / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130129 miamiherald.com WAR COURT: Guantánamo judge says ‘external body’ was wrong to censor war court GUANTANAMO BAY / US
20130125 telepolis.de Oberster US-Ankläger tritt zurück: Zuvor hatte er in einer landesweit ausgestrahlten TV-Doku so gut wie zugegeben, dass die Großbanken tatsächlich über den Gesetzen stehen US / BREUER, LANNY A.
20130115 spiegel.de Pentagon-Statistik: Mehr US-Soldaten sterben durch Selbstmord als im Kampf US / US ARMY
20130112 spiegel.de Klimawandel: US-Regierungsberater warnen vor drastischer Erderwärmung CLIMATE / US
20130107 spiegel.de US-Militärpolitik: Obamas neue Schattenkrieger US / OBAMA, BARACK / HAGEL, CHUCK / BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA
20130106 spiegel.de Obamas Verteidigungsminister: Republikaner gilt als Favorit für Pentagon-Spitze US / HAGEL, CHUCK
20130105 dissenter.firedoglake.com US Covert War in Yemen Receives Support from Saudi Air Force DRONES / US / SA
20130104 rollingstone.com Secrets and Lies of the Bailout: The federal rescue of Wall Street didn’t fix the economy – it created a permanent bailout state based on a Ponzi-like confidence scheme. And the worst may be yet to come US


Date Source Title Tags
20121230 spiegel.de Rückzug der USA: China plant milliardenschweren Öl-Deal im Irak IQ / CN / US
20121222 cnet.com U.S., Russia forge 'action plan' on piracy: The two countries agree on a plan to curtail theft of intellectual property, after President Obama grants Russia "permanent normal trade relations" and the two nations agree to have the WTO's tenets apply between them. RU / US / WTO / INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
20121222 thebureauinvestigates.com Missing British-Somali man reappears in New York court RENDITION / GB / SO / US / HASHI, MAHDI
20121221 spiegel.de Gewaltdebatte in den USA: Die Waffenlobby lädt nach WEAPONTRADE / US
20121221 spiegel.de Pressekonferenz der National Rifle Association: US-Waffenlobby will Schulen mit bewaffneten Wachen schützen WEAPONTRADE / US
20121219 spiegel.de Bengasi-Terrorangriff: Clinton entlässt hochrangige US-Beamte US
20121218 spiegel.de Nacktbilder im Netz: Promi-Hacker muss für zehn Jahre ins Gefängnis US
20121204 telegraph.co.uk Israel accuses US of backing European settlement backlash - Israel has accused its closest ally, the United States, of endorsing a concerted European backlash against its plans to expand settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank. IL / US / GB / FR / SE / ES / DK
20121129 spiegel.de Abbas-Vorstoß: USA wollen palästinensischen Uno-Antrag stoppen PS / US
20121121 theverge.com US accused of launching cyberattack against French government: Flame-like malware allegedly targeted high-level advisors to then-President Nicolas Sarkozy, exposing national secrets in the process FR / US
20121121 spiegel.de Nahost-Konflikt: Waffenruhe im Gaza-Streifen - USA erhöhen Militärhilfe für Israel IL / US
20121120 spiegel.de Israel: Schüsse vor US-Botschaft in Tel Aviv IL / US
20121120 thehill.com Report: French officials accuse US of hacking Sarkozy's computers FR / US
20121120 lexpansion.lexpress.fr Cyberattaque contre l'Élysée: la défense de Washington CYBERWAR / FR / US
20121112 spiegel.de Prognose der Energieagentur: USA werden Ölmacht Nummer eins OIL / US
20121112 bangkokpost.com US declares support for united Syrian opposition SY / US
20121107 forbes.com Department Of Homeland Security To Scan Payment Cards At Borders And Airports DHS / CREDIT CARDS / US / PAYMENT CARDS
20121012 rt.com US pressured Thai officials in Bout extradition case – attorney BOUT, VIKTOR / TH / US
20120929 youtube.com Netanyahu Unaware of Camera NETANJAHU, BENJAMIN / US
20121108 spiegel.de Zwischenfall am Golf: Iranische Kampfflugzeuge feuern auf US-Drohne IR / US / DRONES
20121107 spiegel.de Drohende US-Haushaltsmisere: Mit Obama über die Klippe US
05.11.2012 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Untergang des amerikanischen Imperiums US
05.11.2012 spiegel.de Entscheidung um US-Präsidentschaft: Die gemauschelte Wahl US / ELECTIONS
24.10.2012 osce.org Threat of criminal prosecution of observers at odds with established co-operation on United States elections, ODIHR Director says US / ELECTIONS
23.10.2012 telepolis.de Neue russische Waffen sind fast alle mit US-Mikrochips bestückt RU / US / ARC ELECTRONICS INC / FISHENKO, ALEXANDER
21.10.2012 spiegel.de Umstrittenes Atomprogramm: Iran will offenbar direkt mit den USA verhandeln IR / US
13.10.2012 telepolis.de Top Secret: "To: Mr. F.C.,": Zum 50. Jahrestag des Beginns der Kubakrise geben die USA Geheimakten frei CU/US
13.10.2012 spiegel.de Cyberwar: US-Regierung nimmt iranische Hacker ins Visier CYBERWAR / US / IR
10.10.2012 spiegel.de Syrien-Konflikt: USA schicken 150 Militärexperten nach Jordanien SY / JO / US
06.10.2012 spiegel.de Radikaler Imam: Briten liefern Abu Hamza an Amerika aus HAMZU, ABU / EXTRADITION / GB / US
28.09.2012 globalresearch.ca Will Israel Launch a False Flag Against Iran to Start War? IR / IL / US
29.09.2012 spiegel.de Tödliche Attacke auf Konsulat: US-Regierung hält Anschlag in Bengasi jetzt für Terrorangriff LY / TERRORISM / US
28.09.2012 spiegel.de Haftbedingungen in Kalifornien: Einsam, dunkel, unwürdig PRISONS / US / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
27.09.2012 smh.com.au US calls Assange 'enemy of state' ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US / AU / EC
26.09.2012 wikileaks.org US Military Refers to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as the "enemy" with the "victims" being "society" ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US
25.09.2012 spiegel.de Uno-Vollversammlung: Obama warnt Iran OBAMA, BARACK / US / IR / SY
25.09.2012 spiegel.de Studie von US-Juristen: Obamas Drohnenkrieg schürt Terrorgefahr DRONES / US
21.09.2012 dawn.com Pakistan-US ties doing ‘better than expected’: Khar PK / US
21.09.2012 spiegel.de Proteste gegen Mohammed-Film: "Tag der Liebe für den Propheten" mündet in blutige Gewalt PK / US / EG / MY / FR / DE
21.09.2012 spiegel.de Mohammed-Schmähvideo: USA stufen Bengasi-Attacke als Terrorakt ein LY / US
20.09.2012 spiegel.de "Charlie Hebdo"-Zeichnungen: USA warnen vor Vergeltung für Mohammed-Karikaturen FR / CHARLIE HEBDO / US
19.09.2012 spiegel.de Mohammed-Zeichnungen: US-Regierung kritisiert französische Karikaturen FR / CHARLIE HEBDO / US
18.09.2012 bangkokpost.com Muslims protest at US embassy TH / US
17.09.2012 telepolis.de Wie man einen Terroristen macht US / TERRORISM / STATE DELIVERED EXPLOSIVES / FBI / DAOUD, ADEL
17.09.2012 spiegel.de Protest gegen Mohammed-Video im Libanon: Hunderttausende folgen Aufruf von Hisbollah-Chef HEZBOLLAH / NASRALLAH, HASSAN / US / IL / LB / AF / PK / ID / TH
16.09.2012 spiegel.de Nach Ausschreitungen: USA ziehen Diplomaten aus Sudan und Tunesien ab US / SD / TN
14.09.2012 spiegel.de Muslimische Proteste: Tote bei Sturm auf US-Botschaft in Tunis TN / US / SD / NG / LB / YE / EG / IR / BH / IQ / SY / IL / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
14.09.2012 spiegel.de Proteste in arabischer Welt: US-Marines landen im Jemen YE / US / EG / PS / IR / IQ / JO
13.09.2012 spiegel.de Chronologie: So lief der Angriff auf das US-Konsulat in Bengasi LY / US
13.09.2012 spiegel.de Konjunkturspritze: US-Notenbank öffnet erneut die Geldschleusen USD / US
12.09.2012 globalresearch.ca US-Backed Terrorists Murder US Ambassador in Libya: Murdered US Ambassador exposes Libya "progress" propaganda - provides a warning against US meddling in Syria LY / US
12.09.2012 spiegel.de Libyen und Ägypten: Im Hass vereint gegen die USA LY / EG / US
12.09.2012 spiegel.de Toter US-Botschafter in Libyen: Obama schickt Marines nach Bengasi LY / US
20120912 spiegel.de Anschläge in Libyen und Ägypten: Islamisten töten US-Botschafter in Bengasi US / EG / LY / BENGHAZI / CAIRO
20120912 spiegel.de Kairo und Bengasi: Islamisten stürmen US-Vertretungen EG / LY / US / BENGHAZI / CAIRO
12.09.2012 bangkokpost.com Egypt protesters tear down US embassy flag on 9/11 EG / US
09.09.2012 spiegel.de 94-jährige US-Kommunistin: "Wenn ich Unrecht sehe, muss ich kämpfen" LUMPKIN, BEATRICE / COMMUNISM / US
01.09.2012 telepolis.de US-Regierung gewährt ecuadorianischem Journalisten politisches Asyl: Die Entscheidung fiel einen Tag, nachdem Ecuador Assange politisches Asyl in der Londoner Botschaft erhalten hatte EC / US / ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.08.2012 spiegel.de Bericht über Irans Atomprogramm: Ein Krieg wird wahrscheinlicher IR / IL / US
26.08.2012 spiegel.de Iran-Sanktionen: US-Behörden ermitteln gegen HypoVereinsbank IR / US / HYPOVEREINSBANK
21.08.2012 zerohedge.com Are People Being Thrown In Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views? TORTURE / US
21.08.2012 GREENWALD, GLENN@guardian.co,uk Human rights critics of Russia and Ecuador parade their own hypocrisy: The media's new converts to civic freedom over the Pussy Riot and Assange asylum affairs show a jingoism blind to US abuses ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / RU / US
21.08.2012 sbs.com.au US denies Assange witch-hunt claims ASSANGE, JULIAN / US
20.08.2012 fr-online.de Wikileaks-Gründer Assange Keine Todeszelle für Assange] ASSANGE, JULIAN / SE / US
19.08.2012 timesofindia.indiatimes.com Australia 'preparing' for Assange extradition to US AU / US / ASSANGE, JULIAN
18.08.2012 smh.com US intends to chase Assange, cables show ASSANGE, JULIAN / AU / US
13.08.2012 spiegel.de Steigende Getreidepreise: Jahrhundert-Dürre gefährdet die Welternährung US / IN / DROUGHT / BIOFUEL
12.08.2012 welt.de Straße von Hormus: US-Kriegsschiff kollidiert mit japanischem Öltanker - Ein Kriegsschiff der US-Marine ist vor der strategisch wichtigen Straße von Hormus mit einem Öltanker kollidiert. Der Zerstörer hat ein an der Seite klaffendes Loch davongetragen. Lecks gab es keine. STRAIT OF HORMUZ / US / JP
13.08.2012 spiegel.de New York: Polizisten erschießen Mann beim Times Square US
11.08.2012 spiegel.de Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: USA und Türkei beraten Flugverbotszone SY / TR / US
07.08.2012 spiegel.de Standard Chartered: USA werfen britischer Bank Geheimgeschäfte mit Iran vor STANDARD CHARTERED / US / GB
30.07.2012 spiegel.de US-Finanzminister Geithner bei Schäuble: Heimgesucht auf Sylt EURO / DE / US / SCHAEUBLE, WOLFGANG / GEITNER, TIMOTHY
29.07.2012 rawstory.com Police using ‘predictive analytics’ to prevent crimes before they happen CRIMINALITY / US
26.07.2012 spiegel.de Kino-Amoklauf: Obama legt sich mit Waffenlobby an WEAPONS / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20.07.2012 spiegel.de Attentat auf Israelis in Bulgarien: USA beschuldigen Hisbollah BG IL US HEZBOLLAH
20.07.2012 spiegel.de Toter Deutscher: Bundesanwalt ermittelt wegen Drohnen-Attacke DRONES DE PK US
18.07.2012 telepolis.de Organisiertes Verbrechen setzt jährlich 870 Milliarden US-Dollar um: Die UNO startet eine Kampagne gegen das Organisierte Verbrechen, US-Senat wirft der britischen Großbank HSBC vor, in Geldwäsche und Terrorfinanzierung verwickelt zu sein HSBC UNODC US
12.07.2012 spiegel.de USS "Ponce": US-Truppentransporter kreuzt vor Irans Küste US IR
05.07.2012 spiegel.de Rhetorik-Manöver: Iran überzieht USA und Israel mit Drohungen IR IL US
02.07.2012 thehill.com US trade agency raps Ecuador over Chevron pollution lawsuit EC / US / CHEVRON
02.07.2012 salon.com Dianne Feinstein targets press freedom: The California Democrat, long a prime defender of the Surveillance State, renews her assault on the First Amendment ASSANGE, JULIAN / FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / US
29.06.2012 spiegel.de Computerspiele aus Iran: Feuer frei auf den Westen IR IL US
28.06.2012 arstechnica.com SWAT team throws flashbangs, raids wrong home due to open WiFi network: Whoops! Those anonymous Internet threats came from up the block. US
25.06.2012 spiegel.de TVShack-Betreiber O'Dwyer: Wikipedia-Gründer protestiert gegen Auslieferung COPYRIGHT GB US
24.06.2012 nytimes.com OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR: A Cruel and Unusual Record - THE United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights. HUMAN RIGHTS US
22.06.2012 newsmax.com Otto Reich: US Should Not Sign New Trade Agreements with Ecuador US EC
22.06.2012 democracynow.org Torture in U.S. Prisons? Historic Senate Hearing Takes Up Solitary Confinement’s Devastating Toll US TORTURE
20.06.2012 democracynow.org "We Don’t Live in a Free Country": Jacob Appelbaum on Being Target of Widespread Gov’t Surveillance US APPELBAUM, JACOB
19.06.2012 bangkokpost.com U-tapao use gets armed forces' nod: Top brass suggest asking other nations to take part TH US
15.06.2012 washingtonpost.com US declassifies counterterror military campaigns in Yemen and Somalia; no mention of drones US YE SO
14.06.2012 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Terroristen: USA werfen Spionage-Netz über Afrika US
02.06.2012 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Affäre: China nimmt angeblichen US-Spion fest CN US
01.06.2012 spiegel.de Enthüllung über Stuxnet-Virus: Obamas Cyber-Angriff auf Irans Atomanlagen STUXNET US IR
20120601 nytimes.com Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran CYBERWAR / US / IR
22.05.2012 spiegel.de Alarmierender Senatsbericht: In US-Waffen stecken massenhaft gefälschte Chips US CN
18.05.2012 spiegel.de USA: Terrorverdächtige dürfen weiter unbegrenzt festgehalten werden US
09.05.2012 uk.news.yahoo.com Scientific Ghost City To Test Future Technology
08.05.2012 spiegel.de Jemen: CIA vereitelt offenbar Qaida-Anschlag auf Flugzeug US YE CIA AL QAEDA
08.05.2012 spiegel.de Einsatz im Jemen: CIA verhindert offenbar Qaida-Anschlag auf US-Flugzeug US YE CIA AL QAEDA
28.04.2012 haaretz.com U.S. Congress voices concern over Iran cyber-threat: Some fear the Stuxnet cyber-attack against Iran's nuclear program may have spurred the Islamic Republic to invest in a more aggressive cyber-warfare apparatus. US IL IR CYBERWAR
28.04.2012 telepolis.de Iran will die Technik der US-Drohne entschlüsselt haben IR US DRONES
28.04.2012 spiegel.de Pakistan: US-Drohne tötet deutschen Islamisten US PK DRONES
28.04.2012 spiegel.de Kampf gegen den Terror: USA halten al-Qaida für weitgehend erledigt
18.04.2012 telepolis.de Statt Waterboarding soll die Wissenschaft effiziente Verhörtechniken entwickeln US TORTURE
13.04.2012 delimiter.com US slams Australia’s on-shore cloud fixation AU US
13.04.2012 spiegel.de Einreise-Schikane: USA entschuldigen sich bei Bollywoodstar US IN
08.04.2012 salon.com U.S. filmmaker repeatedly detained at border US POITRAS, LAURA
06.04.2012 spiegel.de Crash in Virginia: US-Kampfjet stürzt in Wohnhäuser US PLANECRASH
07.04.2012 spiegel.de Verhandlungen über Atomprogramm: Obama macht Irans Ajatollah ein Angebot IR US
19.03.2012 nytimes.com Pentagon Finds Perils for U.S. if Israel Were to Strike Iran US IR
19.03.2012 nbr.co.nz Have a .com web address? Know the legal risks US ICANN
13.03.2012 einetages.spiegel.de Geschichte des FBI: "Amerikanische Gestapo" FBI US
12.03.2012 guardian.co.uk Bradley Manning's treatment was cruel and inhuman, UN torture chief rules: UN special rapporteur on torture's findings likely to reignite criticism of US government's treatment of WikiLeaks suspect MANNING, BRADLEY / US / TORTURE
06.03.2012 spiegel.de Eric Holder: US-Justizminister verteidigt gezielte Terroristen-Tötung US ASSASSINATIONS
05.03.2012 spiegel.de Streit über Irans Atomprogramm: Israel drängt Obama zum Angriffskurs IL US IR
05.03.2012 spiegel.de US-Senator: McCain fordert Luftangriff auf Syrien] US SY
05.03.2012 spiegel.de Irans Nuklearprogramm: Diplomat Obama, Falke Netanjahu IR IL US
02.03.2012 aljazeera.com Obama 'not bluffing' on Iran military option: Most direct threat yet of US military action on Iran comes days ahead of White House meeting Israeli prime minister. US IR
01.03.2012 zerohedge.com Next Leg Of The Ponzi Revealed - Foreign Central Banks To Begin Buying US Stocks Outright Starting Today STOCKS US
01.03.2012 bloomberg.com Israel to Begin Investing Reserves in U.S Equities Today IL US STOCKS
23.02.2012 wired.com Ruling Stands: Defendant Must Decrypt Laptop US
03.02.2012 bazonline.ch Sieben Schweizer Banken haben Daten in die USA geliefert CH US BKB HSBC JULIUS BAER NEUE ZUERICHER BANK WEGELIN LIECHTENSTEINISCHE LANDESBANK
01.02.2012 handelszeitung.ch Datenlieferungen an USA: Schweiz schickte den Code mit CH US
01.02.2012 nzz.ch Die Schweiz liefert den USA codierte Daten: Kritik an Banken und am Bundesrat CH US
24.01.2012 wired.com Judge Orders Defendant to Decrypt Laptop US
17.01.2012 justice.gov FOIA: Any and all records pertaining to WikiLeaks Organization - Full Denial WIKILEAKS US
17.01.2012 theatlanticwire.com Iran Agrees to Return the U.S. Stealth Drone in Toy Form IR US
07.01.2012 nbnbc.wordpress.com SYRIA: British Special Forces, CIA and MI6 Supporting Armed Insurgency. NATO Intervention Contemplated SY GB US


Date Source Title Tags
20101129 zunguzungu.wordpress.com Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; “To destroy this invisible government” ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / US
20100423 bloomberg.com Eritrea Rejected U.S. Military Demand for Red Sea Base, Gulf News Reports ER / US


Date Source TItle Tags
20111012 spiegel.de US-Ermittlungen gegen Iraner: Falscher Killer deckt Attentatsplan auf US / SA / DEA / HOLDER, ERIC / MUELLER, ROBERT / AL-DSCHUBEIR, ADEL / ARBABSIAR, MANSSOR / SCHAKURI, GHOLAM / FBI


Date Source Title Tags
10.01.2009 hintergrund.de USA schicken Tausende Tonnen Waffen nach Israel – Israels Bombardement in Gaza hält weiter an IL / US / GR / WEAPONS


Date Source Title Tags
20080929 slate.com Dead by Election Days - What happens if a presidential candidate dies at the last second? US


Date Source Title Tags
20071107 nzz.ch Bush sichert Ankara Hilfe gegen PKK zu: Neuer Aufruf zu Parlamentswahlen in Pakistan US / TR / BUSH, GEORGE W / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20071107 nzz.ch Vorsichtiger Optimismus in der Türkei: Verringerter Druck auf Erdogan nach dem Treffen mit Bush TR / US / PKK
20070531 globalresearch.ca “Islamic Terrorists” supported by Uncle Sam: Bush Administration “Black Ops” directed against Iran, Lebanon and Syria TERRORISM / US / ISOG / IR / LB / SY / RICE, CONDOLEEZZA / CROCKER, RYAN / BUSH, GEORGE W / CHENEY, DICK / ISI / ABRAMS, ELLIOTT
20070305 HERSH, SEYMOUR M./newyorker.com ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY - THE REDIRECTION: Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism? US / SA / IR / LB / SY / BUSH, GEORGE W / CHENEY, DICK / BIN SULTAN, BANDAR / ABRAMS, ELLIOT / KHALILZAD, ZALMAY / GATES, ROBERT / IRAN-CONTRA / SHIITE / SUNNI / NASRALLAH, HASSAN


Date Source Title Tags
20061024 spiegel.de Irak-Krieg: US-Terrorbekämpfer können Sunniten und Schiiten nicht unterscheiden US / IQ / ISLAM / SHIITE / SUNNI


Date Source Title Tags
20040628 nzz.ch Besuch Präsident Bushs in Ankara TR / US


Date Source Title Tags
20020718 globalresearch.c Invasion of Iraq: US Builds New Jumping off Base in Eritrea ER / US


Date Source Title Tags
20010419 spiegel.de Krisengespräche in China: Gezerre um US-Spionageflugzeug CN / US


Date Source Title Tags


Author Issuer Title Year ISBN Tags
HEDGES, CHRIS / SACCO, JOE Nation Books Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt 2011 978-1568586434 US
JOHNSON, CHALMERS Metropolitan, New York Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of the American Empire 2001 US
JOHNSON, CHALMERS Karl Blessing Verlag, München Ein Imperium verfällt: Wann endet das Amerikanische Jahrhundert 2000 3-89667-109-X US
JOHNSON, CHALMERS Goldmann Verlag München Ein Imperium verfällt: Ist die Weltmacht USA am Ende? 2001 3-442-15158-9 US
RICHELON, JEFFREY US Intelligence Community US NSA CIA

